Matrix Message 248
Re: Great Serpent Mound Crop Circle of 1999 & Pythagoras Theorem
From: Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 13:04:44 EST Subject: Re: Great Serpent Mound Crop Circle of 1999 & Pythagoras Theorem Sharon ... Thanks very much .. and thanks to MetPhys, for forwarding the *excellent* work (see below link) of Ross Hamilton and Patricia Mason .. re: The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio .. and its awesome correlations to star-locations/and timings .. of importance. Upon reading that article, linked below, I was able to ("spontaneously") .. involving uncanny synchronicity, to say the least .. I was able to "almost immediately" take pen and notebook, and pocket calculator .. and 'figure-out' an equation .. involving several "terms" *from their article* .. 36 .. 54 .. 'Alpha Draconis' .. 'Polaris' (Note William Romain's Polaris alignment, referenced in the article) .. along with .. the Cube of the Pi constant, which also "happens" to be the "ASM" GPV (Grid POINT Value) for .. 'Mintaka' of Jan.1, 2000, in the belt of Orion. When I refer to those stars by 'name' .. I mean the "ASM" numbers I found for them, as of Jan.1, 2000 .. 21.6 GPV for POLARIS, 1.181810286 GPV for Alpha Draconis, and 31.00627668 GPV for Mintaka .. though they don't actually mention Mintaka in that particular article. But they_do_cite 36, 54, Alpha Draconis, and Polaris .. of course. (Morton, 1999, 2000). Anyway .. I "at least", at this time, want to get this "out there" to you folks .. at least to you people in particular, so you may see the remarkable synchronicity and also the stunning (apparent) precision and "specificity" involved, here. I'd prefer to write this up in detail and at length .. and I might do that later .. but; here's the "equation", at least .. and it's more than 'one' equation .. it's a 'series' of very-related equations .. which then has more possibilities inherent .. because it "connects perfectly" TO the "ASM". (54 / 1.181810286 / 21.6) * 36 * (Pi^3) = 2361.263 2361.263 .. a very interesting number, IMO .. which 'connects' to all sorts of major "ASM" values. (2 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 3) = 23 .. "I AM" .. Sharon ought to love that .. (-; .. and then .. 2 + 3 = 5 .. and/or .. 2 * 3 = 6. So you have the 5 and the 6 .. which "The D&M Pyramid" of Cydonia 'displays' in its geometry .. see the work of Erol Torun on that .. simultaneous "5-fold" and "6-fold" geometric symmetry exhibited in the design and structure of 'The D&M Pyramid' @ Cydonia (Mars). 2 * 3 * 6 * 1 * 2 * 6 * 3 = 1296 1296 is the decimal-harmonic of the_129600_generic Surface Area on a Torus .. assuming the 360 system, where radius = 57.29577951 value .. or .. (360 / 2Pi). Now .. something very case-specifically remarkable ; Take the "5" from the above 'cross-addition' and 'reduction' .. along with the 'cross-multiplication' product from the above .. the "1296" ... 1296 / 5 = 259.2 .. and this is a precise imitation of the "ASM" numbers for the centered-location of "The Tholus" @ Cydonia (Mars) .. where .. 1296 North .. = 41(deg) * 03(min) * 10.53658537(sec) North. 5 E.Cydonia .. = 01(deg) * 05(min) E.Cydonia .. east of the "ASM" prime meridian. GPV for "The Tholus" .. (1296 /5) = 259.2 .. a decimal-harmonic of the Earth precession cycle (25920) in years. {Morton, 2000, Internet}. I'll now use the Pi constant .. to an exponential power of "5" .. (25920 / 2361.263) * (Pi^5) = 3359.232 .. Notice how I'm using "feedback-loops" .. mathematically ? This is a process which "imitates" the form and structure of the "elements" involved here. Here's another feedback-loop .. (3359.232 * 2361.263) / [(Pi^2) * (10^2)] = 8036.826916 8036.826916 = (Mintaka * The Tholus) = (Pi^3) * 259.2 AND .. 8036.826916 = Grid LONG of The Washington Monument in D.C. .. its centered-location .. (Morton, 1998, Internet) .. 8036.826916 W.Giza .. = 108(deg) * 10(min) * 7.441506403(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 6.641506403 sec ]. This is_ALSO_the *identical* longitude of The Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple in Washington, D.C. .. due north (precisely) of The Washington Monument. The exact-same centered-location in terms of longitude. Please notice the decimal-fractional number of arc-seconds in that W.Giza longitude .. 7.441506403 That is a_very_important number in the "ASM". For one .. it is the Jan.1, 2000 GPV of Betelgeuse in Orion. (Morton, 2000, Internet). It is also the_ratio_of Galactic Center to Galactic Anti-Center @ Jan.1, 2000 .. (Morton, 2001, Internet) .. or .. (35.53057584 / 4.774648292) .. "ASM". It is also a decimal-harmonic of the Area of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge .. (Munck, 1992, "The Code") .. in square regular ("British") feet .. 7441.506403 square feet .. (48.66934411)^2 * Pi = 7441.506403 sq. ft. ADDITIONALLY .. 8036.826916 .. is the Grid LAT of the apparent centered- location of the "7-Pointed Star" crop formation of the year-2000 season .. (Morton, 2000, Internet). I have an article about this .. on-record, on The Internet. It is posted, I think (still) .. at Paul Vigay''s website .. If it is not there .. it is posted in the archives of .. Look for an article entitled, "7-Pointed-Star 'Hoaxed' (?) .. Consider .. " .. where I go into considerable detail on this. No .. I really DO NOT think this formation was "hoaxed" .. AT LEAST in the true sense and spirit of that word !! In fact .. I think it is an extremely important formation. Anyway .. my Grid LAT for that formation .. centered .. 51(deg) * 24(min) * 6.566035062(sec) North .. = 8036.826916 North. My Grid LONG for it .. 32(deg) * 56(min) * 48.21428571(sec) W.Giza .. = 86400 W.Giza. GPV .. "7-Pointed-Star" crop formation of 2000 A.D. .. (86400 / 8036.826916) = 10.75051148 The "86400" is a decimal-harmonic of the "gematria-like" ideal (mean) diameter of The Sun .. 864000 statute miles. I suggest that the "7-Pointed-Star" may be a reference to .. Nibiru .. a brown-dwarf with 7 'planetoids' orbiting it .. one or more of which (planetoids) could be homeworld(s) to The Anunnaki. (Z.Sitchin, et al). (See website of Andy Lloyd .. Damon Elkins and I do not agree with Andy's interpretation/projection of the orbital path of Nibiru .. but; Andy's work contains some very good and very striking graphics of various symbols and icons which seem to depict or to represent this 10th planet of our Solar System). Damon Elkins and I think the orbital path of Nibiru is "indicated" in various ways .. in the "ASM". One of these 'indications', we think .. is the Nibiru aphelion .. its *directional-location*, on line-of-sight from Earth .. the direction in_our_sky, observed *from Earth*, in which its aphelion is located .. SIRIUS .. yes .. the Earth-sky "directional-location" of SIRIUS as of .. Jan.1, 2000 A.D. .. as part of the "ASM". I think the mean ("ideal") Earth precession and main ("ideal") obliquity cycles are also "prominently-figured"_into_this "ASM". And I think the_ratio_of Earth's main obliquity cycle (40000 years; full-cycle) and Earth's precession cycle .. is .. (25920 / 40000) = 0.648 .. again; a_major_number in the "ASM" .. "648". Notice, please, the following .. (8036.826916 / 0.648) = (24805.02134 / 2) .. precisely HALF of the Grid LONG of SIRIUS @ Jan.1, 2000 in the "ASM". (Morton, 1999, Internet) ... Grid LONG SIRIUS .. 19(deg) * 23(min) * 56.76206256(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 24805.02134 E.ALNITAK. (This is about 19.5 degrees into Gemini .. the constellation .. and the_sidereal_zodiac sign .. NOT the "tropical" zodiac sign !!) {Morton, 1999, Internet}. Yes .. it's a decimal-harmonic of the_GPV_of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. 248.0502134 .. which is the Cube of (2Pi) .. (Munck, 1992, "The Code"). Additionally .. it is a decimal-harmonic of the GPV of the "Eltanin Antenna" .. (2.480502134) .. planted on the ocean-floor, southwest of the tip of South America, some 13,500 feet below the sea surface. (Bruce Cathie .. "The Harmonic Conquest of Space", page 12). Yes .. I think an actual antenna_was_planted .. deliberately, there .. to fit-in_precisely_with the very information we are now noticing and "putting-together". Using the Jan.1, 2000 GPV of REGULUS ... (Morton, 1999, Internet; 19.7392088) .. (2361.263 / 19.7392088) = (1 / Earth Precession Cycle) * MINTAKA * (10^5) .. = (1 / 25920) * (Pi^3) * (10^5). -- Michael Lawrence Morton ======================= In a message dated 01/26/2002 5:11:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, Wdestiny44 writes: << Subj: Great Serpent Mound Crop Circle of 1999 & Pathagoras Theorem Date: 01/26/2002 5:11:23 AM Pacific Standard Time From: Wdestiny44 To: Wdestiny44 BCC: Milamo Click here: The Python of Pythagoras? Hi Everyone: Please check out the hugely interesting article above in reference to the Great Serpent Mound in southern Ohio. Also, for those who are members of Crop Circle Connector and can access their archives, please see the crop formation representing the Great Serpent Mount which was formed on June 12, 1999 in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England. It was 650 ft. long. I tried to enter the information into a free access crop circle site, but the formation did not come up. The Crop Circle Connector site is free for current year formations, but is by subscription for previous years. I highly recommend becoming a member; besides it helps support the continuation of this subject information being available to those who are interested. My thanks to Robert G. for sending the above mentioned site. BTW, there is much interesting info on his site. It is: Peace and love, Sharon 444 *Sharon Pacione* >>(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.