Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 230

"The Plough" .. and more, in France ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
"The Plough" .. and more, in France ..
Thu Nov 15 22:39:22 2001

I highly recommend a book by author/researcher Greg Rigby,
"On Earth As It Is In Heaven" .. ISBN 1 900706 00 8
(c) 1996 Rhaedus Publications.

This book, IMO, is at_least_an excellent source-reference for the
study of the ASM.

This book, among other things, details an exhaustive study (by its
author/researcher) .. of a gigantic "ground-plan" .. spanning hundreds
of miles in France, "marked" by the careful placement (geographical,
latitude/longitude positioning) of many cathedrals, abbeys, and basilicas.
In particular, it focuses on a ground-outline of "The Plough", or "Big Dipper"
(Ursa Major) constellation .. and_also_including the position of the Church of
Rennes-le-Chateau as representing POLARIS .. at the end of the "handle"
of the "Little Dipper".

I have previously reported, on The Internet .. my "ASM" figures for at least
3 of the important "points" (nodes) involved in this_gigantic_ground-plan ..
specifically; of the Jan.1, 2000 GPVs (Grid POINT Values) of POLARIS,
DUBHE, and MERAK .. represented in the ground-plan by, respectively ..
the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau, Chartres Cathedral, and a site-location
known as "Bonne Mare". A straight "line" can be drawn from the Church
at Rennes-le-Chateau_through_Chartres Cathedral .. and on to the
"Bonne Mare" site. The Chartres/Bonne Mare locations are "forming" ..
as seen from "aerial view" .. definitely .. one of the "sides" of the "dipper",
or "scoop", of Ursa Major. And they, together .. are "pointing" at POLARIS ..
at the very end of the_handle_of the "Little Dipper" (Ursa Minor). Again;
POLARIS is represented, in this ground-plan .. by the Church @ Rennes-le-

I think the actual arc-distance, in statute miles, from the Church @ Rennes-le-
Chateau .. to the Bonne Mare site .. was planned/intended as ..
444.1321981 .. [45 * (Pi^2)]. I predict that this will become 'verified', eventually,
as the self-evident intended/planned statute mileage of that "line-length". 

Some of you may have already read some of my email posts on the "GridPoint"
BBS, in which I have posted some of my most recent findings involving the ASM
values of various sites and parameters regarding the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau
and the "Circle-of-Churches". A good reference book for this subject, is ..
"GenIsis", by David Wood.

For example .. I have recently found an ASM GPV for the_center_of the
"Circle-of-Churches" of .. 2.35619449 .. and an ASM GPV for the_center_
of the "Rennes-les-Bains Circle" of .. 2.592 .. and an ASM GPV for the
"head' of_"Le Serpent Rouge"_of .. 1.809557368

Please bear in mind, that I found a_Grid LAT_for 2 UK crop-formations ..
one that appeared in August of 2000 .. the "Chilbolton" fractal-like formation,
and one that appeared in August of 2001 .. almost exactly one year "apart" ..
that I have called the "Crop-Face". Both of these crop-formations have been
discussed on at least the Art Bell "Coast-to-Coast AM" radio talk-show,
and have been written-about at least on The Internet, as well as in certain
hard-copy publications. This_particular_Grid LAT .. is IDENTICAL to both
of these crop-formations, apparently. And; not only are their Grid LATs
identical .. their_actual_latitudes are apparently (intentionally) identical. 
The "significance" of this particular_Grid LAT_figure .. will hopefully increase,
by the time you get to the end of this article.
51(deg) * 08(min) * 36.39967171(sec) North ..
= 14851.06606 North.

I next will list, here, several ASM values having very much to do
with the Rennes-le-Chateau/"Circle-of-Churches"/"Rennes-les-Bains Circle"/
"Le Serpent Rouge" vicinity, and more.

GPV Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau .. (2Pi)
GPV Center of "Circle-of-Churches" .. 2.35619449
GPV Center of "Rennes-les-Bains Circle" .. 2.592
GPV Head of "Le Serpent Rouge" .. 1.809557368
GPV Jan.1, 2000 ALPHA DRACONIS .. 1.181810286
GPV "The Bethlehem Site" .. 65.656127
GPV "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia on Mars .. 656.56127
Grid LAT Ohio "Great Serpent Mound" .. 1421.223034
Orion Belt-stars Composite .. 7.957747155
Predicted GPV Chartres Cathedral .. 1.273239545
Predicted GPV "Scottish Stone Serpent" .. 1.096622711
ASM Format of "Mars Prime Meridian Variance" .. 230.4
GPV Jan.1, 2000 POLARIS .. 21.6
GPV Jan.1, 2000 DUBHE .. 1.396263402
GPV Jan.1, 2000 MERAK .. 11.4591559
GPV Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland .. 2.908882087

Please notice the remarkable "string" of correlations, which follows ..
and which are essentially self-evident .. based purely upon the
empirically-observed latitute/longitude nodal points, which are, themselves,
apparently precisely intended.

(14851.06606 / 65.656127) = (72*Pi) = original-and-intended height of
The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza, in regular British feet.
Note .. 65.656127 is GPV of "The Bethlehem Site" .. which, in turn,
is a decimal-harmonic of GPV of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia on Mars.

(72*Pi) * (2Pi) = 1421.223034 .. Grid LAT Great Serpent Mound, Ohio, USA.
[ Note .. 2Pi is GPV of Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau ].

(14851.06606 / 2.592) = 57.29577951 * (10^2).
Note .. 57.29577951 is numerical_value_of the Radian-arc constant,
where given circumference has 360 equal arc-segments.
AND; where 2.592 is GPV of_center_of the "Rennes-les Bains" Circle.

[57.29577951 * (2Pi)] = 36000 = (42545.17031 / 1.181810286) ..
where 36000 is the Grid LAT of Jan.1, 2000 ALPHA DRACONIS,
where 1.181810286 is GPV of Jan.1, 2000 ALPHA DRACONIS,
and where 42545.17031 is Grid LONG of Jan.1, 2000 ALPHA DRACONIS;
AND .. where 42545.17031 is Grid LAT of "The Bethlehem Site" .. and ..
where 42545.17031 is the_predicted_Grid LONG of "Scottish Stone Serpent". 

(1.181810286 / 7.957747155) = 14851.06606 * (10^-5) ..
where 7.957747155 is the "Orion Belt-stars Composite" ..
= (31.00627668 * 43.63323131) / 170.010936 = 7.957747155
And I trust you recall the 14851.06606 ? (Hint: see earlier in article).

(42545.17031 / 21.6 / 11.4591559) = 171.8873386 = exactly_100_Royal
(Egyptian) Cubits, in terms of regular British feet.
Note .. 21.6 and 11.4591559 are, respectively .. the Jan.1, 2000 GPVs of ..
POLARIS, and MERAK .. corresponding_*positionally*_to the "ground-positions", 
purely by line-of-sight, respectively, of .. Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau, and
the Bonne Mare site. 
(171.8873386 / 1.396263402) = 240 .. a major ASM value.
Note .. 1.396263402 is the Jan.1, 2000 GPV of DUBHE .. corresponding
*positionally* .. through line-of-sight .. to the "ground-position" of Chartres

(240 * 100) = (18000*Pi) / 2.35619449 .. where (18000*Pi) is the actual
circumference of the "Circle-of-Churches" in terms of Royal (Egyptian) Cubits ..
and, where 2.35619449 is the GPV at the actual_center_of the "Circle-of-
Churches", itself. 

NOTE: (18000*Pi) * 1.809557368 = 102328.0584 .. where (18000*Pi) is
the Grid LONG (W.Giza) of "Le Serpent Rouge", where 1.809557368 is
GPV of "Le Serpent Rouge", and where 102328.0584 is Grid LAT of
"Le Serpent Rouge".

Recall my_predicted_arc-distance for the "line" from the Church @ Rennes-le-
Chateau .. through Chartres Cathedral .. to Bonne Mare .. in terms of statute
miles .. 444.1321981 = [45 * (Pi^2)].
Note .. GPV of Ohio's Great Serpent Mound is .. (45*Pi).

(102328.0584 / 444.1321981) = 230.4 .. which is the "ASM Format" of the
Mars Prime Meridian Variance, of .. 09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec) = 230.4
(Morton, 2000, Internet .. as some of you will recall).
That is the (apparently) *carefully-planned* (by "someone") difference in longitude
between the "NASA" prime meridian, and the ASM prime meridian that passes
through the center of the "D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia.

(230.4 * 360) = 82944 .. "Abraham's Number" .. discussed by researcher
and mathematician, David Leahy.

230.4 / 1.273239545 / (10^2) = 1.809557368 .. where this is the GPV of
"Le Serpent Rouge", and where 1.273239545 is my_predicted_GPV for
Chartres Cathedral. 
Further note: my_predicted_Grid LAT for Chartres Cathedral is ..
(656.56127 * 27.58106915 * Pi) .. where 656.56127 is GPV of "FACE ONE"
@ Cydonia, and where 27.58106915 is GPV of "D&M Pyramid" @ Cydonia.
Also of Note .. 1.273239545 is TANGENT of the base slope-angle of the
Great Pyramid of Giza, and of the base slope-angle of the Mycerinus Pyramid
of Giza. TAN 51.853974 (deg) = (4 / Pi) = 1.273239545 

(1.809557368 / 1.096622711) = 16501.1845 * (10^-4) .. where 1.096622711
is GPV of the "Scottish Stone Serpent", and where 16501.1845 is the
Grid LONG (W.Giza) of the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau.
And; notice, again .. the involvement of GPV of "Le Serpent Rouge".

16501.1845 * (Pi^2) = 162860.1632 = (25920 * 2Pi) .. where 162860.1632
is the "Riddle-of-theSphinx" Composite .. and where 25920 is the "ideal"
Earth precession cycle in years.
The "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite is the multiplied-product (Morton, 2001,
Internet) of 4 "entities" .. the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle (transformed Scorpion),
and Humankind.
Respectively, this is ..
is not a star-location, per se, but is what I have interpreted as, the "Number
of Humankind" .. 6*6*6 .. Cube of 6 .. 216 .. as representative of the Aquarian
(8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 216) = 162860.1632

Notice, please ..

162860.1632 = 656.56127 * 248.0502134 ... where 248.0502134 is GPV
of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and .. where 656.56127 .. is GPV of ..
"FACE ONE" @ Cydonia on Mars. 

I hope that some of you now see that Grid LAT .. of 14851.06606 North ..
= 51(deg) * 08(min) * 36.39967172(sec) North .. as more significant.
Please recall .. it is the_identical_Grid LAT .. AND .. the identical actual
latitude .. of the "Chilbolton" August 2000 fractal-like crop-formation,
and of the August 2001 "Crop-Face" crop-formation.
( See website of Paul Vigay .. www.cropcircleresearch.com ).

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

