Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 285

3 Eagles and a Peacock

3 Eagles and a Peacock 
Sun Apr 14 16:56:05 2002

Wed, 10 Apr 2002 05:30:48 EDT
Milamo@aol.com writes

3 Eagles and a Peacock 

And a "Flying Serpent/Bird" .. heh-heh .. "The Lord" Nibiru .. (-; ..

Amazing .. the peak perihelion phase of Nibiru seems to be neatly
referenced, as-observed-from-Earth .. in the ASM .. as of 2000 A.D.

Let's say Peacock's GPV (the sky one) is .. 2.015720902

[[ MLM .. I just suggested this figure to Chronos, who was researching the star 'Peacock' ..
and .. I just can't_resist_posting this .. I'm 
so excited !

I am so GLAD Chronos decided to look into "Peacock" in the sky !! ]]. 

Well; watch this ..

[(ALTAIR * PEACOCK) / (VEGA * ANTARES)] * (Pi^5) ..
= (PHOENIX UFO Hover-Spot Grid LONG) / Pi.

And a "Phoenix" is another of these "birdies" !! .. Like a "Bennu Bird".

I sort of envision brightly-colored "feathers" .. spread "wings" .. at the 'peak of its glory' 
.. peak-perihelion. Traveling the fastest of any stage in its orbital path, as it zips around 
Sol. Quite a show "The Lord" puts on .. spreading his 'colorful wings', etc. Hee-heeee .. "The
 Way of The Lord" .. (-; ..

In other "language" .. 

[(9.288441917 * 2.015720902) / (3.183098862 * 4.297183463)] * (Pi^5) .. = (1315.947253 / Pi).

This is where the Grid LONG of PHOENIX UFO 'hover-spot' is/was ..
143(deg) * 13(min) * 0.707879103(sec) W.Giza ..
= 1315.947253 W.Giza .. 1/10th Grid LONG of The White House in D.C.
[ W.Greenwich .. 112 deg 04 min 59.907879103 sec ].

And where the Grid LAT of PHOENIX UFO 'hover-spot' is/was ..
33(deg) * 29(min) * 41.25226499(sec) North ..
= 39478.4176 North ..
= (2Pi)^2 * (10^3).
GPV of PHOENIX UFO 'hover-spot' .. 
(39478.4176 / 1315.947253) = 30.

AND .. 30 .. is the approximate "height" or "altitude" or "Ecliptic North Latitude", at-which 
"Nibiru"_appears_to "max-out" in terms of its perihelion 'sky-latitude' above the solar ecliptic
.. as-observed-from-Earth. (-; (Bingo).

So .. if you look at parts of this equation, here .. what I might call the "Peak Perihelion 
Equation" .. notice how the multiplied-product of ALTAIR
and PEACOCK .. along_with_Pi to the 5th power .. "finds" a 
decimal-harmonic of The Radian (deg) in the 360 system ..
(9.288441917 * 2.015720902) * (Pi^5) = 5729.577951 

Then.. when you apply VEGA .. (5729.577951 / 3.183098862) = 1800.

And 1800 A.D. is the general "aphelion-year", in my opinion .. of Nibiru's most recent aphelion. 
Of course, this is also the time when Washington, D.C. was being designed, layed-out, 
constructed, etc.

This also implies that 3600 A.D. would be Nibiru's next perihelion .. a figure_matching_its 
"ideal" orbital period in Earth-years, according to the research and writings of Zecharia 
Sitchin. The ASM, as of 2000 A.D., is "referencing" the number 3600, as the Grid LAT of 
Galactic Center and of Galactic Anti-Center.

The "Phoenix" .. rises .. above the solar ecliptic at its perihelion phase, apparently, every
 3600 Earth-years .. as seen from Earth .. and "peaks-out" at 30 degrees north of the solar 
ecliptic from that Earth perspective. 

Thinking of The Washington Monument as a "Bennu Stone" ..
(obelisk) .. I found the following ..

PEACOCK (sky-location @ 2000 A.D.) * 5.411616169 ..
= 10.90830783 .. GPV of "Dragon Mound" in Ohio,
in the town of Granville. So; here, you have an indication involving "Kingship", as Laurence 
Gardner's research and writings describe. I think this is also hinting at the "monoatomic gold"
parameter, as well.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

