Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 237

Sphinx Riddle Reveals "Ideal" Fine Structure

Michael Lawrence Morton
Sphinx Riddle Reveals "Ideal" Fine Structure
Tue Dec 4 15:39:41 2001

Following on the heels of my_revision_of the Aquarius entity
in what I call, the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite Equation,
I can now show that the_revised_"Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite 
reveals what I have referenced, in previous Internet postings, as 
the "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant inverse .. via the_360_degrees-based
circumference, and via the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" sky-location of the Orion
belt-star ALNITAK.

This revelation also indicates the importance of the very ancient "Cuicuilco"
structure in Mexico, via the work of Carl P.Munck, Sr., who decoded its
"ASM" values in the early 1990s.
[ http://www.pyramidmatrix.com ]

During the "orb" of the 2001 Solar conjunction with Antares, and thanks to
an email sent to me by "Joyce" .. I was able to re-assess the apparent "ASM"
values indicated for Fomalhaut of Jan.1, 2000 .. using the database which I have
consistently used in my work on the "sky" portion of the ASM ("Archaeo-sky
Matrix", as I have called it). 
[ http://users.cwnet.com/~sidereal/mag/astfixst.htm ]

My revised Grid POINT Value (GPV) for Fomalhaut of Jan.1, 2000 ..
is .. 20.83333333 .. (repeating 3s) .. or_1/4th_of .. 83.33333333 .. (repeating 3s).
[ See my posting .. 
http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=164905&article=214 ].

And at this point, I want to also mention that there is another major indication
of this 83.33333333 figure .. specifically, and precisely, in terms of the_GPV_that
I found for the_centered_location of the famous 1991, 17 July "Barbury Castle
Crop Formation" in England . As I have posted in writings on The Internet,
my GPV for that famous crop formation is .. 3.021396048 .. 
which is the_precise_ratio of .. 83.33333333 and the_GPV_of "The D&M Pyramid"
at Cydonia on Mars ..
(83.33333333 / 27.58106915) = 3.021396048
And it ws Carl Munck who found the "ASM" values for "The D&M Pyramid" ..
(Munck, 1992, "The Code").

When I re-assessed the apparently-indicated figures from the database,
for Jan.1, 2000 Fomalhaut .. and found its GPV of 20.83333333 ..
I then put that value into the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite Equation ..
along with Aldebaran (8.888888889), Regulus (19.7392088), and 
Antares (4.297183463) .. and came-up with ..

(8.888888889) * (19.7392088) * (4.297183463) * (20.83333333) ..
= 15707.96327 ..
= (Pi / 2) * (10^4).

I immediately recognized this figure as an identical match to the Grid LAT
of Jan.1, 2000 ALNITAK .. the "ASM" ecliptic prime meridian "marker-star".
(Morton, 1999, Internet). 
[ https://matrix-messenger.tripod.com/index.htm ]. 

And; I knew that ALNITAK's Grid LONG in terms of its function_as_the
ecliptic prime meridian "marker-star" in the ASM, itself, is_360_the key
number in our "conventional" geometry !!

In fact .. (15707.96327 / 360) = 43.63323131 .. GPV of Jan.1, 2000
ALNITAK .. in the ASM.
(Morton, 1999, Internet).

Several months ago, I noticed that the Jan.1, 2000_GPV_of ALNITAK
is very closely related to what I have called, the "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant
inverse. This particular_relationship_is precisely via the Pi constant ..
and I posted this on The Internet ..
(Morton, 2001, Internet) ..

(43.63323131 * 3.141592654) = 137.0778389

Note .. (1 / 137.0778389) = 0.007295125 = [72 / (Pi^2)] / (10^3).

My intuition has been telling me that maybe there is an "ideal"
limit for the Fine Structure Constant .. which can be 'approached' 
under conditions akin to "free-space" .. or_in_"outer-space" .. 
away from relatively-localized gravity wells of rotating celestial bodies,
for example. As far as I am aware .. published lab experiments by physicists, 
empirically measuring this particular constant, have always been ..

Using the_360_degrees-based system .. I've been working with math
expression of "generic" Areas and Volumes. 
The_toroidal_form, or Torus .. reveals the actual ASM_GPV_of the very
ancient "Cuicuilco" structure in Mexico.
Munck (1992) found its centered location to be encoded as .. "half-Radian(deg)",
or .. one-half of the 57.29577951(deg) numerical_value_of the Radian-arc constant,
if one is using a "standard" of 360 arc-degrees on a given circumference.

I noticed that the_generic_ratio of Volume to Surface-Area .. of the TORUS ..
is precisely equal to the_GPV_of "Cuicuilco", as such ..

Surface-Area of Torus .. [(2Pi)^2] * (radius Squared) ..
= 39.47874176 * (57.29577951)^2 ..
= 129600 ..
= (360)^2 

Volume of Torus .. (2Pi * Pi) * (radius Cubed) ..
= 19.7392088 * (57.29577951)^3 ..
= 3712766.511

Ratio of those 2 entities ..

(3712766.511 / 129600) = 28.64788975 = GPV of "Cuicuilco Pyramid".

28.64788975 = 1/2 of .. 57.29577951 .. precisely.

What is the figure_used_as the numerical_value_of the *radius* of ..
the given Torus ? That is a major key, here, in this work.

The answer to that question is .. "double" the value of the 57.29577951 (deg),
which is .. 114.591559 (deg).
The TORUS is a "doughnut" shape .. with an "infinitely-small" hole at
its center .. and it is akin to .."a Cylinder 'bent perfectly' into a 3-D Circle".

The generic 114.591559 radius-value is also the_side-length_of a Square.

This is also the generic_diameter_of a Circle.

Using the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite Equation value ..
the_360_degrees-based "Double Radian(deg)" then reveals the
proposed "ideal" limit for the Fine Structure Constant inverse ..

(15707.96327 / 114.591559) = 137.0778389

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

