Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 250

MORE .. re: Nibiru's Perihelion, etc. ..

From: Milamo@aol.com 
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 03:15:44 EST 
Subject: MORE .. re: Nibiru's Perihelion, etc. .. 

This continues with my "ASM" assessments of what appears to be
 an indicated orbital path .. in terms of aphelion, perihelion, and
 ecliptic crossing-points (as "appears" from Earth against the 
 of prominent stars) .. for Nibiru.
 And this corroborates the findings of Damon Elkins .. who has been
 researching a comprehensive layout of "line-of-sight" alignments ..
 involving Cydonia, Giza, and specific sky-locations at two particular 
 as observed from Cairo, Egypt. 
 It appears that the "designers/planners" of the now self-evident "ASM" 
 included an encoded description of the ecliptic crossing-points of 
Nibiru ..
 "marking" its perihelion phase .. against the relatively-constant 
 of certain prominent stars as observed on line-of-sight from Earth.
 Even though precession would alter the location of Nibiru's path 
 to Earth's_horizon_by a significant arc-distance, from one "passing" 
 Nibiru to the next .. the relatively-constant back-drop of the stars 
.. and
 certain stars in particular .. would provide a more-or-less 'steady' 
 as viewed from Earth .. for Nibiru's path.

 Very remarkably .. the *time-node* of this "sky-locational-marking" .. 
 been_consistently_revealing itself to be .. Jan.1, 2000 A.D., at least 
 to my studies over the last 3 years.
 And; more than this .. the "sky-locations" are consistently 
correlating with
 the "ground-positions" .. in terms of a very precise 
matrix ..
 of prominent pyramids, mounds, stone circles, earthen effigies, even 
 'famous' public buildings, cathedrals, and also with many crop 
 It seems that the "ASM" is encoding the ecliptic crossing-points of 
 as .. 2.222222222 degrees (repeating 2s) .. into Pisces and Virgo .. 
in terms
 of the_sidereal_zodiac signs .. *not* the "tropical" zodiac. And this 
 30 degrees per sidereal zodiac sign. In other words .. the "ASM" is 
 the ecliptic crossing-points of Nibiru .. *as viewed on 
line-of-sight_from_Earth* ..
 at our_current_equinoxial points .. as of circa 2000 A.D. .. and by 
 I mean the *sky-locations* of our equinoxial points .. i.e., as viewed 
 the back-drop of the stars .. *at* .. 2000 A.D. 

 This_also_has the effect of "marking" .. the true zodiacal Ages for 
"us" on 
 The beginning .. the "official" beginning .. as "marked in the sky" ..
 of Aquarius .. is now seen as  2160 A.D. on our current (consensus) 
 The last perihelion of Nibiru is thus "marked", also .. as .. 00 
 And the next "scheduled" perihelion for Nibiru is .. circa 3600 A.D.
 At an average of 72 years per degree of precession .. as of midnight @
 1999/2000 we were 160 years away from 2160 A.D...
 (2.22222222 * 72)  =  160 years.
 I think this shows support, logic, and common sense for the idea of 
 the_sidereal_zodiac as primary, now, and not the "tropical" zodiac. 

 The "ASM" is also showing "marker-stars" .. for .. the aphelion and 
 locations of Nibiru's orbital path .. again; as viewed from Earth on 
 against the back-drop of the stars. SIRIUS has emerged as the 
 Two stars have emerged as "perihelion stars", IMO .. ALTAIR marking 
 latitude "leveling-off" point (north of the ecliptic on line-of-sight 
Earth) ..
 and VEGA marking the ecliptic_longitude_point at which Nibiru begins 
 descent (on line-of-sight from Earth). This is consistent with ALNITAK 
.. in
 the belt of Orion .. having become self-evident as a "marker-star" in 
"ASM" ..
 marking the ecliptic prime meridian.
 It has also become apparent, IMO, that POLARIS is yet another example 
 a "marker-star" in the "ASM" .. because its GPV @ Jan.1, 2000 is .. 
21.6 ..
 a decimal-harmonic of the_number_of nautical miles of Earth's *polar*
 circumference .. 21,600 .. which also defines the number of latitude 
 of-arc on Earth's surface.  Even the proper noun/adjective similarity 
 self-evident, here. Then .. there's the "2160" A.D. year .. 'marking' 
 beginning of Aquarius .. another decimal-harmonic match.

 I'm now going to present some equations that I think are quite 
 to say the least .. involving some of these "marker-stars" and some of 
 "ground-sites", and even more.

 The stars are noted as their Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Values (GPVs) in 
 (Morton, 1999, 2000, 2001; Internet).

 (SIRIUS * ALTAIR * VEGA)  =  (2.368705056 * 9.288441917 * 3.183098862) 
 =  (D&M Pyramid II * Ideal Fine Structure Constant) * (10^3) ..
 =  [9.6 * (72 / Pi^2 / 10^3)] * 10^3.

 So .. yes, the 10^3 "cancels-out" .. but it's part of the Ideal Fine 
 Constant to begin with .. so, I wanted to show it.

 The "D&M Pyramid II" .. is a "Cydonian analogue" in Warwick, New York 
 USA .. discovered by Dr. Bruce Cornet, PhD., geologist, 
 palynologist .. which Dr.Cornet described in detail on his website in 
 I found the "ASM" values for several of the "Cydonian analogues" .. a 
 by Dr.Cornet at the time .. in 1998 .. in that vicinity of New York 
USA ..
 including the "D&M Pyramid II", "Earthface", and "Tholus II".     
 The "Earthface" is an analogue of the famous "FACE on MARS" @ Cydonia 
 which I now refer to as "FACE ONE" .. because I have also found 
 valid "ASM" figures for a "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia .. a term used 
 by "Mark the Webmeister". I didn't want to confuse Dr.Cornet's 
 designation of "Face II" at Middletown, NY (which I call "Earthface") 
 "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia on Mars.

 When you cancel-out the 10^3 in the above ..
 you can write the expression as .. (9600 * Ideal Fine Structure 

 If we use the number 3600 as the "ideal" number of Earth years for one
 orbital period of Nibiru .. (see Z.Sitchin) ..
 (9600 / 3600)  =  2.666666667  =  (2Pi / 2.35619449) ..
 where 2.35619449 is the GPV of the_Center_of 'The Circle of Churches'
 in the South of France (Morton, 2002, Internet).
 But there's much more going-on, here .. because (2Pi) is the GPV of
 the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau .. which is located_on_the 
 of 'The Circle of Churches' .. (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 The_center_of 'The Circle of Churches' .. and any point on its 
 indicate the actual_radius_of 'The Circle of Churches', of course.
 Therefore; you have a GPV of (2Pi)_on_this circumference .. which also 
 happens to be the_ratio_of "any" circumference to its radius !! 

 Now .. please do notice ..

 I found the Grid LAT of the_center_of 'The Circle of Churches' .. to 
be ..
 IDENTICAL, numerically .. to the actual_circumference_of 'The Circle 
Churches' ..
 in terms of Royal Cubits !!  {18000 * Pi} ..   
 {Morton, 1998, 2002, Internet}.

 This is also according to my proposed (Morton, 1998, Internet) true 
 for the Royal (Egyptian) Cubit of .. 1.718873386 regular ("British") 
feet ..
 which is .. 20.62648063 .. regular ("British") inches.

 (18000 * Pi) Royal Cubits  =  97200 regular feet .. circumference of
 'The Circle of Churches'. 

 So; the "ASM" .. is showing us .. that we can get the exact_radius_of
 'The Circle of Churches' in Royal (Egyptian) Cubits .. by dividing the
 Grid LAT of its_center-point_by the_GPV_of a particular point on its
 circumference !!  And this "particular point " on its circumference .. 
 just "any point on its circumference" .. it's the_centered-location_of 
 church @ Rennes-le-Chateau !! 

 There's a direct "gematrian" tie-in evident, here, too.

 The classic gematrian number for "Lord Jesus Christ" is .. 3168.
 This is known by many "esotericists".

 The Buckminster Fuller number known as the "DNA/RNA Un-Zip Angle"
 in degrees .. is .. 7.333333333 .. repeating 3s.

 Please notice the following ..

 7.333333333 * (2Pi / 2.35619449)  =  (3168 / 162)  =  (9 * 352).

 The "162" .. is a decimal-harmonic of the Bruce Cathie light-speed 
 in "free space" .. 162000 nautical miles per second.
 The "352" .. is the Grid LONG of the_center_of the LIMESTONE BOULDER
 which is still lodged in the western side of the remains of the Ark of 
 in eastern Turkey, near the Iran border. Yes .. this is the remains of 
 "Noah's Ark". I have detailed my "ASM" findings regarding this 
 site, on The Internet. I have referenced these findings many times on 
 352 E.Giza ..
 =  13(deg) * 06(min) * 4.512820513(sec) E.Giza.
 [ E.Greenwich .. 44 deg  14 min  5.312820513 sec ].
 Grid LAT of Limestone Boulder ..
 26400 North ..
 =  39(deg) * 26(min) * 26.03550296(sec) North.
 GPV of center of Limestone Boulder ..
 (26400 / 352)  =  75.

 Notice that the gematrian number 3168 .. is related to the number 11 
 and also to the Fibonacci node-number of 55 .. thusly ..

 (3168 / 288)  =  11  =  (55 / 5)  =  [55 / (26400 / 5280)]. 
 The number "288" is known as "double light" in gematria .. 2 * 144.
 And 144 .. is a Fibonacci node .. (55 + 89)  =  144.
 The number 89 is the alphanumeric sum of "OSIRIS" and also of "YOUTH".
 And 55 is the alphanumeric sum of .. NUT, SKY, HEAVEN, SATAN, and
 SANTA.  (I think "Santa" is a reference to Enki, by the way) .. and 
 is a reference to Enki, too, it seems. (A long-standing political 
conflict ..
 complete with 'propaganda' having been handed-down to us ..
 "Satan" as the "bad guy" .. the arch political rival of Enlil/Yahweh).
 Enki is the one who "spoke through a screen of reeds" to Ziusudra ..
 warning him of the coming "Great Flood", and who left a tablet of 
 for Ziusudra on how to build the vessel.

 3168 .. is a decimal-harmonic of .. 31680 .. the Grid LAT of "Tholus 
 in New York State, USA .. as mentioned earlier in this piece ..
 an_analogue_of "The Tholus" @ Cydonia on Mars.
 31680 North ..
 =  41(deg) * 29(min) * 26.64423886(sec) North.
 And its Grid LONG ? ..
 35200 W.Giza ..
 =  105(deg) * 14(min) *  23.94557823(sec) W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg  06 min  23.14557823 sec ].
 GPV ..
 (35200 / 31680)  =  1.111111111 .. repeating 1s.
 [ Morton, 1998, Internet ].

 Also note .. (1.111111111)^2  =  1.234567901 .. GPV of "Earthface" ..
 as mentioned earlier .. the analogue, in the_same_vicinity of New York 
 USA .. to "THE FACE on MARS" .. ("FACE ONE" @ Cydonia).
 { Morton, 1998, Internet }.  
 Yet another "Cydonian analogue" in that_same_area of New York State, 
USA ..
 the "D&M Pyramid II" .. has a GPV of .. 9.6, as mentioned earlier.
 Please notice ..

 (9.6 / 1.111111111)  =  8.64  =  (85788.15751 / 9929.184894) .. the 
ratio of 
 the_APEX_Grid LATs of The Great Pyramid (on Earth) and of The D&M 
 (on Mars). 

 The_length_of The Ark of Ziusudra was/is .. "300 (Royal) Cubits" ..
 consistent with David Fasold's measurements on-site in 1985.
 See Fasold's book .. "The Ark of Noah" .. paperback .. out of print .. 
 but_very_much worth it .. ISBN  1 - 56129 - 006 - 8

 Yes .. *Royal* Cubits .. of 1.718873386 regular feet per Royal Cubit 
 This means .. (300 * 1.718873386)  =  515.6620156 regular feet  =  
(1620 / 

 Recall, from earlier .. the GPV of .. 75 .. at the center of the 
 boulder still lodged in the western side of the remains.
 Alphanumeric sum of "NORTH" .. 75.

 (300 Royal Cubits / 75)  =  (21.6 / Pi) .. where 21.6 is the GPV of ..
 Jan.1, 2000 POLARIS .. the "north" star.

 There was a "nautonnier" (see Z.Sitchin) onboard with Ziusudra and Co.
 He was apparently a son of Enki .. aboard as a navigator.
 What is the "north star" used for at sea .. ? .. navigation.

 Orbital period of Nibiru .. 3600 Earth years ..

 (3600 / 1620)  =  2.222222222 .. as noted earlier. (Please review).

 2.222222222  =  352 / (21.6 * 7.333333333).

 The_GPV_of the amidships-centerline location, in the remains ..
 between bulkheads # 5 and # 6 .. as described_specifically_by David 
 in the book referenced earlier, in his drawing on page 291 ..
 was found to be .. 72 .. at a Grid LAT of .. 25920 North ..
 =  39(deg) * 26(min) *  25.56213018(sec) North ..
 and at a Grid LONG of .. 360 E.Giza ..
 =  13(deg) * 06(min) * 4.615384615(sec) E.Giza.
 [ E.Greenwich .. 44 deg  14 min  5.415384615 sec ].

 Please take time to really_notice_those figures. Please.
 We're talking not only 72 as a GPV .. we're talking 360 as Grid LONG
 *and* 25920 as Grid LAT.  This is_in-addition_to the 75 GPV of the 
 of the limestone boulder. (75 * 72)  =  5400 .. GPV of The Great 
Sphinx of 
 This is simply empirical evidence talking.  This is not "religion" ..
 this is not even "wishful thinking". This is .. good ol' scientific 
empirical evidence. 
 Michael Bonilla, of Long Island, NY .. took GPS readings on-site, on 
the 11th
 of October, 2000 .. and he reported his readings directly to me upon 
 back home in October of 2000 A.D.
 And I reported these figures on The Internet in 2000 A.D.
 It is archived .. it is on the record.
 There is a direct tie to the Volume_and_Surface Area of a TORUS,
 which literally figures-in, here ..

 (1620 / Pi) * 72  =  Generic Volume of a TORUS * (10-^2) ..
 =  3712766.512 cubic arc-degrees * (10-^2) .. assuming 57.29577951 as 
 the value of the given *radius* .. where; (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 
 Now .. please also notice, that ..

 (1620 / Pi) * 72  =  (18 * Pi) * 656.56127 .. where; (18 * Pi) is the 
GPV of 
 "City Square Center" @ Cydonia on Mars .. and, where; 656.56127 is the 
 GPV of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia on Mars.

 THEN .. in-addition .. please notice that ..
 the latitude of "City Square Center" is the_identical_latitude as that 
of ..
 "The Tholus" @ Cydonia on Mars .. 1296 North ..
 =  41(deg) * 03(min) * 10.53658537(sec) North.

 Finally; to conclude this article ..

 1296 .. is a decimal-harmonic of .. 129600 squ.arc-deg .. 
 the generic Surface Area on ..
 a TORUS .. assuming the 57.29577951 value of the given radius.

 The "ASM" continues to prove itself .. over and over and over again.
 I ask you .. the reader .. to help in spreading this info around.
 This is our long-lost heritage being revealed to us. 
 This is information that is irrefutable .. because it is empirical 
 of a kind that cannot be denied when taken seriously .. as it should 
 This is information that can lead to_meaningful_changes for Earth 
 as a whole .. changes that will benefit everyone.  
 Free-energy availability is one of these changes that this information
 can lead to .. but a critical-mass awareness of this "ASM" reality is 
 If not enough people become aware .. nothing good can really happen. 
       -- Michael Lawrence Morton


From: Milamo@aol.com 
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:27:13 EST 
Subject: A Follow-up to Previous .. Re: MORE .. re: Nibiru's Perihelion, etc. .. 

In a message dated 01/30/2002 9:12:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
neil writes:

<< How do these points and times match up with the coordinates of the 
at which
 two amateur observers have claimed to have spotted Nibiru using actual 
 Milamo@aol.com wrote:
 > ....
 >  The last perihelion of Nibiru is thus "marked", also .. as .. 00 
 >  And the next "scheduled" perihelion for Nibiru is .. circa 3600 
 >  At an average of 72 years per degree of precession .. as of 
midnight @
 >  1999/2000 we were 160 years away from 2160 A.D...
 >  (2.22222222 * 72)  =  160 years.
 >  I think this shows support, logic, and common sense for the idea of 
 >  the_sidereal_zodiac as primary, now, and not the "tropical" zodiac.
 >  The "ASM" is also showing "marker-stars" .. for .. the aphelion and
 > perihelion
 >  locations of Nibiru's orbital path .. again; as viewed from Earth 
 > line-of-sight,
 >  against the back-drop of the stars. SIRIUS has emerged as the 
 > star".
 >  Two stars have emerged as "perihelion stars", IMO .. ALTAIR marking 
 >  latitude "leveling-off" point (north of the ecliptic on 
line-of-sight from
 > Earth) ..
 >  and VEGA marking the ecliptic_longitude_point at which Nibiru 
begins its
 >  descent (on line-of-sight from Earth). This is consistent with 
 >  the belt of Orion .. having become self-evident as a "marker-star" 
in the
 > "ASM" ..
 >  marking the ecliptic prime meridian.
      Neil and Others ..
  In follow-up to my previous email, I'll also give, here, my estimate 
 Nibiru would be, or "should be", at the_present_time .. under the 
 that its last perihelion was circa 00 B.C./A.D. .. and that its 
period is
 3600 Earth years :

 It would be .. "at present" .. on line-of-sight from Earth .. very 
"near" to 
 sky-location of SIRIUS .. but just a "hair" to the Taurus side of 
 terms of ecliptic longitude, and just a "hair" north of the SIRIUS 
 By "a hair" .. I'm just intuiting, here .. because I'm not calculating 
 so; I'm intuiting that a "hair", in this case, means .. less than 
1/10th of
 a degree.    
                 -- Michael L.M.   
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

