Matrix Message 292
Merlin's Mount, Glastonbury ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Here's my take on this one .. Fri May 31 12:24:15 2002 Here's my take .. thanks to Chronos' good, solid estimates .. on "Merlin's Mount" (Marlborough Mound). 72951.25224 North .. = ("Ideal" Fine Structure constant) * (10^7). 25664.95564 W.Giza .. = MINTAKA * OSIRIS * (10^5) .. = (Pi^3) * (Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio) * (10^5) .. = 31.00627668 * 795774.7155 Notice the "overlapping" in the Grid LONG expression, in that .. MINTAKA_is_"part-of" OSIRIS. I wanted to therefore 'bracket-out" MINTAKA, because it is such a major player, in itself, in the ASM .. and I wanted to also "bracket-out" OSIRIS because he_is_the 'Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio', in my model. So; what is the GPV in this proposal ? (72951.25224 / 25664.95564) = 2.842446068 .. SOLAR APEX .. wouldn't you know !?! How very appropriate .. an "ascension" metaphor of Solar and Milky Way proportions. And the "Ideal" Fine Structure constant brings a "micro/quantum" dish to the table. A setting fit for Merlin himself, if you ask me. -- Michael L. Merlin ----------------------------- Michael Lawrence Morton And here's MORE .. Fri May 31 13:23:26 2002 And; thanks to Chronos, I found this .. [(2.842446068 / 1.351926225) / 1.936491673] * (Pi^4) .. = 105760.4031 * (10^-3) .. That is, where; 1.35192625 is SILBURY HILL (GPV), where 1.936491673 is AVEBURY CIRCLE (GPV) .. and, where; 105760.4031 is_Grid LONG_of SOLAR APEX .. = 173(deg) * 13(min) * 47.02552383(sec) W.ALNITAK. Now .. please notice this, too .. (2.842446068 * 1.351926225 * 1.936491673) .. = 7.441506403 .. = (GALACTIC CENTER / GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER) .. = BETELGEUSE (GPV) .. = "arc-seconds tag" on the W.Giza longitude of both The Washington Monument_and_The Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple, in Washington, D.C. .. = SIRIUS (GPV) * 3.141592654 .. = decimal-harmonic of Sarsen Circle Area in square ("regular") British feet .. {Munck, 1993; 7441.506403} .. = [(6.890283706 * 3.141592654) / 2.908882087] .. = [("Face One" Grid LONG * Pi) / Rosslyn Chapel (GPV)] .. where; "Face One" is at Cydonia on Mars. -- Michael L.M. ----------------------------- Michael Lawrence Morton Glastonbury LAT = Chilbolton LAT .. Fri May 31 18:33:34 2002 Please recall the dramatic crop-formations in the field next to the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England .. in August of 2000 and in August of 2001. There was the "Chilbolton Glyph" of August 2000 .. and there were the "CropFace" and the "Arecibo-Reply" crop-formations of August, 2001. The_latitude_of the centered-locations of both the "Chilbolton Glyph" of 2000_and_the "CropFace" of 2001, was IDENTICAL {Morton, 2001, Internet} .. 51(deg) * 08(min) * 36.39967169(sec) North .. = 14851.06605 North. Notice the latitude of "The Chalice Well" in Glastonbury; 51(deg) * 08(min) * 39.21568627(sec) North .. = 16000 North. This is a difference of less than a mere 3 arc-seconds of latitude. (16000/ 14851.06605) = 1.077363736 .. the GPV of .. the "Einstein Zodiac Fountain" in Washington, D.C. {Morton, R.Carl; Internet; 2002}. Comparing the GPVs of "The Chalice Well" and the "CropFace" crop-formation .. (2.083333333 * 2.117510841) = 4.411480918 .. the GPV of the "Sphinx Rock" in the Lake District of England. {R.Miller; published by Munck, 2000}. ("Arecibo-Reply" / "Sphinx Rock") .. = (SOLAR APEX / 10) = ("Merlin's Mount" / 10). In other "language" .. (1.253939659 / 4.411480918) = (2.842446068 / 10). (Galactic Center / Solar Apex) / Rosslyn Chapel .. = ANTARES In other "words" .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) / 2.908882087 .. = 4.297183463 [("Ideal" Fine Structure constant)*(10^3)] / 1.253939659 .. = (2.908882087 + 2.908882087) .. = Rosslyn Chapel and Stonehenge. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.