Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 305

Lunar Orbit; Galactic Perspective; GEMMA-Star ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Lunar Orbit; Galactic Perspective; GEMMA-Star ..
Tue Jun 11 13:23:53 2002

Yes .. I've tied these 3 together .. and the following simple equations
are displaying it.

"Ideal" Lunar Orbital period .. 27.39575306 Earth-Days ..
which is a decimal-harmonic_reciprocal_of .. the "3650200809" (dh) figure.

Please recall .. that .. 0.03650200809 is the "Ideal" (according to my proposal;
I think this is 'apparent'_via_the ASM) .. LOPER .. an acronym for ..
"Lunar Orbits per Earth Rotation". 
And .. also recall that_365.0200809_is the ASM "Ideal" Solar Year .. (or ..
Earth Year), in Days. The 365.0200809 "ideal" Earth-year, in Days, was found
by Munck (1993, "The Code", self-published; http://www.pyramidmatrix.com)

Then .. I noted that_3.650200809_is the GPV that I found for "Coral Castle" ..
(Ed Leedskalnin). {Morton, 1998, Internet}.

The "spread" from 0.03650200809 to 365.0200809 .. is .. (10^4) ..
4 powers-of-ten.

I'm going to relate this, now, to the *multiplied-product* of the 4 "Galactic Nodes"
in the ASM .. as I have recently found them {Morton, 2002, Internet} .. which means
the 2 Galactic Nodes of SOLAR APEX and SOUTH GALACTIC NODE ..
and then also 2 "projections" on the solar ecliptic .. (as viewed from Earth, of
course) .. which are each essentially 90 degrees of ecliptic longitude from the 2
regular North/South Galactic Nodes.
This is .. (2.842446068 * 6.981317008 * 7.5 * 281.4477322) = 41887.90203

I have found a Grid LONG .. (thanks to Robert Carl, by the way, for bringing this
star to my attention) .. for GEMMA .. of .. 152899.2539 E.ALNITAK ..
= 137(deg) * 36(min) * 31.00147078(sec) E.ALNITAK.
And I'll go ahead, here, also .. and give my revised ASM interpretation for
GEMMA's Grid LAT and GPV ..
44(deg) * 19(min) * 29.10845939(sec) North-of-ecliptic ..
= 24334.67206 North-of-ecliptic.
GPV = 2Pi .. 6.283185307

How's that for "balance" .. a major star in the_Libra_sidereal longitude sector
of the zodiac !? Can't get much more "balanced" than 2Pi Radians-of-arc.

The Grid LAT for GEMMA is a dh of the_"old"_(former) 'Munck' Stonehenge GPV ..
"Stonehenge version 1.0", as Chronos calls it .. {2.433467206}. 

Now .. please notice ..

(41887.90203 / 27.39575306) = 1528.992539

I am quite excited about this .. especially considering what follows, here.

I've come-up with "ASM" figures for the e Value, and for the "Fine Structure"
constant, as some of you know. I refer to these as "Ideal" e Value .. and,
as .. "Ideal" Fine Structure constant. I think I have found a direct "fit" ..
involving the "Ideal" Lunar Orbital period in Earth-days, the "Ideal" Earth Orbital
period in Days, the "Ideal" e Value, and the "Ideal" Fine Structure constant.

First .. I'm showing you this equation I just found ..

2.718263905 * [72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3)] * 27.39575306 ..
= 5577.096019 * (Pi^4) * (10^-6).

This is where; 2.718263905 is the "Ideal" e Value {Morton, 2001, Internet} ..
and, where; [72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3)] is the "Ideal" Fine Structure constant ..
{Morton, 2001, Internet} .. and, where; 27.39575306 is the "Ideal" Lunar Orbital
period in Earth-days {Morton, 2002, Internet} .. and, where; 5577.096019 is
the "Giza Grid POINT" {Munck, 1993, "The Code", self-published;

Now .. I will use the figures 5577.096019 and 1528.992539 .. from above ..

(5577.096019 / 1528.992539) = 3.647562612 = (57.29577951 / 30)^2 ..
where; 57.29577951 = (360 / 2Pi).

Notice, also .. that 57.29577951 in terms of degrees-of-arc .. assuming the
"conventional"_360_equal arc-segments ("degrees") on any given circumference,
defines the_numerical_value of the Radian-arc constant.

Also; please take note .. that the precise_location_of the "Giza Grid POINT"
{Munck} of 5577.096019 .. displays an_aerial-view_of the Radian-arc constant
*angle* .. with the vertex of said angle at the_peak_of The Great Pyramid of Giza,
and with one vector-arm of said angle "projected-out along the surface of Earth"
as precisely aligned with the southwest edge-corner of The Great Pyramid of Giza,
and with the_other_vector-arm of said angle "projected-out along the surface of
Earth" as precisely_intersecting_the location of the "Giza Grid POINT" itself. 
Please see a graphic diagram of this *aerial-view* depiction of the Radian-arc
constant angle, displayed-and-marked-by the layout of the 2_sets_of "3 small
pyramids" at Giza in-relation-to the_peak_and to the_southwest edge-corner_of
The Great Pyramid .. thanks to the work of Gary Val Tenuta, at ..

And; please also notice .. that the_Square-Root_of 3.647562612 ..
is {1.909859317} the Grid POINT Value of the_"Eye"_of a gigantic "FACE
PROFILE" .. seen_only_from *aerial-view* .. at the site of the earthworks at
Poverty Point, Louisiana .. {Munck, 1995, "The Code"}. 

If I_Square_the figure that I call the "Teotihuacan Composite Ratio" ..
{4.931235553; Morton, 2002, Internet} .. and then multiply the_result_by 27 ..
[4.931235553)^2 * 27] = 656.56127 .. the Grid POINT Value of "FACE ONE" 
at Cydonia on Mars {Munck, 1993, "The Code"}.

The "Teotihuacan Composite Ratio" is found by first multiplying the GPVs
of "The Quetzalcoatl Complex" and "The Pyramid of the Moon" .. and then ..
dividing the result by the GPV of "The Pyramid of the Sun".
(9.118906529 * 6.489245881) / 12 = 4.931235553

The number 27 is the Square-Root of 729 .. which, in-turn, is known by some
researchers and physicists as an important "quantum" number.

If you will recall a previous (very recent) email posting of mine .. I had shown
the ratio of the 365.0200809 Earth-days "Ideal" Year and the 27.39575306
"Ideal" Lunar Orbital period in Earth-days ..
(365.0200809 / 27.39575306) = 13.32396595

Notice, now, that .. the_Square-Root_of 13.32396595 is .. 3.650200809 ..
another dh of the "3650200809" figure .. and also the GPV of "Coral Castle"
in Florida {Morton, 1998, Internet}.

(27 / 13.32396595) = 2.026423672 = (656.56127 / 324) .. where; 324 is
the Square of 18.

Now .. I know this should please Chronos ..

(2.026423672 * 3.650200809) = 7.396853327 .. where; 7.396853327 is
a precise_match_of the "Squared Megalithic Yard" .. and is_also_the actual
"Giza Longitude" in *arc-seconds East Giza* .. of the "north/south" oriented
set of "3 small pyramids" referenced earlier in this article.

I will close this posting by showing a direct "ASM" equation involving "Ideal" e
Value and the_7.441506403_ratio of Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center ..

(27.39575306 * 2.718263905) = 7.441506403 * 10 * 1.000723277 ..
where; "The Little Gremlin" shows up .. {see Chronos' descriptions of this
interesting little figure on the "GridPoint" BBS) .. and it_does_interact with
a lot of "major players" in the ASM .. such as .. {and Damon Elkins will like
this, I think} .. using the original Apex-height (including capstone) of The Great
Pyramid of Giza in_regular_("British") feet .. 480.3471728 .. {Munck, 1993} ..
(480.3471728 / 1.000723277) = 480.

That number .. 480 .. "happens to be" .. the_GPV_that I found, with essential
assistance from Damon Elkins .. for 2 important spots at Cydonia on Mars ..
involving what Damon E. calls, "The Marked Celestial Sphere" (on the ground,
from *aerial-view*) .. which is a self-referentially-indicated_Circle_with a_radius_of
exactly 18 *statute* miles !! 
These 2 important spots are .. 
1) the indicated location of POLARIS *at the north pole* of this 'projected' Celestial
Sphere .. !! 
-- AND --
2) the_Northeast Corner_of the "Main City Pyramid" at Cydonia !!
Both of these important points on the ground, at Cydonia, share
the GPV of 480. 

-- Michael L.M.


Michael Lawrence Morton
Still MORE "480" Resonance, here ..
Tue Jun 11 20:36:26 2002

Sort of picking-up where I left-off in my immediately
previous posting (see "GridfPoint" BBS) ..
I've found even_more_resonance involving the "480"
figure .. a number that is so prominent in-relation-to
the "Marked Celestial Sphere" at Cydonia on Mars ..
{Damon Elkins' work on this subject is outstanding}.

I will first repeat an equation from the immediately-
preceeding post ..

(27.39575306 * 2.718263905) ..
= 7.441506403 * !0 * 1.000723277

{{ Please review my immediately-preceeding post }}.

Notice, please ..

(480.3471728 / 1.000723277) = 480.

480 = (4.931235553 * 97.33868822) .. where; not only
is 97.33868822 the diameter of the Sarsen Circle of
Stonehenge in regular feet .. it is_also_the "Giza
Pyramids Composite Ratio" {Morton, 2001, Internet} ..
where; (248.0502134 * 2261.946711) / 5764.166073 ..
= 97.33868822

That is, where; 
(Great Pyr * Mycerinus Pyr) / Chephren Pyr ..
= 97.33868822

This is exactly the same "composite-ratio" pattern
used in the "Teotihuacan Composite Ratio" {Morton, 2001,
Internet} .. where;
(Quetzalcoatl Complex * Moon Pyr) / Sun Pyr ..
= 4.931235553

I now refer you to another equation from my immediately-
preceeding post .. 
(5577.096019 / 1528.992539) = 3.647562612 ..
= (57.29577951 / 30)^2

Notice what happens, when I divide this 3.647562612
figure into the "Teotihuacan Composite Ratio" ..
(4.931235553 / 3.647562612) = 1.351926225 ..
the GPV of "SILBURY HILL" in England {R.Carl}.

In-turn, as I_described_in an email a couple of postings
ago .. this GPV of "SILBURY HILL" is the *Square-Root*
of .. the_GPV_of the *crop-formation* found on 4th June
of 2002 .. very_near_to Silbury Hill itself !!
{1.827704519; Morton, Internet, 2002}. 

-- Michael L.M. 


Michael Lawrence Morton
And now I run-into this ..
Tue Jun 11 20:51:01 2002

I feel like a batter (in the game of baseball) who
is on a hot streak .. and has just run-into one of
Curt Schilling's fastballs ..

656.56127 * 480 * 10 * (Pi^2) = 31104000 ..

where; Square-Root of 31104000 = 5577.096019 ..
the "Giza Grid POINT" {Munck}.

Please, now .. refer back to my posting in this thread,
where I show the "Ideal" e Value, the "Ideal" Fine
Structure constant, and the "Ideal" Lunar orbital period
in Earth-days .. all 3 multiplied-together.

-- Michael L.M. 
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

