Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 302

In the Spirit of The Eagle / Location of The Liberty Bell ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
In the Spirit of The Eagle
Sun Jun 2 11:12:37 2002

The time of the great alignment of Earth and Sol with the
Galactic Nodes is here.

Our equinoxes are in a cross with the Nodes of The Milky Way.

And so the Nodes multiply times the East and times the West,
to 10 times the polar diameter of Mars.

(2.842446068 * 6.981317008 * 7.5 * 281.4477322) = 41887.90203

The Galactic Center's power manifests ..
(41887.90203 * 35.53057584) = 1488301.281

And is divided by SIRIUS/Isis .. 
(1488301.281 / 2.368705056) = 2Pi * (10^5).

Galactic Anti-Center's Vector is applied ..
[628318.5307 * (15 / Pi)] = 3 * (10^6).

VEGA signals the direction of Sol ..
[3000000 * (10 / Pi)] = ELTANIN ANTENNA's Grid LAT * (10^3) ..

= 9549.296586 * (10^3).

Is that marker still there, at near 60 degrees South, on the floor of the ocean ?

The Great Face at Cydonia, Face One, knows the marker well.
The Face remembers. It has never forgotten. 
Through countless destructions and cover-ups, it remembers,
As does Its family of Faces .. in countless Places.

(9549.296586 / 656.56127) ..
= ANTARES, The Eagle * The Liberty Bell, in Philadelphia ..
= 4.297183463 * 3.384637998 ..

Does Freedom still truly ring ? Can Truth be revived ?

-- Michael L.M.


Michael Lawrence Morton
The Location of The Liberty Bell ..
Sun Jun 2 17:02:52 2002

Please recall the previous email .. where; it is shown how
Face One at Cydonia, on Mars, interacts with the Grid LAT
of ELTANIN ANTENNA .. via ANTARES, The Eagle, and the
location of_The Liberty Bell_in Philadelphia, USA. 

(9549.296586 / 656.56127) = 14.54441043 ..
= (4.297183463 * 3.384637998)

Now .. **please notice** .. how 14.54441043 is a decimal-harmonic of
the Grid LAT of the precise_location_of The Liberty Bell .. *and* .. how
the Grid POINT Value of ANTARES, The Eagle, is a decimal-harmonic of
the precise_Grid LONG_West of Giza .. of The Liberty Bell :

1454.441043 North ..
= 39(deg) * 57(min) * 0.654269475(sec) North.
429.7183463 W.Giza ..
= 106(deg) * 17(min) * 0.238467451(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 75 deg 08 min 59.43846745 sec ].

So; the exact_location-point_of The Liberty Bell ..
(1454.441043 / 429.7183463) = 3.384637998

Go ahead; anyone .. and wipe-out the "Eltanin Antenna" .. in fact;
maybe someone already_has_wiped it out, and "covered-up" the damage.
The Faces will still remember .. and there are many, many of them. 
The Faces will not forget. And it is quite difficult to "wipe-out" thousands
of pyramids, mounds, and stone circles .. and then, there are the many
structures on Mars. The truth has a way of remaining. 

The truth is important. That is_evidently_why the designers/creators of
the ASM took such care, such precision, and such size and scope ..
to manifest it all around us .. even in the very_locations_of prominent stars
in the Earth-sky. And even, in fact .. in the very location of Galactic Center,
as viewed from Earth. And it was all timed, as well .. precisely synchronized.
And we, now .. have the great honor of witnessing this .. now. Awareness is
the key .. that's the whole point. That's how the truth is communicated.

Are we not literally related to the designers/creators of this "ASM" ?
Of course we are. Resonate to the truth .. ring like a bell to the music of
the spheres. Entropy as a "primary force" is a crock. "Original Sin" is a crock.
Why are we "fighting for oil" when we now know oil is totally unnecessary
as fuel ? Why are we even "fighting one-another", now ? 
-- Michael L.M. 
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

