Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 303

U. K. Woodhenge in WGS 84 datum...

Chronos wrote: 

{{Ah... Thanks for pointing that out. Got me there. What the hell did I do there? :-)

Let me take a short run at this after having the gross error pointed out though... I wonder 
if this might be it?

32* 55' 9.9550931(sec) W. Giza = 17520.96387 

51* 11' 21.53506758" N = 12167.33602 

17520.96387 / 12167.33602 = 1.44

This would be this Woodhenge / Grid Point Cahokia Woodhenge # 2 "So; Grid POINT Value for
 Cahokia Woodhenge # 2, CORRECTED .... 41828.22014 / 10800 = 1.290994449 (Morton, 1999)." 
http://www.100megsfree4.com/farshores/mat_78.htm if I am referring to still current figures

1.44 / 1.290994449 = 1.115419203, which is many things, dh Radian x 19.4677367 being just 
one of them (The Giza Vector x 2, or that is, revised Grid Latitude Avebury x 2, is another)... 

Then with the Grid Point of Stonehenge "v. 4.0"

1.44 / 1.290994449 / 2.920160646 = dh 12 / Pi

Or a better way of looking at it...

Stonehenge "v. 4.0" / 1.44 / 1.290994449 = (Pi / 2)

Then adding the Grid Point of Seahenge http://www.100megsfree4.com/farshores/mat_47.htm

1.44 / 1.290994449 / 2.920160646 / 3.333333333 = dh 57.29577951 x 2

Several rationale I'm still continuing to look at: 

The 17520.96387 strikes me as a metrological. We know it from the Pyramid of the Magicians
 at Uxmal [Carl P. Munck] where 12960 / 1752.096387 = a Grid Point of the Squared Megalithic 
Yard 7.396853331, hence it's (360^2) / Squared Megalithic Yard... 

With the erroneous 4.166666666 Grid Point, its answer to Stonehenge would have been a second 
Metrological figure, the experimental Remem... which is pretty darned resonant. We might
 recall that it is equal to exactly 1/2 of Munck's Grid Point for Stonhenge... which as 
the possible true identity of a "matrix-valid Roman Pace" is yet another Metrological key 
I hate to see displaced, although it will resonate throughout the Matrix for eternity
 nonetheless... datum or no datum, that was a fine candidate...

4.166666666 x 2.920160646 = 12.16733602, precisely ten of this Remen... 

The same unit has re-emerged in these possibles from the corrected estimates

17520.96387 / 12167.33602 = 1.44

Part of my rationale here again concerns that Woodhenge is not a perfect circle, hence it
 warrants the Square Root of the Volume of the Sphere in its decoding according to Munck 
(who didn't apply it in his decoding of Woodhenge that I know of, again making it possible 
what the WGS 84 datum is the correct one to use here)... this Woodhenge in question near 
Durrington Walls is also divided into 6 concentric rings, and has two offcentered posts 
in the middle... I am curious whether 17520.96387 belongs here because 

17520.96387 / SRVS 887.6223994 = 19.7392088 = 2 (Pi^2) (hence 2 off-centered posts in 
the middle?) 

but also to treat the six concentric circles as a divisor for SRVS... 

17520.96387 x (887.6223994 / 6) = 2592000

and where my erroneous Grid Latitude of 73004.0613 x (SRVS / 6) would have given us the 
choice 10800 x 10^3, the suggestion here from the corrected estimate gives us another choice

12167.33602 x (887.6223994 / 6) = 180 x 10^4... 360, the circle [albeit an imperfect circle], 
divided by the two offcenter posts in the middle = 180

This constant now standing without the aid of the Stonehenge "v. 4.0" Grid Point 12167.33602, 
now given to that same figure, gets us the ASM constant of dh 360 x (Pi^2)...

12167.33602 x 2.920160646 = 35530.57581

Working "downwards" as these (SRVS / 6) figures are working "upwards", SRVS and 1.44 relate to
 another major constant, "Alternate Phi":

1.44 / 887.6223994 = 1.62231147 / 10^3

As I say, I'm really sure... I'm a relative newcomer to these Woodhenge thingies... but I do 
think I really like these figures so far?




Michael Lawrence Morton
I do like what I see, here .. !! ..
Tue Jun 4 21:57:57 2002

I like this .. seeing the 1.44 .. and then seeing,
farther-down in your analysis (Chronos) .. the
REGULUS GPV of 19.7392088 .. and being that 1.44 is my GPV
for RIGEL .. the brightest star in Orion.

And then .. down near the end of your posting (immediately previous, on the "GridPoint" BBS).. you come-up with
35530.57584 .. a 'match' of the Grid LAT of The U.S. Naval
Observatory, and a dh of Galactic Center's GPV.

That's a lot of powerful resonance with the "sky" portion
of the ASM. 

And I like the Grid LAT and Grid LONG figures, themselves,
for your Woodhenge .. nice, solid ASM 'mainstays' in themselves.

And; here are 2 more reasons why I like seeing REGULUS and
RIGEL together .. (1.44 * 19.7392088) = 28.42446068 ..
a dh of the 2.842446068 SOLAR APEX (North Galactic Node);

Then .. (19.7392088 / 1.44) = 13.70778389 .. a dh of
the "Ideal" Fine Structure constant *Inverse* ..
that being 137.0778389 .. and I always note its solid
"sky" pedigree in the ASM .. 
(137.0778389 / 43.63323131) = Pi. 
And that's ALNITAK's GPV of 43.63323131

Lots of solid pedigrees, here.

{{ And I just can't pass up this chance .. (-; .. 
to plug my 2.908882087 GPV for Stonehenge .. as much
as I respect Chronos' figure for same .. (-; ..
(2.908882087 * 1.44) = 4.188790205 ..
= (13.15947253 / Pi) ..
= dh of the multiplied-product of all 4 "Galactic
Nodes" .. including my "East & West" projections
in-sync-with the "current" equinoxes .. using 360
as a designated value for the solar ecliptic ..
41887.90205 .. 
= 7.5 * 6.981317008 * 281.4477322 * 2.842446068 }}

-- Michael L.M.
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

