Matrix Message 271
New GPV & Grid LONG for N.A.S.E. Face
Michael Lawrence Morton New GPV & Grid LONG for NASE ? Thu Mar 21 07:38:50 2002 {{Chronos wrote: N.A.S.E. Face & Reflecting Pool in D. C. Mon Mar 18 20:05:44 2002 National Academy of Sciences & Engineering- A "Face"... ? The is the building which the "Einstein Zodiac Fountain" is situated next to, on the same block. The "Einstein Zodiac" is pointed out by David Ovason as one of "The Secret Zodiacs of Washington, D. C." in his book of that title. Thanks to aerial photographs of D. C. provided by "Bullitt", it is observed that the NASE building itself resembles a stylized geometric Face, as does the massive Mexican Cholula Pyramid as observed by Carl Munck. The D. C. "Matrix" seems to be saturated with decimal harmonics of, and references to, the 13.15947254 Grid Point of the Cholula Pyramid [C. P. Munck]. Munck has demonstrated that the Cholula Pyramid also behaves mathematically in the Pyramid Matrix as if it were portraiture... a "Face monument", belonging to a cross-referenced family of same. The orientation of the proposed "N.A.S.E. Face" is reversed, upright to the S on a N/S axis, the same as the Washington Pentacle... (graphics illustrating this are hopefully forthcoming)... My suggested figures developed from the initial map readings: 38* 53' 35.1" N = 70691.4 77* 02' 52.5 W 108* 10' 53.3" W Giza = 57564 70691.4 / 57564 = 1.22804878...}} -------------------------- Michael Lawrence Morton New GPV & Grid LONG for NASE ? Thu Mar 21 07:38:50 2002 I now have another really good possibility, IMO .. for the GPV of the N.A.S.E. Building .. 1.23370055 And using my 71061.15169 suggested Grid LAT, (71061.15169 / 1.23370055) = 57600 .. 10 times the 5760 "Hebrew year" of 2000 A.D. So; 57600 would be the Grid LONG .. = 108(deg) * 10(min) * 53.33333333(sec) W.Giza. And notice the resonance with REGULUS .. (19.7392088 / 1.23370055) = 16 .. sweet 16 .. which is the ratio of (57600 / 3600). NOW .. watch this .. Meridiani (1.2) * Earthface (1.234567901) .. * NASE (1.23370055) = 1.827704519 .. which is the arc-seconds "tag" on the W.Giza Grid LONG of The U.S. Naval Observatory !! Where .. 2368.705056 W.Giza .. = 108(deg) * 12(min) * 1.827704519(sec) W.Giza. This is where 2368.705056 is a decimal-harmonic of the GPV of SIRIUS. Come to think of it .. why would "they" have "EARTHFACE" and NASE with "identical" GPVs ? That's not leaving either of them with any "distinction" commensurate with their individual greatness. So .. I vote for this .. 1.23370055 for NASE FACE. With 57600 Grid LONG and 71061.15169 N. Grid LAT. -- Michael -------------------------- Chronos That has possibilities... Thu Mar 21 18:50:14 2002 Including 5760 / 4 (4 facial features?) = 1440 a significant multiplier in the Matrix Values for both the Cydonia Face Grid Lat 4523.893421 = 1440 x Pi and the Adams County Ohio Serpent Mound Grid Lat 1421.223034 = 144 x Pi^2 Aaaaaannnnnnnddddd... 4532.893421 / 1.23370055 = 3666.929889 decimal harmonic Grid Point Gamma Draconis... I'll double check the coords but I'd not be surprised at all if that really is it. Good one! Cheers, Chronos(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.