The number "225" is the orbital period of VENUS in "Earth Days" ... in terms of its 'time length'. Venus orbits our Sun in 225 of our (Earth) Days.
Then, I realized the following ... using the redundantly-encoded number of "365.0200809" ... indicating an ancient orbital period in Days for Earth itself.
This is not to be confused with "today's" orbital period in Days ... of about ... "365.242" .... but it is evidently an ancient orbital period in Days that was (or maybe still is, "ideally") very important. One question is ... "when" in the ancient past was this "365.0200809 Days" the actual orbital period of Earth ? Or .. is it only an "ideal" value .... ? Something, maybe, to have as a 'goal' .. possibly never having been the actual case, yet ?
Notice this equation ... (365.0200809 / 225) = 1.622311471 ... this is the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) for "The Water Well" at the southwestern corner of what I call the "Miami Square". When this figure is multiplied by the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle (Morton, 1999) ... we get exactly .. 2Pi ... (1.622311471 X 3.872983346) = 6.283185307
My Grid POINT Value for The Miami Circle is ... the Square Root of "15" ... and 15 is the Square Root of 225.
Miguel wrote:
Very fascinating. Michael, allow me a seemingly digression... Now there's a point when sound waves become light waves and also when numbers become letters and "speak"
I515 is precisely the number of ISIS
then 1+5+1+5 = 12 = 12 planets
also 1+2 = 3 = ISIS/OSIRIS/HORUS number
15 x 15 = 225 = 2+2+5 = 9 = 9 central suns
Venus = Isis
So, not surprisingly, the Miami Circle is fractally resonant with ISIS. -Miguel Usodimare
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 2000
Copying and forwarding of this article is encouraged, provided the copyright is included. Thanks -- MLM.