Matrix Message 236
Major Revision re: "Riddle-of-Sphinx" Composite
Michael Lawrence Morton Tue Dec 4 06:44:48 2001 Thanks to "Joyce", a woman currently on the .. 'List' .. I was motivated to re-investigate the Jan.1, 2000 sky-location of Fomalhaut, relative to the ecliptic, and relative to the "ASM" ecliptic prime meridian that "appears", from Earth, to pass through the Orion belt-star Alnitak. I should also, as I always do when discussing this subject, give here the URL for the database I've been using for Jan.1, 2000 sky-positions of various "fixed stars", and also of Galactic Center and of Solar Apex .. and please note that this database uses the_sidereal_zodiac and_ecliptic_latitudes & longitudes. In the "ASM" ( .. the sidereal ecliptic longitudes are translated to reflect their ecliptic longitude arc-distances *from* ALNITAK .. which, itself, functions in this ancient matrix as the ecliptic prime meridian "marker-star". Alnitak's ecliptic longitude to the nearest arc-sec, as of Jan.1, 2000 .. 29 TAU 56' 50" .. and its ecliptic latitude to nearest arc-sec .. as of Jan.1, 2000 .. - 25* 17' 37". In fact, all sky-locations given in that database are as of Jan.1, 2000 .. which does conform (conspicuously !) to the Judeo-Christian calendar currently of consensus use in Earth-human civilization. This, IMO, is certainly no mere "coincidence". Also, here, I will give the apparently-intended ASM Grid LAT, Grid LONG, and Grid POINT Value (GPV) for ALNITAK of Jan.1, 2000 .. 25(deg) * 17(min) * 36.95991358(sec) South of ecliptic .. = 15707.96327 South of ecliptic .. = (Pi / 2) * (10^4). Grid LONG .. 360 .. this is the "designated figure", following from the work of Carl Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published) .. for any prime meridian, in what I refer to as, the "Archaeo-sky Matrix" or ASM. ( Munck discovered the ASM Earth-surface prime meridian (since the last "pole-shift", at least) as passing through the middle of The Great Pyramid of Giza, and the ASM Mars-surface prime meridian (current, at least !) passing through the center of "The D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia. Grid POINT Value of ALNITAK @ Jan.1, 2000 .. (15707.96327 / 360) = 43.63323131 [ Morton, 1999, Internet ]. Now .. concerning my re-assessment of the Jan.1, 2000 sky-location of Fomalhaut. I happened to receive an email from "Joyce" around the 1st of December, 2001, in which she mentioned that I might be interested in reading an online report (book ?) regarding astrology .. involving the zodiacal "axis" of Antares/Aldebaran, the work of Rudolf Steiner, and certain events concerning the development of nuclear fission technology. I did check-out the URL she provided .. .. and I read it on Dec.1, 2001, and by then I realized that the annual Solar conjunction with Antares .. a key part of the online 'report', itself .. was 'happening' as I read the report. The report discusses, among other things, 4 "fixed stars" that are associated with the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" .. Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut. As some of you know .. I had come-up with an equation that I have called .. the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite, but I had trouble finding an "appropriate" or .. "seemingly correct" set of ASM values for Fomalhaut .. which then led me to what I have referred-to as "the Number of Humankind" .. 6*6*6 .. or the Cube of 6 .. 216 .. as a sort of "down-to-Earth" representation of the Aquarius-position "entity"_rather_than a "star, per-se". This produced the figure .. 162860.1632 .. when I used the GPVs I had found for Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations of Aldebaran (8.888888889), Regulus (19.7392088), and Antares (4.297183463), multiplied by 216 .. (8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 216) = 162860.1632 .. and the_amazing_correlation, here, was that_this_multiplied-product, itself, is precisely equivalent to .. (656.56127 * 248.0502134) .. which, in turn, is the precise multiplied-product of the_GPVs_of .. The Great Pyramid of Giza and "FACE ONE" at Cydonia on Mars !! (Munck, 1992, "The Code"). So; of course .. finding this kind of "ASM pedigree" .. I thought I'd nailed this "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite, for sure .. especially considering the real difficulty I was having in trying to find even a "reasonable" set of values for Fomalhaut's Jan.1, 2000 location given in the database. Furthermore .. I noticed that .. (2Pi) * 25920 = 162860.1632 .. and I can just 'visualize' Earth on its precessional wobble .. of_one_complete "ideal-wobble-rotation" of .. 2PiRadians(arc) of .. 25920 years !! So .. again; maybe you can understand how "convinced" I've been .. that I'd_nailed_this "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite. Well .. then along comes this email, from out-of-the blue, from "Joyce" .. and now, believe-it-or-not, I think I need to_revise_the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite equation .. and I also think I've_found_the apparently-intended revised figures !! "Apparently-intended" ??! Yes .. apparently intended by very advanced intelligence .. and with "us Earth-humans" in-mind, as well. When I started to read the above-referenced online report (book), I soon came across a mention of Fomalhaut. For whatever "reason" .. I thought of re-checking the database for the Jan.1, 2000 Fomalhaut numbers. I'm very glad I followed-through on that thought, because what I have found, upon re-assessing and re-calculating Fomalhaut's figures from the database .. seems even more compelling than the "216" value .. especially when you consider the exact_multiplied-product_that results from my re-assessment, in multiplying all 4 stars' Jan.1, 2000 GPVs in terms of their ASM values. Here are my (revised, of course) figures for Jan.1, 2000 Fomalhaut .. in terms of its apparently-intended ASM values .. Grid LAT .. 21(deg) * 07(min) * 58.00910342(sec) South of ecliptic .. = 8527.338203 South of ecliptic .. = 864 * (Pi^2). (Notice the "Solar-related" 864 .. a decimal-harmonic of the 'gematrian' mean diameter of The Sun .. 864000 statute miles). Grid LONG .. 110(deg) * 49(min) * 32.95971785(sec) W.ALNITAK .. = 177652.8792 W.ALNITAK .. = 18000 * (Pi^2). GPV Jan.1, 2000 Fomalhaut .. (177652.8792 / 8527.338203) = 20.83333333 .. (repeating 3s). That GPV is a decimal-harmonic that frequently reveals itself in my work with the ASM. It is exactly_1/4th_of the 83.33333333 decimal-harmonic, which, in turn, is the ratio of the "ideal/mean" rates of angular movements of the Earth precession cycle and the_main_Earth obliquity cycle. The "ideal/mean" Earth obliquity cycle is 40000 years .. and 25920 years is the corresponding "ideal/mean" Earth precession cycle. It then turns out that the average_annual_rates of "ideal/mean" angular movements of these 2_major_Earth-oriented astronomical cycles can be expressed by .. the following ratio .. (50 arc-sec / 0.6 arc-sec) = 83.33333333 .. (repeating 3s). In 1998, I found that_same_ratio evident .. in comparing the GPV of the centered location of The White House in Washington, D.C. .. (Morton, 1998, Internet) .. with the GPV of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia on Mars (Munck, 1992, "The Code") .. as follows .. (656.56127 / 7.87873524) = 83.33333333 In addition; I had found a very remarkable website presentation by a man named Daniel Perez, who has discovered a most amazing and profound line-of-sight "aerial-view"_direct_one-to-one scaled correlation .. between "FACE ONE"/White House_and_"D&M PYRAMID"/The Pentagon !! This is probably difficult for some people to accept. But the simple line-of-sight correlation is much too_obvious_to dismiss .. unless one prefers and decides to be intellectually dishonest and/or blatantly in-denial. Please scroll-down on the following website, until you come to the "aerial-view-overlay" .. displaying this absolutely stunning one-to-one scaled-correspondence, involving 2_pairs_of major structures. ( Of course .. this finding by Daniel Perez provides_very_strong support for my findings involving this extremely conspicuous mathematical "ASM" equation .. (656.56127 / 7.87873524) = 83.33333333 = (50 arc-sec / 0.6 arc-sec). Both the "White House GPV" and the "FACE ONE @ Cydonia GPV" are very_geometrically_encoded. Please notice .. 656.56127 = 36 Radians(deg) / Pi .. where the 360 degrees-based Radian-arc constant numerical_value_of 57.29577951(deg) is used .. (36 * 57.29577951) / 3.141592654 = 656.56127 This is an obvious indication of a "360-system", as well as a relatively-precise rendering of the Pi constant. This "GPV" .. literally right on the 'nose' .. also encodes direct references to "360" and to "10" .. *simultaneously*, in the following form .. [360*Radian(deg)] / (10*Pi) = 656.56127 Regarding the "White House GPV" .. The standard formula for Volume of a Sphere .. where, again, the 360 degrees-based numerical_value_of the Radian-arc constant is used .. (4Pi / 3) * (radius Cubed) .. = (4Pi / 3) * (57.29577951)^3 .. = 787873.524 "Cubic arc-degrees". You can see, there, the decimal-harmonic of the "White House GPV". ================================ Did certain Freemasons actually have specific "instructions" from .. "someone" .. as to_exactly_where to 'center' The White House and The Pentagon .. in order to achieve the perfect scaled-aerial-view correlation with "FACE ONE" and "The D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia on Mars ??!! Or .. could it be .. that .. certain people in our society have been "hard-wired" involving DNA engineering, maybe on the part of The Anunnaki ??!! (see Z. Sitchin's works .. especially his new book; "The Lost Book of Enki"). It is very close to totally_impossible_that these very precisely-correlating, specific one-to-one relationships could be attributed to "random chance". ------------------------------------------ I will now show the_revised_multiplied-product of these 4 "fixed-stars" .. sky-locations as of Jan.1, 2000 .. their apparently-intended ASM values, all based directly on the database referenced earlier in this email. (Aldebaran * Regulus * Antares * Fomalhaut) .. = (8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) .. = 15707.96327 .. = (Pi / 2) * (10^4). An exact match of the Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid LAT of ALNITAK, itself .. the ecliptic prime meridian "marker-star" in the belt of Orion !! And; recall, please, that I'm discussing the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite equation, as I call it. Munck (1992, "The Code") found the_GPV_of The Great Sphinx of Giza, itself .. to be .. 5400 .. or_1/4th_of the 21600 polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles. Please notice .. (15707.96327 / 5400) = 2.908882087 .. GPV of the_centered_location of .. Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland .. (Morton, 2000, Internet). Here, again; another reference to Judeo-Christian heritage. There is also, in the following equation, a direct reference to the precise_base_slope-angle of both The Great Pyramid of Giza and The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. This very specific and precise angle was discovered by Munck (1992). The_key_to its discovery was not-only to transpose the degrees, minutes, and decimal-fractional number of arc-seconds into a multiplied-product, in the ancient "ASM" format .. but_also_its .. TANGENT .. which is exactly .. (4 / Pi), or .. (4 / 3.141592654) = 1.273239545; ArcTAN 1.273239545 = 51.853974 (deg) .. = 51(deg) * 51(min) * 14.30508728(sec) .. = 37207.53202 It "so happens" .. that_37207.53202_is the Grid LAT for the Jan.1, 2000 ASM sky-location of SOLAR APEX .. (see database). (Morton, 2000, Internet) .. 53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) North of ecliptic .. = 37207.53202 North of ecliptic. Please notice .. (37207.53202 / 15707.96327) = 2.368705056 .. GPV of Jan.1, 2000 ASM sky-location of .. SIRIUS .. (Morton, 1999, Internet). Also important, here, is that SIRIUS is approximately 19.5 ecliptic longitude arc-degrees_from_ALNITAK !! This is very significant, considering the findings of Richard C.Hoagland ("The Monuments of Mars") relative-to the geometry that Hoagland and Erol Torun discovered from the "aerial-view-perspective" of various artificial structures at Cydonia, directly based on certain NASA photos from the 1976 Viking Mission. In fact .. not_only_is SIRIUS .. as observed_from_Earth .. "approximately" 19.5 ecliptic longitude degrees from ALNITAK .. its Jan.1, 2000 sky-location is such that its_precise_ecliptic longitude_from_ALNITAK .. when transposed into the ancient "ASM" format .. displays a decimal-harmonic match of the GPV of The Great Pyramid of Giza !! 19(deg) * 23(min) * 56.76206256(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 24805.02134 E.ALNITAK. [ GPV of Great Pyramid of Giza is 248.0502134 ]. I have found the Jan.1, 2000_GPV_of BETELGEUSE .. to be .. 7.441506403 .. (Morton, 2000, Internet). That figure is not_only_a match of the apparently-intended decimal-fractional number of arc-seconds in the_W.Giza_longitude of the_centered_location of The Washington Monument .. that figure is_also_the exact ratio of .. the Jan.1, 2000_GPV_of SIRIUS and the Pi constant !! [ 7.441506403 / 2.368705056 = 3.141592654 ]. Please recall, now, the_revised_multiplied-product of the 4 stars in the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite equation .. their Jan.1, 2000 ASM_GPVs_multiplied .. (8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) .. = (Aldebaran * Regulus * Antares * Fomalhaut) .. = 15707.96327 .. = (Pi / 2) * (10^4) .. = ALNITAK's Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT. Please notice .. (15707.96327 * 7.441506403) = (Pi * 37207.53202). And recall, please, that 37207.53202 is not only the ancient ASM-format for the base slope-angle of The Great Pyramid and The Mycerinus Pyramid .. but 37207.53202 is_also_the Grid LAT of the Jan.1, 2000 sky-location in the ASM .. of SOLAR APEX. Of course .. what does the base slope-angle of the pyramids "ascend to" ? The APEX !! I found the_ratio_of the_GPVs_of SOLAR APEX and GALACTIC CENTER, of Jan.1, 2000 .. to be .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) = 12.5 .. (Morton, 2001, Internet). Recall, please, the average_annual_rate .. "mean/ideal" .. of angular movement, of Earth's_main_obliquity cycle .. (of 40000 years) .. as .. 0.6 arc-seconds. (See earlier in this email). (12.5 / 0.6) = 20.83333333 .. the_GPV_of Jan.1, 2000 Fomalhaut. Recall, also .. the_annual_average .. "ideal/mean" .. for the angular movement of the Earth precession cycle .. 50 arc-seconds. (50 / 12.5) = 4 = [(656.56127 / 7.87873524) / 20.83333333]. Just a few months ago, with assistance regarding mapping and photo layouts from Damon Elkins .. I was able to find the apparently-intended ASM values for .. "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia on Mars. Its Grid LAT .. 5400 North .. = 41(deg) * 03(min) * 43.90243902(sec) North. Notice the exact numerical match to the_GPV_of The Great Sphinx of Giza. [ 5400; Munck, 1992 ]. The Grid LONG of "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia on Mars .. 32.89868134(min) W.CYDONIA. Its GPV .. (5400 / 32.89868134) = 164.1403175 (Morton, 2001, Internet). Now .. please note its_ratio_with "FACE ONE" .. (656.56127 / 164.1403175) = 4. ---------------------------------- Recall, please, this earlier equation .. (15707.96327 / 5400) = 2.908882087 .. GPV of centered location of Rosslyn Chapel, in Scotland. (Morton, 2000, Internet). Recall, also, from earlier .. the GPV of Jan.1, 2000 ALNITAK .. as 43.63323131 .. (15707.96327 / 360). (43.63323131 / 2.908882087) = 15. On a clock-face, the "15" position is an "azimuth" of .. (Pi / 2) Radian(arc). (Assuming true North is @ 12:00 position). (Pi / 2) is a decimal-harmonic of .. 15707.96327 The "15" position on a clock-face is referencing the_right-angle_in terms of its "azimuth" from the 12:00 position. Of course, the right-angle is of high importance in geometry. The right-angle is_1/4th_of one complete circumference. The SOLAR APEX sky-location is_1/4th_of Sol's projected_rotation_on the "galactic merry-go-round" .. around the "wheel-hub" of GALACTIC CENTER, just as the arc-distance on Earth's surface .. from either pole to the equator .. is 5400 nautical miles .. or_1/4th_of 21600 .. which, in turn, is the number of arc-minutes in_360_arc-degrees .. "our" conventional figure for the number of equal arc-segments on a given circumference. ============================ It seems, to me, that the former "down-to-Earth" entity .. the "Number of Humankind" .. 6*6*6 .. or the Cube of 6 .. 216 .. as a representative of the Aquarius position in the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite equation .. has now been_transformed_like the Heart of the Scorpion into the Eagle .. into a true_"star-GPV"_as Fomalhaut's ASM location on Jan.1, 2000. This particular "transformation" has happened, I think .. under the actual influence of the annual Solar conjunction with Antares .. but I also suspect that Saturn has played a crucial role in this drama. Laurence Gardner ("Genesis of the Grail Kings", "Bloodline of the Holy Grail", etc.) has written that, according to his research, the true historical birthdate of Jesus the Christ is March 1st, 07 B.C. If March 1st is the true date .. it would mean that the December 1st annual Solar conjunction with Antares is 90 days_from_a non-leap year March 1st. Could this be yet-another apparently-intentional tie-in .. to the 360 degrees-based system ? (360 / 90) = 4. Thanks, again .. to "Joyce" .. for sending me that email on December 1st. -- Michael Lawrence Morton 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.