Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 241

Second-draft for "Keith's Whale"

Michael Lawrence Morton
Second-draft for "Keith's Whale"
Fri Dec 21 02:50:24 2001

Well .. the_first-draft_of "Keith's Whale" @ Cydonia ..
didn't last too long. I just now caught a mistake I made in arithmetic ..
which amounts to about 535 feet of arc-distance on Mars ..
in terms of latitude. It was a mistake of a little less than 10 latitude
seconds .. simply from arithmetic, not from actual measuring.

So .. I will here give the correction, including the ASM values that
make the most sense to me, at present. 
I have also adjusted the Grid LONG .. to a figure which seems
to fit better .. so you are welcome to say that I'm (once again)
"making-up figures" to suit the theory.
But I do suggest that you allow room in your mind .. for the logic
which says .. "if the theory_is_correct" (and in my mind, and in my
work with this ASM, the theory certainly is correct, in that it has already
proven itself, many times over) .. "then, it_does_make sense to try to find
numbers that fit the_observed_evidence".

Please note .. that I could have simply "ignored" this arithmetic mistake
that I caught .. and not said anything. If I was really trying to "just make
up numbers" merely to "force the theory to look good" .. I probably would
not be admitting this mistake, here.
By the time anyone "might" have caught-on to the 'discrepancy' of 535
feet, or so .. I would have ridden off into the sunset, so to speak. 

Grid LAT "Keith's Whale" ..
40(deg) * 46(min) * 11.96602856(sec) North ..
= 22017.49255 North.
Grid LONG ..
7.644962697(min) W.Cydonia ..
= (Stonehenge GPV * Pi) ..
= (2.433467206 * 3.141592654).
GPV .. "Keith's Whale" ..
(22017.49255 / 7.644962697) = 2880.

Now I can see that the *dug-up-and-removed* whale effigy ..
or; possibly a stylized catfish effigy .. here in the Pittsburgh area ..
with a GPV that I found for it of 1.216733603 .. and Grid LAT of 43200
and Grid LONG (W.Giza) of 52562.89164 .. does (apparently, as of
this "second-draft"), fit nicely with this Cydonian whale on Mars.
(7.644962697 / 1.216733603) = 6.283185307 .. (2Pi) .. the number
of Radians(arc) on any circumference.

And .. notice that the "former" Pittsburgh whale effigy (or, catfish) ..
had/has a Grid LONG_identical_to the Stonehenge Grid LONG ..
and it also had/has a Grid LAT exactly_double_Stonehenge's Grid LAT.

Notice, please .. the (revised) multiplied-product of the 2 Cydonia "Dolphins"
and "Keith's Whale" @ Cydonia ..

(180 * 6400 * 2880) = 3,317,760,000

Please note .. the digital order, here .. 33 and 1776 .. 
and please refer back to my previous posting.
Recall SIRIUS at_33_degrees above the horizon .. AT midnight, on
New Year's Eve as_observed_over Washington, D.C. .. and which could
have been_literally_observed_at_The U.S. Naval Observatory .. at just
the "moment" of the change-of-the-millennium .. **from** a Grid LONG
(2368.705056) to the West of the_center_of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. of ..
a_decimal-harmonic_of the GPV_of_SIRIUS **AT-THAT-MOMENT** in the sky,
(2.368705056) in the ASM .. just as SIRIUS 'appeared' to cross the sky-meridian
over Washington, D.C., at 33 degrees above the horizon.

AND .. 2368.705056 .. is_also_the 'Square' of the_radius_of the Sarsen Circle
of Stonehenge in regular British feet .. (48.66934411)^2 = 2368.705056 

The annual ecliptic_longitudinal_conjunction of SIRIUS (with Sol & Earth) ..
is .. on .. the_4th_of July. 
Yes .. please note the "1776" immediately_following_the "33", as mentioned
above. This is in_NO WAY_"random coincidence".

Using the number "4" ..

(331776 / 4) = 82944 .. the so-called "Abraham's Number" .. discussed
in the work of David Leahy .. which involves the "Fine Structure Constant"
in physics. 
(82944 / 360) = 230.4

230.4 .. is the "ASM format" multiplied-product of the prime meridian longitude
*variance* on Mars .. between the "NASA" prime meridian and the "ASM"
prime meridian ..

09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec) = 230.4
[ Morton, 2000, Internet].

Of course .. 360 .. is the designated Grid LONG for_ASM_prime meridians.
(Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published).
[ http://www.pyramidmatrix.com ].

And recall that the "180" .. the apparent (first-draft) GPV for "Dolphin II" ..
near "The Fort" @ Cydonia .. is the exact number of_days_from the_4th_of
July .. to New Year's Eve. 
180 = Pi Radians(arc) .. on any HALF-circumference. 

If you have read Z.Sitchin's works .. you may be aware that Abraham was
a Sumerian .. chosen by Enlil .. to play a certain role involving a major
political dispute among The Anunnaki. This was, according to Sitchin ..
around 4000 years ago .. a little more than 4000 years ago. 

Please notice ..

(2880 * 6400 * 180) = [331776 * (10^4)] = (4000 * 10 * 82944).

You have, there, in the expression on the right ..
the "4000" years ago .. "base 10" .. and "Abraham's Number". 

Some of you who've followed my work will recall that the Jan.1, 2000
GPVs of GALACTIC CENTER and SOLAR APEX are in a ratio of precisely ..
12.5 = (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) .. (Morton, 2000, Internet).

(2880 / 12.5) = 230.4 .. again; the precise prime meridian longitude *variance*
on Mars .. in the "ASM format" .. (please see earlier in this posting) ..
between the "NASA" prime meridian and the "ASM" prime meridian.
(Morton, 2000, Internet).

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

