Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 300

"The Chalice Well" site .. at Glastonbury, England ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
"The Chalice Well" site .. at Glastonbury, England ..
Wed May 29 23:08:56 2002

"Chronos" (Robert Carl) .. alias Ancient-Vizier .. has obtained many
good maps, and has been diligently working on a process of "rectifying"
said maps .. with regard to the ASM. This has been an enormous help
to this body-of-work .. this "Archaeocryptography". The UK system of
mapping is quite different from the USGS topographic series .. and also
quite different from the French, etc. So .. this process has been a kind
of breakthrough in itself, I'd say .. and it is still in-progress, though much
has already been accomplished in a relatively very short time.

Thanks to "Chronos", we now have a good estimate as to the "ASM" values
for the centered-location of England's "The Chalice Well" .. a major 'sacred' site,
at Glastonbury, England.

Chronos' estimate has it centered here, in the British OS ("Ordnance Survey") ..
ST 5075538588 .. or .. 
Latitude .. 51 deg 08 min 39.2 sec
Longitude .. 02 deg 42 min 19.4 sec .. W.Greenwich.

Converting into "ASM" approximations ..
51(deg) * 08(min) * 39.2(sec) = 159936.6 approx. Grid LAT.
33(deg) * 50(min) * 20.2(sec) = 33330 approx. Grid LONG W.Giza. 

Here is my interpretation ..

Grid LAT ..
51(deg) * 08(min) * 39.21568627(sec) North ..
= 16000 North .. a decimal-harmonic of 16; a decimal-harmonic of 
the 160000 Grid LONG for ALTAIR; a decimal-harmonic of the 160 *days*
from the appearance of the_"CropFace"_crop-formation in England (on the 
14th of August, 2001, in the field next to the Chilbolton Observatory) .. *to* ..
the annual ecliptic-longitudinal conjunction_with_ALTAIR; and a decimal-
harmonic of the street-address of The White House in Washington, D.C. ..
1600. And, of course .. (2000 + 1600) = 3600 .. where; 2000 refers to the
year-2000 A.D. as the self-evident "time-node of correlation" in the ASM ..
and, where; 3600 references not only the_"ideal"_orbital period of "Nibiru"
{Z.Sitchin; "The 12th Planet", and other books; highly recommended} ..
in terms of Earth years .. but_also_is numerically-matching the *Grid LAT*
that I found {Morton, 2000, Internet} for GALACTIC CENTER and for

[There is another "key" number referenced in the combination of the numbers
2000 and 1600 .. and that is .. (2000 - 1600) = 400 .. the_ratio_of the mean
("ideal") diameters of The Sun and The Moon .. and in terms of statute miles,
this would be .. (864000 / 2160) = 400. This is the ratio "shown" by a total
solar eclipse, as observed_from_Earth. The Moon-disk "appears" .. on line-of-
sight .. to "exactly cover" the Sun-disk at totality. The visual "suggestion" is
to "notice the apparently-equal diameters"].

And, now; I discover_yet-another_"key" figure embodied in a certain comparison
of the 2000 and the 1600 .. and that is .. (2000 / 1600) = 1.25 .. a decimal-
harmonic of the_ratio_of GALACTIC CENTER and SOLAR APEX .. 12.5 ..
and 1.25 is also a numerical match of the 1.25_GPV_found for the "Taurus"
(I can't recall, at this moment, if this is the 'eye' or the 'body-center') location ..
in the "Washington, D.C. Landscape Zodiac". 

Now .. back to "The Chalice Well" .. my interpretation ..

Grid LONG ..
33(deg) * 50(min) * 20.2020202(sec) W.Giza ..
= 33333.33333 W.Giza
[ W.Greenwich .. 02 deg 42 min 19.402 sec ].

So .. Grid POINT Value (GPV) of "The Chalice Well" ..
(33333.33333 / 16000) = 2.083333333

The GPV is a decimal-harmonic of .. FOMALHAUT in the ASM ..
its GPV of 20.83333333 .. the_AQUARIUS_entity in the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" ..
the location of the_"Humankind"_entity in that "riddle" .. as a 4th part of 
the "Holy Cross" in the sky .. as-observed-from-Earth, of course. 
{See my postings on this, on The Internet}. 

I have found several direct correlations, now, involving this apparent GPV for
"The Chalice Well" and certain other_"very-related"_sites. 


If you go back through the postings on the "GridPoint" BBS .. *after reading
this posting* .. you should be able to find the_details_on the computations for
these other "very-related" sites, that I just referenced. I will only quote their
GPVs, here, in this next 'paragraph', because it would take too long (here;
considering attention-spans, etc.) to give all of those particular details.

(2.083333333 / 1.54101111) = 1.351926225 .. where; 1.54101111 is the
GPV for {R.Carl} the_Center_of the "Circle-of-Churches" in the South of France,
and, where; 1.351926225 is the GPV for SILBURY HILL {R.Carl}.

(2.908882087 / 2.083333333) = 1.396263402 .. where; 2.908882087 is the
GPV for Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland {Morton, 2000, Internet} .. and I also think
it is the primary GPV for the "revised" Stonehenge, as well ..
and, where; 1.396263402 is the GPV for DUBHE .. a star in Ursa Major ..
"The Plough" .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}.

Please note; DUBHE and CHARTRES CATHEDRAL are *matched* .. in terms
of "location" .. as one of the important *nodes* in a truly_massive_layout on
the ground in France .. spanning literally_hundreds_of miles. This particular
layout is called "The Plough" (appropriately) by researcher-author Greg Rigby ..
in his (highly-recommended) book, "On Earth As It Is In Heaven" ..
ISBN 190706 008 .. published in UK, 1996.

(1.396263402 / 1.351926225) = 2 / (Sqrt of 3.75) ..
= (2 / 1.936491673) .. where; 1.936491673 could likely be the GPV of ..
AVEBURY CIRCLE. Hopefully, we will get some 'mapping confirmation'
from "Chronos", on this.

(2.908882087 / 1.273239545) / 2.083333333 = 1.096622711 ..
where; 1.273239545 is the TANGENT of the base slope-angle of The Great
Pyramid of Giza and of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. and is also_likely_to
be the GPV for CHARTRES CATHEDRAL in France {a prediction by MLM in
2000; Internet} .. and, where; 1.096622711 seems to be directly-related to
many "Pendragon" sites.

Then .. (1.096622711 / 3.769911184) * 10 = 2.908882087 ..
where; 3.769911184 is the GPV of the_Church_at Rennes-le-Chateau ..
{R.Carl} .. and, where; we "end-up" back at 2.908882087 .. so maybe this
could be (?) an "indication" that Rosslyn Chapel and Stonehenge were
intended to have the same GPV.

I will also point-out, here, that .. (15707.96327 / 5400) = 2.908882087 ..
where; 15707.96327 is not only the Grid LAT of ALNITAK .. but_also_the
multiplied-product of the 4 "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" star-entities ..
{Morton, 2001, Internet} .. and, where; 5400 is the_GPV_of "The Sphinx" itself ..
{Munck, 1993}.

-- Michael L.M. 

(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

