Matrix Message 253
Re: [EGH] "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So ..
From: Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 23:47:34 EST Subject: Re: [EGH] "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So .. Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:36 PM Subject: Re: [EGH] "It's a lock" .. and Redundantly-So .. > In a message dated 02/04/2002 2:06:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > << But if there IS a significant correlation between F-B and the ASM, that's > another story. Which needs to be told and understood. Since the F-B > system is based on an ancient fudge of the longitudes of "Royal" stars, > then this would be the clue -- the stars' harmonic relationship with > Alnitak.. and every other ASM point of interest. > > And since there are many versions, using different stars, of calibrating > constellations, each could be compared with the ASM to see if they > relate harmonically. Some or none could represent a system that is > offset from the ASM by a significant harmonic. Actually, quite a few > would -- those systems based on bright stars that are integral to the > ASM grid. > > -=Rab >> MLM> Rab ... > I would have to say .. that it seems as if there IS a significant > relationship between this Fagan/Bradley-based database .. and the "ASM" .. otherwise, > I never would have_found_all these precise correlations I HAVE found. Rab> Thank you, Michael for your fine response. The ASM correlations are not what I was wondering about -- they stand as they are, as evidence for the ASM. It's the relationship with the Fagan-Bradley calibration that drew my attention. It seems that what you and Mary Anne Weaver have in fact done is to show that the F-B calibration is off slightly -- but only slightly, by 3'10" -- from the ASM, which seems to be the original and truer system, based on the position of Alnitak alone and not by averaging the positions of the several stars used by Fagan & Bradley (who went by what they knew about Classical astrology, especially of ancient Babylon & Persia). In other words, the F-B sidereal zodiac needs an adjustment. And any astrologer who uses a sidereal zodiac should be more than a little interested in your findings -- which, if they stand up to fair and closer scrutiny, would reveal the amazingly strong foundation of sidereal astrology. (And this is an understatement, which pertains not only to astrology. We could include every other field related to geo-cosmology). The relationship between F-B & ASM systems seems similar to that between a slightly out-of-focus image seen through an inappropriate lens, and the clear image seen directly by a good eye without glasses. The F-B database has been very helpful, and that's partly why you sense a connection, but this is a "relationship" quite unlike the mathematical and harmonic kind that informs the ASM itself. This may seem like splitting semantic hairs, but I think it's an important discernment. > The correlations are the result of the "nearest arc-second" numbers IN the > database .. adjusted no more than 1/4th of an arc-second .. and usually > less than 1/10th of an arc-second .. *amazingly* accurate .. for "whatever" > reason(s) .. as of Jan.1, 2000 A.D. Just_extremely_uncanny, to say the > least. > > And; this is WHEN .. a_*specific*_ecliptic prime meridian is used .. > "marked" by the ecliptic longitude position of ALNITAK .. of course > relative-to other 'prominent' stars in our Earth-sky .. and relative-to Galactic Center > and to Galactic Anti-Center. And the ecliptic, itself, is used as the latitude > referent, of course. Rab> It's important to note that these are ASM not F-B correlations. But also that what you have referenced above are all celestial points or objects whose spatial relationships do not change according to date. So why mention 01Jan2000? Alnitak's position in any sidereal system -- ASM, F-B, astronomical- galactic, or other -- is static with respect to other stars. This means that the date (01Jan2000) is irrelevant with regard to the geometry & harmonics intrinsic to sky patterns alone. They don't change. So are you implicating here some other patterns, certain dynamic and interactive alignments of stars with terrestrial coordinates? Because it's the relationship between the celestial & terrestrial domains that undergoes constant change (precession) which can be linked with calendar dates. -=R >> Rab .. First; I thank-you very much for your very helpful and informative remarks, comments, and questions .. indeed. Well .. let's see .. might the 'appropriate' place for the Taurus/Gemini cusp .. be .. ecliptically-aligned_with_ALNITAK, then ? (adjusting the 03 min 10 sec difference .. so that the sidereal zodiac's Taurus/Gemini cusp falls right on ALNITAK ? Would this be helpful to sidereal astrology) ? Yes .. I would say, now .. that it would appear that the (adjusted) sidereal zodiac is_interacting-with_the ASM .. with the ASM's 'methodology' .. rather self-evidently-so .. which seems quite "amazing", for lack of a better word. The "Jan.1, 2000 A.D." date .. is not a requisite for the basic *sidereal zodiac/ASM* interaction .. although my answer to your question as to whether-or-not I think there are 'other' dynamics evident, here .. is .. yes. I think the Earth-precession parameter is just 'such' a dynamic involved here .. presenting a sort of "central (movable) dial_within_a fixed circle" format, if you will. The 'fixed circle' .. around and outside of the 'movable dial' .. would be the stars-backdrop .. or the relatively-static sidereal zodiac-sky as observed from Earth. The "movable dial" .. inside the 'fixed circle' .. would be Earth, itself .. its precessional wobble .. "moving" .. as a 'dial' .. at roughly one ecliptic-longitude_degree_per 72 Earth years. "We" .. observers "on the surface of the dial" .. can monitor the 'apparent' movement of the 'dial' relative-to the 'fixed' sky-backdrop .. and the 'fixed' sky-backdrop_itself_is 'calibrated' with an ecliptic prime meridian .. "through" (on line-of-sight_from_Earth) ALNITAK. Further .. there are major "pyramids" .. 'marking' ASM prime meridians on given planets .. such as Earth and Mars .. being The Great Pyramid (Giza, Earth) and The D&M Pyramid (Cydonia, Mars). This provides 'markers' for monitoring of *ground/sky* apparent 'movements' through time and space. And a_CALENDAR_can be (both theoretically and practically) calibrated .. as another "fixed circle" around the 'movable dial' .. as "viewed from above" .. a "calendar circle" .. arranged in calibration .. around the 'dial'. So; 3 parts .. 2 of these parts 'fixed' and adjacent .. sidereal zodiac-sky, and a calendar-circle of DAYS. The 'movable' part is Earth .. its precessional wobble, that is .. and the observer is "on its surface". ---------------------------------------------- The sky-location database .. ------------------------------------------ As I mentioned in some recent email posts on The Internet .. the research of Damon Elkins corroborates my calculations pertaining to a likely "marking" of the ecliptic-crossing points .. as observed on line-of-sight from Earth .. of the Nibiru system (see works of Z.Sitchin; "The Earth Chronicles" series of paperback books by Avon Publishing Co. of New York, USA). I am now on-record as predicting that it will be realized, sooner or later, that the_sidereal zodiac_(think of the "fixed circle" around the 'dial') .. has been "marked" (figuratively) at the ecliptic crossing-points of Nibiru .. again; on line-of-sight_from_Earth .. at .. 2.222222 .. (repeating 2s) .. degrees Pisces and @ 2.222222 .. (repeating 2s) degrees Virgo .. *irrespective* of Earth's (think of the 'movable dial') equinoxial (surface/horizon) points. I'm saying that as-of Circa 2000 A.D. on our current "consensus" calendar, our "dial" has *ticked* to those points .. aligning_with_our surface/horizon ("dial") equinoxial points. This is apparently quite intentional. This would be a prime example of "encoding" important information by way of the sidereal zodiac/ASM interaction. There is an equation, that I have noticed very recently .. that I think can describe some of the "Earth precession" parameter encoding involved, here. Please notice .. (3600 / 12.5) * 2.222222222 = 640. This is where; 3600 .. is the "ideal" number of Earth years for one orbital period of Nibiru (Z.Sitchin), and is_also_the Grid LAT of Galactic Center and of Galactic Anti-Center .. (Morton, 2000, 2001, "ASM", Internet) .. {{ 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) N/S of ecliptic .. = 3600 N/S of ecliptic }}. And, where; 12.5 .. is the_ratio_of SOLAR APEX to GALACTIC CENTER .. in terms of respective Grid POINT Values .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) .. = 12.5 .. (Morton, 2000, "ASM", Internet). And, where; 640 .. is the Grid LONG of POLARIS .. the_current_north pole star, in the Earth precession cycle .. (Morton, 1999, "ASM", Internet) .. 03(deg) * 53(min) * 4.025157233(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 640 E.ALNITAK. ---------------------------------- Using the calendar year of 2000 A.D. .. that is .. the_number_2000 .. (2000 / 12.5) = 160 .. the number of years from 2000 A.D. to 2160 A.D. .. apparently indicating a "marked" beginning for the Age of Aquarius .. and also apparently indicating and_'calibrating'_the "year 00 B.C./A.D." as .. "Zero Degrees ARIES" on the_sidereal_zodiac. It seems that the_true_sidereal zodiac can be a calendar-calibration tool, if you will, when compared with our equinoxial points .. which can also calibrate our_true_zodiacal Ages as precisely-referenced to the Earth-sky. Regarding the orbital path of Nibiru .. this would also appear to be "confirming" that Nibiru last crossed the ecliptic .. its perihelion phase .. again; on line-of-sight_from_Earth) .. as of "00 B.C./A.D." Getting back to POLARIS .. its Grid LAT is 13824 North of ecliptic .. = 66(deg) * 05(min) * 41.89090909(sec) North of ecliptic. POLARIS' Grid POINT Value .. (13824 / 640) = 21.6 .. (Morton, 1999, "ASM", Internet). Notice the decimal-harmonic, here, with the 21,600 nautical miles POLAR circumference of Earth. Again .. quite intentional, it would certainly appear. Using, again, the_number_2000 as referencing "2000 A.D." .. (21.6 * 2000) = 43200 = (2Pi * Earth's Polar Diameter). This is indicating the "length of the pole" .. Earth's pole .. by way of the "2Pi" constant .. which, itself, is encoded as the_ratio_of the perimeter of The Great Pyramid of Giza to its original Apex height. The_number_160 .. as in years from 2000 A.D. to 2160 A.D. .. is directly-related to the Bruce Cathie (see his book .."The Harmonic Conquest of Space") light-speed decimal-harmonic of 162 .. (160 * 162) = 25920 .. the "ideal" Earth precession cycle in years. Also .. (25920 / 21.6) = 1200 .. a reference to "12:00" .. 'true north' on a clock face. ---------------------------------------- Getting back to ALNITAK .. I think there is an "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" .. as I've written before, on The Internet .. of .. [72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3)]. (Morton, 2001, Internet). I see this as its ideal limit .. in "free space" .. free from the influence of a given gravity-well of a planet, for example. So .. its "ideal" inverse is .. 137.0778389 .. as differentiating from the current "clinical" (in-laboratory) reported value of .. 137.036 My GPV for ALNITAK is .. 43.63323131 .. (Morton, 1999, "ASM", Internet). Notice the following, please .. (137.0778389 / 43.63323131) = 3.141592654 .. the Pi constant .. and a relatively-precise rendering of Pi, at that. Is the "Fine Structure Constant" important ? Yes .. according to physicists. Is ALNITAK's precise Earth-sky sidereal zodiac location encoding, via the Pi constant, the "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" (inverse) ? And that would be in-addition-to ALNITAK's function as ecliptic prime meridian marker-star. ---------------------------------- Besides POLARIS .. there are at least 3 other "north-pole" stars in Earth's precession cycle .. VEGA, ALPHA DRACONIS, and GAMMA DRACONIS. Next .. is an equation .. actually, a few equations .. involving GPVs in the "ASM" .. that I think are very self-evidently significant .. (3.666929889 * 2.35619449) = 8.64 = (85788.15751 / 9929.184894) .. = 864000 * (10^-5) .. Where; 3.666929889 is GPV of Gamma Draconis, 2.35619449 is GPV of Center-Point of 'Circle of Churches' in the South of France, 85788.15751 is APEX Grid LAT of The Great Pyramid of Giza, 9929.184894 is APEX Grid LAT of The D&M Pyramid of Cydonia (on Mars), and 864000 is the "gematrian" number for the "ideal/mean" diameter of The Sun (Sol) in statute miles. I include the 2.35619449 Center-point of the 'Circle of Churches', here, because I think the 'Circle of Churches' is, in fact, a_representation_of .. Earth's precession circle. In-addition .. I think the location of the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau .. ON the 'Circle of Churches' .. is an encoded reference to POLARIS_on_Earth's precession circle. Further .. I think that the azimuth of the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau .. is_indicating_a particular "viewer- perspective" angle .. from "on-high" .. as if "looking-down" onto a "map" of the celestial sphere .. such that .. the "viewer" is "standing" 180 degrees across the sidereal zodiac_from_REGULUS .. with REGULUS at 'true north' direction (ecliptic longitude) on this celestial sphere "map". Drawing a straight line from the Center-point of the 'Circle of Churches' .. which is_also_the center-point of Earth's precession circle, keep in mind .. to the "Head" of "Le Serpent Rouge" (see D.Wood's book, "Genisis") .. this line passes through the_location_of ALPHA DRACONIS in the tail of Draco .. relative-to the location of POLARIS. Continuing with this series of equations .. (21.6 / 8.64) * (10 / Pi) = 7.957747155 .. Where; (10 / Pi) is the GPV of VEGA .. (Morton, 2000, "ASM", Internet) .. and where; 7.957747155 .. is the Orion Belt-Stars Composite .. = (ALNITAK * MINTAKA) / ALNILAM .. (Morton, 1999, "ASM", Internet) .. = (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 Continuing .. (1.181810286 / 7.957747155) = 14851.06606 * (10^-5) .. Where; 14851.06606 North .. = 51(deg) * 08(min) * 36.39967172(sec) North .. the Grid LAT_and_actual latitude_SHARED_by 2 major crop-formations in Hampshire, England .. near the Chilbolton Radio Observatory. These particular crop-formations are .. the year-2000 "Chilbolton" formation .. and, the year-2001 "Crop-Face" formation. These formations were one-year apart in their creation. (Morton, 2000, 2001, "ASM", Internet) .. And, where; 1.181810286 .. is the GPV of ALPHA DRACONIS .. (Morton, 1999, "ASM", Internet). Continuing .. with the GPV of "The Great Serpent Mound" in Ohio, USA .. (45Pi) .. (see the work of Ross Hamilton and Patricia Mason .. .. because they show very detailed, specific correlations of this famous mound to .. the Draco constellation .. which occupies the_center_of Earth's precession circle in the Earth-sky .. (45Pi) * 14851.06606 = 2099520 .. which is (10^2) times the Grid LAT of .. "Earthface" in Middletown, New York, USA .. an_analogue_of "THE FACE" on Mars .. (actually "Face One" @ Cydonia) .. 20995.2 North .. = 41(deg) * 24(min) * 21.33658537(sec) North. {Morton, 1998, Internet}. Guess what the Grid LONG of "Earthface" is .. if you can't recall it. (?) .. 25920 W.Giza .. referencing Earth's_precession_cycle "ideal" in years .. = 105(deg) * 31(min) * 7.963133641(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg 23 min 7.163133641 sec ]. And now .. guess what the Grid LONG of "Chilbolton 2000" crop-formation is .. if you can't recall it .. ? .. 25920 W.Giza .. again .. = 32(deg) * 34(min) * 23.82352941(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 26 min 23.02352941 sec ]. =========================== -- Michael Lawrence Morton 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.