Matrix Message 222
Major Metrological Discovery ?
Michael Lawrence Morton Major Metrological Discovery ? Fri Nov 2 14:25:00 2001 I've just now (minutes before beginning this writing) made what I think could be a major discovery involving metrology. And you can refer (please) to the previous article on the BBS ("GridPoint") .. "Another Take on Le Serpent". I thank Mr. Len Keane .. ( telling me about the "Celtic-Unit" .. discovered by a Mr. Martin Brennan .. who discovered it while researching Newgrange, Ireland. The "Celtic-Unit", or "C-Unit" .. is exactly .. 1.6875 regular ("British") feet in length, as determined by Martin Brennan in his research. As I "hint-at" in my previous post, I have proposed the true-and-intended length of The Royal Cubit as having been directly based (since_deep_antiquity) on the 57.29577951 (arc-degrees) numerical_value_of the Radian-arc constant .. assuming 360 arc-degrees on a 'given' circumference. Yes .. my proposal includes the implication that the people who employed this intended length for The Royal (Egyptian) Cubit .. were using a 360 arc-degrees system, in general. I have stated, since 1998 on The internet, that the true-and-intended length of The Royal Cubit is apparently 20.62648063 regular ("British") inches. Why that "exact" figure ? Because .. it is_directly_based on standard volume and area formulas, using a numerical_value_of .. 57.29577951 .. as the "generic" or 'given' RADIUS .. the_IDENTICAL_figure for the numerical value of the Radian-Arc constant in a system of, or on a 'given' circumference of, 360 equal arc-segments. [360 / 2Pi = 57.29577951 (deg)]. For Area on the surface of a Hemisphere .. = [2Pi * (radius squared)]. Substituting 57.29577951 as a "given" numerical value for the RADIUS .. [2Pi * (57.29577951)^2] = 20626.48063 "Square arc- degrees". That's the_decimal-harmonic_for the true and intended length of The Royal Cubit .. in regular ("British") inches .. 20.62648063 !! -------------------------- To the South of France .. The preceeding description is 'why' and 'how' I was able to find the following .. When it was declared on The Internet, by a "Mr. Miles", that he had found the diameter of "The Circle of Churches" in the South of France, to be "18000 Royal Cubits" .. it got my attention, of course. However, Mr. Miles did not have the correct length for The Royal Cubit, itself .. and that was obvious in his Internet report. So; I applied the 20.62648063 regular inches length .. and found .. (18000 * 20.62648063) = 371276.6512 .. regular inches, for the diameter of "The Circle of Churches" .. which is, in_regular_feet .. (371276.6512 / 12) = 30939.72095 .. which then means that the_circumference_is .. (Pi * 30939.72095) .. = 97200 regular ("British") feet !! This figure .. 97200 .. is a decimal harmonic of the gematrian number 972 .. with the tangent of .. +3.077683537 .. same tangent as that of 72. Meanwhile, I had found a GPV (Grid POINT Value) for the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau .. which is located *on* The-Circle-of-Churches .. of (2Pi) .. the exact constant used in the calculation of Area on the surface of a Hemisphere. (Morton, 1998, Internet). And; I found a Grid LAT for that Church of .. 103680 North .. = 42(deg) * 55(min) * 44.88311688(sec) North. Notice, please .. 38(deg) * 53(min) * 51.4796425(sec) North .. = 103680 North. What is this ? It is the Grid LAT at the_center_of The White House, in Washington, D.C. (Morton, 1998, Internet). (97200 / 20.62648063) = 4712.388979 = 1500Pi. This is exactly 10 times the original and intended height, in_regular_feet .. of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992, "The Code"). ( The figure 4712.388979 .. is_also_a decimal harmonic of the generic_*ratio*_of the Volume of a Sphere .. to the Volume of a Torus .. (3712766.512 / 787873.524) = 4.71238898 = (1.5Pi). [Morton, 2001, Internet]. Yes .. please recall .. earlier in this posting .. a_decimal-harmonic_for "Volume of a Torus" .. the_diameter_of "The Circle of Churches", itself .. in_regular_inches !! (371276.6512). Now, please notice .. The GPV at the_center_of The White House, in D.C., is .. 7.87873524 .. (Morton, 1998, Internet) .. a_decimal-harmonic_of the generic Volume of a Sphere !! (787873.524). ------------------------ Please recall, from my previous post .. the_GPV_I have predicted for "Le Serpent Rouge" .. located in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau. (See the book, "GenIsis", by David Wood). The_GPV_I have predicted for the_head_(center) of "Le Serpent Rouge" .. 1.809557368 Now .. please recall the 97200 regular feet, as the circumference of "The Circle of Churches". And; please also recall, from early in this post .. the "Celtic-Unit" .. found by Martin Brennan .. (and thanks, again, Len Keane) .. of 1.6875 regular feet. [(0.972 / 1.809557368) * 3.1415926540] = 1.6875 I think I have found strong evidence, here .. albeit includes a 'prediction' of particular ASM values for "Le Serpent Rouge" (head) .. I think I've found strong evidence for a mathematical, numerical, metrological_link_among the regular ("British") foot, The Royal (Egyptian) Cubit, the "Celtic-Unit", the Pi constant, and the 360 arc-degrees_system_of geometry. ----------------------- -- Michael Lawrence Morton ----------------------- Michael Lawrence Morton A follow-up .. Sat Nov 3 12:45:31 2001 Chronos writes; << So far, I observe the Celtic Unit, precisely as it is given, can be linked to the Megalithic Yard and the foot using more rational numbers, for example Megalithic Yard Squared x "Alternate Tetrahedral Constant" = 144; 144 : 1.6875 = 85.33333... : 1.111111... = 78.6; 786 : 8 = 9.6 >> Well .. !! .. I really like this "9.6" .. it's the_GPV_I found for "D&M Pyramid II" .. its remains, at Warwick, New York, USA. Dr. Bruce Cornet, the discoverer of the "Cydonian Analogues" in that area of the lower Hudson River Valley, also discovered "Earthface", which is .. as Dr. Cornet described it, on his website devoted to the subject in 1998 .. "a mirror-image analogue of FACE ONE @ Cydonia on Mars". There is also the "Tholus II" .. which Dr. Cornet discovered .. located just south of the runways of Stewart Airforce Base. Its GPV (Morton, 1998, Internet) is the_square-root_of the GPV of "Earthface". (1.111111111 ...)^2 = 1.234567901 (Morton, 1998, Internet). Note: this "megalithic yard" is a number derived by Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published). It is very close (corroborative, actually) to Alexander Thom's length for the Megalithic Yard in regular feet. Munck's value, squared, is .. 7.396853329 .. which is encoded (marked) as the "Giza Grid LONG" in number of arc-seconds East of the Giza prime meridian (that passes through the center of The Great Pyramid). (144 / 7.396853329) = 19.46773764 .. which Chronos calls, "alternate tetrahedral constant". This figure is "relatively" close to .. 19.47122061 (deg) .. the_ideal_"tetrahedral angle" .. referencing the R.C.Hoagland work. The nice thing about this_ideal_tetrahedral angle .. is its Sine .. 0.333333333 .. or 1/3rd. Yes .. the "alternate" figure_does_work in the ASM; and yet, so does the "ideal" figure .. IF it is converted to its "ASM format" in (deg * min * sec). I found that (Morton, 1999, Internet) if you use a figure that is_extremely_close to 19.47122061 .. you get an ASM value of .. 8760.48194 .. = 19(deg) * 28(min) * 16.46707132(sec) .. north and south latitude. The 8760.48194 is exactly 1/6th of the major ASM figure 52562.89164 .. Grid LONG of Stonehenge, and, of The Kukulkan Pyramid (Mayan) in The Yucatan of Mexico. (Munck, 1992). I call this value .. 8760.48194 .. the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT". If this value is 'given' to the diameter of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge .. (in regular British feet) .. (8760.48194 / 97.33868822) = 90 .. the numerical value in degrees, of the *Right Angle*, in the_360_system !! -- Michael L.M. ----------------------- (c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.