Matrix Message 252
Subject: "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So ..
From: Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:16:21 EST Subject: "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So .. Yes .. As I've been saying to several people for quite a while, now .. the "ASM" is for real. It's bonafide. It's_really_there .. as of the sky-locations of Jan.1, 2000 in the sidereal zodiac .. using ALNITAK, the Orion belt-star .. as a prime meridian "marker" for the ecliptic. The database-source for these Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations .. The evidence is simply overwhelming. And overwhelmingly redundant. And overwhelmingly-redundantly overwhelming. No .. I had nothing whatsoever to do with the compilation or formation of the above database-source. In fact .. I didn't even know that such a database existed .. until Spring of 1999 .. when Mary Anne Weaver suggested that I check into it. It is based directly on the Fagan/Allen sidereal astrological calculations .. Cyril Fagan, et al. The first general correlation to keep-in-mind .. is that this Jan.1, 2000 "sky-matrix" is_perfectly_in-sync and mathematically-aligned with the "Pyramid Matrix" as discovered by Carl P.Munck, Sr. ( And this fact, then .. this perfectly-precise correlation of the "Sky Matrix" with the "Pyramid Matrix" .. because it includes the centered-locations of many major structures at Cydonia on Mars .. has_already_automatically proven the essential artificiality of these structures in-evidence_at_Cydonia. There's_absolutely_no question. And_many_of the crop formations in England have ALSO_proven_themselves to be precisely-correlated with what I have now called .. the "Archaeo-sky Matrix" .. the ASM. Yes .. I am talking PROOF, here. And redundantly-so. ========================= I have this feeling .. an intuition .. that the "ASM" will become recognized as real .. along with some of its profound implications .. by a "critical mass" of humans on Earth .. at_around_the time a "critical mass" of Americans comes to realize that the events of "9.11" were encouraged, planned, and allowed to happen .. at the very_highest_Executive-branch levels of government in these United States. These two "critical masses" will no-doubt overlap in many cases (of individuals) I_wonder_how long this will take, though. How long .. ohhh, how long ? -- Michael L.M. ------------------------------------------- From: Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 22:48:05 EST Subject: Re: [EGH] "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So .. In a message dated 02/04/2002 2:06:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << But if there IS a significant correlation between F-B and the ASM, that's another story. Which needs to be told and understood. Since the F-B system is based on an ancient fudge of the longitudes of "Royal" stars, then this would be the clue -- the stars' harmonic relationship with Alnitak.. and every other ASM point of interest. And since there are many versions, using different stars, of calibrating constellations, each could be compared with the ASM to see if they relate harmonically. Some or none could represent a system that is offset from the ASM by a significant harmonic. Actually, quite a few would -- those systems based on bright stars that are integral to the ASM grid. -=Rab >> Sorry 'bout the "blank" email .. not intended. Rab ... I would have to say .. that it seems as if there IS a significant relationship between this Fagan/Bradley-based database .. and the "ASM" .. otherwise, I never would have_found_all these precise correlations I HAVE found. The correlations are the result of the "nearest arc-second" numbers IN the database .. adjusted no less than 1/4th of an arc-second .. and usually less than 1/10th of an arc-second .. *amazingly* accurate .. for "whatever" reason(s) .. as of Jan.1, 2000 A.D. Just_extremely_uncanny, to say the least. And; this is WHEN .. a_*specific*_ecliptic prime meridian is used .. "marked" by the ecliptic longitude position of ALNITAK .. of course relative-to other 'prominent' stars in our Earth-sky .. and relative-to Galactic Center and to Galactic Anti-Center. And the ecliptic, itself, is used as the latitude referent, of course. So; I have to conclude that apparently C.Fagan, et al .. did manage to find some sort of very deeply ancient 'key' to a "sky-matrix" of some importance. Mary Anne Weaver's theory was that ALNITAK might "prove" to be .. 'might' prove to be .. a prime meridian "marker" for the ecliptic .. in an analagous way to what Munck had discovered concerning The Great Pyramid (Giza, Earth) and The D&M Pyramid (Cydonia, Mars). She contacted me in February of 1999 .. and asked me if I'd be interested in investigating her theory .. and I was very interested. She then did refer me to this particular Fagan/Bradley-based database on The Internet .. She then contacted someone at "MAG" .. "Mission Astrology Group" .. where the database was posted (on their website) .. to get the appropriate "nearest arc-second" sidereal coordinates_for_ALNITAK .. because ALNITAK was NOT listed in the database. So .. the idea of ALNITAK possibly serving as an ecliptic prime meridian "marker" .. is the theory of Mary Anne Weaver. She then reported ALNITAK's Jan.1, 2000 sidereal Fagan-Bradley coordinates to me as .. sidereal long .. 29 Taurus 56' 50" .. and; South of ecliptic latitude as .. (-) 25 deg 17 min 37 sec. So; I then proceeded to test various 'prominent' stars' Jan.1, 2000 locations .. from the_same_database. If they were within 180 ecliptic longitude degrees "East" of ALNITAK's location .. I would *add-on* 03 min and 10 sec .. to their "nearest-arc-sec" longitudes as reported_in_this same database. if they were within 180 ecliptic longitude degrees "West" of ALNITAK's location, I would *subtract* 03 min and 10 sec .. from their "nearest-arc-sec" longitudes as reported_in_this same database. Then .. I would multiply the numbers .. of (deg * min * sec) .. and I would do the same with the given latitudes .. the exact-same_methodology_used (Munck, "The Code", 1993) in the "Pyramid Matrix". Finally .. I would take the ratio .. between the Grid LONG and the Grid LAT .. to see what "GPV" (Grid POINT Value) was apparently being indicated as the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" location of a given star .. and of Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center. The results became .. astounding. I kept doing the process .. for major, prominent stars in the Earth-sky .. SIRIUS, POLARIS, VEGA, REGULUS, ALDEBARAN, ANTARES, MINTAKA, ALNILAM, CASTOR, POLLUX, SPICA, ARCTURUS, BETELGEUSE, RIGEL, ALPHA DRACONIS, GAMMA DRACONIS, FOMALHAUT, etc. So; for "whatever reason(s)" .. the database that Mary Anne Weaver "happened" to refer me to .. has turned out to be_amazingly-resonant_with the "ASM" .. according to testing with methodology_identical_to that used in (Munck, "The Code", 1993, self-published .. evaluating the centered-locations of "ground-sites" of prominence. Significantly, as well .. many "crop formations" in the South of England .. have been assessed in my work .. their centered-locations, according to data compiled on the website of Paul Vigay .. .. his "International Crop Circle Database". These crop-formations have_consistently_"shown themselves" to be 'centered' according to significant "resonance" in-relationship-to the "ASM". -- Michael Lawrence Morton ------------------------------------------- From: Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 23:47:34 EST Subject: Re: [EGH] "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So ..(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.