Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 221

Another Take on "Le Serpent Rouge"

Michael Lawrence Morton
Another Take on "Le Serpent"
Thu Nov 1 19:46:08 2001

Thanks much, to "Chronos", for correcting his
error regarding the map-indicated latitude of
"Le Serpent Rouge". With the revised latitude
for the 'head' of the serpent, I've found some
correlations that now lead me to put forth the
following 'prediction' as to ASM values for
"Le Serpent Rouge".

This will also include a correction I made to the
longitude .. which is reflected in the figures I'll
show here. I hope this 'prediction' will be
instructive and interesting for others. I've made
an effort to correlate these values with other "serpents"
in the ASM, including ALPHA DRACONIS of Draco in our 
(northern hemisphere) sky.

Grid LAT ..
42(deg)* 57(min)* 42.74354987(sec) North ..
= 102328.0584 North.
Grid LONG ..
28(deg) * 48(min) * 42.07490161(sec) W.Giza ..
= 56548.66776 W.Giza ..
= 18*(10^3)* Pi.
[ E.Greenwich .. 02 deg 19 min 18.72509839 sec ].
Grid POINT Value ..
(102328.0584 / 56548.66776) = 1.809557368

Notice that this Grid LAT is actually *matching*,
numerically, the circumference in Royal Cubits ..
(18000*Pi) .. that I've proposed (Morton, 2000, Internet)
for "The Circle of Churches". ( See D.Wood's book,
"GenIsis"). I've also proposed and discussed the
equivalent distance in regular ("British") feet .. 97200.

I also point-out that the GPV of the Church @
Rennes-le-Chateau .. 2Pi .. that I found (Morton, 1998,
Internet) .. "works" very well in its setting .. which
is *on* 'The Circle of Churches'(on its circumference)
and it is the 2Pi_constant_that is used, to find the
radius of any Circle, if the given Circle's circumference
is known. (18000*Pi) / 2Pi = 9000 Royal Cubits ..
radius of "The Circle of Churches".

(18000*Pi) is a decimal harmonic of (18*Pi) .. the
GPV (Morton, 2000, Internet) of "City Square Center"
at Cydonia on Mars.

Using my 'predicted' Grid LAT of the Scottish Stone
Serpent Effigy .. 
(18000*Pi) / 46656 ..
= (6.890283706 / 1.809557368 / Pi).

The figure 1.809557368 .. is my predicted GPV for
"Le Serpent Rouge".
And 6.890283706 is the Grid LONG of FACE ONE @ Cydonia.

A Major Correlative Series

(1.809557368 / 1.096622711) * (45Pi) = 233.28

(233.28 / 1.181810286) = (19.7392088 * 10) .. where ..

1.181810286 is Jan.1, 2000 GPV of ALPHA DRACONIS,
19.7392088 is Jan.1, 2000 GPV of REGULUS,
1.096622711 is predicted GPV of Scottish Serpent Effigy,
and (45Pi) is GPV of Ohio's 'Great Serpent Mound'.
And .. where 233.28 is a decimal harmonic of gematrian
number 23328 .. with the tangent of -3.077683537 ..
same tangent as that of 108.

Then SIRIUS enters into the scene, and its GPV
of Jan.1, 2000 is .. 2.368705056

[(19.7392088 * 10) * 2.368705056] = 467.563637

That's a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT of the
Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. 46756.3637 North.
But; 467.563637 is_also_the GPV of a large serpent
effigy (its head) at Cydonia on Mars .. and I thank
Damon Elkins (research colleague) for indicating the
existence of this 'creature' for me.
My ASM values for it ..
Grid LAT ..
40(deg)* 43(min)* 1.784791717(sec) North ..
= 3069.841753 North.
Grid LONG ..
6.5656127 (min). E.Cydonia
GPV ..
(3069.841753 / 6.5656127) = 467.563637
[By the way .. Damon Elkins calls this effigy ..
the "South Flying Serpent"].

Please refer back, now, to this equation ..
(233.28 / 1.181810286) = (19.7392088 * 10).

The expressions, there, on_either_side of that equation,
are_also_equivalent to .. 
(2.368705056 * 83.33333333) .. which, in turn ..
= (2.368705056 * 656.56127) / 7.87873524

7.87873524 .. is GPV of the centered location of
The White House, in D.C. 
[Also a decimal harmonic of generic Volume of a Sphere,
assuming a radius of Radian (deg) numerical_value_in the
360 system].

Notice the involvement, again, of SIRIUS at
Jan.1, 2000 (its GPV).
And .. FACE ONE @ Cydonia on Mars is there, too !!

Another important note, I think , is that the
figure 83.33333333 .. repeating 3s .. is the ratio
of the angular (apparent) movement, per year,
in arc-seconds .. of .. 
(Earth precession / Earth obliquity) .. (50 / 0.6) ..
which is referencing the_main_Earth obliquity cycle 
of "ideally" 40000 years. (For some reason, some 
sources have this cycle as "41000" years).
I've heard it as 40000, from someone I respect,
so I'll go with 40000.
The Earth precession cycle is "ideally" 50 arc-secs
per year .. 72 years per arc-deg.

I keep thinking of Daniel Perez' website .. showing 
the one-to-one, line-of-sight positional correspondence
of The White House and FACE ONE of Cydonia ..
*WITH* .. a one-to-one, line-of-sight correspondence
of The Pentagon (Arlington, VA) and 'The D&M Pyramid'.
This is only reinforced by these mathematical figures
that I am presenting, here. 

Yet another correlation .. using the GPVs of both
FACE ONE and 'The D&M Pyramid' ..

(27.58106915 * 656.56127) / 1.809557368 ..
= 10007.23277 .. a decimal harmonic of ..
"The Little Gremlin" !!

-- Michael L.M. 
(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

