<< 2.1.00 Alaska Air FL. 261--Input from Readers
2+6+1 adds up to 9 -- or 3x3.
Does this mean anything? 33 again? Don't ask us.
Yes ... this number combination can be significant. Please bear with me for a few moments, here, and I'll connect at least "a few" numerical dots for you, as 'self-evident' .. coming from facts noted about the event itself.
"261" is a combination of integers that can be arranged as "216" or as "162" .. or "126", or "612", etc. 216 is associated with classic Pythagorean and Platonic geometry, and with a now-reviving and all-but-lost ancient science, called ...
216, for example, is the 'Cube of 6' ... 6*6*6 = 216. 162 refers to "light-speed" (Bruce Cathie; "The Harmonic Conquest of Space") .. as in 162,000 nautical miles per second. The difference (subtract) between 216 and 162 = 54 ... a 'decimal harmonic' of the arc-distance on Earth from pole-to-equator in nautical miles or latitude minutes (5400).
Let's assume, for now, that "3:45" PM PST was the time of the "crash". If we add ... 345 + 261 = 606. Notice that we can split 606 into these 2 parts ; 606 = 300 + 306. Notice that 306 = 144 + 162 (see "The Harmonic Conquest of Space"; B.Cathie; regarding these specific 'decimal harmonics'). Also ... see my research, and the research of others, regarding the site of Rennes-le-Chateau on the circumference of 'The Circle of Churches' in the South of France ... at exactly 300 arc-degrees azimuth from the *center* of said 'Circle' .. but also 306 arc-degrees azimuth from the base (vulva point) of the axis of the 'extended star-pentagram'. [ See, also, the book,"Genisis", by David Wood. He (D.Wood) discovered the "extended star-pentagram" within 'The Circle of Churches' ... with 'Rennes-le-Chateau' on the circumference (as seen from aerial view) ].
Now .... back to the number "606". If we add "60" .... we have "666". And "60" is the basis for our "seconds in a minute", "minutes in an arc-degree", "minutes in an hour" ... our time and arc-distance measurement systems. (Not to mention "360" arc-degrees on one circumference ... "60 X 6".)
Could certain covert groups, having possibly "re-discovered" some amount of this all-but-lost, *ancient-but-advanced* knowledge ... be using certain ... "numerical harmonics" involving certain 'time-distance' parameters, for example .. to deliberately cause harm in certain cases ? Keep in mind that this advanced knowledge (and 'tech-nology') can be used, of course, for good or for evil. It is not the re-discovery of advanced knowledge and technology that is the problem. It is the use of it against others .. even to the horrible extent of taking others' lives, for self-centered 'purposes', that is the problem. But the choice is inherently there. If you have no choice ... then, what do you have ?
"We", as a consensus ... as an embodiment of true democratic intent ... are becoming more aware of this. 'We' are also becoming more aware of the fact of the very existence of such ancient, advanced knowledge and technology. We must not only 'persevere', but we must greatly step-up 'the search' in our own behalf. -- Michael Lawrence Morton
<< There are many numbers important to Pythagorean or Gematrian studies. 216 *could* be significant, if that were the number involved, but it does not have to be. There are thousands of planes flying at any given moment, a certain proportion of them will have numbers that are also "significant" to numerologists, and in a given year a certain number will crash. "261" does not seem to be significant without putting it through arbitrary convolutions. "345" is even less significant for the reasons given above. This is why I feel the theory is untenable. >>
You mention "arbitrary convolutions". OK. Let's pay some attention to what reports we've been able to get from various media ... including people like John Quinn ... "Newshawk". Witnesses were reported to have watched the plane "spiraling and flipping" downward, suddenly .. and LANDED UPSIDE-DOWN. Let yourself "THINK" a bit ... outside "The Box" ... think of a set of digits ... "261" .... in solid space. Now ... think of those digits ... that set of digits ... FLUTTERING downward ... in a kind of "spastic spiral" ... and then landing "upside down". Is this not a metaphor for "re-ordering" of those digits ?! As you view that set of digits "fluttering downward" ... can't you visualize the digits "rotating" and "flipping-over" through several "permutations" of combinations of the 3 digits ??!!! (I can.) I think this is a plausible metaphor, in this case.
<< "3:45 PM PST" is a rather arbitrary measure of time. Our system of time is roughly based on the movement of the sun (roughly, because the hours of daylight change with the seasonsal movement of the Earth). Solar noon is probably the best indicator in absolute astronomical terms of relative time, but due to our system of time zones, daylight savings time, and the previously mentioned gradual seasonal changes it is doubtful that 12:00 PST was actual solar noon at the lattitude of the crash (perhaps someone more interested than I can actually check to see if I am incorrect), so 3:45PM becomes only an approximate time relative to the central body of the solar system and the Earth's rotation when the crash happened. Of course, 3:45 PM is 15:45 by military time, and would give us a completely different result. As what we might call a "decimal harmonic" of a day, 3:45PM is actually 15.75/24, or 0.65625 decimal, again a different set of numbers is the result. Other numbers are possible to generate. Each of the above is just as valid (and perhaps more so) than our conventional system of looking at time as applied to this "incident".
The point is the time given is a human symbolic convention and 3:45 only becomes 606 by rearranging the integers (i.e., relative human symbols). >>
I say "3:45" PM PST is a *specific* time ..... using the system we ARE using to mark "time". In the Pacific Time Zone ... "3:45 PM" is ... 3:45 PM. Very simple. That's *how* we measure time on this planet, right ? Just USE what you see, OK ?
We have this "consensus" system of marking time ... in order to be able to BE SPECIFIC about events-in-time !!! When we make note of something happening at "a certain time" ... THAT's the TIME it HAPPENED !! OK ??!!! Don't get so damned complicated about a REPORTED TIME of an event !! It's SIMPLE. WHEN it happens .... is WHEN IT HAPPENS !!! By a consensus of final accounts ... this was ... 3:45 PM PST on January 31, 2000.
"ONLY" a "human symbolic convention". "ONLY" ????!!!! Well .... aren't we humans ??!! And isn't it becoming more and more likely that what we are dealing with, these days, is a "re-discovery of our lost ancient heritage" ???!!!! As in .. the *Sitchin thesis*, for example ??!!! I think that's pretty f---in' obvious by now. So ... YES ... that means things like ... OUR METROLOGY ... as in .. IT'S ORIGINS ... are things we ARE NOW RE--DISCOVERING !!!! This means things like TIME& SPACE 'measurment' units ... time & distance units !!!!! GET IT ???!!!
How do we measure things ??? By letters and numbers !!!! By "360 arc-degrees" on one circumference, for example. It probably came to us from 'The Anunnaki'.
Where did THEY get it ? We don't know yet. First things first. First we need to understand that we got it from The Anunnaki. THEN .. we can go from there. But first things first. We also need to stop 'thinking' of ourselves as "only humans". As if we are "insignificant". I call it "The Dust in The Wind Syndrome". We ARE important !!! And we have direct connections to a UNIVERSE full of intelligent LIFE !! We need to PAY ATTENTION to *what's happening* .. in terms of our "symbols of communication" ... yes ... letters, numbers, synchronicities, etc, measuring units of time and distance, precise positions of pyramids, mounds, stone circles, crop formations, times of major 'events', etc. There is ..... COMMUNICATION going on .... POTENTIALLY .... *if* we can recognize it.
Why did I pick "60" to add to "606" to get "666" ??!! Well .... the number 60 is our major "unit number" for *time & distance* measurement !!! It's a very GEOMETRIC number ..... based on our "360 arc-degree system" .... which is ... NOT "ARBITRARY" !!!!!!!!!!
A couple of days ago, I counted the number of Earth Days .. as in 'number' of 360 arc-degree axial rotations of our Planet ... from the Phoenix UFO incident .. to .. the "crash" of Alaska Airlines Flight 261. The result ? "1053" Days. Go ahead ... check me. Count the number of days from March 13, 1997 ... to January 31, 2000. What's "so special" about "1053" ? Have you read, by 'chance', Hoagland's article entitled "This is getting SIRIUS" ... posted on January 26th, on his website at http://www.enterprisemission.com .. (?).
It seems that "1053" is a decimal harmonic of "1.053" ... which seems to be the mass ratio between 'SIRIUS B' and our 'Sol'. Then, I decided to try dividing "1053" by "19.5" ..... 1053 / 19.5 = 54. I seem to recall "54" coming-up in my previous post on this subject ... eh ?!! Suppose we add 54 and "261" ? 54 + 261 = 315. Well ..... 345 (time of "crash") minus 315 = 30 .... which is my Grid POINT Value for the hover-spot of The Phoenix UFO itself, on the night of March 13, 1997. Yes. What if I add 54 to 162, the light-speed decimal harmonic ? 54 + 162 = 216 .. decimal harmonic of Earth's POLAR circumference in nautical miles ... AND in arc-minutes of LATITUDE .. 21,600.
Don't go away ... there's more. Let's test the number "33" .... against "1053". 1053 X 33 = 34749. Now ... divide that by "19.5" .... 34749 / 19.5 = 1782.
Now ... in terms of finding Cubic Volume for rectangular structures ... to convert back and forth between Cubic Inches and Cubic Feet ... we use the number "1728". That's the Cube of 12. Suppose I now subtract "1728" from that "1782". OK ? ..... 1782 - 1728 = 54. (Eh ??!!!).
We're in the year "2000" now, of course. [ 2000 - 1782 = 218 ]. Hmmm. Let's try adding "218" to the number of people on-board the "crash"... 218 + "88" = 306 ... sum of 144 + 162. [306 + "54" = 360] ... and that "just happens" to be our conventional number of arc-degrees on one circumference. WAIT ... there's more.
If you read through the Robert Temple quotes in Hoagland's article, regarding SIRIUS, you'll of course recall "The Dogon". Interesting how "Dogon" is close in letter-structure to "Doyon", eh ?!
And .... speaking of time & distance measurement, The Mayans have a long-count calendar that ends on December 21, 2012 .. as many of you know. I counted the 'number' of Earth Days from the Phoenix UFO incident ... to ... December 21, 2012 ... and what did I find ? I found .... "5764 Days" plus a few hours and minutes ... from the TIME of the *HOVER* of that Phoenix UFO, over the intersection of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue in Phoenix, Arizona. I immediately RECOGNIZED ... the Grid POINT Value (C.Munck, 1992) of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza ... 5764.166073 ... as the apparently *intended* figure indicated by the intelligence behind that particular UFO.
Recall that a few sentences back, I was discussing Feet and Inches. If you divide "5764.166073" by "12" ... as in '12 inches in a Foot' ... you get ... "480.3471728" .... the original height, including capstone (Munck, 1992) ... of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... in ... Feet.
We have NOT ONLY a direct referece to "1053" (please read that Hoagland article, regarding Robert Temple's work on Sirius) ... we also have a direct reference to the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012 ... AND we have a direct reference to the Grid POINT Value of The Chephren Pyramid (Munck) of Giza, AND we have a direct reference to the original height, including capstone .... in Inches and in Feet .... of The Great Pyramid of Giza .... AND we have direct references to the light-speed decimal harmonics of "162" and "144" (B. Cathie), AND we have direct references to ... 'The Circle of Churches' and Rennes-le- Chateau in the "306" azimuth in arc-degrees from the base of the axis of the 'extended star-pentagram' (D.Wood) to the site of Rennes-le-Chateau itself.
ALL of this ...... indicated .. "pointed-out" .. by these EVENTS at PARTICULAR TIMES .... The Phoenix UFO on the evening of March 13, 1997 ... and the "crash" of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 at 3:45 PM PST on January 31, 2000.
More, yet ... Take the alphanumeric sum of SIRIUS .... it is .. 95. Now ... count the number of Earth Days ... from January 31, 2000 ... to ... May 5th, 2000. Number of Days is .. 95. (Don't forget the leap day). Take the alphanumeric sum of ... THE DOGON ... 33 + 55 = 88 ... number of persons on-board the "crash".
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 2000
Copying and forwarding of this article is encouraged, provided the copyright
is included. Thanks -- MLM.
<< if the perpetrators of this heinous crime wanted to bury the meaning in ritualistic numeric code...how did they know the plane was going to land UPSIDE DOWN? Unless of course they had some type of control over the attitude of a spinning jetliner. Is this what you are implying? >>
A very good question. The very answer to this question might lie just a bit over the horizon of the cutting-edge of my 'scope' at this moment. A damn good question ... very fascinating. Maybe "they" (whoever they are) have access ... maybe "limited access" ? ... to an extremely SUPER computer.
Maybe this particular computer can 'predict' so superbly, that it can provide certain "needed" info for certain "extremely important" situations. The "importance" of such situations might be "judged" by .. say ... a "council" of some sort in our galaxy, or in a group of galaxies ... ??! Such "importance" should be quite flattering to us Earth humans these days. "They" are surely relatives of ours, to some significant degree.
> We have NOT ONLY a direct referece to "1053" (please read that Hoagland > article, > regarding Robert Temple's work on Sirius) ... we also have a direct > reference to > the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012 ... AND we have a direct > reference to the Grid POINT Value of The Chephren Pyramid (Munck) of Giza, > AND we have a direct reference to the original height, including capstone > .... > in Inches and in Feet .... of The Great Pyramid of Giza .... AND we have > direct > references to the light-speed decimal harmonics of "162" and "144" (B. > Cathie), > AND we have direct references to ... 'The Circle of Churches' and Rennes-le- > Chateau in the "306" azimuth in arc-degrees from the base of the axis of the > 'extended star-pentagram' (D.Wood) to the site of Rennes-le-Chateau itself. > ALL of this ...... indicated .. "pointed-out" .. by these EVENTS at > PARTICULAR > TIMES .... The Phoenix UFO on the evening of March 13, 1997 ... and the > "crash" of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 at 3:45 PM PST on January 31, 2000.
So what do all these references have in common? Cydonia? Or is Cydonia just one in a mixture of unrelated locations or events? Can we basically tie everything together numerically? Pick a place on Earth, or Mars that would not relate to any of the places or events you've just mentioned Michael. Numerically.
Is there an ancient monument on Earth not included in the global matrix a la Munck?
Your fluency with numbers reminds me of a great master with a paint brush...you are drooling creativity. But...what the artist sees with his mind's eye does not necessarily reflect the true reality of existence. Is it live? Or is it Memorex?
...stay light, Bryan!
Well .... you're now starting to confront, I would say, the vastly inter-connected "matrix" ..... the fact that the nature of this 'matrix' is very intensely self-referential. That's the *intention*, I say. Of course; it's VERY resonant with ... "NATURE" ! Now ... when you look at The Great Pyramid ... do you call that a work of .. "nature" ? Of course not. But is it *intensely* "woven" into the ancient 'matrix' ? Yes ... VERY MUCH so.
I will now show you an equation that ties the Grid POINT of The Chephren Pyramid (Munck, 1992) .... a number in my very recent post ... "5764.166073" ... *DIRECTLY* and *SIMULTANEOUSLY* ... to both 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars .. and to 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars.
Recall from my very recent post, that "5764.166073" is also the number of ... Earth Days, including ('fractional') several hours and minutes .. from the time of the 'hover' of The PHOENIX UFO on the evening of March 13, 1997 ... to December 21, 2012 .. the end of The Mayan Calendar. I've also shown that The PHOENIX UFO ... is apparently 'intentionally tied-to' the date of the "crash" of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 ... a span of "1053" Days ... to January 31, 2000.
I also noted the very specific relationship involving *Feet and Inches* ... indicated, between the Grid POINT of The Chephren Pyramid .. 5764.166073 .. and the original height, including capstone, derived by C.Munck for The Great Pyramid of Giza ... 5764.166073 / 12 ... = 480.3471728 Feet. So ... this tells us the original height of The Great Pyramid in terms of both FEET *and* INCHES. This is helping us to "re-discover" our lost ancient metrology. 'We' are very related, literally, to "them". We are part ET.
Now ... the Grid POINT of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars (Munck, 1991) is ... 656.56127 ... [ http://www.greatdreams.com/gem1.htm ]. And the Grid POINT of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars is ... 27.58106915 (Munck, 1991). Here's the equation I told you I would show you ... 656.56127 X 27.58106915 = 5764.166073 X Pi ... = 5764.166073 X 3.141592654 It integrates *precisely* with the Pi constant. Specific, precise, and awesome.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 2000
Copying and forwarding of this article is encouraged, provided the
copyright is included. Thanks -- MLM.
In a message dated 02/07/2000 7:31:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, Milamo writes:
This is intended as my final post to this particular 'List' on this particular subject ... Alaska Airlines Flight 261. -- MLM
In a message dated 02/06/2000 4:53:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, bzinkle@mwt.net writes:
<< Why is it that the default assumption now that *every* plane crash in the world (or at least those covered by the media) has some sort of supernatural and/or conspiritorial cause? Do we really believe that the nefarious "cabals" accused of possessing all this ancient Egyptian/Martian/Nazi "magik" have nothing better to do than crash commercial planes with it? >>
It's just that we are "catching-on" (at least 'some' of us are .. the 'cutting-edge' of the awareness of this) to something that is *self-evident at this time* ... regardless of whether-or-not it existed in "the past". This is a "current" thing. VERY 'current'. And it transcends any petty attempts at relegating and/or reducing it to a "conspiracy" subject.
<< As for "Newshawk Inc.", it has more than once delivered suspect material (details are beyond the scope of the present discussion, and possibly this forum), not to mention articles (like one of those forwarded by Michael) that contain nothing but pure ranting. The biggest point is that no one knows who the hell "Quinn" of Newshawk *is* >> .. snip ..
And it transcends any petty attempts to 'discredit the messengers' ... people such as John Quinn of Newshawk, Inc. .... who have shown tremendous courage, guts, and perseverence, in coming out and standing-up for Truth on so many very, very important news stories and current events. I'm sure John is doing his best in trying to expose Truth, as many of us are.
> Witnesses were reported to have watched the plane "spiraling and > flipping" downward, suddenly .. and LANDED UPSIDE-DOWN. > Let yourself "THINK" a bit ... outside "The Box" ... think of a set > of digits ... "261" .... in solid space. Now ... think of those digits ... > that set of digits ... FLUTTERING downward ... in a kind of "spastic > spiral" ... and then landing "upside down".
<< Kind of like an unpowered object in freefall? Kind of like a leaf falling? Kind of like an airplane out of control? >> { MLM ... you got it, man !! }.
> Is this not a metaphor for "re-ordering" of those digits ?! As you > view that set of digits "fluttering downward" ... can't you visualize > the digits "rotating" and "flipping-over" through several "permutations" > of combinations of the 3 digits ??!!! (I can.) I think this is a > plausible metaphor, in this case.
<< No, its not a metaphor for reordering digits except if one wants to assume that from the beginning. It was a plane crash. It isnt' a figment of mathematical imagination or visualization. >>
I'm going by what I see. I'm quite perceptive, you know. It also, BTW, suggests a DNA-spiral strand. Keep that in mind, too. Some of us are seeing it ... others aren't, yet.
> I say "3:45" PM PST is a *specific* time ..... using the system we > ARE using to mark "time". In the Pacific Time Zone ... "3:45 PM" is > ... 3:45 PM. Very simple. That's *how* we measure time on this planet, > right ? Just USE what you see, OK ?
<< OK, but are we sure that the plane didn't crash at 3:44? Well, lets drop that for the moment. Frankly I don't think that the forces of the universe give a damn whether it is 3:15 or 4:15 by local time. The position of objects in the solar system and their effects on each other is the only thing that matters to nature. >>
We need to go by the REPORTED time. The reported time was "3:45" PM PST. A key thing, here, is *the* MESSAGE ... i.e. the "report" of 'the messengers'. Pay attention to the 'message' as most-reliably reported. I stress "most-reliably" reported .. because, as John Quinn, in particular, has found out .. the *mainstream* media has incredibly 'bungled' and/or has abruptly 'changed' their reports in a very suspicious manner ... on several occasions involving these plane "crashes" ... not just this one .. but the JFK, Jr. incident (remember that ?), TWA-800, Egypt Air 990, etc.
<< Where did you find documentation that our current (and rather complex) system of keeping time was used in the past? I'll give you "day", "night", "noon", "midnight", hours, minutes, and seconds, but the rest I've never heard of being used back then. >>
A "second" of time is .... one second of "time". Get it ? Apparently ... it's been "used" for ONE HELLUVA long "time". Like ... WAY, WAY back, man !!
It "so happens" .... and this IS damned amazing ... that one 360 arc-degree axial rotation of Earth contains 86,400 seconds of time. If we divide "86,400" by "360" ... we get .. "240" .. a vertice point ... 240 arc-degrees azimuth ... on one of the 3 corners of an Equilateral Triangle circumscribed in a Circle ... assuming one of the corners is at Due North. THAT is a 2-D model of a Tetrahedron circumscribed in a Sphere.
Now ... visualize the top of The Great Pyramid of Giza. There's a Grid POINT up there, very near the (original) Apex ... of .. "240". Recall that Munck has discovered (re-discovered) a prime meridian through the center of The Great Pyramid. This meridian is designated "360" in the ancient archaeomatrix. Running across the top of The Great Pyramid is this parallel of lat : 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 51.36741974 (sec) North ... = 86,400 North. [ Actually this parallel is just on the north 'edge' of the original apex ... just slightly 'over the edge' ... like me.]
To find the Grid POINT Value where that lat parallel intersects the prime meridian ... just take the ratio of ... "86400 / 360" ... = 240.
> How do we measure things ?? By letters and numbers !! By "360" > arc-degrees on one circumference, for example. It probably came to us from > 'The Anunnaki'.
<< Because we were too stupid to invent it ourselves? The number 360 is arbitrary. You will find in studying the past that a number like 365 was apparently too complicated for many civilizations of the past to contend with (possibly because of a severe decline of knowledge). Also, it sometimes violated their asthetic sense (the Greeks never got used to Pi being an irrational number, for example). It wasn't that unusual to find competing calenders, one a solar calender of 365 or so days, the other a calender of 360 days. >>
The '360' arc-degree system came to "us" from "our" own relatives ... 'The Anunnaki'. Our alphabets came from "them" also. ALL of "our" higher ancient knowledge came from our ancient relatives ... "them". Essentially, 'we' are (basically) "their" descendants on this planet, Earth. Bingo. Not that we aren't *also* related to other 'races' or 'species', besides 'The Anunnaki'. But, apparently, we are most 'directly' related to 'them' ... regardless of where they 'originally' came from.
Apparently, '360' is simply the BEST number ... in terms of *pure geometry* .. within a *base-ten* system ... to use !! This is a matter of intelligence .. of awareness .. an awareness of the "nature of Nature". This geometry is self- evident. It has been passed down to us ... from them/us.
> Where did THEY get it ? We don't know yet. First things first. First >we need to understand that we got it from The Anunnaki. THEN .. we >can go from there.
<< The theory solves one enigma by explaining it with another. In short, whatever the facts may be (Anannuki or not), it really doesn't progress our understanding one bit. The simplification of a more complex (but naturalistic system, based on the Earth's year) makes more sense to me, and until something better comes along I am satisfied with that explanation. Especially since there doesn't seem to be anything in the system of geometry that is patently extraterrestrial (actually, the idea makes little sense). >>
You're still not aware, apparently, that "our" ancient higher knowledge has come from 'off Earth'. We are, i.e., part ET. In fact, we are probably *mostly* ET. And; the realization that we are very closely related (literally) to 'The Anunnaki', most certainly is a HUGE step forward in our understanding. HUGE. Paradigm- busting; and New-paradigm beginning.
It probably took millions, or billions, of (Earth) years of "trial(s) & error(s)" to develop the understanding that 360 equal segments on one circumference is the ideal, the *best* number to use in terms of geometry and mathematics. We've simply (here on Earth, in this time period) had no idea of how important the number "360" is ... and that it resonates so well with *nature* itself. So .. "of course" you're not going to look in the Encyclopedia Brittanica and "find" 360 referred-to as a "naturally-based" geometric number !! Remember, man .. this is the real cutting-edge here !! No encyclopedia is going to have stuff as hot and as new as THIS in it !! So ... NO WAY is 360 "arbitrary", in the sense you are defining and interpreting the word.
<< But we are not important in terms of the natural forces of the universe >> ..
.. snip ...
Again .. this notion is obsolete; and this notion can now be shown to be a "crock" laid on us by the Neo Darwinists of the latter half of the 19th century ... and early 20th century. The latest info and understanding along these lines says that 'nature' is NOT primarily tending toward entropy .. but rather is 'primarily' tending toward a life-creating geometric order that is of a co-operative, mutually-aiding essence. See the book, "Avoiding Extinction", by Dr. Dan Hall .. it was available through 'Leading Edge Research Group'.
<< Ok, fine. But I doubt if alien races use our system of measurement. And your ideas about the symbolism of our system of measuring time are not going to fly to well on a planet with a different orbital and rotational periods from ours. The "symbols" are *not* universal. They describe the physical situation of the Earth, often to very interesting degrees of precision, but if they were given to us by the Anunnuki, then the Anunnuki designed "their" system of measurement around the properties of *this* planet. >>
How about Mars ? I'm going to show, again, some numbers that certainly indicate that the same basic measurement units *have* been used on Earth and on Mars ... 360 arc-degrees, 60 arc-minutes per arc-degree, and 60 arc-seconds per arc-minute ... AND, Statute Miles. Yes. You know ... those units of 'distance' that contain 5280 Feet per unit ?!
> A couple of days ago, I counted the number of Earth Days .. as in > 'number' of 360 arc-degree axial rotations of our Planet ... from > the Phoenix UFO incident .. to .. the "crash" of Alaska Airlines Flight > 261. The result ? "1053" Days. Go ahead ... check me. Count the > number of days from March 13, 1997 ... to January 31, 2000. What's > "so special" about "1053" ? Have you read, by 'chance', Hoagland's > article entitled "This is getting SIRIUS" ... posted on January 26th, on > his website at http://www.enterprisemission.com .. (?). It seems that > "1053" is a decimal harmonic of "1.053" ... which seems to be the mass > ratio between 'SIRIUS B' and our 'Sol'. Then, I decided to try dividing > "1053" by "19.5" ..... 1053 / 19.5 = 54. I seem to recall "54" > coming-up in my previous post on this subject ... eh ?!!
Notice the precise connection to "19.5" here, folks.
The number "54" is a decimal harmonic of the number of Nautical Miles of arc- distance on Earth from pole-to-equator (5400).
<< Well, some will be saddened to learn that in Robert K. G. Temple's "The Sirus Mystery" he concludes that the Anunnuki are from Sirius, based on a broad based multi-cultural study of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations (Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, etc.). Sadly, this new and dramatic information presented by Michael (linking the Anunnuki with Sirius) greatly undercut's Sitchin's 12th planet theory. Or, looked at from the other way, the 12th Planet theory undercuts the Sirius Hypothesis. Presumably only one is right. What's worse, those darn Anunnuki may have actually lied to the Sumerians about where they came from, and neither might be right! >>
Why is "presumably" only *one* of these theories 'right' ? I don't see how Sitchin's theory of 'Nibiru' is necessarily "under-cut" by Temple's work or by my findings. Why can't BOTH be right ?!! I think it's quite probable that both ARE right !!
> Suppose we add 54 and "261" ? 54 + 261 = 315. Well ..... 345 (time > of "crash") minus 315 = 30 .... which is my Grid POINT Value for the > hover-spot of The Phoenix UFO itself, on the night of March 13, 1997. > Yes. { See .. http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/mat_21.htm }. > What if I add 54 to "162", the light-speed decimal harmonic ? > 54 + 162 = 216 .. decimal harmonic of Earth's POLAR circumference in > nautical miles ... AND in arc-minutes of LATITUDE .. 21,600.
> Don't go away ... there's more. Let's test the number "33" .... against "1053". > 1053 X 33 = 34749. Now ... divide that by "19.5" .... 34749 / 19.5 = 1782. > Now ... in terms of finding Cubic Volume for rectangular structures .. > ... to convert back & forth between Cubic Inches and Cubic Feet ... we > use the number "1728". That's the Cube of 12. Suppose I now subtract > "1728" from that "1782". OK ? ..... 1782 - 1728 = 54. ( "54" again !!).
> We're in the year "2000" now, of course. [ 2000 - 1782 = 218 ]. > Hmmm. Let's try adding "218" to the number of people on-board the > plane ... 218 + "88" = 306 ... sum of 144 + 162. [306 + "54" = 360] > ... and that "just happens" to be our conventional number of arc-degrees > on one circumference. WAIT ... there's more. If you read through > Robert Temple's quotes in Hoagland's article, regarding SIRIUS, you'll > of course recall "The Dogon". Interesting how "Dogon" is close in letter- > structure to "Doyon", eh ?! And .... speaking of time & distance > measurement, The Mayans have a long-count calendar that ends on > December 21, 2012 .. as many of you know. I counted the 'number' of > Earth Days from the Phoenix UFO incident ... to ... December 21, 2012 > ... and what did I find ? I found .... "5764 Days" plus a few hours and > minutes ... from the TIME of the *HOVER* of that Phoenix UFO, over > the intersection of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue in Phoenix, Arizona. > I immediately RECOGNIZED ... the Grid POINT Value (C.Munck, 1992) of > The Chephren Pyramid of Giza ... "5764.166073" ... as one more of the > apparently *intended* figures indicated by the intelligence behind > that particular UFO.
> Recall that a few sentences back, I was discussing Feet and Inches. > If you divide "5764.166073" by "12" ... as in '12 inches in a Foot' ... you get .. > "480.3471728" .... the original height, including capstone (Munck, 1992) .. > of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... in ... *Feet*.
<< BTW, isn't "19.5" actually 19.47... (something) as derived from the geometry of a tetrahedron contained in a sphere? And, in general, I'm confused as to when we are supposed to round numbers, and when we are supposed to keep all the digits possible in your procedure. What is the protocol? >> Yes .. the precise figure is "19.47122061" arc-degrees north & south of the equator. The SINE of that angle is ... 0.333333333 ... 1/3rd. So; we use the sine of the Tetrahedral Latitude (Hoagland,R.C.) when we divide by "3" or when we multiply by the reciprocal of "3". That's one reason why the number "3" is so important. When using "gematria" per se, we use the "19.5" number, such as when multiplying it by "54" to get "1053" decimal harmonic.
Regarding my Grid LONG for The Phoenix UFO 'hover-spot' on March 13, 1997 : "1315.947253 W.Giza" ... = 143 (deg) X 13 (min) X 0.707879103 (sec) W.Giza ... [ W.Greenwich 112 deg 04 min 59.9078791 sec ]. I am going to make a prediction, here. I predict that the Polar circumference of Mars will be found to be .. "ideally;intentionally;originally" ... because of the forces of erosion, etc., over who knows how much time ... "13159.47253" Statute Miles. I also say the 'average' Mars circumference is ... 13200 Statute Miles. Also ... another prediction: I think the precise azimuth, in arc-degrees, from the Apex of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars .. to the Nose on 'The Face' at Cydonia ... will be found to be "13.15947253".
Regarding my Grid LAT for The Phoenix UFO of March 13, 1997 'hover-spot' : "39478.4176" North ... = 33 (deg) X 29 (min) X 41.252265 (sec) North ... = (2Pi) Squared X 1000. This decimal harmonic of "(2Pi) Squared" .. reveals the Earth precession cycle in *years* ... when you multiply (2Pi) Squared times the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1991) of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars ... 656.56127 X 39.4784176 = 25920.
Also note ... the Grid POINT Value of The Cholula Pyramid in Mexico is ... (Munck, 1993) ... "13.15947253". Also note ... the Grid LONG of both The White House and The Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. (Morton, 1998) is ... "13159.47253" W.Giza ... = 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza ... [ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ]. Also note ... the Grid LAT of The White House in Washington, D.C. (Morton, 1998) is ... "103680" North ... = 38 (deg) X 53 (min) X 51.4796425 (sec) North. This is (103680) .. 4 Earth precession cycles in years .. 4 X 25920 = 103680. Also note .. the Grid LAT (Morton, 1998) of Rennes-le-Chateau is ... "103680" North ... = 42 (deg) X 55 (min) X 44.88311688 (sec) North.
So .. in a kind of summary ...
> We have NOT ONLY a direct referece to "1053" (please read that > Hoagland article, regarding Robert Temple's work on Sirius) ... we > also have a direct reference to the end of the Mayan Calendar on > December 21, 2012 ... AND we have a direct reference to the Grid > POINT Value of The Chephren Pyramid (Munck) of Giza, AND we > have a direct reference to the original height, including capstone .... > in Inches *and* in Feet .... of The Great Pyramid of Giza .... AND we > have direct references to the light-speed decimal harmonics of "162" > and "144" (B. Cathie), AND we have direct references to ... 'The > Circle of Churches' and Rennes-le-Chateau in the "306" azimuth in > arc-degrees from the base of the axis of the 'extended star-pentagram' > (D.Wood) to the site of Rennes-le-Chateau itself. ALL of this ...... > indicated .. "pointed-out" .. by these EVENTS at PARTICULAR TIMES > .... The Phoenix UFO on the evening of March 13, 1997 ... and the "crash" > of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 at 3:45 PM PST on January 31, 2000. Counting the *number of Days* is ... critical, folks !!!
<< And it is... odd... that Richard C. Hoagland published an article on the Enterprise Mission *5* (a very important number) days before Flight 261 crashed containing the following information that would *also* be encoded in the crash by the Cabal: "1053", "Sirius", "The Dogon" (who as Michael has informed me has an alphanumeric sum of 88 which would be the number of persons on the plane and is similar to the name of the "Doyon" family { MLM ... no .. the 'business entity' .. Thompson is his family name} killed in the crash). >>
Yes .. this IS probably a relevant factor in this scenario. 1053 X 5 = 5265. Now I'm going to use the number "15" ... which has been popping-up ALL OVER in my research and in relatively current synchronicities connected to this research ... 5265 / 15 = 351. Notice this is the 'reverse' of "153". And recall, again, the plane (Alaska Airlines Flight 261) landing upside-down. And when, again, was "This is Getting Sirius" posted on Hoagland's website ?
On .. January 26th ... "1 / 26" ... "126" ... "261" re-ordered. 351 - 126 = 225 ... the Square of 15, AND .. the azimuth from The Miami Circle to 'The Water Well' at the SW corner of what I now call "Miami Square". Please note here .. the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of the SE corner of "Miami Square" .. is .. "1.315947253". { WHERE have I seen THAT figure ??!
}. << Possibly even more information could be yielded by converting the entire article to its Gematric numerical equivalents? Perhaps we will end up with a Meta-Message like the Bible Code?
I suspect that the space of time of five days (between the release of the article and the crash) is meant to indicate the *pentagonal geometry* which permiates the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery, and the five-sided pyramids at Cydonia, and our own Military Industrial Complex (MIC) symbolized by the Pentagon, in Washington DC where it forms part of the overall Masonic/Cydonic design of the American capital. So, how could RCH have known all this information about the crash, before the crash? { MLM ... I'm sure he DIDN'T ... consciously, at least. }
And, alternately, five days might even be pressing for the resources of the Cabal to manufacture *all* the factors to encode the information into a plane crash (perhaps the Doyon { MLM .. 'Thompson'} family were actually forced aboard against their will by the Cabal's FEMA thugs? -- it being rather to convenient to the Cabal's plan for them to book the flight for their own reasons), thereby implicating RCH.
So, the logical conclusion if we "buy" this information, is that RCH seems to be himself involved with the Cabal making the planes crash (since information on his website ties in to crashes just *prior* to their happening). That seems to be the logical conclusion of Michael's analysis. There *has* to be a direct connection of his announcing the distribution of this information and the pentagonal metaphor of the delay to fruition, if it really is important, and the crash, right? So, perhaps it is not just Brian DePalma is not the only one involved in the "controlled release of information" by the Cabal?
But, we must remember, that this is *only a theory*, irregardless of how well it fits the facts Michael has brought to our attention. We should, of course, not presume that RCH is either guilty or innocent of collaboration. >>
OK . Here, at this point, we can see that Brian Zinkle is lapsing into a satirical sarcasm, directed at not only myself, not only at Michael Drosnin's and others' brilliant work on trying to deal intelligently and seriously with apparent 'coding' in The Bible ... but .. of course ... directed at good 'ol "punching-bag" Hoagland. This is quite "predictable", the way things have gone lately. Another cheap-shot.
<< Perhaps the near simultaneous release of the information (via RCH and the crash) indicates that both the Cabal and RCH have somehow tapped in to some sort of "Cosmic Computer". This could be the case, but it would fail to explain why RCH is complaining about not getting paid for the "Mission to Mars" film when he could be making a killing on the stock market. Hmmm... Perhaps, his *not* making a "killing" on the stock market is a metaphor for the fact that the Cabal would "kill" him if he so foolishly misused their gifts?
At this point, for my safety and that of other members of the list, it would probably be best if I terminated the discussion of this issue... prematurely. We are obviously treading on "The Playground of the Gods" (which Herman Hesse represented covertly by the "metaphor" of his novel "The Glass Bead Game")!
Furtively, Brian bzinkle@mwt.net >>
So .. even more thinly-disguised satirical sarcasm, from Brian, in the end. Again ... rather 'predictable'. Of course, he has also, here, returned to another common tactic of 'debunkers' ... the attempt to 'reduce' a topic to some "pejorative category, or pejorative label" ... such as "conspiracy theories".
The main point, again, that I want to emphasize .. is that these 'numerical correlations' are simply *THERE* ... regardless of what is going-on "behind the scenes". These very, very *specific-and-precise* numerical correlations are, in fact ... SUPER OBVIOUS !!! Why ?? We don't know yet. PROBABLY because they are ... INTENDED ... as ... "communication(s)" to ... "us".
I will now repeat the equation I gave in one of my previous posts on this subject : 656.56127 X 27.58106915 = 3.141592654 X 5764.166073.
This is showing the Grid POINTs (multiplied) of 'The Face' and of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars ... equivalent, precisely, to the Pi constant multiplied by the Grid POINT of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza. Also recall that "5764.166073" is the fractional number of Earth Days from the 'hover-time' of The Phoenix UFO of March 13, 1997 .. to the end of The Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012.
Current Star Positions ..In Precise Synchronization With This Awareness
As some of know, I've found precise correlations involving the ancient 'archaeomatrix', some of these plane 'crashes' (and some deaths of certain very popular persons), certain appearances of major UFO 'mass-sightings', and some 'celestial' events such as certain eclipses and conjunctions. Some of you also know I've added to the 'parameters of correlation' dramatically .. by finding that the current (year 2000) "fixed star-positions" are also involved !!
{ See http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/skymat_1.htm }. I will now give you an equation (or two) with the current (year 200) position of the star SIRIUS involved. These star-positions, as you can hopefully begin to comprehend by visiting the website just referred-to, are based on :
1) The 'Sidereal Astrological Zodiac' .. see work of Cyril Fagan, and others.
2) The Orion belt-star ALNITAK serving as "prime meridian marker" for our ecliptic.
This idea is the theory of Mary Anne Weaver. I have essentially begun, at least, to prove this theory as being correct.
Here, then, is an equation I just came up with a couple of days ago, involving the actual current (year 2000) sky-position of SIRIUS : [ This is actually a couple of equations ] ... 300 X Pi X 2.368705056 = 2232.451921 = 54 X Pi X 13.15947253. The "2.368705056" is the year-2000 Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of SIRIUS.
Also .. this equation ...
2232.451921 / 5764.166073 = 0.3872983346 .. a decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of The Miami Circle !! The number "300" refers to the azimuth (arc-degrees) from the *center* of 'The Circle of Churches' .. to .... the site of Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France.
There is, of course, much more to all of this !! But, it is now becoming ... *super-obvious* .. that "someone" ... PLANNED all of this .. to SYNCHRONIZE, right around ... *NOW* !!! Year 2000.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 2000
Copying and forwarding of this article is encouraged, provided the
copyright is included. Thanks -- MLM.