Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 260

Re: Pleiades, Alnitak, more ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Re: Pleiades, Alnitak, more ..
Mon Feb 18 14:27:27 2002

In a message dated 02/17/2002 10:01:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, ancient_vizier@yahoo.com writes:

<< I was looking at some of your articles, I'm wondering
if there's an error in your Pleaides figures (messages
194 & 195


"Grid POINT Value .. (6912 / 5483.113557) = 

I get 6912 / 5483.113557 = 1.260597638

{{ Yeah .. looks like I made a mistake or typo, here.
I recall, when I was working on this "Pleiades" material ..
that I was really impressed by the following ratio ..
(7.92 / 2Pi) = 1.260507149 .. because I was exploring possible
correlations of the "Pleiades" thing with "Washington, D.C." stuff.
The "7.92" is the GPV for the centered-location of The Jefferson Memorial.
And that's (7.92) also a decimal-harmonic of the mean Earth diameter in
statute miles. Anyway .. I was really "impressed" by the 1.260507149
figure .. so it was on my mind a lot. 
BUT .. I really_like_what you've done, here, with the "1.263309363" ..
so .. I'm quite open to other possibilities for PLEIONE .. if that's the
actual star intended here, at least. (The Astrolog database simply
lists the item as "Pleiades"). }}

I'm not sure where the error is, but I'm wondering if
we're looking at 

6912 / (5400 / Pi^2) = 1.263309363

{{ I like that, a lot. Let's see .. if we change the "Pleiades 5483.113557" ..
to .. 5471.343918 .. then .. ( 6912 / 5471.343918) = 1.263309363 ..
yes .. I like that. Here's *another* reason I like it ..
(5400 * Pi^2) = 53295.86377 .. decimal-harmonic of the South Galactic
Node Grid LONG .. 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK ..
= 05(deg * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK.
By the way .. this E.ALNITAK ecliptic longitude is_aligned_with our
*June solstice* ecliptic longitude .. *precisely* .. as of 1998 .. less than 
4 years ago .. according to most astronomical observations. This
alignment .. in terms of *ecliptic longitudes* .. Galactic Nodes with our
solstices .. is due to *Earth's precession*. So .. we have a major
"marker" .. indicated, here .. a "benchmark". This correlates with the
general "year 2000 A.D." benchmark involving the "ASM", of course. }}

I'm thinking on that question of whether the cluster
of archaeological targets around the Ring of Brodgar
refer to Pleaides although I haven't checked to see if
the patterns actually match yet. Seems our CD drive is
out just when I was going to fire up Red Shift,
possibly something to do with the cable guys leaving
the cable modem installation unfinished... 

my Grid Point Brodgar 72 x 1.263309363 then / Pi^2 =
9.216, then / 8 = .576
72 / 1.263309363 = 562.5 / Pi^2
562.5 / 333.333333... = 1.6875 feet / Celtic Unit

{{ Yeah .. very good. }} 

I'm not sure if those are meaningful... I like these

Grid Point Sirius / 1.263309363 = 1.875 = 3.75 / 2
656.5612701 / 1.263309363 = Grid Point "Six Sided
Pyramid II", NY
656.5612701 x 1.263309363 = 8294.4

{{ Excellent. OK .. I now will say .. I want to change that
"Pleiades" figure to .. (5400 / Pi^2) .. as you suggest !! }}

Let's go with (IMO) .. your 1.263309363 for "Pleiades" (or, PLEIONE ?).
Well .. not sure if it's actually PLEIONE, I guess .. yet. }}

I also noticed you'd found some significance to that
(32 x 25920), for example 


"Recall the ratio between Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX and 
Jan.1, 2000 GALACTIC CENTER .. 
(35.53057584 / 2.842446068) = 12.5
(Morton, 2000, Internet).

(1036800 / 12.5) = 82944."

Anyway, the main reason I wanted to fire up Red Shift
is because I was hoping I could find ASM coordinates
for Jan 1 2000 that aren't on the Astrolog list you
use. I've been working with Alpha Draconis as the sole
reptilian ASM figure I know of, but there's a great
buildup in the Rennes literature that "Le Serpent
Rouge", related to the mysterious document of the same
name, refers to Ophiuchus, which I believe the >>

{{ I really think the 12.5 is a mainstay. Notice .. 12,500 .. is the
number of years from 10,500 B.C. .. "Zep Tepi" .. to .. 2000 A.D. ..
the main date/time correlation node for the "ASM". }}

I have GAMMA DRACONIS posted in a few places ... within the past 
6 months or so, at least. It's GPV .. I have as .. 3.666929889 ..
which .. (11.52 / Pi). I can't recall its Grid LAT & Grid LONG at the moment ..
but it's posted in a few places. 
GAMMA DRACONIS is in the "head" of Draco.
ALPHA DRACONIS is in Draco's tail section .. about midway in its tail.
"El Tanin" .. the_name_of the USA survey-ship that found the antenna on
the ocean-floor, southwest of the tip of South America .. is referencing GAMMA

Well .. as to the Astrolog database .. I have no idea if there are any other
databases around that have the "Fagan/Allen" (or, "Fagan/Bradley") ..
sidereal zodiac figures for stars and for Galactic Center and North Node.
But the key IS the sidereal zodiac_and_the ecliptic, and the ALNITAK
location as *THE* marker for ecliptic prime meridian.
It appears that the actual sidereal zodiac is BASED-on ALNITAK's 
sky location .. relative to the ecliptic, AS OBSERVED FROM EARTH ..
with Earth_as_the "observation point". So .. it would then be logical to
actually draw-up an "official" sidereal zodiac .. with the cusp of
Taurus/Gemini_precisely_matching the ALNITAK ecliptic meridian !! 
In fact .. I do think this should be done.

Currently .. in "Fagan/Bradley" (or "Fagan/Allen") .. ALNITAK is
03 min 10 sec West of that cusp .. a hair into Taurus.
I think this should be corrected. 

-- Michael L.M. 
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

