Matrix Message 261
And more, and more ..
Please recall .. the figure .. 1718.873385 .. = (540 * VEGA) = (5400 / Pi). The 540 is the GPV of "The Fortress" @ Cydonia. And "The Fortress" has a Grid LAT of .. 7878.73524 North .. = 41(deg) * 07(min) * 27.45203916(sec) North. You see the decimal-harmonic of the GPV of The White House, there, and the Volume of The Sphere. Recalling the (2/3rds Pi) decimal-harmonic, now .. you can see that .. 1718.873385 * (2.094395102) = 3600 .. not only the Grid LAT of Galactic Center_and_of Galactic Anti-Center .. but, also, the "ideal" orbital period of Nibiru .. in Earth years. There is a lot more, here, regarding VEGA. From year-2000 A.D. .. until VEGA once again is scheduled to be our (Earth's) north pole star .. will be .. about .. 11770 years. You can see the "nearness" of that to .. 11772.45771 .. a decimal-harmonic of the 11.77245771 and the 1.177245771, of course. Dividing by 72 .. ideal # of years per precession degree .. (11772.45771 / 72) = 163.5063571 Keep that figure in mind. If I use the Grid LONG of VEGA .. 180000 W.ALNITAK .. (180000 / 11772.45771) = (48.66934411 / VEGA GPV). Yes .. there's the radius of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, in regular feet. (Munck, 1993, "The Code"). VEGA is, as I've already written on The Internet .. apparently one of the two "perihelion marker-stars" for the orbital path of Nibiru .. as observed against the Earth-sky backdrop. VEGA's Grid LONG 'marks' the point in Nibiru's orbit, at which it literally appears, from Earth, to_begin_its descent, relative-to the north celestial pole. VEGA's ecliptic longitude is pretty-much "opposite" the ecliptic longitude of SIRIUS. This makes sense .. because SIRIUS has emerged in these studies (see work of Damon Elkins, also, when you can .. later-on) .. so you see Stonehenge's presence, of course. Stonehenge's Sarsen Circle_area_in regular square feet .. is a decimal-harmonic of the_ratio_between Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center .. 7441.506403 square regular feet. (Munck). If you look at the Astrolog database .. you'll find that VEGA and POLARIS are .. 163 deg 14 min 58 sec .. apart on the sidereal zodiac, if I've figured correctly .. "moving into the future" .. meaning the time from "now" .. from 2000 A.D. .. when VEGA will be the "north pole star" again. This is about 15 arc-minutes, roughly .. "off" the 163.5063571 degrees of precession "calculated', above, just using those 2 particular "ASM" figures. I think that's fairly remarkable !! Now .. (360 / 163.5063571) = 2.201749255 Ahhh !! That is fascinating, because (as Damon Elkins knows) .. 2.201749255 .. is what I call, the "Flying Serpents Composite" of Cydonia !! It's a composite ratio .. involving 3 "flying serpents" that Damon Elkins has discovered at Cydonia !! And .. these "flying serpents", according to Damon Elkins, are "marking" the orbital path of Nibiru .. in the .. "Cydonia/Giza/Earth-sky" overlay scenario .. also involving the 2 dates .. December solstice sunrise of 10,500 B.C. .. and; December solstice sunrise of 2012 A.D. .. both as-viewed-from Cairo, Egypt, Earth .. as per the "SkyGlobe" program that Damon Elkins has been using. I will, here, give these 3 "ASM" sets of values .. for these 3 "flying-serpents", as Damon calls them .. "South Flying Serpent" .. Grid LAT .. 40(deg) * 43(min) * 1.784791717(sec) North .. = 3069.841753 North .. = 311.04 * (Pi^2). Grid LONG .. 6.5656127(min) E.Cydonia. GPV .. (3069.841753 / 6.5656127) = 467.563637 {Morton, 2001, Internet; assist from Elkins}. "West Flying Serpent" .. Grid LAT .. 41(deg) * 03(min) * 10.53658537(sec) North .. = 1296 North .. identical to latitude of "The Tholus" and of "City Square Center". Grid LONG .. 47.74648293(min) W.Cydonia .. (150 / Pi) .. decimal-harmonic of .. Galactic Anti-Center GPV. GPV .. (1296 / 47.74648293) = 27.14336054 .. and something tells me Chronos has this tied to the Grid LONG of the_church_@Rennes-le-Chateau. (Morton, 2001, Internet; assist from Elkins}. "Middle Flying Serpent" .. Grid LAT .. 40(deg) * 50(min) * 51.0032808(sec) North .. = 102006.5616 North .. = "Old Man of The Mountain" GPV * (10^4) * (Pi^2). Grid LONG .. 17.69667291(min) W.Cydonia. GPV .. (102006.5616 / 17.69667291) = 5764.166073 .. identical numerical_match_to GPV of Chephren Pyramid of Giza, Earth. (Munck, 1993, "The Code"). {Morton, 2001, Internet; assist from Elkins}. "Flying Serpents Composite" of Cydonia .. (467.563637 * 27.14336054) / 5764.166073 .. = 2.201749258 Notice, please .. The figure 5764.166073 .. is divided-into the multiplied-product of the other components in this "composite". This is the_identical_figure used as the_divisor_in the "Giza Pyramids Composite" .. where .. (248.0502134 * 2261.946711) / 5764.166073 = 97.33868822 .. which is, in-turn, an identical numerical_match_of the diameter of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge in regular feet. (Munck). Recall .. that my "Orion Belt-stars Composite" is .. 7.957747155 .. = (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 (97.33868822 / 2.201749257 / 7.957747155) = 5.555555555 .. Now .. If I divide that figure into the year-2000 A.D. "time-node" of the "ASM" .. (2000 / 5.555555555) = 360 .. the number of equal segments into which our "conventional" circumference is divided. And, of course .. 360 is exactly one power-of-10 less than the "ideal" number of Earth years for the orbital period of Nibiru. (Sitchin). And .. 3600 is_also_the Grid LAT of both Galactic Center and of Galactic Anti-Center. ----------------------------------------------------- Now .. comparing the GPVs of SIRIUS and VEGA .. (2.368705056 / 3.183098862) = 7.441506403 / 10 .. = (SIRIUS * Pi) / 10 .. = (Galactic Center / Galactic Anti-Center / 10). Recall, from earlier in this article .. the figure .. 11772.45771 .. and; the 7441.506403 square-feet area of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge (Munck). (11772.45771 / 7441.506403) .. = [(10^2) / (Pi^4)] * 1.54101111 .. where .. 1.54101111 .. is the GPV found by "Chronos", for the_Center_of the 'Circle of Churches' in the South of France. If I now look at the "ASM" length of the Solar year, in terms of Days .. as found by Munck .. (365.0200809 / 1.54101111) = SIRIUS * (10^2) .. = VEGA * (Galactic Center / Galactic Anti-Center) * 10. If you now think of 236.8705056 .. as a "GPV" .. on the_south_slope of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. aligned longitudinally with the prime "ASM" meridian on Earth's surface .. you can compare it with the GPV of The Great Pyramid, itself .. (Munck) .. which is on the_north_slope .. (248.0502134 / 236.8705056) = (Pi / 3). Notice, also, please .. 2.480502134 .. is the GPV of the "Eltanin Antenna" on the ocean-floor .. 13,500 regular feet below the surface .. southwest of the tip of South America. (See page 12 of the book by Bruce Cathie; "The Harmonic Conquest of Space"). This is an actual "marker" .. and I am more and more convinced of this. It could also be an actual "antenna", as well. But .. as a "marker" .. in terms of the latitude/longitude that I've figured for it .. in terms of the "ASM", it obviously_fits_perfectly with the figures you have just_seen_in this article. The Grid LONG of this "marker" on the ocean-floor .. is .. 23687.05056 W.Giza .. = 136(deg) * 07(min) * 24.88135563(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 104 deg 59 min 24.08135563 sec ]. Its Grid LAT .. 59(deg) * 09(min) * 17.98360939(sec) South .. = 9549.296586 South .. (30000 / Pi). GPV .. (23687.05056 / 9549.296586) = 2.480502134 24805.02134 .. is the Grid LONG of .. SIRIUS, itself !!! (Morton, 1999, Internet). And SIRIUS has now emerged as the "aphelion marker-star" .. for the orbital path of Nibiru .. as literally observed against the Earth-sky backdrop. There can be no_reasonable_doubt, now .. considering what the Archaeo-sky Matix has revealed over the last few years .. that the "Eltanin Antenna" is a_marker_in the "ASM" .. and it is precisely correlated with the major "ASM" parameters involving Galactic Center, Galactic Anti-Center, the Galactic Nodes, and also very obviously connected with the sky-location of SIRIUS, as well as with the precisely-centered location of The Great Pyramid of Giza. And; inextricably involved in this scenario .. is the encoded path of Nibiru .. its orbital path .. as seen against the Earth-sky. -- Michael Lawrence Morton 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.