Matrix Message 291
YES !!! YES !!! YES !!!
Michael Lawrence Morton YES !!! YES !!! YES !!! Mon May 20 21:44:52 2002 Just LOOK at what has been found here !!! I have TOLD you all .. that the "ASM" is being_used_and EXPRESSED in the CROP FORMATIONS !! Yes .. I told you so. Please ... we need researchers to make note .. *careful note* .. of the LOCATIONS of the crop formations .. in terms of their latitude/longitude centered placements. This is something I stressed over 2 years ago .. and now Robert Carl (in the posting previous to this, on the "Gridpoint" BBS) is again stressing this. We need OS Grid References to_more_than 6 digits, wherever and whenever possible. And we need photographs, if possible .. to attempt to take into consideration some things that would be "transferable" into 'topographical map format' .. like .. 'existing' topo map format. You SEE the revised ASM figures for Stonehenge, Silbury Hill, and Avebury Circle. You SEE what Robert Carl just found. Here's some more, that I just noticed .. regarding what I have posted concerning the_first_2 UK crop-formations of 2002 .. and their OS map references are listed on Paul Vigay's website .. I found the following Grid POINT Values (GPVs) in the "ASM" .. for the first 2 crop-formations in the UK for 2002 .. 1.531764208 and 16.19375959 .. and_look_what I get when I_multiply_those 2 numbers .. 24.80502134 .. a decimal-harmonic of the Grid POINT Value ("ASM") of The Great Pyramid of Giza !!! (248.0502134) .. {Munck, 1993, "The Code"}. And_look_what I get when I then multiply the 24.80502134 .. by .. the RATIO of the *revised* GPVs of Stonehenge and Avebury Circle .. {R.Carl} .. 24.80502134 * (3.08202222 / 1.936491673) = 39.4784176 ... (2Pi)^2 .. I get (2Pi) Squared !!! One of the master numbers in the "ASM" !!! Here's 24.80502134 .. multiplied_by_the *revised* GPV of Avebury Circle .. (24.80502134 * 1.936491673) = 48.03471728 .. a decimal-harmonic of the original {derived; by Munck, 1993} Apex Height (including capstone) of The Great Pyramid of Giza in regular ("British") feet !!! (480.3471728) You think this doesn't have "GALACTIC" implications ??!!! Look at this ... (Silbury Hill / Avebury Circle) = (1.351926225 / 1.936491673) .. = 6.981317008 * (10^-1) The figure_6.981317008_is what I found for the GPV of the South Galactic Node, in the (2000 A.D.) "ASM" .. yes !!! {Morton, 2002, Internet} .. and thanks, again, to Rab Wilkie, who referenced an approximation for the ecliptic longitude of South Galactic Node for me. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.