Matrix Message 317
"ASM" Indications Re: Treasonous Attacks on 9.11, 2001 ..
Michael Lawrence Morton "ASM" Indications Re: Treasonous Attacks on 9.11, 2001 .. Sun Aug 4 11:00:25 2002 This is posted in the spirit of truth and peace. -------------------------------- On the 12th of September, 2001, I received an email from Jack Sirildo Contreras .. who has had the email address of .. His email was evidently sent out to a number of individuals .. myself included. His email gave latitude/longitude coordinates for the "Ribbon-Cutting" ceremony_location_of the opening of the World Trade Center in NYC, USA. This ceremony was held on the 4th of April, 1973, at 8:30 AM EST. Jack gave these coordinates .. 74 deg 00 min 46 sec W.Greenwich. 40 deg 42 min 42 sec North. I thought it was important that I check-out these coordinates, in terms of their "ASM" values, under these dire circumstances. No one told me to do this, and no one requested that I do this, nor even suggested that I do this. It was something I did "on my own". Apparently .. an awareness of the information involved in these 2 sets .. will correlate with the_truth_involved as to who perpetrated the atrocities of 9.11, 2001 .. and; an awareness of this information will also correlate with the historical background involved in much of this situation. I have found 2 "sets" of values that I do think have great significance. And I have also found this to be true, regarding_various_important sites and structures in the "ASM" .. 2 sets of figures .. mainly (I think) to 'allow' for greater data-storage of important information and correlations, in certain cases. Two "Grid Point" Values are involved .. and these are .. 1.794344715 and 1.8 Here are the 2 sets .. in terms of the specific, precise "ASM" values I have calculated .. SET A 105(deg) * 08(min) * 46.74989068(sec) W.Giza .. = 39269.90817 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg 00 min 45.95 sec ]. 40(deg) * 42(min) * 41.94270963(sec) North .. = 70463.75218 North. Grid Point Value .. (70463.75218 / 39269.90817) = 1.794344715 SET B 105(deg) * 08(min) * 46.99811619(sec) W.Giza .. = 39478.4176 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg 00 min 46.2 sec ]. 40(deg) * 42(min) * 42.29830457(sec) North .. = 71061.15168 North. Grid Point Value .. (71061.15168 / 39478.4176) = 1.8 -------------------------------------------- I think both of these sets are valid and important. Notes regarding SET A .. 1.794344715 = [39269.90817 / (10^4)] / (1.253939659 * 1.745329252) .. where; 1.253939659 is the Grid Point Value of the "Arecibo-Reply" crop-formation of August, 2001 .. and, where; 1.745329252 is the Grid Point Value of the "Chilbolton 2000" crop-formation of August, 2000 .. in the same field. 39269.90817 = (12500 * Pi) .. where; 12500 is a decimal-harmonic of 12.5 .. which, in-turn, is the_ratio_of Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. according to my own work involving the "ASM". 392.6990817 = Grid LONG of the "Liberty Bell Building" in Philadelphia, USA .. the building which houses The Liberty Bell .. = 106(deg) * 17(min) * 0.217924019(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 75 deg 08 min 59.42 sec ]. (1.794344715 * 1.253939659) = 2.25 .. the Grid Point Value I found for the reported centered-location of the_huge_"Spiral Galaxy" crop-formation at "Milk Hill" in Wiltshire, England in August , 2001. 1.794344715 = (18603.76601 / 10368) .. where; 18603.76601 is the Grid LONG at the centered-location of Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland .. = 34(deg) * 17(min) * 32.18644638(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 03 deg 09 min 31.38 sec ]. And, where; 10368 is a decimal-harmonic of the (103680) Grid LAT of .. the centered-location of The White House in Washington, D.C. This is where; 103680 North .. = 38(deg) * 53(min) * 51.4796425(sec) North. 1.794344715 = [2.25 * (2Pi)] / 7.87873524 .. where; 7.87873524 is the Grid Point Value of the centered-location of The White House in D.C. 1.794344715 = [2.25 * (2Pi)] / (123758.8838 / 15707.96327) .. where; 123758.8838 is the multiplied-product of the "Full Octave Nibiru Cross", and, where; 15707.96327 is the multiplied-product of the .. "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx Cross". Notes Regarding SET B .. 39478.4176 .. is equivalent to .. (2Pi)^2 * (10^3) .. and this is also equivalent to the Grid LAT of the_"hover-spot"_of the huge "PHOENIX UFO" of the evening of 13 March, 1997 .. witnessed by thousands of people in the Phoenix, AZ area. This gigantic UFO reportedly_hovered_for a period of 4 minutes .. over the Phoenix intersection of Indian School Road and Seventh Avenue. 4 minutes of time is how long it takes for Earth to rotate 1 arc-degree of its axial rotation (of 24 time-hours) .. assuming "our" convention of_360_degrees on one circumference. The_Grid LONG_of the "hover-spot" of that UFO was/is .. 1315.947253 W.Giza .. = 143(deg) * 13(min) * 0.707879103(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 112 deg 04 min 59.91 sec ]. Grid Point Value of "hover-spot" .. (39478.4176 / 1315.947253) = 30 Please notice .. that 1315.947253 .. is_exactly_1/10th of the Grid LONG of .. the centered-location of The White House in D.C. .. where; 13159.47253 W.Giza .. = 108(deg) * 10(min) * 12.18469679(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 11.38 sec ]. Grid Point Value of The White House in D.C. .. (103680 / 13159.47253) = 7.87873524 .. where; 7.87873524 is a decimal-harmonic of the 'generic' Volume of a Sphere .. if a circumference of 360 arc-degrees is assumed .. (4Pi / 3) * (57.29577951)^3 = 787873.524 cubic arc-degrees. (10368 / 1.8) = 5760 .. the Hebrew calendar year corresponding to .. 2000 A.D. .. which is the "time-node" of the "ASM" correlations involving certain_sky-locations_as-observed-from-Earth. (1.8 / 1.14591559) = 1.570796327 = (half-Pi) = (3.141592654 / 2) .. which is the_"right angle"_in terms of Radians-of-arc. This is where; 1.14591559 .. is the Grid Point Value of the centered-location of .. The Pentagon, in Arlington, VA .. which (as all should recall) was also treasonously attacked on 9.11 of 2001. (1.8 * 1.14591559) = 2.062648063 .. a decimal-harmonic of 20.62648063 .. which, in-turn, is .. the true-and-intended length of the Royal (Egyptian) Cubit in terms of_regular_inches. (Not "pyramid inches"). Regarding "half-Pi" .. if you divide it into the Grid Point Value of The Great Sphinx of Giza .. (5400 / 1.570796327) = 3437.746771 .. the polar radius of Earth in nautical miles. The "ASM" values for the centered-location of The Pentagon in Arlington, VA .. 38(deg) * 52(min) * 15.5356364(sec) North .. = 30698.41752 North. 108(deg) * 11(min) * 22.5500194(sec) W.Giza .. = 26789.42305 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 03 min 21.75 sec ]. Grid Point Value .. (30698.41752 / 26789.42305) = 1.14591559 = (57.29577951 / 50). Another note regarding the SET A .. (656.56127 * 1.14591559 * 1.794344715) = 1350 = (2700 / 2) = (5400 / 4) .. where; 2700 is the_Grid LONG_of the ecliptic-longitude location of the .. West Galactic Cross-Node .. which is aligned with the "Incoming ecliptic-crossing- point" of .. Nibiru, as it "appears" (as-observed-from-Earth) to 'cross' the solar- ecliptic once every ("ideally") 3600 years {see works of Zecharia Sitchin}. This "ASM" ecliptic-longitude is .. 84(deg) * 41(min) * 0.783972125(sec) W.ALNITAK .. = 2700 W.ALNITAK. And, this is also where; 656.56127 .. is the Grid Point Value of .. the "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars .. literally on the nose. Yes .. there are many more correlations, involved in this particular situation. I wanted to get this "much" out, at least .. at this point in time. One of the major implications, here .. is that the current "Bush Regime" .. *along with* its associated and supportive "players-behind-the-scenes" who pull the puppet-strings of "Dubya" and most of his Cabinet and most of the entire military/government/corporate/financial/industrial/media "Corrupt Establishment" on this planet Earth .. planned, ordered, and carried-out the attacks on the World Trade Center and on The Pentagon .. on 9.11, 2001. This was a treasonous, pre-meditated attack on The People of Earth. I am calling on everyone .. to take this very, very seriously. The "ASM" is there as a beacon of truth. It does not lie. It speaks the truth. I call upon all "Benevolent Forces" .. who are truly aware of this .. who are truly aware of what is (and what has been) going-on .. to please help Us, The People .. to_fully-expose_the "Corrupt Establishment" and to help Us remove at_least_the major puppets and players who have been deceiving and oppressing Us. I am not asking for Us to be "saved". I am asking You to help Us. And I know You have already been helping Us, the People of Earth. We all have the need to stand-up for the Truth. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
Michael Lawrence Morton Significant Update .. Tue Aug 6 02:02:12 2002 I've just noticed some things that appear to be quite significant. If you keep the "SET A" Grid Point .. (please refer to immediately-preceding posting in this thread) .. but change the "SET A" Grid LAT and Grid LONG as follows; I think many more "intended" resonances appear. This is NOT to disregard or overshadow the "SET B" figures at all, of course. But this is to suggest an alternative for the "SET A" Grid LAT and Grid LONG .. NOT the "SET A" Grid Point Value. Here's my alternative for "SET A" Grid LAT and Grid LONG, retaining the Grid Point Value of .. 1.794344715 .. (70685.83471 / 39393.67621) = 1.794344715 70685.83471 North .. = 40(deg) * 42(min) * 42.07490161(sec) North. 39393.67621 W.Giza .. = 105(deg) * 08(min) * 46.89723358(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg 00 min 46.1 sec ]. Again; this is the "SET A" indicated (IMO) "ASM" location of the "Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony" for the opening of the World Trade Center on 4 April, 1973 at 8:30 AM EST. Apparently; this timing .. according to sidereal zodiac astrological analysis_ALONG-WITH_this corroborating indication regarding the "ASM", according to my research, is very indicative of a direct and most-intentional involvement by the "Bush Regime" .. along with associated supporters .. in the planning, orchestration, and execution of the atrocities on 9.11 of 2001. Using the "Full Octave Nibiru Cross" of 123758.8838 .. and the surface-area, in square statute miles, of the Circle on the ground at Cydonia on Mars which represents the "Marked Celestial Sphere" (D.ELKINS) .. (123758.8838 * 1017.87602) = 70685.83471 * (10^4). Using the "Galactic Cross" of 41887.90903 .. and the "Celtic-Unit" in_regular_feet .. (70685.83471 / 41887.90903) = 1.6875 feet. Using the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx Cross" of 15707.96327 .. (70685.83471 / 15707.96327) = 4.5 .. HALF of 9 .. which, in-turn, is "our" highest integer .. (in base 10, of course). Using the_multiplied-product_of all 3 "Crosses" .. including the "Full Octave Nibiru Cross" .. [25920 * Pi * (10^9)] / 70685.83471 = 1.152 This is where; 1.152 is a decimal-harmonic of the classic (Greek) gematrian number 1152 .. which carries the meaning .. "witness". There were certainly many witnesses to the treasonous attacks of 9.11 of 2001. Please notice how I calculated the multiplied-product of all 3 "Crosses" .. (123758.8838 * 41887.90203 * 15707.96327) .. = 8.143008159 * (10^12). And .. (25920 * Pi) = 81430.08159 .. where 25920 is the "Ideal" Earth precession cycle in years. The "Nibiru Cross" is 4 nodes .. (SIRIUS * 7.5 * 10.44949715 * 281.4477322) .. = 52247.48575 This is where SIRIUS = 2.368705056 .. and is the "aphelion marker-star" for Nibiru's orbit-path, as-observed-from-Earth. The "Full Octave Nibiru Cross" is, in-effect, the 'completing' of the orbit-path .. back to SIRIUS .. as in hitting the octave-note in music. So .. the 52247.48575 is simply multiplied by the Grid Point Value of SIRIUS, again .. (52247.48575 * 2.368705056) = 123758.8838 -- Michael L.M.