Matrix Message 311
Are These Nibiru's Crossing-points ? ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Are These Nibiru's Crossing-points ? .. Tue Jun 25 16:53:40 2002 By "crossing-points" .. I mean those points .. *as-observed-from-Earth* .. on the solar-ecliptic .. and_in-relation-to_the 'relatively-fixed' Earth-sky back-drop .. *regardless* of the Earth-horizon-ground-location-due-to-precession .. those points on the solar-ecliptic_where_Nibiru *appears-to-cross* the solar-ecliptic from the perspective of an observer on Earth. These would be 2 points on the solar-ecliptic .. at_roughly_05 degrees Pisces and at_roughly_05 degrees Virgo, meaning the_sidereal_zodiac houses of Pisces and Virgo .. NOT the tropical zodiac houses. {This is why .. I propose .. this is 'one' reason_why_the "ASM" uses the_sidereal_ zodiac sky-locations}. In terms of_precise_crossing-points for Nibiru .. I do think I have already posted them on The Internet. These would be .. 7.5 .. (2700 / 360) = 7.5 .. the incoming (Pisces) crossing-point .. and; 281.4477322 .. (101321.1836 / 360) .. = 281.4477322 .. the outgoing (Virgo) crossing-point. Nibiru's_aphelion_point is apparently "marked" by SIRIUS. That is; Nibiru's farthest-away-point from Sol is in-the-Earth-sky-direction-of .. SIRIUS .. again; *as-viewed-from-Earth*. (Elkins, Morton; 2001, Internet}. My contention is that the most-recent aphelion of Nibiru was Circa 1800 A.D. .. only a little more than 200 years ago, as of this writing. The next "scheduled" perihelion would be Circa 3600 A.D. .. a number matching the "ideal" orbit period of Nibiru in terms of Earth-years .. {Z.Sitchin}. Nibiru's perihelion {Elkins, Morton, 2001, Internet} is_north_of the solar-ecliptic .. *as-viewed-from-Earth* .. at roughly 30 degrees above the solar-ecliptic .. as it "appears" (from Earth perspective) to pass between the ecliptic-longitudes of ALTAIR and VEGA .. "retrograde" .. from ALTAIR to the ecliptic-longitude of PEACOCK and then on to the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA, etc. Nibiru apparently appears to "cross-over" ALTAIR itself, and ALTAIR apparently "marks" the ecliptic-latitude_and_ecliptic-longitude point_at-which_Nibiru "begins to level-off" at its "peak-perihelion" .. which is apparently "represented" by the ecliptic-longitude of PEACOCK. The ecliptic-longitude of VEGA seems to "mark" the point at-which Nibiru appears to "begin its descent" in terms of ecliptc-latitude. The numbers that I have found for the "2000 A.D." sky-locations, in the "ASM", of these stars .. *perfectly correlate* with this "path of Nibiru" scenario .. as I have_posted_on The Internet. Here, as I have already posted on The Internet .. are, again, the .. "Galactic Cross-Nodes", as I refer to them, here .. which are those points on the solar-ecliptic .. *as-viewed-from-Earth*, remember .. that are essentially at *right-angles* to the_ecliptic-longitudes_of the Galactic Nodes. Please recall .. as I describe in my posts on The Internet .. that "SOLAR APEX" is the North Galactic Node, and then there is the South Galactic Node. East Galactic Cross-Node .. 101321.1836 E.ALNITAK .. = 95(deg) * 18(min) * 59.25215415(sec) E.ALNITAK. 360 .. ecliptic-latitude of the solar-ecliptic itself. This retains the encoding of any functional prime meridians or equators, according to the "ASM" .. {Munck, 1993}. Therefore .. the Grid POINT Value (GPV) of this node is .. (101321.1836 / 360) = 281.4477322 This is_only one_of the things/parameters that (I propose) is being "marked" .. shown/displayed to "us" .. meaning "us Earth-humans" .. as the outgoing crossing- point of Nibiru .. using the_"ASM"_as the apparent medium-of-choice. This is apparently "timed" to be self-evident as of Circa 2000 A.D. West Galactic Cross-Node .. 2700 W.ALNITAK .. = 84(deg) * 41(min) * 0.783972125(sec) W.ALNITAK. 360 .. ecliptic-latitude of the solar-ecliptic itself .. designated ("ASM"). GPV .. (2700 / 360) = 7.5 This is the incoming crossing-point of Nibiru. Notice that 7.5 is exactly HALF of 15. So; again, you see this number 15 popping-up. I want to now show you a very significant equation. Please notice .. (7.5 * 281.4477322) = (15707.96327 / 7.441506403) Do you recall .. those of you who have followed my postings on The Internet .. do you recall this figure of 7.441506403 ? It is encoded in the_W.Giza_longitude of the centered-location of The Washington Monument in D.C. .. 108(deg) * 10(min) * 7.441506403(sec) W.Giza .. = 8036.826916 W.Giza .. = [(Pi^3) * 259.2] .. = MINTAKA * The Tholus @ Cydonia on Mars. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 6.6415 sec ]. The_7.441506403_figure is the "arc-seconds tag" on the W.Giza longitude for this very important monument. This is the "ASM" expression for .. the_RATIO_of .. (GALACTIC CENTER / GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER) .. at 2000 A.D. .. = (35.53057584 / 4.774648293) .. = 7.441506403 The expression 15707.96327 is a decimal-harmonic of .. HALF-Pi .. (3.141592654 / 2) = 1.570796327 This figure .. 1.570796327 .. is the number of Radians-of-arc in the RIGHT ANGLE. So; this is a very "fundamental" figure in geometry .. in Circle/Sphere geometry. The "2000 A.D." ecliptic-latitude of ALNITAK .. in Orion .. is "encoded-by" .. and it also "encodes" .. the HALF-Pi (Radians-of-arc) constant of the right-angle. 15707.96327 South-of-ecliptic .. = 25(deg) * 17(min) * 36.95991358(sec) South-of-ecliptic. ALNITAK is_also_the "marker-star" in the "ASM" .. for the solar-ecliptic's prime meridian .. as-viewed-from-Earth. 15707.96327 is also the_multiplied-product_of the 4 "star-entities" in the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" equation .. (8.888888889 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) .. = (ALDEBARAN * REGULUS * ANTARES * FOMALHAUT) .. = (Bull * Lion * Eagle * Humankind) .. = 15707.96327 .. = (Pi / 2) * (10^4). And when you take the ratio of the GPV of The Great Sphinx of Giza .. found by Munck (1993) .. and this_multiplied-product_of the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" .. you get .. (15707.96327 / 5400) = 2.908882087 .. which is the GPV of the centered-location of .. Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland. This, then, supports the work of researcher/author Laurence Gardner .. regarding the ancient "Kingship" legacy involving the Anunnaki, etc., etc. I highly recommend his books .. "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" and "Genesis of the Grail Kings". This, indeed (in my opinion) .. is an integral_part_of the "ASM". If we "Earth humans" are to_truly_re-discover our deeply-ancient heritage .. I really don't think there is any way_"around"_the Anunnaki. That's just the way it is .. the truth. No .. this_doesn't_mean that the Anunnaki are necessarily the "end of the line"_or_the "beginning of the line". Of course not; not in terms of the entire history of The Milky Way and beyond. But this_is_the next level, if you will .. the next level of comprehension and understanding, in the context of a current, Earth-human consensus .. of our ancient heritage and species-identity. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.