Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 315

"Nibiru Cross" Supports SPICA as "Star in the East"

Michael Lawrence Morton
"Nibiru Cross" Supports SPICA as "Star in the East"
Fri Aug 2 06:36:36 2002

Thanks to Mark Vidler .. (his book; "The Star Mirror") .. for informing
me as to SPICA having been the "Star in the East" as of circa "00" B.C./A.D.
This was when SPICA rose_due-east_from Earth's horizon. And thanks
to Damon Elkins for reporting that SPICA, according to the "SkyGlobe"
computer program .. "projects" as having risen from Earth's horizon
*due-east* in 01 B.C. and in 01 A.D. . so .. I suppose this is a way of
saying .. "00" B.C./A.D., in effect.

So; SPICA was apparently the "Star in the East" referenced by the 3 Magi,
as told in the Biblical New Testament.

Laurence Gardner's work says that_Nibiru_last reached perihelion as of
"00" B.C./A.D. .. coincident with SPICA_rising_due-east on Earth's horizon.
This would have been when Jesus the Christ was 07 years of age ..
and I do respect L.Gardner's research on this.
Seven .. probably refers to the number of "planetoids" orbiting Nibiru ..
and thanks, here, to the research and writings of Andy Lloyd .. in spite
of the fact that Andy apparently has Nibiru's aphelion and perihelion "reversed"
by about 180 degrees. 

07 years_plus_"Year One" = 8. Nibiru is the "8", apparently .. as 7 + 1 = 8.

As I've written before, quite recently on the Internet .. I think the Age of Pisces
began as of year 208 A.D. .. or 216 years after the birth of Jesus the Christ. 
This would mean .. if you use the "ideal" number of years in a zodiac Age ..
which is 2160 .. the Age of Aquarius begins as of 2368 A.D. .. which seems
very appropriate, considering the "meaning" of the classic gematrian number 2368
in the Greek is .. "Jesus Christ". (2160 + 208) = 2368.
And this is consistent with our "current" March equinox at about 05 deg of
sidereal Pisces. 

If Nibiru's next perihelion is at circa 3600 A.D. .. this would be 1232 years after
the beginning of Aquarius. (3600 - 2368) = 1232 years.

Now .. here is where it appears that the year of Mary Magdalene's death ..
reported as A.D. 63 by L.Gardner .. seems to literally figure-in to the "ASM"
scenario. If you use the Bruce Cathie_light-speed_decimal-harmonic of 162 ..
{referencing 162000 nautical miles per second} .. 
(1232 / 63) * 162 = 3168 .. the classic gematrian number, 'meaning' ..
"Lord Jesus Christ", in the Greek.

1232 - 208 = 1024 .. the_Square_of the number 32.
Then, the "ASM" significance really begins to display itself.
(32)^2 = (34.56 / 1.08)^2 = [34.56 / (3.141592654 / 2.908882087)]^2 ..
where; 2.908882087 is the_Grid Point_of Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland.

This is also where; 34.56 = (POLARIS * DUBHE * The Pentagon in D.C.) ..
where; 34.56 = (21.6 * 1.396263402 * 1.14591559) .. and, where the Grid Point
of The Pentagon (D.C.) is 1/10th of the Grid Point of MERAK .. where MERAK and
DUBHE are the stars that "form" one_"side"_of the "Big Dipper" and are also
fairly-closely-aligned (in the Earth-sky) with the position of POLARIS at the 
"present time" .. when POLARIS is our North pole star. 

Before getting more "into" the "ASM" correlations, here .. I want to show some
additional correlations involving "years" in terms of both "number-of-years" and
also in terms of "time-nodes" or "year/dates". 
Again; L.Gardner's work shows A.D. 33 to be the year of the "Crucifiction" ..
when Jesus the Christ was 40 years of age.
(63 - 33) = 30 .. Grid Point of the "hover-spot" of the "PHOENIX UFO"
of 13 March, 1997. The "nearest-degree" north_latitude_of this "hover-spot"
was .. 33 degrees north. So; Grid Point of the 'hover-spot' plus the north latitude
in terms of nearest-degree .. is .. (30 + 33) = 63, again. 

(162 * 8) = 1296 = (2000 * 0.648) .. where; 2000 is the year-A.D. of the
time-node involving the entire "ASM" .. in terms of_sky-locations_as observed
from Earth. 1296 is the Cube of 36 .. where 36 is the ArcCosine of exactly
HALF of the Phi constant. And; 1296 is the_Grid LAT_of "The Tholus" at Cydonia
on Mars, and 1296 is also the Grid LAT of the "Cydonia City Square Center" ..
*and* .. these 2 sites share the identical_actual_latitude, as well ..
1296 North ..
= 41(deg) * 03(min) * 10.53658537(sec) North.

Furthermore .. 0.648 is a decimal-harmonic of .. the_648_Grid LONG ..
E.Giza .. of the_Bethlehem_site that corresponds to the spot (within 15 feet)
quoted by Bruce Cathie ("The Harmonic Conquest of Space") as being related
to the birth of Jesus the Christ. (Hang-on .. there's a lot more, here). 

0.648 = (40.824 / 63). 

40.824 = 7 * 3.141592654 * (3.712766512 / 2) .. where; 3.712766512 is a
decimal-harmonic of the_generic_"Volume of a Torus" .. assuming the numerical
value of 57.29577951 is used in the standard equation_as_the RADIUS of the
given Torus. This is where; 57.29577951 (deg) is the numerical value, in arc-
degrees, of the Radian-arc constant .. if_360_equal segments-of-arc are used on
one full circumference.

Please notice .. that I am describing a "7-fold"_toroidal_entity, here.
You see the number 7 as a factor (above), and you see the Pi constant as a factor.

The generic Volume of a Torus is .. 3712766.512 cubic arc-degrees ..
= [Pi * (2Pi)] * (57.29577951)^3 ..
= REGULUS * [Generic Radian (deg)]^3.
Yes .. the_Grid Point_of REGULUS is a factor, here !!

I will also reveal this; very recently .. just a few days ago, as I write this ..
Robert Carl revised his figures for the location of "Men-an-Tol" .. a renowned
structure that is shaped somewhat like a_"Torus"_on-edge .. like a "doughnut"
on-edge .. with 2 upright stones flanking it. 
He posted his revised figures for "Men-an-Tol" on the "GridPoint" BBS ..
and his revised Grid Point for "Men-an-Tol" is .. 1.856383256 ..
precisely HALF of_3.712766512_as appears above, in my equation !!

I think these figures are pointing us toward "toroidal" physics .. and could
very-well involve what Richard C.Hoagland has called .. "hyperdimensional
physical effects". This involves, I think .. part of the crucial "lost knowledge"
that_we_need to "re-discover" .. in order to make a quantum-leap in our
consensus "Earth-humans" society. And by "we" .. I mean .. The People,
as a whole .. as in_true_democracy. 

In-keeping with Laurence Gardner's research and writings .. it seems that
"Kingship on Earth" was indeed "lowered from Heaven" .. by people who
came from a small brown-dwarf companion-system to Sol.
This, of course, supports and vindicates the great work of Zecharia Sitchin.

The figure_0.648_is also a decimal-harmonic of the_revised_Grid LONG of
STONEHENGE, as figured-out by Robert Carl .. {64800 W.Giza; R.Carl, 2002,

I'm now going to show how the "ideal" orbit-period of Nibiru, in terms of Earth-years,
is directly_correlated_with the "ASM" (year-2000 A.D.) Grid Point Value of ..
SPICA .. the "Star in the East" at the time when Jesus the Christ was 6 to 8
years of age. Please notice the following equation ..
(3600 / 689.0283706) = 5.224748579 .. where; 689.0283706 is the Grid point
of SPICA in the "ASM" at 2000 A.D. .. *and*, where; 689.0283706 is a ..
decimal-harmonic of .. the_6.890283706_Grid LONG, E.Cydonia .. of ..
the "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars .. {Munck; 1993, "The Code"}.

The figure_5.224748579_is a decimal-harmonic of what I have called,
the "Nibiru Cross" .. 52247.48579 .. which is the_multiplied-product_of the
4 "nodes" involved in the orbit-path of Nibiru, *as-observed-from-Earth* ..
1) SIRIUS, the aphelion marker-star .. 2.368705056
2) Incoming-ecliptic-crossing-point .. 7.5 .. also our West Galactic Cross-Node.
3) Perihelion .. 10.44949715 .. at the_intersection_of the ecliptic-latitude
of ALTAIR and the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA .. (180000 / 17225.70927). 
4) Outgoing-ecliptic-crossing-point .. 281.4477322 .. also our East Galactic 

The multiplied-product of the 4 nodes of the "Nibiru Cross" ..
(2.368705056 * 7.5 * 10.44949715 * 281.4477322) = 52247.48572

The "Orion Belt-stars Composite" is indicated, here, too ..
(5224.748575 / 656.56127) = 7.957747155 ..
= (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936
Yes; this is where; 656.56127 is the Grid Point .. on the nose .. of ..
"Face One" at Cydonia on Mars .. {Munck, 1993}.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 

Michael Lawrence Morton 3 "Crosses" Multiplied Together .. Fri Aug 2 17:03:06 2002 Each of these "Crosses" has 4 nodes. 1)"Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Cross .. or sometimes called the "Holy Cross" .. 15707.96327 .. = (3.141592654 / 2) * (10^4) 2) "Galactic Cross" .. 41887.90203 3) "Nibiru Cross" .. 52247.48575 -------------------------- I'm only doing a brief summary, here .. very brief. I've already posted many details on all 3 of these "Crosses" .. in prior emails, and in prior postings on the "GridPoint" BBS. But I also intend to be following- up with a lot more on this, of course. Multiplying all 3 of these 'Crosses' Together (15707.96327 * 41887.90203 * 52247.48575) .. = 3437.74677 * (10^10). This is .. (ten-to-the-10th-power)_times_the polar radius of Earth in nautical miles. ----------------------------- Regarding (see previous postings) the apparent (IMO) beginning of the Age of Aquarius as 2368 A.D. .. if you use a decimal-harmonic of SIRIUS (its Grid Point).. and you multiply (2368.705056) times the Grid Point of FOMALHAUT .. which is the "Aquarius Representative" (Humankind)in the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" equation .. (2368.705056 * 20.83333333) = 49348.022 Then; if you divide that result by .. the "Riddle-of-the- Sphinx" multiplied-product .. (49348.022 / 15707.96327) = 3.141592653 For those of you do not recognize that figure .. it is a relatively-precise rendering of the Pi constant. I leave you with that, as food for thought, for now. -- Michael L.M.
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
