Matrix Message 216
Re: Washington, D.C. Right-Triangle .. more ..
From: Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 17:21:55 EDT Subject: Re: Washington, D.C. Right-Triangle .. more .. To:,,,,, This is a follow-up on an email I sent out about 2 weeks ago .. to at least some of you .. regarding a certain right-triangle .. viewed from an *aerial perspective* .. 'over' Washington, D.C. .. but also looking North .. such that the 90-deg angle is at The Washington Monument .. with the other two vertices of this right-triangle as The Capitol Rotunda to the viewer's right .. and The White House as "up" or "north". The hypoteneuse runs from The Capitol Rotunda to The White House. Thanks, again, to Dr. David Hudgins, for the reference .. who cites David Ovason. If one imagines oneself, as a viewer, standing "on the plane of the ecliptic" .. *not* on the Earth's horizon .. and, also having oneself located in the "center" .. as observing from Earth's position .."Earth-centric", if you will .. but observing from_*on*_the plane of the ecliptic ... (the ecliptic being the plane of Earth's orbit around The Sun .. but "appearing" to an observer on Earth's_surface_as .. *the path* _in the sky_of "The Sun") .... .. and; visualize looking toward the general direction of the constellation Virgo ... .. imagine yourself now seeing SPICA .. located just a little (about 02 deg) south of the ecliptic .. and as you look directly north of the plane of the ecliptic .. you see ARCTURUS .. located about 33 degrees of ecliptic_latitude_FROM ("almost"_directly_north of) .. SPICA. Then; you look clockwise .. *along* the ecliptic, by about 54_longitude_ degrees .. and you see REGULUS .. the Heart of Leo .. just a "tiny-bit" (about half-a-degree) north of the ecliptic. What you are seeing, from that "ecliptic" (and Earth-centric) perspective ... is .. the **same** right-triangle that you saw from your_previous_perspective over Washington, D.C. AND ... the time of this "ecliptic/Earth-centric" observation ? Jan.1, 2000 .. the date of the grand "ASM" coherence .. as far as the sky-locations are concerned. And; the sky-locations_ALSO_correlate perfectly, and precisely, with the_ground-locations_of pyramids, mounds, certain natural springs, certain cathedrals, particular churches, and even with specific buildings in Washington, D.C. .. to an **amazing** accuracy .. in terms of very small decimal-fractions of the arc-second !!! Multiplying All 6 of the GPVs .. Of Jan.1, 2000 SPICA, ARCTURUS, and REGULUS .. And of_centered_Washington Monument, White House, and Capitol Rotunda Stars' GPVs ; SPICA @ Jan.1, 2000 .. 688.5442908 ARCTURUS @ Jan.1, 2000 .. 6.652356505 REGULUS @ Jan.1, 2000 .. 19.7392088 [ Morton, 1999, 2001, Internet ]. Buildings' GPVs ; Washington Monument .. 5.411616169 White House .. 7.87873524 Capitol Rotunda .. 1.591549431 [ Morton, 1998, Internet ]. 688.5442908 * 6.652356505 * 19.7392088 * 5.411616169 .. * 7.87873524 * 1.591549431 .. = 6 * (Pi^4) * 10497.6 .. = 3 * (Pi^4) * 20995.2 NOTE : 10497.6 = (103680 / 9.87654321) ... where .. 9.87654321 = (80 / 8.1) ; AND .. where .. 103680 = Grid LAT of The White House *and* .. Grid LAT of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France. (Morton, 1998, Internet). { 103680 = (25920 * 4) .. where 25920 is the ideal Earth precession cycle in years }. FURTHER NOTE : 20995.2 .. (see above) .. is the Grid LAT of .. "Earthface" (center; @ "nose" location) .. at Middletown, NY, USA. (Morton, 1998, Internet). "Earthface" is a highly-eroded *mirror-image analogue* of "Face One" (THE FACE) at Cydonia on Mars. (Morton, 1998, Internet; B.Cornet, Ph.D., 1998, Internet). ALSO .. the Grid LONG W.Giza, of "Earthface" .. is .. 25920. (Morton, 1998, Internet). The GPV of "Earthface" is .. 1.234567901 .. an obviously-remarkable numerical juxtaposition with .. 9.87654321. FACTORING-IN GPV of SIRIUS @ Jan.1, 2000 A.D. GPV of SIRIUS @ Jan.1, 2000 A.D. is .. 2.368705056 .. (Morton, 1999, Internet). I will now use the expression .. 2.368705056 * (Pi^2) ... and I will divide this expression_into_the 'above' multiplied-product of those 6 particular GPVs. [3 * (Pi^4) * 20995.2] / [2.368705056 * (Pi^2)] .. = 262440 = (12.5 * 20995.2) .. where .. 12.5 is the_ratio_of the Jan.1, 2000 GPVs of Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. (Morton, 2000, Internet) in the "ASM" .. AND .. .. where .. 262440 = E * (10^-5) .. .. and, where .. E = m*(c^2) .. assuming a unit value of unity (1) for mass .. .. and, where .. c = 162,000 nautical mi. per sec. ... in-agreement-with the Bruce Cathie "free-space" pure light-speed .. (B.Cathie, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space"). Also of special note, here, is that "City Square Center" at Cydonia on Mars, is now seen to indicate an obviously-significant numerical value .. with direct respect to the Capitol Rotunda GPV, and to the GPV of Galactic Center of Jan.1, 2000 ... as follows ... (18*Pi) / 1.591549431 = 35.53057584 .. GPV of Galactic Center, @ Jan.1, 2000 .. (Morton, 2000, Internet). -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.