Matrix Message 310
And NOW Comes .. June Solstice-of-2002 Crop-formation ..
Michael Lawrence Morton And NOW Comes .. June Solstice-of-2002 Crop-formation .. Sun Jun 23 14:38:37 2002 Very appropriately; we now are presented with .. the *June Solstice-2002 Crop-formation* in Wiltshire, England. This has been reported as created on 21st June, 2002, and 'found' on 22nd June, 2002. Paul Vigay's website ( has a 6-digit OS Grid Reference for its centered-location .. SU105694 Now; I feel that I again need to speak on this "UK mapping situation" as brought- forth by "Chronos" .. Robert Carl. Yes .. it_would_have been 'nice' if the researchers/ reporters of the OS map references 'had' given 8-digit or even 10-digit OS Refs. from the very beginning. However .. I do think .. according to the .. *empirical evidence, itself* .. meaning .. the "ASM" figures_and_the correlations that_have_resulted, in my opinion .. directly FROM the "projection" of the 6-digit OS refs._*as given*_on Paul Vigay's website .. I DO think it has become quite clear (at least to me) that the *designers/creators* of these particular crop-formations ARE_seeing-to-it_that they are_centering_these formations at *just the precise locations* so that a simple numerical/mathematical projection of the given 6-digit OS figure DOES, in fact, translate to the_*intended*_"ASM" figures that the *designers/creators* of these formations_DO_apparently have in mind. In other words .. it really_*has not mattered*_that we've "only" had 6-digit OS references given for these particular formations (in my opinion) .. BECAUSE .. the designers/creators are FULLY-AWARE of **EXACTLY** "where" they need to *center* these formations in order to make_sure_that "only" a 6-digit OS Ref. WILL, in fact, translate mathematically_into_the INTENDED "ASM" figures !! This_has_become self-evident to me. How ? By the very_RESULTS_themselves !! I have been working with more-than-enough of these 6-digit OS references to see .. over 2 full seasons and now into a third season .. that this IS, in fact, the case. Think of it this way .. this is *part of the communication* !! The designers/creators are_evidently_AWARE that we_would_probably be using "only" 6-digit OS Grid Refs. So .. the designers/creators ADJUSTED to that. They understood our likely "limited" choice/use of digits .. in this situation. And, so .. they have *made sure* that the centered-locations of these formations will mathematically "project" .. from 6-digit OS Grid Fefs .. INTO the precisely- intended "ASM" values. And this IS apparent, to me .. in the results. This is apparently WHY the "long *strings* of degrees-values" have worked-out as they HAVE .. and here, I'm referring to Paul Vigay's website, where you 'click' on the given OS Grid Ref number .. and you are then taken to the specific data-page that shows the latitude and longitude for the particular crop-formation .. given in terms of arc-degrees-only .. out to "13 decimal places", or something. This is apparently a direct mathematical 'projection' .. of the 6-digit OS Grid Ref. number. And I must say "apparently" .. only because Paul Vigay has_not_told me, even though I asked him, point-blank, to please_tell_me how he is getting these "long *strings* of digits" as 'degrees-only' on the data-pages for the individual crop-formations. Well .. if the RESULTS .. of almost 3 years of data .. HAVE produced the very remarkable correlations involving the "ASM" .. as they indeed HAVE DONE .. then the fact that Paul Vigay has never answered my original question to him .. is a MOOT point, is it not ??!! ----------------------------------------- June Solstice-of-2002 Crop-Formation .. My "ASM" Figures 51(deg) * 25(min) * 21.22202419(sec) North .. = 27058.08084 North. 32(deg) * 58(min) * 57.25044988(sec) W.Giza .. = 106256.835 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 50 min 56.45 sec ]. GPV .. (106256.835 / 27058.08084) = 3.926990817 First; note .. (3.141592654 * 1.25) = 3.926990817 1.25 is a decimal-harmonic of 12.5 .. which, in-turn, is the ratio of Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) = 12.5 Also .. 1.25 shows-up in Washington, D.C. as a GPV involved at the 'Taurus' location in the "D.C. Landscape Zodiac" .. {R.Carl}. Now .. please keep in mind that it would be ideal, in this case .. if we see "ASM" figures popping-up that correlate precisely-and-obviously with figures such as .. last year's "June Solstice-of-2001" crop-formation (GPV) .. (1.157407407) .. and/or .. such as .. the South Galactic Node (GPV) .. (6.981317008) .. {due to the fact that our *SOLSTICES*_are_now aligned 'ecliptic- longitudinally' _with_the Galactic (Milky-Way) Nodes}. Looking at the North/South Galactic Nodes Ratio .. in Terms of Their GPVs This has been found in the "ASM" {Morton, 2002, Internet} to be .. (6.981317008 / 2.842446068) = 2.4560948 Please notice .. (3.926990817 / 2.4560948) = 0.162 * (Pi^2). Well .. !! .. it appears that we have a very interesting correlation, there. 0.162 is a "Bruce Cathie" light-speed (decimal) harmonic .. {162000} .. in terms of nautical miles per time-second. See his book .. "The Harmonic Conquest of Space". Ready for this next one .. (?) .. I wonder .. (-; .. I'm now going to use the_Aquarius_representative of the 4 "star entities" involved in the "Holy Cross" .. the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" equation .. {See my equation for this .. in my archives; and in articles on the "GridPoint" BBS, etc.} .. FOMALHAUT's GPV is .. 20.83333333 ... (repeating 3s). [(20.83333333 / 3.926990817) / 1.157407407] = (6.981317008 * 0.65656127) We had hoped we'd see some evidence of resonance, in this case, involving such things as South Galactic Node and/or last year's "June Solstice-of-2001" crop-formation, etc. It looks like we have a "bonanza". Is that a decimal-harmonic of the (GPV) "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars ?! Yes .. 0.65656127 .. certainly_is_a decimal-harmonic of 656.56127, indeed. Not_only_have we found last year's "June Solstice-of-2001" crop-formation (GPV)_and_the South Galactic Node (GPV) .. we_also_see them in the *same equation*_along-with_a decimal-harmonic of "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars and the_*Humankind*_star-entity (GPV) from the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" equation. Now; I ask anyone .. what are the "random-chance odds" against this particular scenario ??!! Go ahead .. take a shot at it .. I'm curious. Oh .. but there's much more, yet. So; hold your calculations, for now, please. You see .. I can "continue" this equation .. [(20.83333333 / 3.926990817) / 1.157407407] = (6.981317008 * 0.65656127) .. = 4.583662362 = (14.4 / 3.141592654) = [(18 * 3.141592654) / 3.926990817]. This is where; (18 * Pi) is the GPV of_"Cydonia City Square"_on Mars .. and, where; 14.4 is another "Bruce Cathie" (decimal) harmonic involving light-speed as it relates to the "geo-magnetic grid" {B.Cathie} on Earth. And I can also make-note of the fact that the exact_location_of "Cydonia City Square" on Mars .. "finds" the_360_arc-degrees-based Radian (deg) .. VIA .. "Miami Square" .. [(18 * 3.141592654) * 1.013211836] = (360 / 2Pi) .. = 57.29577951 (deg). Then; I can point-out that .. (57.29577951 * 3.926990817) = 225 = (15)^2. Yes; 225 is the "Square of 15" .. which is what I refer-to as "Miami Square" .. because .. not_only_is the Square-Root of 15 the GPV of "The Miami Circle" .. at the northeast_corner-point_of "Miami Square" .. but .. there are (apparently) 9_GPVs_involved in the "Miami Square" itself .. in its_precise_location in the "ASM" .. which I have_written_about. {See ..}. You can find some material there, re: "Miami Square" and re: "The Miami Circle", that relates_specifically_to the "ASM". The 9 GPVs in "Miami Square" are arranged in 3 rows of 3 "ASM" grid points in each row. These 3 rows are oriented_precisely_to the cardinal directions .. such that .. there is a center-point at 1.013211836 .. a northeast point at 3.872983346 .. a southwest point at 1.622311471 .. and so on. I think it is quite likely that "The Miami Circle" is, in fact, the_remains_of the so-called "Fountain of Youth" of Ponce de Leon. Notice .. that the multiplied-product of the NE corner and the SW corner is .. (3.872983346 * 1.6223114712) = (2 * 3.141592654) = 6.283185307 .. which is a very high-precision rendering of the_2Pi_constant .. the 'number' of Radians-of-arc on any Circumference. Just a little earlier in this email .. I showed an equation that indicates the 360-arc-degrees-based Radian value of 57.29577951 (deg) .. (Cydonia City Square * Miami Square) = (18Pi * 1.013211836) = 57.29577951 Now; please also note .. that 1.013211836 .. is a decimal-harmonic of the Grid LONG of the "Galactic East Node" .. or; the projection onto the solar-ecliptic of the "ASM" value for the ecliptic-longitude .. "East of ALNITAK" .. of .. the Milky-Way's "cross-nodal" ecliptic-longitude which is NOW ("circa 2000 A.D.") aligned with our (Earth) Autumnal Equinox. This figure is .. 101321.1836 E.ALNITAK .. = 95(deg) * 18(min) * 59.25215415(sec) E.ALNITAK. (3.926990817 / 1.013211836) = (3.141592654 * 1.233700551). This is where; 1.233700551 is the GPV of another "Face" in the "ASM". This one could be rather embarassing for some of the people who prominently hide behind their "credentials"_and_who are prominently connected with the National Association of Science and Engineering .. "N.A.S.E." I call this one the "NASE FACE" .. because it is "looking-straight-up" from atop the N.A.S.E. headquarters building in Washington, D.C. This is_very_appropos, considering the incredible_avoidance-tactics_employed for so long by so many of these "credentialed" people in science and engineering .. who have also been refusing for so long to even acknowledge the data that has been brought-forth by so many researchers and authors concerning "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars, etc., etc., etc. It appears as if these cowards are_stuck_with a_FELINE FACE_ perched atop their own headquarters building in Washington, D.C. .. looking "straight-up" at the sky .. a la "Face One" and "Face Two" at Cydonia on Mars. So; they CAN'T avoid this one !! Of course .. they might now go up there and "remove" it .. "destroy" it. But it's too late .. we already have *aerial-photos* of it .. just as is the case at Cydonia on Mars. Using the Grid LAT and Grid LONG .. of the "June Solstice-of-2002" Crop-formation [27058.08084 * 540 * (Pi^2)] = 15 * (Pi^6) * (10^4). This is where; 540 * (Pi^2) is the_Grid LONG_of South Galactic Node .. 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK .. = 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK. Notice the number 15 .. as in the 'Square' of the_GPV_of "The Miami Circle", and as in the 'Square-Root' of 225. (106256.835 / 37207.53202) = 2.855788311 = [43.63323131 / (48 / Pi)] .. where; 43.63323131 is the GPV of_ALNITAK_itself in the "ASM" .. and, where; (48 / Pi) is the_RATIO_of the_*ratio-of*_the Galactic Nodes (GPVs) and the Galactic Cross-nodes (GPVs) .. [(281.4477322 / 7.5) / (6.981317008 / 2.842446068)] = (48 / 3.141592654). And please also notice that I'm using the Grid LAT of both Solar Apex and South Galactic Node, here .. 37207.53202 .. = 53(deg) * 26(min) * 27.00111177(sec) .. north-and-south of ecliptic. And; also please recall .. that 37207.53202 is the encoded base slope-angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza and of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. = 51(deg) * 51(min) * 14.30508728(sec). Now .. I can "continue" this equation, too .. (106256.835 / 37207.53202) = [43.63323131 / (48 / Pi)] .. = (Pi^2) / 3.456 .. = 35.5305784 / 12.4416 .. = (35.5305784 / 8.64) / 1.44 .. = [35.53057584 / (85788.15751 / 9929.184894)] / 1.44 .. where; 8.64 is the_ratio_of the Grid LAT at the APEX of The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Grid LAT at the APEX of "The D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia on Mars. And, where; 1.44 is the GPV of RIGEL .. which is the star_seen_by an *observer* literally located at the_base_(center) of The Great Pyramid of Giza, on its *north face* .. and who is literally_looking-up-along_its *slope-angle* .. on December solstice at "circa 2000 A.D.".. at around midnight .. {Mark Vidler, 2000; and .. please see his book, "The Star Mirror"}. Yes .. RIGEL is in Orion .. and RIGEL is the brightest star in Orion. And, where; (85788.15751 / 9929.184894)_is_the RATIO .. (8.64) .. of the Grid LAT at the APEX of The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Grid LAT at the APEX of "The D&M Pyramid" of Cydonia. And, where; 35.53057584 is the GPV of GALACTIC CENTER. And, where; 3.456 is a decimal-harmonic of the multiplied-product of .. (MERAK * DUBHE * POLARIS) = (11.4591559 * 1.396263402 * 21.6) = 345.6 And, where; 11.4591559 is the_ratio_of the GPV of "Face One" at Cydonia divided-by the 57.29577951 value of the Radian (deg) in the_360_system .. (656.56127 / 57.29577951) = 11.4591559 I would say that it is very likely .. (-; .. that we have, here, a case of a conversation going-on. I'd say this conversation is similar to the way in which the various "Faces" in the "ASM" talk to each other. It seems to me this is rather .. "human-like". -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.