Matrix Message 225
Re: 2 mounds @ "Lamar site" ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Re: Chronos @ Lamar site .. Wed Nov 7 12:00:39 2001 Chronos wrote; << One of the Grid Values of the Lamar spiral mound at Ocmulgee in the Lamar Unit may be 129600. You would think that I want it to be, because 1296 identifies the Cydonia Tholus. The truth is, I don't want it to be 129600, because I have this other lovely number as the other Grid Value- 69984 and it may be non-negotiable, because this is a beautiful number all the way around, and, for example, 72000 just will not work geographically as far as I can tell, although I did have a beautiful Grid Point of 1.8 thanks to the previous error, which now looks very unlikely. But, 129600 : 69984 = 1.85185185 and I'm *not* very comfortable with repeaters as Grid Points outside of 1.1111111... yet. I believe that something is still very wrong here and I don't know what it is yet. So maybe I really have Radian : Pi Cubed = 1.847876806, and not 1.85185185, as the Grid Point...? 69984 x 1.847876806 = 129321.8104, so maybe that's the Value and not 129600... BUT, 129600 obviously belongs in there somewhere so much that whatever value is chosen should have some direct relationship to 129600 I would imagine... Is 129321.8104 equal to 129600 : The Little Gremlin 1.00073237? That would explain everything... But 129600 : 129321.8104 = 1.002151142 >> Yes .. I do run into this little creature .. 1.002151142 .. quite a bit, as well as 1.000723227 And; I appreciate Chronos' discussion on the "Gremlins". Humorous, too !! I had some good laughs, there. BUT; in this case .. where Chronos has found a pair of_such_nice numbers .. !! .. I see the 1.851851852 GPV. And I do have to stick-up for that one ! I've found it (a decimal-harmonic) at Cydonia, on Mars .. and in-connection with a pyramid. Thanks to some visuals/graphics help from Damon Elkins, I was able to find the following, at Cydonia ; FOUR-SIDED PYRAMID @ Cydonia Grid LAT .. 41(deg)* 02(min)* 57.01995573(sec) North .. = 4675.63637 North .. decimal harmonic of Grid LAT of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. Grid LONG .. 25.2484364(min)W.Cydonia. Grid POINT Value .. (4675.63637 / 25.2484364) = 185.1851852 (Morton, 2001, Internet). Using Mycerinus' Grid LONG .. (20.67085112 / 1.851851852) = 11.1622596 .. which is a decimal-harmonic of the apparent Grid LONG of the "D&M Pyramid II" analogue in New York State, USA .. (Morton, 1998, Internet) .. part of the "Cydonian Analogue" complex discovered by Bruce Cornet, Ph.D., geologist, paleontologist. Using the apparent GPV of that "D&M Pyramid II" .. (9.6 / 1.851851852) = 5.184 .. decimal-harmonic of the gematrian 5184 .. which has the tangent of .. -0.726542528 .. same tangent as that of 144. (5184 / 9.6) = 540 .. GPV of "The Fortress" @ Cydonia. (Morton, 2000, Internet). Reciprocal of 1.851851852 = 0.54 If you divide 5184 into .. 69984 ?? .. (69984 / 5184) = 13.5 .. a decimal harmonic of one of Chronos' favorite numbers. Aha !! And I'm sure I could go on for awhile here, with this. But I'm convinced .. heh-heh !! [Well .. here .. (13.5 / 1.851851852) = 7.29 .. = (2.7)^2 ] Oh; and, here .. (5184 / 1296) = 4 .. as in a .. "4-sided pyramid". -- Michael L.M. ------------------ Michael Lawrence Morton Re: 2 mounds @ "Lamar site" .. Thu Nov 8 21:47:39 2001 Much thanks to Chronos .. who made an online map of the "Lamar site" (near the "Ocmulgee-proper" site; Georgia, USA) .. and I've now got some ASM figures to share, regarding 2 mounds on that "Lamar site" .. directly-based on Chronos' online map. "Spiral" Mound .. on right, on the map Grid LAT .. 32 (deg) * 48 (min) * 45.83755013 (sec) North .. = 70406.477 North. Grid LONG .. 114 (deg) * 43 (min) * 26.09344614 (sec) W.Giza .. = 127910.073 W.Giza .. = Grid LONG of Galactic Center @ Jan.1, 2000 .. (Morton, 2000, Internet). [ W.Greenwich .. 83 deg 35 min 25.29344614 sec ]. Grid POINT Value .. (127910.073 / 70406.477) = 1.816737301 -------------------------------------------- Note .. using GPVs of 2 other (major) "spiral-like" mounds .. "The Tholus" @ Cydonia (Mars) and "Tholus II" near Stewart Airport/ Airforce Base, NY, USA .. [259.2 * 1.111111111 * 1.816737301 * (Pi^3)] = 16223.11471 .. a decimal-harmonic of "Alternate Phi" .. 1.622311471 .. which is also the GPV of the "Well of Osiris" at the southwestern Corner-point of "Miami Square". This ancient water-well can be thought-of as a "vortex", of sorts .. a literal 'well-opening' into the ground. The apparent Grid LONG as a_match_of the Grid LONG of Galactic Center of Jan.1, 2000 .. certainly makes sense to me .. thinking of the Milky Way as a "spiraling-vortex", etc. And both "The Tholus" @ Cydonia on Mars, and its analogue on Earth .. "Tholus II", are_huge_'spiral' mounds. "Other" Lamar Mound .. on left, on the map Grid LAT .. 32 (deg) * 48 (min) * 44.17864669 (sec) North .. = 67858.40132 North .. (21600 * Pi). Grid LONG .. 114 (deg) * 43 (min) * 34.3375988 (sec) W.Giza .. = 168322.9093 W.Giza .. = "The Old Man" * "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx Composite" .. = 1.033542556 * 162860.1632 The "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx Composite" is my multiplied-product of the Jan.1, 2000 GPVs of 3 stars .. ALDEBARAN, REGULUS, and ANTARES .. times the 6*6*6 "number of humankind", as I call it .. 216 .. the Cube of 6 .. the "Aquarius" number in the equation. The 3 stars represent the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle (transformed Scorpion). [ 8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 216 ] = 162860.1632 One of the most exciting, amazing things I've discovered in this work involving the Archaeo-sky Matrix (ASM) .. is this finding .. 162860.1632 = 656.56127 * 248.0502134 The "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx Composite" is actually_precisely_equivalent-to .. the multiplied-product of the GPVs of FACE ONE @ Cydonia on Mars, and of The Great Pyramid of Giza !! And here it is .. showing-up, via "The Old Man" .. at one of these "Lamar" mounds near Ocmulgee, Georgia, USA. This seems fitting .. when I consider the Grid LONG of Galactic Center of Jan.1, 2000 .. displaying itself as the Grid LONG of the "Spiral" mound at this "Lamar" site. Back to this "Other" Lamar mound .. Grid POINT Value .. (168322.9093 / 67858.40132) = 2.480502134 .. a decimal-harmonic of the GPV of The Great Pyramid of Giza !! AND .. ALSO .. a_match_of the GPV of the actual location of .. "The Eltanin Antenna" .. on the ocean-floor, off the tip of South America. (See an article on "GridPoint" BBS on this .. including some very interesting correlations to some major crop-formations in UK). Comparing These 2 "Lamar" Mounds' ASM Values Just simply using their apparent GPVs .. 1.816737301 * 2.480502134 = 4.506420752 Take its reciprocal .. (1 / 4.506420752) = 0.2219056 .. = [3 * (MY^2)] / (10^2) .. = (3 * 7.39685333) / (10^2). I always check reciprocals .. when I can remember to do it. 7.39685333 is the "Giza Grid LONG" (Munck, 1992) .. at 7.39685333 (sec) E.Giza. It is_marked_by the set of 3 small, 'eroded' pyramids .. oriented exactly north-south .. located to the east of The Great Pyramid. Well .. I say .. this site is Cosmic !! -- Michael L.M. --------------- (c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.