Matrix Message 220
Scottish Serpent w/Conjunction-of-Axes ..
From: milamo@a... Date: Mon Oct 29, 2001 7:06 pm Subject: Scottish Serpent w/Conjunction-of-Axes .. Hello, Everyone ... I just discovered the following. This involves not only a "Conjunction-of-Axes" GPV @ Cydonia, but also the UK crop formation on summer solstice sunrise, on June 21st of 2001, along_with_a total solar eclipse .. that I called, the "Solar(Pyramid)Apex" crop formation .. because the depiction/design of the formation was that of a "pyramid" seen in the 'foreground' .. with the edge (of one of its corners) obvious .. and; with a "sun" directly behind the Apex of the 'pyramid' .. with "rays" emanating from the "sun". Some people debunked this formation, but I did not. In fact, I found significant ASM values for its centered location, and I reported those values. See Paul Vigay's website .. he may have a report from me on it. I did send out an email-report to my usual "mailing list" at the time, on this case. The GPV of the centered location of that "Solar(Pyramid)Apex" crop formation, I found to be .. 1.16105524 Notice, please, the multiplied product of this GPV and the 'predicted' GPV of mine for the Scottish "Loch Nell" Serpent Effigy .. (1.096622711 * 1.16105524) = 1.273239545 That product is the TANGENT of the base slope-angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. TAN 51.853974 (deg) = (4 / Pi) = 1.273239545 So; we have a crop formation in the UK, on the early morning of summer solstice of June 21st, 2001 .. including a total solar eclipse .. that depicts a_pyramid_with a "sun" directly behind the_APEX_of the 'pyramid'. Please keep that in mind. I found that the GPV (Grid POINT Value) of the centered location of that crop formation .. "finds" the TANGENT of the base slope-angle of .. The Great Pyramid of Giza .. when said GPV of said crop formation is multiplied-by .. my predicted GPV for the Scottish "Loch Nell" serpent effigy. Serpents in the ASM are very_knowledgeable_creatures. They really_know_the ASM, itself .. extremely well. Damon Elkins recognized a very important "spot" at Cydonia, on Mars, that he calls .. the "Conjunction-of-Axes". I found the ASM values for it, in early September of 2001 .. and the GPV for it is .. 9644.192303 If I multiply that GPV by my predicted GPV for the Scottish "Loch Nell" serpent effigy .. (9644.192303 * 1.096622711) = (105760.4031 / 10). 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK .. is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LONG of *SOLAR APEX*, itself, in the ASM !! ( (Morton, 2000, Internet). [ 173(deg) * 13(min) * 47.02552383(sec) = 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK ]. There is even a "play-on-words" happening, here, in this case (pun intended). The word "Apex" .. is being played-upon. I hope you can "see" that, at least in your mind's eye. As I have stated on The Internet many months ago .. "we" (Earth humans) are being_contacted_by ETI .. and "they" are actually USING what I have been calling .. the "Archaeo-sky Matrix" (ASM) .. to facilitate "their" contact attempt. The key is for "us" .. to recognize the communication attempt. I have been trying to help "us" to recognize many examples of this communication attempt .. including non-crop-formation structures/sites, etc. Much of this communication was "sent" long ago, when various structures and artifacts were created and_placed_in precise locations, on more than one planet. In our solar system. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.