Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 307

Avebury-Trusloe Crop-Formation 2nd June, 2002

Michael Lawrence Morton
Some_Very_Interesting Findings ..
Thu Jun 13 14:26:18 2002

Latest Avebury-Trusloe Crop-Formation
2nd June, 2002

"ASM" Interpretation; by Michael L.Morton ..

32759.65475 North ..
= 51(deg) * 25(min) * 25.69384686(sec) North.
1000 W.Giza ..
= 32(deg) * 31.25(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 52 min 30.45 sec ]. 
GPV .. 32.75965475

Adam and Eve Longstones

"ASM" Interpretation; by Michael L.Morton ..

N.E. Stone ..

51(deg) * 25(min) * 22.00299468(sec) North ..
= 28053.81822 North.
32(deg) * 24.62104763(sec) W.Giza ..
= 787.873524 W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 52 min 23.821 sec ].
GPV .. 35.60700717

S.W. Stone ..

51(deg) * 25(min) * 21.5024061(sec) North ..
= 27415.56778 North.
32(deg) * 25.60986517(sec) W.Giza ..
= 819.5156855 W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 52 min 24.8098 sec ].
GPV .. 33.45337773

Some Brief Notes ..

[VS / (Pi^6)] = 819.5156855

[(35.60700717 / 32.75965475) * (Pi^5)] = 332.6178251 ..
= (10.44949716 / Pi) * (10^2) ..
= [(VEGA Grid LONG / ALTAIR Grid LAT) / Pi] * (10^2).

(35.60700717 * 33.45337773) / 32.75965475 ..
= 36.36102608 = (Pi * 11.57407407) .. where; 11.57407407 is a dh of
the 1.157407407 GPV of the June-Solstice-of-2001 ["Solar-Pyramid (Apex)"
Crop Formation] .. {Morton, 2001, Internet}.

[(Pi * 11.57407407) * SOLAR APEX] = Grid LONG "Face Two" @ Cydonia ..
where; SOLAR APEX (GPV) = 2.842446068, and, where; Grid LONG of
"Face Two" = 32.89868134(min) W.Cydonia.

(11.57407407 / 1.827704519) = (Pi * PEACOCK Star) ..
where; 1.827704519 = GPV of Latest (3rd June, 2002) "Silbury Hill" Crop
Formation .. and, where; PEACOCK Star (GPV) = 2.015720902

[36.36102608 / (Rosslyn Chapel)] = 12.5 ..
where; Rosslyn Chapel (GPV) = 2.908882087 .. and, where; 
12.5 = (GALACTIC CENTER / SOLAR APEX) = (35.53057584 / 2.842446068).

2.908882087 = (37.20753202 / 12.7910073) .. where; 12.7910073 is a dh
of the 127910.073 Grid LONG of GALACTIC CENTER .. and, where; 
37.20753202 is a dh of the 37207.53202 Grid LAT of both SOLAR APEX
and South Galactic Node.

(170.010936 / 36.36102608) = 4.67563637 = (37.20753202 / 7.957747155) ..
where; 170.010936 is ALNILAM .. and, where; 4.67563637 is a dh of the
46756.3637 Grid LAT of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. and, where;
7.957747155 is the "Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio". 

Now .. I know "Chronos", especially, will appreciate
this next one, here ..

[(1.181810286 * 3.666929889) / (35.60700717 / 33.45337773)]

... * 3.141592654 ...

= 12.7910073 = (37.20753202 / 2.908882087).

Now; that has to be one of the most interesting and
exciting sets of correlations I've ever found.
The 1.181810286 is ALPHA DRACONIS (its GPV) .. and;
the 3.666929889 is GAMMA DRACONIS (its GPV).
And Chronos was just speculating about maybe finding
something involving these very stars .. in-connection
with_this_very case. "Bam" !!!
-- Michael L.M. 


Michael Lawrence Morton
I must stick with my interpretation, here ..
Fri Jun 14 14:12:55 2002

Chronos ..

I respectfully disagree with your interpretation, here.

Working with your GPVs for the 2 longstones, and with your GPV for
the Avebury-Trusloe (SU08786943) crop-form found on 2nd June, 2002 .. 
I find that they do NOT respond well to a basic Pi probe .. either upward or
downward (neither multiplying by powers of Pi, nor dividing by powers of Pi).

Allow me to qualify that statement. What I'm specifically referencing, is that
when I *first* test your 2 GPVS for the longstones as a unit .. as a pair ..
by taking their ratio_and_by multiplying them together .. I don't get antything 
interesting at all. THEN .. applying powers-of-Pi .. both up and down .. 
I still don't get anything interesting at all.
PLUS .. when I then throw-in the additional factor of your crop-form GPV ..
again, both up and down, and also applying powers-of Pi to the mixes .. I still
don't get anything interesting at all. So .. to me .. this says a lot.

I don't put much credence in the "alignment" of these stones to Silbury Hill via
the crop-form. Frankly .. the one stone that is "close" to being aligned ..
really_doesn't_look "close", in my view. It's not aligned with Silbury Hill's center,
I mean.

I also don't put much credence in a "center-point" between the longstones.
That's just my opinion, of course.

Also .. your Grid LAT for the SW longstone seems too low.
I think it should be at least 27400 (or higher) .. so your 27351.71958 seems
too far-off, to me. Plus .. your 834.1401748 seems too low, as well.

As for the crop-form .. I think the "circle-geometry" is secondary, in this
particular case .. to the "Face" correlations. It seems to me that "Face Two" 
at Cydonia and "The Old Man of the Mountain" in New Hampshire, USA ..
are being referenced, here .. and are then "joined", intentionally .. by a dh
of the_Square_of the "Eye" of the_Face Profile_at Poverty Point, Louisiana, 
USA .. as I explain in my most-recent post.

And; Pi_and_powers-of-ten are very prominent in this case, as well.
The (100 / Pi) GPV (my interpretation) of the crop-form .. is an excellent
expression, in itself, of the "powers-of-ten/Pi" combination.
And VEGA .. (10 / Pi) .. is a very major star in the ASM .. being the
"general" opposite to SIRIUS in the Earth-sky.

But .. getting back to the trio of "face" references, here .. "Face Two" at Cydonia,
in which case the_timing_is superb .. what with "Mark the Webmeister" coming
back in almost perfect temporal conjunction with this particular crop-form's
appearance .. "The Old Man of the Mountain" .. a major icon in the "ASM" ..
and the "Eye" of the Face Profile at Poverty Point.
I remind you, and others, here .. of the wonderful equation found by Munck ..
1993, "The Code"; self-published; http://www.pyramidmatrix.com ..
precisely involving a trio of "faces" in the ASM ..
(656.56127 * 1.909859317 * 1.033542556) = 1296.

So; instead of "Face One" (656.56127) at Cydonia .. we have, in this particular
case .. "Face Two" at Cydonia !! .. being referenced.

1296 is not-only the 'square' of 36 .. which, in-turn, is the Arc-Cosine of HALF the
Golden Section (the Phi constant_being_the Golden Section) .. but 1296 is *also*
the_Grid LAT_of both "The Tholus" at Cydonia_and_"City Square Center" at
Cydonia !! .. 1296 North ..
= 41(deg) * 03 (min) * 10.53658537(sec) North. 

THEN .. please observe ..

1296 * (100 / Pi) = 41252.96125 .. generic Surface Area on a Sphere ..
assuming_360_arc-degrees on one circumference .. using the 57.29577951 (deg)
Radian-of-arc "as" the_numerical_value of the "given" generic radius. 

Then .. (1296 * 1.827704519) = 2368.705056 .. the 'Square' of the radius
of the Sarsen Circle of_STONEHENGE_in regular ("British") feet ..
(48.66934411)^2 = 2368.705056 ..
= Grid LONG of The U.S. Naval Observatory .. 
= 108(deg) * 12(min) * 1.827704519(sec) W.Giza.
{Morton, 1998, Internet}.

Now .. what's that I see as the "arc-seconds tag" on that W.Giza Grid LONG
of The U.S. Naval Observatory ??!!!

Yes .. it's the_GPV_of the crop-formation found on the 4th of June, 2002 ..
near "Silbury Hill" .. which Robert Carl and Michael Lawrence Morton de-coded.

And .. of course .. [108(deg) * 12(min) = 1296] .. right ?!! Right !! 

It so-happens .. that 2368.705056 is a_dh_of SIRIUS .. 2.368705056

And it so-happens .. that SIRIUS is generally "opposite" to VEGA .. 

And it so-happens .. that SIRIUS has emerged as the "aphelion marker-star"
for .. the orbital path of .. "NIBIRU" .. {Elkins, Morton} .. as-observed-from-Earth.

What about using the GPV of "Silbury Hill" in this scenario ?
Here you are ..

(1296 * 1.351926225) = 1752.096388 ..
= Pi * 557.7096019 ..
= Pi * (5577.096019 / 10) .. where; 5577.096019 .. is the "Giza Grid POINT",
as found by Munck (1993, "The Code").

Please recall .. earlier in this email, I mentioned this trio of "faces" ..
"Face Two" at Cydonia, "The Old Man of the Mountain" (a profile in granite),
and the "Eye" (Motley Mound) of the Face Profile (in earthwork) at Poverty Point.
Here is the multiplication of their GPVs ..
(164.1403175 * 1.033542556 * 1.909859317) = 324 .. exactly 1/4th of 1296.

324 is the 'Square' of .. 18. And 18 is the_radius_of the "Marked Celestial Sphere"
at Cydonia on Mars, in terms of *statute miles*. {Damon Elkins, M.L.Morton;
Internet, 2001}. The_center_of this "Marked Celestial Sphere" (a huge Circle, on
the ground, which is *implied* redundantly) .. is .. "Cydonia City Center", itself. 
As I have suggested .. please contact Damon Elkins at .. dle@swbell.net ..
because I think he would be able to give any of you 'some' description of this
"Marked Celestial Sphere" .. and more .. including the orbital path of Nibiru
as observed from Earth.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton


Hoping you'll like this...
Tue Jun 18 13:12:51 2002

...But I have forgotten my manners, and my principles; reading over my 
remarks it sounds like I've been sucked into a classic case of reductionist
"either / or" in spite of the fact that even now at Avebury, searching for
a cluster of subordinate Grid Points, what we are really looking at is the 
"Multiplicity Paradigm". It would be truer to form to propose that Michael
Morton's figures for the Avebury Trusloe Glyph have nailed the crop circle
dead center whereas my set define the closest point on the "line-of-sight" 
alignment (provided we can trust both the given Grid Reference and the 
interpretation of the oblique aerial image). 

I don't find it that easy to put away the idea that even a crop circle which
may be dedicated to expressing the Grid Values of "Face II" at Cydonia 
belongs in a dialog with Silbury. In my opinion, the Grid Values of "Face
II" can be found on site, not only that the Grid Latitude of "Face II" 
[41(deg)* 03(min)* 43.90243902(sec) North ..= 5400 North.- Michael L. 
Morton] might be seen where 54000 x 1.351926225 Grid Point Silbury is my 
unconfirmed suggestion for the Latitude of Silbury Hill's nearby "cousin", 
"Merlin's Mount", but the 51566.20159 Grid Longitude for Silbury divides by
Pi to give 16414.03176, which is the Grid Point of "Face II" / 100, and 
there are more examples.

It's my present proposition, and should have been to begin with, that both
sets of Grid Values for the Avebury Trusloe Circle suggested by Michael 
and myself are correct and intended (again data notwithstanding) and also
explain the slight misalignment on the proposed line-of-sight with Silbury.
Notice that both sets seem to be in agreement that the Grid Longitude of 
"Face II" takes precedence over the obvious squared Radian figure, leaving
a third set of "most obvious" figures to be obtained from a composite by 
cross-referencing the two suggestions to get R^2, AC, recip. Pi. There are 
many other purposes that the slightly less obvious figures serve, which is 
exactly why at least one set if not both seem to be warranted...) 

(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

