Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 316

The "Milky Way" as a Torus from "Earth" perspective ..

-- Michael Lawrence Morton Michael Lawrence Morton
The "Milky Way" as a Torus from "Earth" perspective ..
Sat Aug 3 14:18:08 2002

It appears that the "ASM" is describing the "Milky Way" galaxy
as a Torus .. based on the actual sky-location of Galactic Center
as observed from Earth .. corresponding to Jan.1st of 2000.
This description is using the "generic" math formulas for surface-area
and volume of a Torus .. based on the Radian-arc derived from a 360
arc-degrees circumference .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 (deg).

The database-source that I have been using throughout my work regarding
the "ASM" .. contains the applicable coordinates for Galactic Center ..

If you scroll-down to the end of that list .. you will see "CENTRE" ..
which is the set of Galactic Center coordinates for Jan.1st of 2000 ..
in this "Astrolog" database. This database uses a_sidereal_zodiac.
Also .. you must transpose the given longitude figures into "ALNITAK"
longitude .. as per the "ASM" methodology as described in the articles
at the top of this following webpage ..
https://matrix-messenger.tripod.com/index.htm ..
please 'click' on the "Sky-Matrix" articles linked at the top of the page.

The standard math formula for Surface Area on a Torus ..
(2Pi)^2 * (Radius)^2

If we use the_360_system, the value of the Radian-arc is (as shown above) ..
(360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 (deg).

So; the "generic" value for Surface Area on a Torus is then ..
(2Pi) * (57.29577951)^2 ..
= 6.283185307 * 3282.80635 ..
= 129600 square arc-degrees ..
= (360)^2 .. "Squaring the Circle" in the 360 system, if you will.

The standard math formula for Volume of a Torus ..
(2Pi) * Pi * (Radius)^3

If we use the_360_system, the value for the "generic" Volume of
a Torus is then ..
(2Pi) * Pi * (57.29577951)^3 ..
= 19.7392088 * 188090.9488 ..
= 3712766.512 cubic arc-degrees. 

I found the following W.ALNITAK ecliptic-longitude (sidereal) ..
for Galactic Center as-observed-from-Earth, using the (above-mentioned)
"Astrolog" database .. showing sky-locations for Jan.1st of 2000 A.D. ..
179(deg) * 17(min) * 42.03420079(sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.
I found this ecliptic-latitude for Galactic Center ..
05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) South-of-ecliptic ..
= 3600 South-of-ecliptic.
Grid Point Value .. (127910.073 / 3600) = 35.53057584
{Morton; 2000, 2001, Internet}.

I have now found this following equation ..

(127910.073 * 129600) / (3600 * 3712766.512) = 1.240251067

If you then take the_ratio_of this resulting figure and the Grid Point
Value of Galactic Center ..
(35.53057584 / 1.240251067) = 28.64788976

In-turn, this resulting figure is exactly equivalent to .. 
the_ratio_of the generic *360-based* Surface-Area and Volume of a Torus ..
(3712766.512 / 129600) = 28.64788976

One needs to keep in mind that this is truly based on an "Earth-perspective" ..
literally observed in the_sky_from Earth, at a certain "time-node" according to
a "consensus calendar" in Earth-human civilization.

And; this is also based on the precise sky-location of the Orion constellation,
relative to the sky-location of Galactic Center, of course .. because the
"ASM" is using the Orion belt-star ALNITAK_as_the Solar-ecliptic prime
meridian "marker-star". 

There's another factor which seems to be involved, if you use a certain
"rounded" figure as the length of_time_that it takes the "Milky Way" galaxy
to complete one 'rotation' on its 'axis'.
This figure would be .. 225,000,000 Earth-years.

(225000000 / 3712766.512) * 129600 = (25 * Pi) * (10^5).

It "happens" that .. (25 * Pi) = 7.957747155 * (Pi^2).

And this is where .. 7.957747155 = (25 / Pi).

And it "happens" that .. 7.957747155 is the "Orion Belt-stars Composite" ..
that I discovered {Morton; 2000, Internet} .. which mathematically expresses
the following relationship amongst the 3 "ASM" Grid Point Values of the 3
Orion belt-stars ..
= (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 ..
= 7.957747155 ..
= (25 / Pi).

I think this is a very strong piece of_empirical_evidence.
And I think this deserves very serious acknowledgement and study.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton

Michael Lawrence Morton "TYPO" Corrected .. please note .. Tue Aug 6 00:44:18 2002 This is to correct this "typo" .. << So; the "generic" value for Surface Area on a Torus is then .. (2Pi) * (57.29577951)^2 .. = 6.283185307 * 3282.80635 .. = 129600 square arc-degrees .. = (360)^2 .. "Squaring the Circle" in the 360 system, if you will. >> Here is the correction .. (2Pi)^2 * (57.29577951)^2 .. = 39.4784176 * 3282.80635 .. = 129600 square arc-degrees .. Surface-area on a Torus in the_360_system. Thank-you for making note of this correction. -- Michael L.M.
Michael Lawrence Morton Torus and Galactic Center .. Tue Aug 6 01:05:21 2002 I have now noticed that the "ASM" is encoding the numerical value of Galactic Center's Grid Point .. as specifically-and-precisely related to .. A.) The ratio of the 'generic' values of Surface-Area and Volume of a Torus. --AND-- B.) The value of the Area of the Circle at Cydonia on Mars .. which represents the "Marked Celestial Sphere" (D.Elkins).. a "projected" circle on the ground, with the "Cydonia City Square Center" at the exact_center_of a radius of 18_statute_miles. (3712766.512 / 129600) * 35.53057584 = 1017.87602 This is where; Area of Circle = [Pi * (radius)^2].. = [3.141592654 * (18)^2] .. = 1017.87602 square statute miles. Not only is the numerical value of Galactic Center, as-observed-from-Earth @ Jan.1st, 2000 A.D. encoded .. according to the ratio of the generic 360 arc-degrees- based Surface Area and Volume of a Torus .. but, also .. an 18 statute-miles radius Circle is indicated in the above equation .. specifically, the surface-area of said Circle with the "Cydonia City Square Center" at the .. *center* of said Circle. -- Michael L.M.
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
