Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 244

Regarding Altair (in Aquila, "The Eagle") ..

From:  milamo@a... 
Date:  Mon Jan 21, 2002  12:20 pm
Subject:  Regarding Altair (in Aquila, "The Eagle") ..

As I begin writing this, it is about half-a-day (or so) .. roughly 12 hours 
from the (up-coming) annual ecliptic-longitudinal solar conjunction with 
Altair ..
the alpha-star in the constellation AQUILA, The Eagle.

Much synchronicity is afoot, here, it seems.

With help from the work of Damon Elkins .. it appears (IMO) that Altair
is the "marker-star" for the apparent (*as-observed-from-Earth*) perihelion
of Nibiru. That is my "assessment/prediction", if you will.

Damon Elkins has also (earlier) come to a conclusion that the star (system) 
SIRIUS is the "marker-star" for the_aphelion_of Nibiru .. that is 
.."apparently" ..
in the sense of "as-observed-from-Earth". My own "numbers work" .. with the
"ASM" .. has corroborated, as of now .. both the apparent aphelion location
and the apparent perihelion location, in the "Earth-sky", of the orbital 
path of
Nibiru. (See works of Zecharia Sitchin; Neil Freer; Laurence Gardner .. for
references regarding "Nibiru" and related info).

I have already given, many times on The Internet, my "ASM" numbers for
Jan.1, 2000 SIRIUS .. Earth-sky location. Here I will give my Jan.1, 2000
ASM figures for ALTAIR .. again .. based on the data in the "Astrolog
Fixed Star List" .. for Jan.1, 2000 ..

For my methodology in translating that data to the "ASM" format ..
please see ..

Grid LAT Altair .. Jan.1, 2000 ..
29(deg) * 18(min) * 32.99944305(sec) North of ecliptic ..
= 17225.70927 North of ecliptic ..
= 555.5555555 * (Pi^3) ..
= Washington Monument "apparently-intended" apex-height in regular feet ..
'times' the Cube of the Pi constant.
Grid LONG Altair .. Jan.1, 2000 ..
142(deg) * 54(min) * 20.86593636(sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 160000 W.ALNITAK ..
= 16 * (10^4).
Grid POINT Value .. Altair .. Jan.1, 2000 ..
(160000 / 17225.70927) = 9.288441917

Think of an "eagle" .. at the 'peak' of its "flight" .. in terms of ..
"ecliptic latitude" (north of the ecliptic). Or .. think of this "eagle"
as reaching a "perch" .. a high-point. This would be a metaphor for
the orbital path of Nibiru, as seen (observed) from Earth .. against the
"relatively-constant" background (back-drop) of the major 'visible' stars. 
The "eagle", in this case, would be Nibiru.

I'm going to be 'throwing' a lot at you, here ... which I intend, of course, 
elaborate-upon .. later; in the coming weeks and months. 
But I want to get a lot of this out on the table, here .. at this time ..
to at least give you some substance to mull-over. 
Of course .. I'll be detailing this all, further, as time goes on.

Recall, please, the "Crop-Face" crop-formation in Hampshire, England ..
on August 14th of 2001. I'm going to assume, here, that August 14th is its
"intended" date-of-creation. How many days from then .. to now .. ? ..
meaning "today", as of this writing .. Jan.21st (2002) .. the annual
ecliptic-longitudinal conjunction (Sol/Earth) with ALTAIR .. ? 160 days.
Well .. 160 is a decimal harmonic of 160000 .. the Grid LONG of Altair
on Jan.1, 2000 .. the "ASM" Earth-sky date. 

My "ASM" numbers .. on-record, on The Internet .. for the centered-location
of that "Crop-Face" formation ..
(31447.29338 / 14851.06606) = 2.117510841 

Notice, please, the following equations ..

(160 * 2.117510841) / 9.288441917 = 480 / 13.15947253

(480 / 160) = 3.

The "3" is showing-up in several equations, now, involving the "ASM" ..
specifically regarding Galactic Center, Galactic Anti-Center, and Solar Apex
Earth-sky locations as of Jan.1, 2000.
For example .. my ratio for (Galactic Center / Galactic Anti-Center) ..
= (35.53057584 / 4.774648293) = 7.441506403 .. which is, in-turn,
the precise multiplied-product of .. ELTANIN ANTENNA * 3 .. 
= (2.480502134 * 3).

My GPV (Grid POINT Value) for Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX Earth-sky location
in the "ASM" .. 2.842446068 .. 
= (105760.4031 / 37207.53202) .. where; the "37207.53202" is none other
than the ASM_format_for the base slope-angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza
(and of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza) .. 
ArcTAN (4 / Pi) = 51.853974 deg.
51(deg) * 51(min) * 14.30508728(sec) ..
= 37207.53202 .. base slope-angle composite.

The_ratio_of GALACTIC CENTER to SOLAR APEX (always of Jan.1, 2000,
for_all_Earth-sky locations, remember) .. is .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) 
= 12.5 .. a decimal-harmonic of the_12,500_Earth years which is "displayed"
in the "Cydonia-overlay" .. via line-of-sight alignments, by Damon Elkins ..
and which is specifically and precisely corroborated by me in terms of
"ASM" numbers .. the 12,500 Earth years being the period of time from "Zep 
(see G.Hancock, R.Bauval, et al) .. December solstice ("Cairo, Egypt") 
10,500 B.C. (on "SkyGlobe") .. to .. 2012 December solstice sunrise,
@ same "SkyGlobe" location. Yes ... not "exactly" 12,500 years .. 
but; effectively .. 10,500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. .. (Jan.1st) .. a span of 
12,500 years,
referenced by the_12.5_ratio between Solar Apex and Galactic Center in the 
as of Jan.1, 2000. 

Now .. please notice .. 

(12.5 / 3) = 37.5 .. diameter of the "Miami Circle" .. in regular 
("British") feet.

(37.5 * 480) = 18000 .. the diameter of 'The Circle of Churches' in the 
of France .. in terms of Royal Cubits .. according to my proposed Royal Cubit
length of .. 20.62648063 regular ("British") inches. (Morton, 1998, 
The circumference of 'The Circle of Churches' is then (18000 * Pi) Royal 
Cubits ..
which is_identical_numerically to my Grid LAT for the_center_of 'The Circle 
Churches' .. (18000 * Pi) North ..
= 42(deg) * 54(min) * 24.93327503(sec) North.
[For reference, see Bruce Cathie's book .. "The Harmonic Conquest of Space",
on page 109]. 

My proposed Royal Cubit length means the (18000 * Pi) circumference in
Royal Cubits .. translates to .. 97200 regular ("British") feet ..
meaning a diameter of (97200 / Pi) regular feet ..
and so .. [(97200 / Pi) / 37.5] = 825.059225 .. ratio of diameters of
'Circle of Churches' and 'Miami Circle'.
Now .. in-turn; 825.059225 .. is a decimal-harmonic of ..
the_perimeter_of "Miami Square" in regular ("British") feet ..
8250.59225 .. (Morton, 1999, Internet).
{{ http://hometown.aol.com/marscode/homepage1.html }}.

And .. 8.25059225 .. is the_"northern-reciprocal"_Grid POINT Value
of the ELTANIN ANTENNA .. (Morton, 2001, Internet) ..
(see B.Cathie, page 12, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space").

And .. 82505.9225 W.Giza .. is the_meridian_which now crosses not
only the centered-location of The Akapana Pyramid near Tiahuanaco,
South America .. (Munck, 1994, "The Code", self-published) ..
but also (according to Munck's work) crosses the *current* location,
at_exactly_60 degrees North Latitude .. of the_former_geographic north pole
of Earth (last position, prior to pole-shift of approximately 13000 years 
ago) ..
on Akpatok Island in Canada.
[ W.Greenwich .. 68 deg 40 min 16.56235743 sec ] ..
82505.9225 W.Giza ..
= 99(deg) * 48(min) * 17.36235743(sec) W.Giza. 

The Grid LONG of the ELTANIN ANTENNA location ..
according to my calculations, and based directly on the figures
of Bruce Cathie (page 12, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space") ..
23687.05056 W.Giza ..
= 136(deg) * 07(min) * 24.88135563(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 104 deg 59 min 24.08135563 sec ].

So .. notice that this longitude (Eltanin Antenna) is about
36 longitude degrees (very roughly) to the west of the Akapana/Akpatok
meridian. I wonder if there's any "specific referential intention", here ?

(82505.9225 / 23687.05056) = 3.483165719 .. (?)

What if I juxtapose the Akapana/Akpatok meridian with the ELTANIN ANTENNA
*Grid LAT* .. the Grid LAT of .. (30000 / Pi) South ..
= 59(deg) * 09(min) * 17.98360939(sec) South. (?)

(82505.9225 / 9549.296586) = 8.64 = (85788.15751 / 9929.184894) ..
= ratio of_APEX_Grid LATs of .. The Great Pyramid of Giza and The D&M 
of Cydonia. 

Then; of course .. (8.64 / 3.483165719) = 2.480502134 .. Grid POINT Value
of the ELTANIN ANTENNA .. a decimal-harmonic of the Cube of (2Pi),
a decimal-harmonic of the GPV of The Great Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992,
"The Code"; 248.0502134), a decimal-harmonic of the Grid LONG of Jan.1, 2000
Earth-sky location of SIRIUS (Morton, 1999, Internet; 24805.02134 E.ALNITAK),
and .. the_ratio_of .. (7.441506403 / 3) .. which is_1/3rd_of the *ratio* 
the GPVs (@ Jan.1, 2000) of Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center in the

And; please notice .. that 23687.05056 W.Giza .. (see above) ..
is a decimal-harmonic of the Jan.1, 2000 Earth-sky location (GPV) of SIRIUS 
(Morton, 1999, Internet; 2.368705056). Sirius is the apparent aphelion 
location ..
in terms of a "marker-star", as viewed from Earth .. for the orbital path of 
Any guesses as to "who" may have planted .. positioned .. the ELTANIN
ANTENNA .. 13,500 feet below the surface of the ocean off the tip of South
America ? The Anunnaki, maybe ? Or .. an "Earth Human" apprentice ..
on orders from one of The Annunaki, maybe ? I wonder how long ago it
was planted there ? Maybe at Zep Tepi ? Probably no sooner than that,
if I had to guess.

Notice, now, please .. the Grid LONG of the "northern reciprocal" location
for the ELTANIN ANTENNA .. not that we yet know ('publicly', at least ?) 
as to whether-or-not there_is_an actual "reciprocal antenna" in Siberia.
(Of course .. how could we_expect_to "know" .. what with all the cover-ups 
and multi-layers of lies and corruption obviously involved in the history of 
"public accountability" of NASA and JPL ?)
It's probably a case of the military-industrial complex .. which Eisenhower
warned us about .. having long ago taken-over NASA and other "civilian"
agencies in this world. 

Well .. I was about to point-out the Grid LONG of the "northern reciprocal"
location of the ELTANIN ANTENNA ..
43(deg) * 52(min) * 35.23584633(sec) E.Giza ..
= 78787.3524 E.Giza.
[ E.Greenwich .. 75 deg 00 min 36.03584633 sec ].

Now .. notice .. 78787.3524 .. is a decimal-harmonic of not-only the
generic Volume of a Sphere .. assuming 57.29577951 as the given radius ..
but is ALSO a decimal-harmonic of the_centered-location_of The White House
in Washington, D.C. .. (Morton, 1998, Internet; 7.87873524).

And when you literally figure-in the_ratio_of the apparent mean annual 
movements of the main Earth obliquity cycle and the Earth precession cycle ..
which is to say, the ratio of 50 arc-sec per year .. to .. 0.6 arc-sec per 
year ..
(50 / 0.6) * 7.87873524 = 656.56127 .. the GPV of FACE ONE @ Cydonia 
on Mars .. (Munck, 1992, "The Code"). This is further-confirmed as 
*intentional* ..
by the_graphics-layout_done by researcher Daniel Perez .. 

Please recall the figure .. 13.15947253 .. from earlier in this article.
That is the GPV (Munck) of The Cholula Pyramid of Mexico ..
which_does_present a "face" from aerial view_at_a certain sun-angle.
It is a "smiling" face, no less. 
13.15947253 is a decimal-harmonic of ..
a.) Grid LONG of both The White House and The Jefferson Memorial in
Washington, D.C. .. Morton, 1998, Internet; 13159.47253 W.Giza ..
= 108(deg) * 10(min) * 12.18469679(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ].
b.) Grid LONG of_hover-spot_of the PHOENIX UFO of the evening of
March 13, 1997 .. Morton, 1998, Internet; 1315.947253 W.Giza ..
= 143(deg) * 13(min) * 0.707879103(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 112 deg 04 min 59.9078791 sec ].
c.) Southeast Corner (GPV) of "Miami Square" .. (Morton, 1999, Internet;
d.) "Apparently-intended" Polar circumference of Mars .. statute miles ..
[(2Pi)^2 / 3] * (10^3).

Now .. recall the number 480 .. and maybe I should have explained this 
From working with Damon Elkins, I was able .. with help from his graphics
and mapping .. to find a GPV of_480_for 2 important places at Cydonia ..
regarding the "Marked Celestial Sphere". One of these important places
is the_north pole_of the "Marked Celestial Sphere" .. the POLARIS location,
on the circumference of this huge_Circle_at Cydonia (of 18 statute miles 
Please contact Damon at his email address, for further explanation of this
"Marked Celestial Sphere" at Cydonia .. dle33@s... 

The other important place at Cydonia where I found a_480_GPV .. is at
the_Northeast Corner_of the "Main Pyramid".
Damon has now told me .. after I told him that I was working on the ALTAIR
issue .. that there is indicated .. via "SkyGlobe" .. at one of those 2 
times .. the location of_ALTAIR_at ("overlaying"; in the graphics-overlay) ..
the northeast corner of the "Main Pyramid".
To me .. this emphasizes an "intended importance" of this number .. 480.

Recall, now .. my GPV for the centered-location of the_church_@ Rennes-le-
Chateau .. 2Pi .. 6.283185307 .. with a Grid LAT of 103680 North ..
= 42(deg) * 55(min) * 44.88311688(sec) North.
This is the_identical_Grid LAT as that of .. The White House in
Washington, D.C. .. Morton, 1998, Internet; 103680 North ..
= 38(deg) * 53(min) * 51.4796425(sec) North.
[ 103680 = 4 * 25920 ].

Please notice ..

Using the Grid LAT .. north of the ecliptic .. for ALTAIR of Jan.1, 2000 ..
[(17225.70927 * 480) / 6.283185307] = 1315947.253 .. decimal-harmonic
of all of those specified cases, mentioned earlier in this article.
And please be aware of the synchronicity .. that as of this writing, we are
only 10 hours, or so, away from the annual ecliptic-longitudinal (Sol/Earth)
conjunction with ALTAIR .. our apparent "marker-star" for the perihelion
of Nibiru.

Is the address of The White House .. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ?

If this is so .. then it is a decimal-harmonic of 160 .. the number of days
from the creation of "Crop-Face" on August 14th .. to today, as I write this 
January 21, 2002. AND .. 1600 is also a decimal-harmonic of 160000 ..
Grid LONG of ALTAIR of Jan.1, 2000 .. whose ecliptic meridian we cross 
as I write this. 

Hail to The Eagle of our hidden, lost heritage !!!

-- Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

