Matrix Message 242
Back to Plate 10 in "Monuments" ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Back to Plate 10 in "Monuments" .. Mon Jan 7 06:26:43 2002 Well .. upon further investigation .. I'm going to_have_to again ask that you refer to Plate 10 in the_4th Edition_of "The Monuments of Mars", by R.C.Hoagland. It is the "closest thing" I know of .. to serve as a "certified orthorectified" overhead view of Cydonia. This is about "Dolphin I" and the "tetrahedral structure" just_slightly_to the northeast of the body-center of "Dolphin I". Chronos calls this tetrahedral structure, the "dorsal fin" of "Dolphin I". The key, here, IMO, is to first clearly note the_true_E-W parallel .. which is indicated on Plate 10 .. and which extends from "The Tholus" .. to "City Square-Center". There is also printed, on Plate 10, an "arrow-line" with an "N" (for True North) .. perpendicular to the true E-W parallel I just identified. This provides a true perpendicular .. for cardinal directions at Cydonia .. as long as one sticks to using Plate 10, when measuring, calculating, and projecting ASM values for various structures/sites at Cydonia. In re-examining the area of "Dolphin I" and the accompanying "tetrahedral structure" .. after having carefully noted the true cardinal orientations, relative to FACE ONE and relative to 'THE D&M Pyramid' .. **on Plate 10, itself** .. I then focus on the_peak_of the "tetrahedral structure" in question. It clearly stands-out as the local "high-point" in elevation .. as seen on Plate 10 .. in the_immediate_area of "Dolphin I". In focusing on that_peak_I am getting an E.Cydonia longitude of roughly 9.1 minutes E. This is_due_ to the ortho-rectification. It "appears", in some other images .. that this "tetrahedral structure" is roughly similar in longitude to the nose of FACE ONE .. or even slightly_west_of the nose of FACE ONE. This is why I have been_"harping"_on this "Plate 10" .. because it IS orthorectified, and, IMO, it is showing that "Dolphin I" and its "dorsal fin/ tetrahedral structure" .. are, in fact .. about 2.2 minutes_further-east_than the nose of FACE ONE. This is what I'm getting .. when I put a ruler to Plate 10 and I measure and compare the_peak_of the "tetrahedral structure" .. its longitude from the_true_meridian through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' .. when I compare that with the longitude of the nose of FACE ONE from that same D&M meridian. Again .. the key is the true cardinal orientation .. indicated on_Plate 10_by the "arrow-line" w/"N"_through_the Tholus/City Square-Center latitude line .. directly due to the ortho-rectification process, IMO. With this as the basis for my latest assessment of this case .. I will here offer my latest proposed ASM figures for only the "tetrahedral structure/dorsal fin" of "Dolphin I". As yet, at least .. I can't_see_the "Dolphin I" proper, per se .. on Plate 10, so I hesitate, at least at_this_time, to speculate on possible ASM figures for the "body-center" of "Dolphin I". As for LATITUDE considerations .. I'm seeing .. on Plate 10 .. the peak of the "tetrahedral structure" as just a "hair" north of_halfway_between the latitude of the D&M Apex, and the Tholus/City Square-Center latitude parallel. Grid LAT "Tetrahedral Structure/Dorsal Fin" .. 40(deg) * 57(min) * 37.92214522(sec) North .. = 86462.49111 North .. = (Tetrahedral Grid LAT) * (Pi^2) .. = 8760.48194 * (Pi^2). Grid LONG .. 9.118906529(min) E.Cydonia .. = numerical match of GPV of "The Quetzalcoatl Complex" @ Teotihuacan, Mexico .. (Munck, 1994, "The Code", self-published). Grid POINT Value .. (86462.49111 / 9.118906529) = 9481.673141 .. = (Eltanin Antenna Grid LAT) * (D&M Grid LAT) * (10^-4) .. = (30000 / Pi) * 9929.184894 * (0.0001). Note the apparent factor in this proposed Grid LAT .. of the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" .. (Morton, 1999, Internet). Obviously, this would "fit well" with a "tetrahedral structure". I do need to admit, here, that there would seem to be some other possibilities, such as .. a Grid LAT of 86400 .. and/or .. a Grid LONG of .. 9(min) E.Cydonia .. or; maybe .. 9.047786841(min) E.Cydonia. The "4" sides (total) of a tetrahedron .. times 9 .. is 36 .. such a tempting clue, here .. while (86400 / 4) = 21600 .. polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles, and the Grid LAT of Stonehenge. The (86400 / 9) combo would give a nice 'round' GPV of 9600 .. exactly (10^3) times the GPV of "D&M II" at Warwick, NY, USA. But that almost seems too easy. I can't help but like the idea of the 8760.48194 figure .. times a Pi exponential multiple .. as a way of calling attention to .. "Tetrahedral Latitude". And the D&M Grid LAT, there, is quite impressive .. in-combo with the Eltanin Antenna Grid LAT .. as a "one-two" punch in the suggested GPV. I'll just leave this "as is", for the moment. Wait. There's something else I noticed, that I'm impressed with .. in the proposed GPV .. and that is .. (9481.673141 / 19.7392088) = 480.3471728 The Jan.1, 2000 GPV of REGULUS .. finding the original apex-height, including capstone .. of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. in regular British feet. And; I'll point-out here, also .. that .. the proposed Grid LONG finds Jan.1, 2000 POLARIS .. via .. Jan.1, 2000 SIRIUS .. (9.118906529 * 2.368705056) = 21.6 .. Jan.1, 2000 POLARIS GPV. And .. *then* .. I just can't resist acknowledging the DIFFERENCE .. that I discovered .. between the prime meridian longitude_variances_on Mars and on Earth .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ----------------------------------- 21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec ... which is equal to .. 21.6 arc-degrees of longitude. What if I now took a kind of "Composite Ratio" among Jan.1, 2000 SIRIUS, REGULUS, and POLARIS ? (21.6 * 19.7392088) / 2.368705056 = 180 = Pi * Radian(deg), where the numerical value of The Radian Arc constant is 57.29577951 .. a function of using_360_equal segments of arc on a given circumference. Using, again, the "4" sides of a tetrahedron .. 180 * 4 = 720 .. number of corner-angle arc-degrees on a TETRAHEDRON, assuming the geometric_system_of 360 arc-degrees. Ok .. that's a nice place to stop, here. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.