Matrix Message 298
Quick (??) Briefing re: Egyptian "Deities" ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Quick (??) Briefing re: Egyptian "Deities" .. Tue May 28 17:28:10 2002 Hi, Everyone .. This is intended (unless it turns into something longer than intended right here at the moment) .. as a "quick briefing". More will follow .. later .. that's my intention. But I'm too excited right now not to send "something" on this NOW. Re: Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Set .. I'm (for now, at least) going with Steve Canada's identification of Set with ALDEBARAN. And I'm going with my own "Orion Belt-stars Composite" as OSIRIS. I'm assuming REGULUS is Horus and SIRIUS is Isis. ---------------------------------------------- The 4 "Galactic Nodes" .. including "East and West" Solar Apex_is_the North node .. South Galactic Node is obvious .. and I'm also including "East Galactic Node" as the point projected onto the solar ecliptic (seen from Earth-perspective, of course) .. that now "happens" (due to Earth precession) to_align_with our September equinox .. and then the_same_with "West Galactic Node" .. as the point projected onto the solar ecliptic ... that now "happens" to to_align_with our March equinox. Recall, if you will .. that_now_(say, "circa 2000 A.D.") it also "happens" .. that (due to Earth precession) our Solstices are_aligned-longitudinally_with the North and South Galactic Nodes' ecliptic longitudes !! (This is simply an 'observable' empirical astronomical fact). So .. the figures I'm about to show, here .. are relating_precisely_to the actual *alignments* going-on now .. with "now" meaning "around 2000 A.D." .. involving these very parameters I just described. Now .. the figures directly and precisely correlating with this_observed_fact .. {Morton, 2000, 2001, 2002, Internet} .. ASM Figures for North Galactic Node ("SOLAR APEX") .. Grid LAT .. 53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) North-of-ecliptic .. = 37207.53202 North-of-ecliptic. Grid LONG .. 173(deg) * 13(min) * 47.02552383(sec) W.ALNITAK .. = 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK. GPV .. (105760.4031 / 37207.53202) = 2.842446068 ASM Figures for South Galactic Node .. Grid LONG .. 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK. Grid LAT .. 53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) South-of-ecliptic .. = 37207.53202 South-of-ecliptic. GPV .. (37207.53202 / 5329.586377) = 6.981317008 [ Note: apparently these nodes_are_latitude-symmetrical, and are also very-slightly longitude-asymmetrical ]. ASM Figures for "West Galactic Node" .. Grid LONG .. 84(deg) * 41(min) * 0.783972125(sec) W.ALNITAK .. = 2700 W.ALNITAK. Grid LAT .. 360 .. designated for solar ecliptic in the "ASM". GPV .. (2700 / 360) = 7.5 .. exactly Half of 15. ASM Figures for "East Galactic Node" .. Grid LONG .. 95(deg) * 18(min) * 59.25215415(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 101321.1836 E.ALNITAK. Grid LAT .. 360 .. designated for solar ecliptic in the "ASM". GPV .. (101321.1836 / 360) = 281.4477322 Multiplying all 4 GPVs of these "Galactic Nodes" .. (2.842446068 * 6.981317008 * 7.5 * 281.4477322) = 41887.90203 Please notice .. 41887.90203 = 13159.47253 * (10 / 3.141592654) .. where; (10 / 3.141592654) = VEGA (its GPV; 3.183098862) in the ASM .. and, where; 13159.47253 is the Grid LONG of The White House 'and' of The Jefferson Memorial, in D.C. .. and, where; 13159.47253 could be the "designed" polar circumference of Mars in statute miles .. and, where_4188.790203_would be the "designed" polar *diameter* of Mars, in statute miles. 41887.90203 = 31170.90913 * (2.368705056 / 3.183098862) .. = (Grid LONG ALDEBARAN) * (SIRIUS / VEGA). I'm going on a hunch, here, that ALDEBARAN is identified with "Set", in this ASM scenario .. {Steve Canada, 2000, "Crop Circles 1999"} .. "Set" being the adversary of "Osiris", in the ancient Egyptian drama. The Grid LONG of ALDEBARAN in the (2000 A.D.) ASM is .. 14(deg) * 53(min) * 42.0093115(sec) W.ALNITAK .. = 31170.90913 W.ALNITAK. (31170.90913 / 7.957747155) / 19.7392088 = 198.4401707 Please note: 7.957747155 is the "Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio" .. {Morton, 2000, 2001, Internet} .. and 19.7392088 is the GPV of REGULUS. The figure 198.4401707 is the Grid LONG that I recently found .. in the ASM .. for the_Greenwich Observatory_near London .. {Morton, 2002, Internet} .. where; 31(deg) * 08(min) * 0.800161979(sec) W.Giza .. = 198.4401707 W.Giza. {With help from Robert Carl .. who actually ordered a good map that includes Greenwich Observatory_on_it, and who gave good estimates for its location }. So; you have, here, the Grid LONG of "SET" .. being 'divided-down' (conquered) by the GPVs of "OSIRIS" (the 3 belt-stars) and "HORUS" .. to_precisely_"find" the Grid LONG of the Greenwich Observatory in England. And "ISIS" is involved, of course, as SIRIUS .. in the ratio with VEGA .. (2.368705056/ 3.183098862) = 0.7441506403 .. which is a decimal-harmonic of 7.441506403 .. the_ratio_of (GALACTIC CENTER / GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER) .. = (35.53057584 / 4.774648293) .. as I've posted on The Internet. Now .. the GPV of Stonehenge_and_Rosslyn Chapel gets in on the act .. (41887.90203 * 2.908882087) = 12.18469679 * (10^4). The figure 12.18469679 is the_"arc-seconds tag"_on the W.Giza longitude of .. the centered-locations of both The White House and The Jefferson Memorial, in D.C. .. {Morton, 1998, Internet}. This arc-seconds "tag" is effectively "marking" or 'identifying' the 13159.47253 W.Giza Grid LONG, here .. 108(deg) * 10(min) * 12.18469679(sec) W.Giza .. = 13159.47253 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 11.3847 sec ]. Yes .. "God's Longitude" .. {R.C. Hoagland, M.Bara; "The End of Days" series of articles, at ..}. The figure 7.441506403 is_also_an "arc-seconds tag" .. for the W.Giza longitude of the centered-locations of_both_The Washington Monument and .. The Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple, in D.C. This is .. 108(deg) * 10(min) * 7.441506403(sec) W.Giza .. = 8036.826916 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 6.6415 sec ]. The figure 7.441506403 is a very big "player" on the ASM stage. It is (again) the_ratio_of Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center (their GPVs). And .. 7.441506403 is the GPV of BETELGEUSE in Orion .. and .. (2.368705056 * 3.141592654) = 7.441506403 .. so_SIRIUS/Isis_finds BETELGEUSE_directly_through Pi. The aphelion and perihelion of the orbital path of "Nibiru" .. is "marked" by SIRIUS and VEGA, in the sense of_"diametrical opposites"_in terms of star-locations .. both aphelion longitude_and_aphelion latitude .. as observed from Earth, in the case of SIRIUS .. {Morton, Elkins; 2002, Internet} .. and perihelion longitude-only, in the case of VEGA. [ Nibiru's perihelion ecliptic- latitude, as I have mentioned in_other_emails .. is "marked" by ALTAIR ]. So .. it is significant, I think, that the_ratio_of (SIRIUS / VEGA) in terms of their GPVs .. gives a decimal-harmonic of 7.441506403 The "7441506403" decimal-harmonic_also_is encoded by the Area of .. the Sarsen Circle within STONEHENGE .. as .. 7441.506403 square regular ("British") feet .. {Munck, 1993, "The Code"}. And .. SIRIUS/Isis is encoded as the_square_of the *radius* of the Sarsen Circle, like this .. (48.66934411)^2 = 2368.705056 .. which "happens" to be .. the_exact_Grid LONG of The U.S Naval Observatory in D.C. .. 108(deg) * 12(min) * 1.827704519(sec) W.Giza .. = 2368.705056 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 04 min 1.0277 sec ]. And the_Grid LAT_of The U.S. Naval Observatory in D.C. .. just "happens" to be .. 35530.57584 North .. = 38(deg) * 55(min) * 17.00027552(sec) North .. and .. the decimal-harmonic "3553057584" .. just "happens" to encode the precise location, in the ASM, of .. GALACTIC CENTER .. 35.53057584 .. {Morton, 2000, Interne}. So; the_GPV_of The U.S. Naval Observatory just "happens" to be "15" .. (35530.57584 / 2368.705056) = 15 .. which also just "happens" to be .. the_GPV_of The Supreme Coucil 33rd Degree Temple .. which just "happens" to share the identical_longitude_with The Washington Monument .. which, again, just "happens" to be "marked" with an_"arc-seconds tag"_of 7.441506403 .. in terms of its_W.Giza_longitude. And; "15" also just "happens" to be the_ratio_of SIRIUS and Galactic Center .. (35.53057584 / 2.368705056) = 15. And "15" is the_number_of "OSIRIS Re-Membered" .. {D.Wood, "Genisis"}. And 15 is the "Rank Number" of Inanna/Ishtar in the Sumerian Pantheon .. {Z.Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", etc.}. When I multiply the_Grid LONG_of Greenwich Observatory, England .. by .. the number 15 .. something interesting happens .. (15 * 198.4401707) = 2976.602561 .. which just "happens" to be .. the_Grid LONG_that I just recently found for .. the 2nd UK crop-formation to appear in this 2002 season .. {Morton, 2002, Internet} .. and you can look it up .. 33(deg) * 02(min) * 45.1000388(sec) W.Giza .. = 2976.602561 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 54 min 44.300 sec ]. That crop-formation was found on 6th May, 2002. Isn't it interesting that the annual ecliptic-longitudinal conjunction with ALDEBARAN/Set is coming up on the 1st of June ? (Or is it late on 31st May ?). Pretty close. (31170.90913 / 2976.602561) * 3.141592654 = 32.89868134 .. which just "happens" to be .. the Grid LONG of "FACE TWO" at Cydonia on Mars .. {32.89868134(min) W.Cydonia; Morton, Elkins; 2001} .. and then; the Grid LAT of "FACE TWO" at Cydonia just "happens" to_match_the GPV of The Great Sphinx of Giza on Earth .. {5400; Munck, 1993}. And The Great Sphinx of Giza just "happens" to be another reference to .. HORUS .. which then relates right back to REGULUS. Then .. I noticed the following .. regarding "Bullitt's" (Keith Laney) recent contributions to the "GridPoint" BBS work-in-progress .. as explicated by "Chronos" (Robert Carl) .. and that is .. that Bullitt's assistance with aerial photos of certain parts of Washington, D.C. .. has allowed "Chronos" to better zero-in on the D.C. mapping effort .. which recently resulted in "Chronos" finding a Grid LAT for the "eye" of an apparent "landscape eagle" in D.C. .. which I will here call, "Bullitt's Eagle Eye" .. of .. 38(deg) * 52(min) * 53.94318193(sec) North .. = 106591.7275 North. Now .. please notice .. Using the 2 "forms' of HORUS, mentioned above .. (5400 * 19.7392088) = 106591.7275 .. an identical match of the apparent Grid LAT of "Bullitt's Eagle Eye" in D.C. The main topic of this email was/is .. the "Egyptian Deities" of Osiris, Isis, Set, and horus .. and I think I've found some_very_strong evidence, here .. involving the ASM .. indicating an *intentional communication* .. directed primarily at "us" .. the People of Earth at around 2000 A.D. More or less .. this communication .. without being "verbal" per-se .. is elegantly and magnificently saying .. "You Earth-humans are not alone, and you never have been alone". -- Michael L.M.(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.