Matrix Message 296
Stonehenge "5.0" .. ?
Michael Lawrence Morton "Stonehenge 5.0" .. Fri May 24 00:12:47 2002 Here is what I will call, "Stonehenge 5.0" .. following the recent terminology of Robert Carl. I noticed, in R.Carl's posting on his "Stonehenge 4.0" version .. he has estimates of .. 51(deg) * 10(min) * 43.7(sec) North .. = (approximately) 22287 North. {He has a "typo" there, in his number of arc-minutes, also}. He then chooses 22190.55999 as the likely-intended Grid LAT. I now notice that there is a closer figure for Grid LAT, according to his estimates. This would be .. 22276.59907 North .. = 51(deg) * 10(min) * 43.67960602(sec) North. I agree with his choice of 64800 W.Giza as the most-likely Grid LONG .. = 32(deg) * 57(min) * 35.52631579(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 49 min 34.72631579 sec ]. So .. my "Stonehenge 5.0" version .. has a Grid POINT Value (GPV) of .. (64800 / 22276.59907) = 2.908882087 This is a precise_match_of the GPV that I found, in the year 2000, for Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland .. its centered-location. A man who lives in the Roslin, Scotland area .. actually took GPS-unit readings for me .. and emailed me his results. He took 4 readings .. which I then "averaged", and which I then found to be most-likely indicating .. Grid LAT .. 54116.16169 North .. = 55(deg) * 51(min) * 19.29274927(sec) North. This Grid LAT for Rosslyn Chapel's centered-location is a decimal-harmonic of what I had found, in 1998, to be the_GPV_for the centered-location of The Washington Monument, in D.C. .. {5.411616169; Morton, 1998, Internet}. -- AND -- I found the Grid LONG of Rosslyn Chapel to be .. 18603.76601 W.Giza .. = 34(deg) * 17(min) * 32.18644638(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 03 deg 09 min 31.38644638 sec ]. {Morton, 2000, Internet}. So; GPV for Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland .. (54116.16169 / 18603.76601) = 2.908882087 {Morton, 2000, Internet}. -------------------------------------- AN UNUSUAL CROSS-MATCHING I then noticed 'the following' .. which seems to be statistically highly unlikely in a "random-chance" scenario. I tried_cross-referencing_the Grid LATs and Grid LONGs of Rosslyn Chapel and "Stonehenge 5.0" .. (22276.59907 / 18603.76601) = 1.19742417 Then .. (64800 / 54116.16169) = 1.19742417 This seems to be, as I said .. highly-unlikely if this "scenario" was merely "random chance". On the contrary .. this is an indication of intelligence involved, including (evidently) very intentional, precise placements of these 2 important structures .. in specific relationship to one another. I then tried multiplying this figure .. 1.19742417 .. by the 'square' of Pi .. 1.19742417 * (Pi^2) = 11.81810286 That figure is a decimal-harmonic of the GPV that I found for THUBAN .. "ALPHA DRACONIS" .. for (2000 A.D.) "ASM" sky-location. {1.181810286; Morton, Internet, 1999}. Also .. please see the comprehensive paper written by researchers/authors Ross Hamilton and Patricia Mason .. They have made some remarkable findings concerning The Great Serpent Mound of Adams County, Ohio .. regarding a detailed relationship_to_the DRACO Constellation .. including a reference to Stonehenge. I found {Morton, 2000, Internet} the specific, precisely-indicated "arc-seconds tag" of 11.81810286" .. on the apparently-encoded_latitude_of a major mound in Granville, Ohio .. nearby to Newark, Ohio .. known as "Alligator Mound". I have "re-named" this mound as .. "Dragon Mound" .. {Morton, 2000, Internet} .. because I think the "anomalous protrusion" coming from the dorsal side of the extant artisic drawings of this effigy .. are depicting a "stylized dorsal fin" of a dragon. I also think this interpretation is supported by the works of researcher/author Laurence Gardner .. in his books, "Genesis of the Grail Kings" and "Bloodline of the Holy Grail". He discusses the_"Pendragon"_historical legacy of the British Isles, including a historical bloodline connection to King Arthur. Here is the latitude of the centered-location of "Dragon Mound" in Granville, Ohio, according to my interpretation of the official USGS 7.5-minute, 1 : 24000 topo map .. 40(deg) * 04(min) * 11.81810286(sec) North .. = 1890.896457 North. My Grid LONG for the centered-location of "Dragon Mound" agrees with that of Munck (1995) .. 20626.48063 W.Giza .. = 113(deg) * 38(min) * 4.8035586(sec) W.Giza .. [ W.Greenwich .. 82 deg 30 min 4.0035586 sec ]. So; my GPV for "Dragon Mound" in Granville, Ohio .. (20626.48063 / 1890.896457) = 10.90830783 {Morton, 2000, Internet}. Notice the resonance with the number 3.75 .. an "under-rated" ASM number, it seems .. (10.90830783 / 3.75) = 2.908882087 The_"Seip Mound"_in Ohio, decoded by Munck (1995) .. has the_GPV_ of 3.75. The 'Square-Root' of 3.75 .. is the_ratio_of the original (derived by Munck, 1993, "The Code") Apex-Height (including capstone) of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. and the_GPV_(Munck, 1993) of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. (480.3471728 / 248.0502134) = 1.936491673 .. 'Square-Root' of 3.75 Notice now, please .. that the_length_of the floor of "The King's Chamber" inside The Great Pyramid of Giza .. according to my proposal for the true-and-intended length of the Royal Cubit .. in terms of regular ("British") feet .. is found by .. 2.908882087 * 1.19742417 * (Pi^2) = 34.37746771 .. regular ("British") feet .. the true-and-intended length of_exactly_20 Royal Cubits. Also, note .. that 34.37746771 is a_decimal-harmonic_of the Polar Radius of Earth, itself .. 3437.746771 nautical miles. {Morton, 1998, Internet}. Also; please note .. (83.33333333 / 2.908882087) = (57.29577951 / 2) .. = Generic numerical ratio of .. (Volume of Torus / Surface Area of Torus) .. = (3712766.512 / 129600) .. where; 57.29577951 = (360 / 2Pi). This is also where; 83.33333333 = (50 / 0.6) .. which is the_ratio_of the annual angular movements ("ideal, mean") of Earth precession and main Earth obliquity *cycles* .. in terms of arc-seconds. -- AND -- This is_also_where; 83.33333333 = (656.56127 / 7.87873524) .. the ratio of the_GPVs_of "FACE ONE" at Cydonia on Mars {Munck, 1993}, and .. the centered-location of The White House, in D.C. {Morton, 1998, Internet}. -- Michael Lawrence Morton --------------------------- Michael Lawrence Morton Could it Be ? .. Fri May 24 16:39:14 2002 The "cross-matching" number .. 1.19742417 .. seems to indicate itself as being quite important. So; I've been investigating this figure's relationships with figures that appear to be related .. including "case-related" .. to this "cross-matching" figure. In my previous email on this thread, I showed how this "cross-matching" is self-evident, in terms of "juxtaposing" the Grid LATs and Grid LONGs of "Stonehenge 5.0" and Rosslyn Chapel. This was expressed as follows .. (22276.59907 / 18603.76601) = 1.19742417 = (64800 / 54116.16169) This seems very significant to me. --------------------------------------------- Using the figure 1440 .. a major "gematria-like" figure in the "ASM" .. (1440 * 2.908882087) = 4188.790205 .. where; 2.90882087 is the GPV I have proposed for "5.0 Stonehenge". {See my previous email on this thread}. I think_4188.790205_is the "ideal" (possibly "designed") polar diameter of Mars, in terms of statute miles. When I say, "designed", here, I don't mean to imply anything "supernatural" .. but, rather; "advanced high-tech ('scalar-based' ?) designing and creation" .. by advanced, intelligent beings. This figure of 4188.790205 then implies a polar circumference for Mars of .. (4188.790025 * 3.141592654) = 13159.47253 .. statute miles; "ideal". This is the_Grid LONG_that I found for the centered-location of The White House and of The Jefferson Memorial, in D.C. .. {Morton, 1998, Internet} .. = 108(deg) * 10(min) * 12.18469679(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ]. If I then multiply the proposed "ideal" polar diameter for Mars .. by 1.62 .. a "light-speed" decimal-harmonic (B.Cathie; "The Harmonic Conquest of Space") .. (4188.790205 * 1.62) = 6785.840132 .. the "mean" or "ideal" circumference of The Moon, in terms of statute miles. (This is where; the "ideal" diameter of The Moon is 2160 statute miles). If I then multiply this "mean" circumference of The Moon .. by (10 / Pi) .. the (2000 A.D.) GPV for_VEGA_in the "ASM" .. (10 / 3.141592654) * 6785.840132 = 21600 .. the polar circumference for Earth, in terms of nautical miles. Yes .. I have "both" statute_and_nautical miles, here. This is where I refer to previous email postings of mine .. {Morton, 2001, 2002, Internet} .. in which I have proposed a "planned system"_has_been used .. involving a certain "ASM" figure as a numerical "mediator" or numerical "hybridizer", if you will .. or, maybe I should just call it a numerical "catalyst". This is expressed as .. (21600 / 13159.47253) = 1.641403175 This is a decimal-harmonic of the_GPV_found by Damon Elkins and me .. for_"FACE TWO"_at Cydonia on Mars .. {Morton, Elkins; 2001, Internet}. [ There are several email postings, extant, regarding this ]. Please notice the following .. (2.908882087 * 1.641403175) = 4.774648293 = (15 / 3.141592654) .. the_GPV_of (2000 A.D.) GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER in the "ASM" .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}. I also pause, here, to remind you that the figure 1.641403175 .. involves the_ratio_of the "mean" diameters of Sol and The Moon_along-with_the GPV of "FACE ONE" at Cydonia on Mars. The GPV of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia = 656.56127 .. {Munck, 1993}. (864000 / 2160) = 400 = (656.56127 / 1.641403175) [ GPV of "FACE ONE" is_exactly_4 times the GPV of "FACE TWO" ]. Our human perceptive intelligence and awareness enables us to "see" .. that during a total solar eclipse .. it "appears", from our perspective on Earth, that the lunar "disk" is_precisely_covering the solar "disk" .. at the moment of totality. The_diameters_of those 2 celestial bodies "appear" .. at that special moment .. *from Earth* .. to be "equal". This_vision_is "expressed" mathematically .. involving the "mean" statute miles diameters of Sol and The Moon .. as .. (864000 / 2160) = 400. This_then_correlates precisely with the self-evident "ASM" GPV of "FACE ONE" at Cydonia on Mars_and_the ratio of the polar circumferences of Mars and Earth .. in an "ASM hybridization". This becomes a revelation about our most ancient metrology, and 'resolves' statute and nautical miles. Now .. what about the 1.19742417 .. the "cross-matching" figure ? Here, I'll show that the Fine Structure Constant (an "icon" of atomic physics) .. could probably have an "ideal natural limit" .. the proposed "ideal limit" {Morton, 2001, Internet} for the Fine Structure Constant is .. [72 / (Pi^2)] / (10^3) .. an "ideal natural limit" which resonates precisely with the_ratio_of the "metrological hybridization catalyst" (just referenced) and the "cross-matching" figure. This is expressed as follows .. (1.19742417 / 1.641403175) = ("Ideal" FSC) * (10^2) ---------------------------------------------------- INVOLVING 3 NOTABLE "UK" CROP-FORMATIONS OF 2001 This involves .. 1) "Galaxy Spiral" crop-formation .. GPV of 2.25 .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}. 2) "CropFace" crop-formation .. GPV of 2.117510841 .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}. 3) "Arecibo-Reply" crop-formation .. GPV of 1.253939659 .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}. Using the "cross-matching" figure of 1.19742417 .. (1.19742417 / 2.117510841) = (0.18 * 3.141592654) .. which is a decimal- harmonic of the_GPV_of "Cydonia City Center" on Mars .. {Morton, 2001, Internet; 18Pi}. Again .. using the "cross-matching" figure .. (1.253939659 / 1.19742417) = (3.289868135 / 3.141592654) .. where; (3.289868135 * 1.641403175) = 5.4 .. and, where; (32.89868135 * 164.1403175) = 5400 .. where; 32.89868135(min) W.Cydonia is the Grid LONG of "FACE TWO" at Cydonia, 164.1403175 is the_GPV_of "FACE TWO", and 5400 is the Grid LAT of "FACE TWO". [ Grid LAT of "FACE TWO" is a numerical_match_of the GPV of The Great Sphinx of Giza on Earth ]. Using the "cross-matching" figure, again .. (2.25 * 1.19742417) = (1.641403175)^2 .. yes .. (1.641403175 * 1.641403175). These 3 "notable" crop-formations in England, in the 2001 season .. garnered considerable attention .. even getting mentioned on some "Establishment" media outlets. Recall ? Speaking of the term, "crossing" .. the "Planet of the Crossing" is named "Nibiru" by Zecharia Sitchin .. which is actually his translation of the ancient Sumerian name for this apparent celestial body. {See works of Z.Sitchin; books including "The 12th Planet", and "Genesis Revisited"}. Sitchin has found, in his very comprehensive and brilliant research and scholarship, an "ideal" orbital period for "Nibiru" of 3600 Earth years. Relatively recently {Morton, 2001, Internet} I found a Grid LAT for the (2000 A.D.) "ASM" GALACTIC CENTER_and_GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER .. of .. 3600 North-of-ecliptic and South-of-ecliptic .. = 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) North-of-ecliptic and South-of-ecliptic. [ Database source .. ]. [3600 * 1.19742417 * (Pi^2)] = 42545.17029 This figure .. 42545.17029 .. in-ratio-with the number_36000_produces the GPV of the (2000 A.D.) "ASM" sky-location of THUBAN ("Alpha Draconis"). {Morton, 1999, Internet}. In fact .. 42545.17029_and_36000 *are* the Grid LAT and Grid LONG_of_THUBAN, in the (2000 A.D.) "ASM". [ 42545.17029 / 36000 = 1.181810286 ]. {Morton, 1999, Internet}. (1.19742417 / 1.181810286) = 1.013211836 .. GPV of the_Center-point_of .. "Miami Square" .. {Morton, 1999, Internet}. Then .. you also have .. (1.19742417 / 1.181810286) = [57.29577951 / (18 * 3.141592654)] .. and please recall that 18Pi is the_GPV_of "Cydonia City Square". [ 57.29577951 = (360 / 2Pi) .. the numerical value_of_the Radian-arc constant in the case_where_the circumference is divided equally into_360_arc-segments ]. (1.19742417 / 1.181810286) = (6.652356502 / 6.5656127) .. = (66523.56502 / 65656.127) .. where; 6.652356502 is the_GPV_of (2000 A.D.) ARCTURUS in the "ASM" .. and, where; 66523.56502 is the Grid LAT of the_Center-point_of "Miami Square", and where 65656.127 is the_Grid LONG_of that *same* Center-point. { } (1.19742417 / 1.181810286) = (VEGA / 3.141592654) .. where; the_GPV_for VEGA is .. (10 / 3.141592654) .. in the (2000 A.D.) "ASM" .. {Morton, 1999, Internet}. (1.19742417 / 1.181810286) = (Capitol Rotunda / half-Pi) .. where; GPV for the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. is .. (5 / 3.141592654) .. and where_half-Pi_is the reference to the "right-angle" of .. 1.570796327 Radians-of-arc. This is where; (1.570796327 * 57.29577951) = 90 (deg). (Cydonia City Center / Capitol Rotunda) = GALACTIC CENTER. This is where; [(18 * 3.141592654) / (5 / 3.141592654)] = 35.53057584 .. which is the_GPV_of GALACTIC CENTER .. {Morton, 2001, Internet} .. for the (2000 A.D.) "ASM". (POLARIS / THUBAN) = (10 * 1.827704519) .. where; the figure 1.827704519 is the encoded "arc-seconds tag" for the W.Giza_longitude_of The U.S. Naval Observatory .. for its centered-location .. {Morton, 1998, Internet} .. where; Grid LONG for U.S. Naval Observatory is 2368.705056 W.Giza .. = 108(deg) * 12(min) * 1.827704519(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 04 min 1.027704519 sec ]. This is_also_where; 2368.705056 = (Sarsen Circle Radius)^2 .. = (48.66934411)^2 .. in regular ("British") square feet. Yes .. the Sarsen Circle is within Stonehenge, of course, as many of you know. Also .. 2368.705056 is a decimal-harmonic of .. SIRIUS .. in the (2000 A.D.) "ASM" .. {Morton, 1999, Internet; 2.368705056 .. GPV of SIRIUS}. (10 * 1.827704519) = [(2 * 3.141592654) * 2.908882087] .. where; (2 * 3.141592654) is the_numerical_value for the number of Radians-of-arc on_any_circumference .. and, where; 2.908882087, as you hopefully will recall, is the_GPV_for "Stonehenge 5.0". -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.