Matrix Message 263
"Ideal e", Nibiru Path, and Sidereal Zodiac
Michael Lawrence Morton "Ideal e", Nibiru Path, and Sidereal Zodiac Mon Feb 25 05:02:55 2002Hello, All .. This is in response to Ancient Vizier's post (below). I refer you to his mention of the "Ideal e" value I have proposed on The Internet .. 2.718263905 .. {Morton, 2001}. The "7" seems to relate quite intriguingly to this "Ideal e" value .. as well as does the Pi constant raised to the 7th power. (Pi^7) = 3020.293228 .. to 6 decimal places, that is. (3020.293228 / 2.718263905) = 1111.111111 .. repeating 1s. Yes .. the "repeating 1s" is_in_the "ASM" as a decimal-harmonic. This is displayed by the Grid POINT Value (GPV) of "Tholus II" .. {Morton, 1998, Internet} .. (35200 / 31680) = 1.111111111 .. where; 31680 North .. = 41(deg) * 29(min) * 26.64423886(sec) North .. and, where; 35200 W.Giza .. = 105(deg) * 14(min) * 23.94557823(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg 06 min 23.14557823 sec ]. This "Tholus II" .. is located in the Hudson River Valley in New York (State), USA .. just to the south of the runways at Stewart Airport/Air Base. It was discovered by Bruce Cornet, Ph.D., geologist, paleontologist, and palynologist. I found its "ASM" values in the Spring of 1998, using Dr. Cornet's website (at the time) and the USGS 7.5-min Quad topographical map (scale 1 : 24000). Please notice .. 1111.111111 = (9 * (10^2) * 1.234567901) .. where; 1.234567901 = (1.111111111)^2 .. = GPV of "Earthface" .. @ Middletown, New York State, USA, again; discovered by Dr. Cornet .. and, again; "ASM" values were found by me in Spring of 1998. This is apparently a close analogue of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia on Mars .. just as "Tholus II" appears to be a close analogue of "The Tholus" (R.C. Hoagland) @ Cydonia on Mars. Notice, now .. the relationship to the "7-Pointed-Star" crop-formation .. of the year-2000 season in England .. in the following equations .. My GPV for this crop-formation .. which I have posted at the website of Paul Vigay ( .. is .. 10.75051148 .. this is on-the-record, at that website. This_was_a depiction of a 7-pointed star .. well-executed, as seen from an aerial view. My personal thoughts regarding this .. are that it could be a symbolic depiction of "Nibiru" .. a small brown-dwarf with 7 "planetoids" orbiting it .. a_compact_system that would actually_not_have trouble "fitting" between Mars and Jupiter every 3600 Earth-years .. its ideal orbital period, as Z.Sitchin has escribed in his work. Note .. 1111.111111 = (3600 / 4) * 1.234567901 My Grid LONG for the year-2000 "7-Pointed-Star" crop-formation (UK) is .. 86400 North .. = 32(deg) * 56(min) * 48.21428571(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 48 min 47.41428571 sec ]. Please notice .. the precise_decimal-fractional_number of arc-seconds in the W.Giza longitude, here. Notice how that figure *resonates* with .. the number *7* .. (7 * 48.21428571) = 337.5 .. a decimal-harmonic of the Cube of .. 15 .. (15^3) = 3375. 7 * 15 = 105 .. as in "105 degrees W.Giza" .. ?? .. the "vicinity" in terms of W.Giza longitude .. where the aforementioned "Cydonian Analogues" are located .. at around the 41 (deg) North latitude area ? I think so. My Grid LAT for the "7-Pointed-Star" crop-formation (UK, 2000) is .. 8036.826916 North .. = 51(deg) * 24(min) * 6.566035062(sec) North .. = 259.2 * (Pi^3) .. = ("The Tholus") * MINTAKA. Yes .. amazingly .. 259.2 is the_GPV_of "The Tholus" @ Cydonia on Mars .. (1296 / 5) = 259.2 .. where; 1296 North .. = 41(deg) * 03(min) * 10.53658537(sec) North .. and, where; 5 E.Cydonia .. = 01(deg) * 05(min) E.Cydonia. {Morton, 2000, Internet}. Thus .. the GPV for the "7-Pointed-Star" crop-formation .. (86400 / 8036.826916) = 10.75051148 The 86400 is "Solar-related" .. 1/10th of the classic "gematria-like" 'mean' diameter of Sol in statute miles .. 864000. I think Nibiru is probably a "failed" companion-star to Sol .. albeit apparently a quite-small brown-dwarf system. (No pejorative intended, there). [ See website of Andy Lloyd .. .. who has written about the possibility of "7 planetoids" orbiting a small brown-dwarf .. and who has turned-up some interesting ancient "darkstar" motifs, as well. I do want to point-out, though, that Andy disagrees with the perihelion/aphelion scenario that Damon Elkins and I are 'seeing' for Nibiru ]. I also want to mention 2 other UK crop-formations, here, which I've covered in the past on The Internet .. the 'Crop-face" formation of August of 2001, in England near the Chilbolton Radio Observatory .. and the "Chilbolton 2000" crop-formation of a year prior .. at the exact same latitude as the "Crop-face" formation. My GPV for "Crop-face" .. 2.117519841 .. on-the-record. My GPV for "Chilbolton 2000" .. 1.745329252 .. on-the-record. Notice, now .. how the "Tholus II" GPV makes itself known .. when the_ratio_of the GPVs of the "Eltanin Antenna" and its "northern reciprocal" location {Morton, 2001, Internet} are figured into this equation .. (2.117510841 * 1.745329252) = (3.326178251 * 1.111111111). [ The "Eltanin Antenna" GPV is 2.480502134 .. and its "northern reciprocal" node is .. 8.25059225 ]. { See page 12 .. "The Harmonic Conquest of Space", by Bruce Cathie }. I already showed, earlier in this piece .. how 1111.111111 resonates simultaneously with the "Ideal e" value, with (Pi^7), with "Earthface", and with 1/4th of the (ideal) orbital period of Nibiru in Earth years. Notice what 'appears' .. when I compare 1111.111111 with the GPV of the "7-Pointed-Star" crop-formation .. (1111.111111 / 10.75051148) = 1.033542556 * (10^2). The "Old Man" !! And it's so good to see him here. And I can't 'leave this post' .. without acknowledging E.A./EN.KI. .. and his Sumerian ("pantheon") Rank Number of 40. If I divide his number into the ideal Nibiru orbital period .. (3600 / 40) = 90 .. the numerical value of the "right angle" in the 360 degrees system. This is a reference to "Half-Pi Radians(arc)" .. 1/4th of a circumference .. the angle. This (1/4th) is also, then, a reference to the Rank Number of his arch political rival .. his half-brother .. EN.LIL. .. who held the title of "Kingship on Earth" .. (12.5 * 4) = 50 .. where; 12.5 is the_ratio_of Galactic Center to Solar Apex in the "ASM" .. {Morton, 2000, Internet} .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) = 12.5 .. and, where; 3600 is the Grid LAT of Galactic Center and of Galactic Anti-Center .. = 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) .. south of ecliptic for Galactic Center .. and north of ecliptic for Galactic Anti-Center. "Solar Apex" is also called .. the North Galactic Node. The South Galactic Node .. Grid LONG .. 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK .. = 540 * (Pi^2). Grid LAT .. 53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) South of ecliptic .. = 37207.53202 South of ecliptic .. {Morton, 2002, Internet} .. = "ASM" format for base slope-angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. = 51(deg) * 51(min) * 14.30508728(sec) .. {Munck, 1993, "The Code"}. GPV .. (37207.53202 / 5329.586377) = 6.981317008 .. {Morton, 2002}. Notice, please .. as I go to the 9th power of Pi .. (Pi^9) / 2.718263905 = 6.981317008 * (Pi/2) * (10^3). This involves the "Half-Pi" .. which is a reference to "Half-Pi Radians(arc)" or the "right angle" .. which can actually be "defined", in astronomical terms, by .. "Solar Apex" .. the sky-location for "where" Sol 'will be' .. projected .. as a line-of-sight spot in the Earth-sky .. 1/4th of a galactic-rotation from "now" .. or .. approximately 1/4th of 225,000,000 Earth-years from now .. which is actually speaking, here, of the_North_Galactic Node. The number 50 .. is also the number of arc-degrees of Earth precession .. between_passages_of Nibiru, apparently. (3600 / 72) = 50 .. where 72 years is the ideal/mean number of Earth years for one arc-degree of Earth precession. [Half-Pi * (10^4)] is the Grid LAT of ALNITAK .. and is also the multiplied-product of the "Sphinx Riddle" stars .. (Aldebaran * Regulus * Antares * Fomalhaut) .. = (8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) .. = 15707.96327 .. = ALNITAK Grid LAT .. = 25(deg) * 17(min) * 36.95991358(sec) South of ecliptic. { Morton, 1999, 2001}. Please notice, now .. how the GPV of ALNILAM .. the "middle" Orion belt-star .. is revealed .. using Pi to the 12th power .. along with the "Ideal e" value, and also, the *year-2000* time-node of this "ASM" .. (Pi^12) / 2.718263905 = 170.010936 * 2000. Recall, please .. the 12.5 ratio of Galactic Center to North Galactic Node. 12.5 is a decimal-harmonic of .. the_12,500_Earth years .. between .. 10,500 B.C and 2000 A.D. Notice, also .. 111.1111111 .. is a figure discussed by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, in the book, "The Message of The Sphinx". This figure is referencing 8000 Earth years of "ideal" Earth precession at 72 years per degree of precession. I have noticed .. from the work of Damon Elkins, a research associate, that Nibiru's orbital path appears to cross the Solar ecliptic .. on *line-of-sight* from Earth .. a little more than 2 degrees "into" Pisces and "into" Virgo .. on the_sidereal_zodiac. I have predicted, on The Internet .. very recently .. that it will be found that Nibiru crosses the Solar ecliptic .. on *line-of-sight* from Earth, that is .. at 2.22222222 .. repeating 2s .. degrees Pisces, on its ascent just prior to perihelion .. and, at 2.22222222 .. repeating 2s .. degrees Virgo .. on its descent just after perihelion. {{ Sidereal zodiac .. NOT tropical zodiac !! }}. Please notice .. (50 * 2.222222222) = 111.1111111 .. arc-degrees of "ideal" Earth precession .. from 10,500 B.C to 2500 B.C. .. as discussed in the aforementioned book by Hancock and Bauval .. 8000 years. I also predict that it will be realized .. (hopefully, before too long) .. by a "critical mass" of Earth humans .. that our "calendar calibration" is being "indicated" .. albeit in this "ASM encoding" .. with the Nibiru orbital path as an integral parameter in this encoding. I predict that it will be realized .. again; hopefully, before too long .. by some "critical mass" of Earth humans .. that "Zero Degrees Aries" on the_sidereal_zodiac .. was, in fact, at 00 B.C./A.D. .. the_cusp_of Pisces/Aries .. and; that the year 2160 A.D. will mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius .. "officially" .. and will also mark "Zero Degrees Pisces" on the_sidereal_zodiac .. the true cusp of Aquarius/Pisces. And it will be known that the most recent passage of Nibiru happened in 00 B.C./A.D. .. as it will be known that 3600 A.D. is the next scheduled passage (perihelion) of Nibiru. It will be known that the year 2000 A.D. is the time-node of "alignment-awareness" .. of the ASM. As of 2000 A.D. .. our solstices are_longitudinally_aligned .. in relation to the Solar ecliptic .. with the Galactic Nodes. And_also_as of 2000 A.D. .. our equinoxes are_aligned_in relation to the Solar ecliptic .. with the ecliptic-crossing-points of Nibiru .. at 2.222222222 degrees Pisces and Virgo in the_sidereal_zodiac .. on *line-of-sight* from Earth. (2000 / 2.222222222) = (3600 / 4) = (1111.111111 / 1.234567901). The "Planet of Crossing" .. Nibiru .. the "Darkstar" companion of Sol. --- Michael Lawrence Morton In a message dated 02/24/2002 1:54:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: --- wrote: > Leahy uses Alexander Thom's measure of the > Megalithic Yard as 2.722 English > feet. (I will leave aside the very tantalizing > prospect that this number is > so close to the base e of natural logarithms > e=2.71828... (Actually I > believe Jerry Iuliano will have something to say > about that correspondence) I find Erol Torun's e' approximation to be linked directly to the Munck Megalithic Yard of 2.719715671 (feet). The point of the Munck MY is that it is amongst numbers very clearly indicated in the design of Stonehenge, and then this precise figure squared, using the deg x sec x minutes, is the Grid Point or other Grid Value of various monuments, including three small pyramids at Giza all aligned on precisely that longitude. The ancients seem to have been fond of the reciprocal of this exact figure also. It is a serious mathematical constant in its own right, and again, it is repeatedly indicated by the Pyramid Matrix. This is in general that there seem to be small constants which link Matrix figures to sqrts like 2, 3, 5 & 6 precisely, which can also be generated through other Matrix calculations. Torun e' = (sqrt .75 x Pi) (sqrt .75 x Pi) 2.719715671 / 2.719715671 = sqrt 1.00072327 1.00072327 = Pi / (60 / Pi^3) 1.00072327 is a Giza constant [Munck] and is frequently found bridging desirable synonyms of Matrix constants as itself, its square, its square root, as are the other "Gremlins"... (you will pardon please that I am chronically slighly error prone... most often it's only typographical...) Including that (e'/sq rt 5) x 2 = 2.43346721 which is the Munck Grid Point for Stonehenge which I am also presently meditating on as the possible true and intended Roman Pace, since I had already started working with a possible Remen which is exactly 1/2 of that. It measures the Great Pyramid nicely, this possible Remen, provided you have faith in the logic of Munck's measurements in feet. Strangely enough, the possible true and intended Elle I came up with seems to do that even more nicely, which Elle was generated from the proposed sqrt relationships as sent by Sharon, and Pyramid Matrix "Gremlins". Naturally it won't be possible to keep ALL of the world's esoteric reasearchers perfectly happy, but I'm trying... :-) Underequipped as I am... And I am stretching... this "Gremlin" thing starts with Munck but much of it is my own doing (I christened Gremlins 2-4 personally somehow), and I cannot tell you what exactly a Gremlin is or is not. Is the difference between Phi and sqrt (30 Pi / 36) one of these "Gremlins"? I am hoping it is, because the underlying theme here is that the Pyramid Matrix for the most part shows PRECISE figures one way or the other, NOT approximations... I would throw that approximation of Phi right out the window, close as it is, unless there is an "adaptor" for it which is a known constant in its own right... I have more to learn about when concessions would have to made because only so much correspondence between various figures is humanly possible... I also wonder if others have more to learn about some of what it possible, though... and I am even considering now whether the sides of the Great Pyramid might be not perfectly straight due to the wish to encode a constant, the perils of this Pythagoras, and a sheer distaste for any avoidable approximations. "When is the message *worth* an unavoidable approximation?", I guess is the question... Also since Bornholm was mentioned, case in point that without certain insights it may be hard to see what might be "true and intended". Henry Lincoln missed this sublime equation 365.020081 / 225 = 1.62231147 I'm sure, because in his very similar equation he is looking for Phi proper, willing to settle for approximations, and thereby passed right over several constants of considerable importance. (365.020081 / (sqrt 225 x 10) = 2.433647205, to give you an example, cf. Stonehenge Grid Point & possible Remen and Pace ... 18 / 2.433647205 = Munck Megalithic Yard of 2.719715671; 1.5 x 1.62231147 = 2.433647205 & etc & etc... quite a dossier those Stonehenge numbers have actually)... I rather think that very probably Michael Morton's "Ideal e" figure of 2.718263095 deserves more attention than it's gotten from me and others... But if e "proper" can be linked to the Meg Yard, precisely, on the Pyramid Matrix's own terms, I'd love to know about that one, dearly. The Matrix *is* there, it is one fine engine of discovery... Cheers, Chronos (c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.