Matrix Message 224
Re: Ocmulgee Earthlodge ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Re: Ocmulgee Earthlodge .. Tue Nov 6 22:12:16 2001 Chronos wrote; << We can begin investigating these figures further by comparison with those of the Georgia Rock Eagle. First of all, let's look at Carl Munck's figures for the Rock Eagle... Grid Latitude 1884.955592 Grid Longitude 66925.15225 Grid Point 35.50489599 >> Actually, Munck changed the Grid LAT, apparently, in his "Whispers from Time III" .. to .. 1894.964044 N. However .. I don't think he has changed the Grid LONG yet, or the GPV. I'm not sure. Prior to Munck making this apparent change, in his "Whispers From Time III" .. I had published my own ASM figures for this effigy on The Internet, after discovering the ASM figures for Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center .. including a GPV of 35.53057584 .. or_double_the "Americana" figure of 17.76528792 .. which, as I've discussed on The Internet several times, "displays" 3 conspicuous numbers .. 1776, 528, and 792. Of course .. the 1776 being the year of "The Declaration of Independence" .. 528, a decimal harmonic of the 5280 regular ("British") feet in a statute mile .. and; 792 being a decimal harmonic of the mean diameter of Earth_in_statute miles, 7920. Please notice .. 35.53057584 / 2.368705056 = 15. The 2.368705056 .. is the Jan.1, 2000 GPV of SIRIUS !! (Morton, 1999, Internet). And .. July 4th_is_the date on which SIRIUS is_longitudinally_conjunct (with Earth and The Sun) .. relative to the ecliptic. And 15 is the Sumerian Pantheon Rank Number of Inanna/Ishtar/Isis .. as well as the number of "OSIRIS Re-membered" (D.Wood, "GenIsis"). In 1998, I found the ASM values for the centered location of The U.S. Naval Observatory, in D.C. (Morton, 1998, Internet). These are .. GPV of 15, Grid LONG of 2368.705056, and Grid LAT of .. 35530.57584 .. so you can see the amazing correlation, there. I think the implications of this .. are paradigm- shattering .. provided enough people catch-on to it. IMO, Rock Eagle's GPV matches that of Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center .. 35.53057584 .. and I did find, prior to Munck's "Whispers From Time III", I should say, that when you 'give' the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT of Galactic Center to my Grid LONG for Rock Eagle .. (67329.16368 / 3600) = [(Pi^2) * 1.894964044] ... and_there's_a decimal harmonic of my Grid LAT for Rock Eagle .. 1894.964044 N. Getting back to Ocmulgee Earthlodge; the Grid LONG in Chronos' post has a "typo" .. in that the number of W.Giza degrees is 114 .. not 124. My take on its Grid LONG .. 114(deg)* 44(min)* 18.54442385(sec) W.Giza .. = 93018.83003 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 83 deg 36 min 17.74442385 sec ]. My Grid LAT .. 32(deg)* 50(min)* 27.75826238(sec) North .. = 44413.2198 North. GPV .. (93018.83003 / 44413.2198) = 2.094395102 .. = 2/3rds Pi. --------------------------- (44413.2198 / 35.53057584) = 1250. 1250 .. is a decimal-harmonic of the_ratio_between the Jan.1, 2000 GPVs of Galactic Center and Solar Apex. (Morton, 2000, Internet).. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) .. = 12.5 Chronos mentions the "domicile/meeting place" .. as maybe a new aspect involving certain ASM constructions. Comparing this proposed GPV for Ocmulgee Earthlodge with the apparent GPV for Newgrange (Chronos) .. (3.6 / 2.094395102) = 1.718873386 .. my proposed true-and-intended length for 'The Royal Cubit', in terms of regular ("British") feet. (Morton, 1998, Internet). -- Michael L.M.(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.