Matrix Message 223
"Circle-of-Churches", more, etc. ..
Michael Lawrence Morton "Circle-of-Churches", more, etc. .. Tue Nov 6 15:09:27 2001 This has do to with "The Circle-of-Churches", and more, in the South of France. (A good reference on this subject is the book, "GenIsis", by author/researcher David Wood). I begin by thanking a "Mr.Miles" for his discovery that the apparent diameter of "The Circle-of-Churches" is/was intended as 18000 Royal (Egyptian) Cubits .. although I_also_point-out .. that Mr.Miles has remained (stubbornly?) unaware of the (apparently) true-and- intended length_of_The Royal (Egyptian) Cubit, itself. And this .. in spite of personal efforts on my part .. to 'enlighten' him as to said (apparently) true-and- intended length of The Royal Cubit .. (20.62648063 regular British inches .. or, 1.718873385 regular British feet) .. proposed by me in 1998 (Morton, 1998, Internet). The key to this .. is the use of 360 arc-degrees on one circumference, as a standard .. a standard displaying-itself as "in-use" in very_deep_antiquity .. in fact .. as_far_back as can be "seen", now. The numerical_value_of the Radian-arc constant .. when 360 equal segments-of-arc are assumed as a standard (or "convention") .. is .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 (deg). The_generic_Area on a Hemisphere can then be calculated as follows .. using the "standard" 57.29577951 as the "given" generic RADIUS .. [2Pi * (57.29577951)^2] = 20626.48063 "Square arc-deg". And_that_figure is the 'decimal-harmonic' apparently (self-evidently) used as the true-and-intended length of The Royal (Egyptian) Cubit .. in terms of regular ("British") inches. Common "incredulity" among scholars and academics has more-or-less "precluded" the recognition of this truth. The work of Zecharia Sitchin, and Carl Munck, helped me to recognize that the 57.29577951 (deg) Radian-arc has apparently_been_in-use since "pre-history". And the most likely explanation for this .. would be that The Anunnaki (see works of Z.Sitchin; "The Earth Chronicles" series of books, in paperback, by Avon) were_already_using a "standard" of 360 arc-degrees on one complete circumference, long before handing it down to "us Earth humans". ---------------------- The circumference of "The Circle-of-Churches" .. assuming (18000*Pi) Royal Cubits .. is 97200 regular ("British") feet. In David Wood's book, "GenIsis", he shows 2 Circles .. one is "The-Circle-of-Churches", and one is a Circle with "Rennes-les-Bains" in its center. These 2 Circles overlap .. as shown in D.Wood's graphics in his book. These Circles intersect at the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau. I found a Grid POINT Value (GPV) of (2Pi) for the centered location_of_that Church .. using the book (page 109), "The Harmonic Conquest of Space", by researcher-author Bruce Cathie, as a key reference. (Morton, 1998, Internet). I feel it is remarkably intentional, in all probability, that this (2Pi) GPV was planned .. at the centered location of this Church .. and also being located right *on* the circumference of "The Circle-of-Churches", itself, to suggest the "standard formulae" for figuring various dimensions of the geometry of the "planned- site", itself. For example .. (2Pi) * RADIUS = Circumference. If you know the circumference is (18000*Pi) Royal Cubits, then you can calculate the_radius_of "The Circle-of- Churches", itself .. by using .. (2Pi) .. the_GPV_of the centered location of the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau !! (18000*Pi / 2Pi) = 9000 Royal Cubits .. radius of "The Circle-of-Churches". How many regular ("British") feet is 9000 Royal Cubits ? (9000 * 1.718873385) = 15469.86047 regular feet. Please keep that figure, in regular feet .. in mind. I will reference it, a bit later in this article. ---------------------------- Based on Bruce Cathie's figures on page 109, of his book, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space" .. I offer these "ASM" (Archaeo-sky Matrix) figures for the apparently- intended_center-point_of "The Circle-of-Churches" .. Grid LAT .. 42(deg)* 54(min)* 25.08379138(sec) North .. = 56890.03884 North .. = my predicted Grid LAT for "Chartres Cathedral" .. (Morton, 2000, Internet). [ Special Note: this figure is the multiplied-product of .. 1) GPV of FACE ONE @ Cydonia on Mars, 2) GPV of D&M PYRAMID @ Cydonia on Mars, 3) a relatively-precise Pi constant .. 3.141592654 ] { 656.56127 * 27.58106915 * 3.141592654 = 56890.03884 } Grid LONG .. 28(deg)* 49(min * 17.59831077(sec) W. Giza .. = 24144.88238 North. [ E.Greenwich .. 02 deg 18 min 43.20168923 sec ]. Grid POINT Value .. "Circle-of-Churches" Center-point .. (56890.03884 / 24144.88238) = 2.35619449 ------------------------- A correlation with another "center-point" .. namely; the GPV of "City Square Center" @ Cydonia .. (18*Pi / 2.35619449) = 24 .. no.of arc-degrees off true north; the orientation of FACE ONE @ Cydonia .. an azimuth of 336 deg. (Morton, D.Elkins, 2001, Internet). A correlation with the apparent Grid LONG (W.Cydonia) of "City Square Center" (Morton, 2000, Internet) .. 2.35619449 * (72/Pi) = 54 .. a_major_decimal-harmonic in the ASM. { Grid LONG of "City Square Center" @ Cydonia is .. 22.91831181 (min) W.Cydonia .. (72/Pi) .. or west of the ASM prime meridian that passes through the center of THE D&M PYRAMID @ Cydonia }. -------------------------- Using generic surface Area on a Sphere .. assuming the 360 system .. 41252.96125 = (97200 / 2.35619449). {Note: 97200 regular_feet_is the apparent circumference of "The Circle-of-Churches", itself .. and 2.35619449 is the apparent GPV of the actual_center-point_of that Circle, itself}. Correlations to GPV of FACE ONE @ Cydonia .. [41252.96125 / (2Pi)] = 6565.6127 = (10 * 656.56127) .. = (15469.86047 / 2.35619449). And that is also referencing the RADIUS, in regular feet, of "The Circle-of-Churches", itself .. if you will please go back to earlier in this article. Also .. please note, again, the GPV of the Church, itself, @ Rennes-le-Chateau .. (2Pi). If one multiplies the (2Pi) GPV of the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau .. times .. 41252.96125 .. [(2Pi) * 41252.96125] = 259200 = (10 * 25920) .. 10 times the "ideal" Earth precession cycle in years. --------------------------------- Correlation to an "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" .. I have proposed, on The Internet (Morton, 2001) .. a possible "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" .. of .. [72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3)]. Please recall, from earlier in this article, my proposed true-and-intended length for The Royal Cubit .. 1.718873385 regular ("British") feet. Using the GPV I have found for the Center-point of "The Circle-of-Churches" .. (1.718873385 / 2.35619449) = (72 / (Pi^2) / 10] .. which is a_decimal-harmonic_of my proposed "Ideal Fine Structure Constant". IMO, these correlations are very good evidence of an encoding of important ("sacred") knowledge, by advanced, intelligent beings .. who were/are likely to be The Anunnaki .. "human ET" ancestors to us Earth humans. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.