Matrix Message 275
Great Sphinx, Rosslyn Chapel, & "Face Two"
From: Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 16:31:32 EST Subject: Great Sphinx, Rosslyn Chapel, & "Face Two" Yes .. these 3 sites/structures (named above) are very precisely inter-related and correlated .. via the ASM. "Face Two" is at Cydonia on Mars .. to the West of the "City Square" area. And, yes; "Face Two" is very precisely related to "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia, via the ASM. Thank-you, again, "Mark the Webmeister" .. wherever you may now be. It was Mark .. "Webby" .. who was always harping about "FACE TWO". He was like a lone voice, crying in the wilderness, on this subject .. on The Internet. And it wasn't until Damon Elkins assisted me with some good images on his (Damon's) computer .. that I was able to actually_see_some face-like characteristics_on_"FACE TWO" @ Cydonia .. when I met with Damon during early September of 2001. That's when I found that "FACE TWO" has a Grid POINT Value (GPV) in the ASM of .. *exactly* .. 1/4th of the "FACE ONE" Grid POINT Value .. (656.56127 / 164.1403175) = 4. The ASM, itself, is based on circle/sphere geometry_and_on specific, precise metrology as well. This includes a very, very consistently-redundant self-reference to_360_equal segments ("arc-degrees") on a given circumference_and_on sub- divisions of_each_of those 360 equal arc-segments .. into .. 60 equal "arc-minutes"_and_a further sub-division of each of those arc-minutes into .. 60 equal "arc-seconds". This has been_confirmed_for years, now, by empirical observations. Yes .. this system is_extremely_ancient. Not only is this system *extremely* ancient .. it also consistently-and-redundantly *self-references* to Pi_and_also to the_numerical_value of (360 / 2Pi) .. which_is_57.29577951 arc-degrees .. which is the_value_of The Radian Arc Constant in the_360_system. Of course .. this particular_numerical_value is a_*function*_of 360 equal segments on a circumference. All logic_and_common-sense now points in the direction of the Anunnaki (Z.Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", etc.) as those who handed-down this system to us. This is_clearly_the conclusion indicated by a_large_amount of high-quality evidence. And I do emphasize that the "Anunnaki" are apparently PEOPLE .. you know .. essentially "like us" .. you know .. like .. "humans". We are descendants of them. I think calling the Anunnaki "aliens" is degrading to "us" Earth humans, as well as degrading to "them". ASM Values for "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia on Mars .. Grid LAT .. 41(deg) * 03(min) * 43.90243902(sec) North .. = 5400 North .. identical to the_GPV_of The Great Sphinx of Giza. Grid LONG .. 32.89868134(min) W.Cydonia .. actual longitude west of ASM prime meridian. GPV .. (5400 / 32.89868134) = 164.1403175 .. exactly 1/4th of the GPV of .. "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia .. (656.56127 / 164.1403175) = 4. The longitude of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia .. east of the ASM prime meridian, is .. 6.890283706(min) E.Cydonia {Munck, 1993, "The Code", self-published,}. Notice, please .. the_ratio_of the longitudes of "FACE ONE" and "FACE TWO" .. (32.89868134 / 6.890283706) = 4.774648293 = (15 / Pi) .. *identical* to the GPV of .. Galactic Anti-Center in the ASM {Morton, 2001, Internet}. This "Galactic Anti-Center" sky-location is 'as-observed-from-Earth', of course. Its Grid LAT is identical to (numerically) the Grid LAT of Galactic Center .. 3600 = 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) .. and Galactic Anti-Center is North of the ecliptic (as viewed from Earth, of course), whereas Galactic Center is South of the ecliptic. {Notice that this Grid LAT figure is identical to the "ideal" number of Earth-years for the orbital period of "Nibiru" (Z.Sitchin). Also .. please notice that 3600 is a decimal-harmonic of .. 360. Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland .. Grid LAT .. 55(deg) * 51(min) * 19.29274927(sec) North .. = 54116.16169 North .. a precise decimal-harmonic of the GPV of .. The Washington Monument, in D.C. {Morton, 1998, 2000, Internet}. Grid LONG .. 34(deg) * 17(min) * 32.18644638(sec) W.Giza .. = 18603.76601 W.Giza .. exactly 1/2 of the Grid LAT of Solar Apex in the ASM (2000 A.D.) .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}. [ W.Greenwich .. 03 deg 09 min 31.38644638 sec ]. GPV .. (54116.16169 / 18603.76601) = 2.908882087 The Great Sphinx of Giza .. Grid LAT .. 29(deg) * 58(min) * 37.79504853(sec) North .. = 63571.27163 North .. (Square Root of 375) * [(360 / 2Pi)^2] Grid LONG .. 11.77245771(sec) E.Giza .. actual longitude east of ASM prime meridian. GPV .. (63571.27163 / 11.77245771) = 5400. Please note .. 5400 is exactly_1/4th_of the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles. Half-Pi .. 1.570796327 .. is exactly_1/4th_of a full-circle of_2Pi_Radians(arc). The polar_radius_of Earth is .. 3437.746771 nautical miles. (5400 / 3437.746771) = 1.570796327 .. half-Pi. The "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Composite .. {Morton, 2001, Internet} .. as decoded from the ASM .. reveals the following_equation_among the 4 "entities" involved in the 'riddle' .. the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle (a "transformed" Scorpion), and Humankind .. as represented by the 4 stars .. ALDEBARAN, REGULUS, ANTARES, and FOMALHAUT .. (8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) = 15707.96327 Please notice .. that 15707.96327 .. is a precise decimal-harmonic of .. *half-Pi* .. as noted above. This involves the "Riddle of the Sphinx" .. which, in-turn, has a GPV of 5400 .. which is_1/4th_of the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles. There are_4_"entities" in the 'riddle'. These 4 "entities", in terms of the_GPVs_of these 4 stars .. multiply together to a precise_MATCH_of .. the multiplied-product of .. The Great Sphinx and Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland .. (5400 * 2.908882087) = 15707.96327 This figure .. 15707.96327 .. a decimal-harmonic of half-Pi, is_also_the Grid LAT of .. ALNITAK in the belt of Orion .. and ALNITAK, in-turn, is the *ecliptic* prime meridian "marker-star" for the ASM itself. ALNITAK, in the belt of Orion, is a celestial analogue .. in terms of locational depiction ..of .. The Great Pyramid of Giza .. as per Robert Bauval's discovery. Both ALNITAK and The Great Pyramid are prime meridian "markers" in the ASM .. and hence they both carry the designation of_"360"_as their Grid LONG. ALNITAK's GPV .. as of 2000 A.D. .. (15707.96327 / 360) = 43.63323131 .. which, in-turn .. is .. (2.908882087 * 15). This is the multiplied-product of the GPV of Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland_and_the number 15. In-turn, the number 15 .. is .. (35.53057584 / 2.368705056) .. where; 35.53057584 is the GPV of Galactic Center @ 2000 A.D. in the ASM, and where; 2.368705056 is the GPV of .. SIRIUS @ 2000 A.D. in the ASM {Morton, 1999, 2001, Internet}. The number 15 is also .. *1/4th* of .. a "clock-face" rotation, in "our" time-keeping. And .. for that matter .. 'we' use the word "face" .. for the surface of a time-piece, just as we use "face" in connection with "sides of a pyramid" .. or the 'facades' of a building, etc. (Interesting, in itself). What is the_numerical_value of a full clock-face rotation ? 60 .. as in .. 60 time-minutes, and/or as in .. 60 time-seconds. (60 * 60) = 3600 .. identical to the Grid LAT of Galactic Center and of Galactic Anti-Center (2000 A.D.). AND .. identical to the "ideal" number of Earth-years in the orbital-period of "Nibiru" (Z.Sitchin). Please note .. 60 = (2.908882087 * 20.62648063) .. where; 20.62648063 is my proposed {Morton, 1998, Internet} true-and-intended_length_for The Royal Cubit in terms of_regular_("British") inches .. *NOT* "pyramid inches", by the way. This is equivalent, in my proposal, to .. 1.718873386_regular_("British") feet. We're talking precise metrology, here, of course .. and BASED on_360_equal segments of arc on a "given" circumference .. as reflected in this standard math formula for calculating the Surface Area on a Hemisphere .. 2Pi * (radius^2) = 2Pi * (57.29577951)^2 = 20626.48063 Square arc-degrees. And_there_you see a precise decimal-harmonic of .. 20.62648063 .. in-turn; the_evidently_true-and-intended length for The Royal Cubit in regular inches. I think the "Anunnaki" may be_related_to the "beings" who apparently used the ASM_"template"_to "design" (and to "refine") our Solar System. I don't think the Anunnaki designed our Solar System, but I think they were charged with "maintaining it", at least. And "we" (Earth-humans) are very-much related (literally) to the Anunnaki .. so .. this means, apparently .. that "we" are very much "related" to the_beings_who used the ASM as a template to design and create our Solar System. As far as who "created' the ASM .. that's like speculating on "who" created The All That Is. "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia and The Great Sphinx of Giza are both very precisely "related" to .. the GPV of .. "The D&M Pyramid" of Cydonia .. (32.89868134 / 11.77245771) = 27.58106915 / (Pi^2) .. where; 27.58106915 is the GPV of "D&M Pyramid" @ Cydonia on Mars {Munck, 1993} .. and, where the (Square of Pi) figures-in. The "D&M Pyramid" is the prime meridian_"marker"_in the ASM .. on the surface of Mars, as Munck discovered. Even Earth's main obliquity cycle is "figured-in" to the ASM. The mean_annual_angular 'movement' of Earth's main obliquity cycle .. "roughly"-speaking .. is .. 0.6 arc-seconds. Please note .. (656.56127 / 0.6) = (3437.746771 / Pi) .. where; 3437.746771 is the_exact_polar radius of Earth itself .. in terms of nautical miles (see earlier in this email post). { 656.56127 is GPV of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia }. And please notice the following .. (3437.746771 / 1.718873386) = 2000 .. as in 2000 A.D. .. the "time-node" involved in the entire "sky-portion" of the ASM correlations with the "ground-locations" .. on both Earth and Mars. [ Again; 1.718873386 .. is the (apparently) true-and-intended length for the Royal Cubit in terms of_regular_("British") feet .. {Morton, 1998, Internet} ]. There's this ratio I discovered, that I refer to as .. the "Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio" .. which is the multiplied-product of the GPVs of ALNITAK & MINTAKA, then_divided-by_the GPV of ALNILAM .. (2000 A.D.) .. (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.109036 = 7.957747155 If you divide_that_figure .. into the GPV of Galactic Anti-Center .. and please recall that figure from earlier in this article, if you will .. (4.774648293 / 7.957747155) = 0.6 .. and there you get the Earth obliquity figure again. If you divide the "Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio" into the ratio of .. (Galactic Center / Solar Apex) .. which is (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) .. or .. 12.5 .. you_then_get .. (12.5 / 7.957747155) = 1.570796327 .. half-Pi. Remember half-Pi .. from way-back, earlier, in this article ? I hope so. NOW .. in-closing this installment .. I present you with .. the RATIO of the polar circumferences of Earth and Mars .. "apparently designed" .. with .. "recognition in mind" .. though their units aren't "one-of-a-kind" .. (21600 / 13159.47253) = 1.641403175 = (656.56127 / 400) .. where; 400 is the ratio of the mean diameters of Sol and The Moon .. as in .. (864000 / 2160) = 400 .. bringing to mind the Total Solar Eclipse .. during-which the observer on Earth (shielding his/her eyes appropriately) sees the "disk" of The Moon *apparently* EXACTLY COVER the Solar disk. What a metaphor for a comparison of their mean diameters, eh ?!! Please recognize .. that .. 1.641403175 .. is a decimal-harmonic of .. "FACE TWO" (its GPV on Mars @ Cydonia). Also .. (4.774648293 / 2.908882087) = 1.641403175, as well. I hope you've enjoyed this impromptu installment of .. "learning your ASM". Until next time .. take care .. and study well .. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.