Matrix Message 331
ASM Solstice Nodes .. and some connections ..
Michael Lawrence Morton ASM Solstice Nodes .. and some connections .. Tue Sep 24 19:35:41 2002 Damon .. I've just realized we have actual "Solstice Nodes" in the ASM. This is because we can use_360_as the designated ASM latitude value for the_Solar-ecliptic_as-viewed-from-Earth. This then gives the following ASM figures .. December ASM Solstice Node .. (Solar Apex Grid LONG / 360) .. = (105760.4031 / 360) = 293.7788975 June ASM Solstice Node .. (South Galactic Node Grid LONG / 360) .. = (5329.586377 / 360) = 14.8044066 --------------------------------------- Notice this following equation, then, as the result of the in-common_360_latitude designation for the (Solar-ecliptic, as-viewed-from-Earth) ASM Solstice Nodes .. and also as a result of the in-common ecliptic-longitudes of the ASM Solstice Nodes and the ASM Galactic Nodes .. (293.7788975 / 14.8044066) = (6.981317008 * 2.842446068) = 19.84401707 You can see there, if you will recall, that the_multiplied-product_of the ASM Galactic Nodes .. is equivalent-to .. the_ratio_of the ASM Solstice Nodes. ------------------------------------------------------- Notice, now .. that 19.84401707 is precisely 1/10th of the_Grid LONG_of .. Greenwich Observatory in England .. {Morton, R.Carl; 2002, Internet} .. where; 198.4401707 W.Giza .. = 31(deg) * 08(min) * 0.800161979(sec) W.Giza. This, essentially, is the "ASM encoding" for the longitude arc-distance between Greenwich and Giza .. specifically and precisely; the longitude arc-distance between the_center_of Greenwich Observatory and the_center_of The Great Pyramid. Munck (1993, "The Code", self-published; found this to be self-evident in this very ancient 'system' .. as .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec, of longitude arc-distance. Please notice how close the 198.4401707 Grid LONG for the centered location of Greenwich Observatory_*encodes*_this "Greenwich-to-Giza" longitude variance. "How close" ??!! Oh-h-h-h .. approximately an 8th of an inch. Close enough ? In Damon Elkins' research concerning line-of-sight alignments .. involving Giza and Cydonia (on Mars), and much more .. one of the keys is the date of December solstice (sunrise) of 2012 A.D. .. and another one of the keys is December solstice (sunrise) of 10,500 B.C., according to the "SkyGlobe" computer program he has used in his research, the difference being 12,500 years_plus_another (13 years, minus 10 days). In Elkins' scenario, displayed in "SkyGlobe" .. Sol is seen_rising_through Galactic Center .. literally_viewed_from Cairo, Egypt .. at December solstice *sunrise* of 2012 A.D. This is a key part of the ASM "encoding" .. which is evidently intended to be_noticed_by at least a few Earth humans. I've figured-out actual ASM values for Galactic Center, and for Galactic Anti-Center. The Galactic Anti-Center is the spot in the sky, observed from Earth, which is diametrically-opposite from Galactic Center .. meaning that it is between 5 and 6 arc-degrees north of the outstretched-tip of Orion's club/sword. The tip of Orion's club/sword is just barely "touching" the ecliptic. The_ratio_of the "ASM" Galactic Center and Anti-Center is .. (35.53057584 / 4.774648293) = 7.441506403 {Morton; 2000, 2001, Internet}. Not only this_7.441506403_figure the ASM Grid Point Value of BETELGEUSE .. it is also the_"arc-seconds tag"_on the Grid LONG of the centered-location of .. The Washington Monument in D.C. .. where .. 8036.826916 W.Giza .. = 108(deg) * 10(min) * 7.441506403(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 6.642 sec ]. Please also notice .. that 8036.826916 = [(259.2 * (Pi^3)] .. where; 259.2 is the Grid Point Value of "The Tholus" at Cydonia on Mars, and is_also_a decimal-harmonic of the 25920 "ideal" Earth precession cycle in years. AND; please also notice .. that (Pi^3) is the Grid Point Value of MINTAKA in the ASM. Now; 293.7788975 = 7.441506403 * (2Pi)^2 .. = [(2Pi) * 1.315947253 * 35.53057584] .. = (2.368705056 * Pi) * (25920 / 656.56127) .. where; 2.368705056 is the Grid Point Value of SIRIUS, and 656.56127 is the Grid Point Value of "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars .. And, where; 1.315947253 is the SE corner-point of "Miami Square" .. as well as a decimal-harmonic of the polar circumference of Mars (apparently "designed and created") in statute miles .. which, in-turn, is a_match_of the ASM Grid LONG of the_centered-location_of The White House and The Jefferson Memorial in D.C. .. where; 13159.47253 W.Giza .. = 108(deg) * 10(min) * 12.18469679(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 02 min 11.385 sec ]. Furthermore .. the expression (2Pi)^2 is displayed in an "X" pattern .. via the layout (from aerial view) of "Miami Square" itself. This is where .. (SW * NE) * (NW / SE) = (2Pi)^2 .. where; (1.622311471 * 3.872983346) * (8.268340445 / 1.315947253) = (2Pi)^2. {{ See .. Once there .. go to the area on "Miami Square", etc., etc. }} This is also where; (2Pi) is displayed in the_multiplied-product_of (SW * NE) .. where; SW is the exact spot of the "Well of OSIRIS" .. and NE is the exact center of the "Miami Circle". The azimuth from NE to SW is exactly 225 deg .. and 225 is the 'square' of 15 .. with 15 symbolizing "OSIRIS Re-Membered" .. (see the book, "Genisis" by David Wood). The side-length of this "Miami Square" is apparently intended as .. ("Pi*Face") .. where; (3.141592654 * 656.56127) .. = 2062.648063_regular_feet .. which, in-turn, is equivalent to_precisely_1200 Royal Cubits of 20.62648063_regular_inches per Royal Cubit. What is the apparently-intended Area of this "Miami Square" in Square Royal Cubits ? (1200 * 1200) = 1,440,000 Square Royal Cubits. And 1440000 is a decimal-harmonic of the "144" gematrian number .. which then correlates with the Bruce Cathie light-speed figure of 144,000 nautical miles per "Grid Second" .. which is_equal_to 162000 nautical miles per second. "Everything is connected" .. how many times have you heard that buzz-phrase in "modern" parlance ? The ASM is a_blueprint_of this "unified field", in my opinion. What is the_perimeter_of "Miami Square" in regular feet ? (4 * 2062.648063) = 8250.59225 .. which is exactly 1/10th of the Grid LONG of .. The Akapana Pyramid {Munck} at Tiahuanaco, near the Peru/Bolivia border. ---------------------------------------------------------- Getting back, now, to the ASM December Solstice Node value .. of .. 293.7788975 If you will recall that SIRIUS is the "aphelion marker-star" for the orbit-path of Nibiru .. {D.Elkins; Morton; 2001, 2002, Internet} .. and that the intersection of the ecliptic-latitude of ALTAIR with the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA .. is the "perihelion-marker" for the orbit-path of Nibiru .. (as-observed-from-Earth) .. then this will help you to appreciate the significance of this following equation .. 293.7788975 = (10 * SIRIUS) / VEGA = [23.68705056 / (10 / Pi)]. Recall, also, from earlier in this posting .. that .. 293.7788975 = [7.441506403 * (2Pi)^2]. The Washington Monument encodes the_7.441506403_in its Grid LONG, West of Giza .. in the "arc-seconds tag" .. as mentioned earlier. And BETELGEUSE encodes_7.441506403_as its ASM Grid Point Value. And (SIRIUS * Pi) = 7.441506403 = (2.368705056 * 3.141592654). And the_AREA_of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge encodes the 7.441506403 .. as .. 7441.506403 Square_regular_feet .. {Munck, 1993}. And the_ratio_of Galactic Center and Anti-Center encodes the 7.441506403 .. or; should I say .. "is encoded-by" .. 7.441506403 .. ??!! It works both ways. The Washington Monument in D.C. ALSO encodes .. a decimal-harmonic of .. the_multiplied-product_of .. *the ASM Solstice Nodes* .. via .. its OWN Grid LAT. 43492.22248 North .. = 38(deg) * 53(min) * 21.59494662(sec) North. (43492.22248 / 10) = 4349.222248 = (293.7788975 * 14.8044066) ------------------------------------------------------- Now .. I'm going to show you an "ASM" correlation .. to the "December solstice sunrise" scenario of 2012 A.D. .. when, as seen from Cairo, Egypt .. Sol is observed to "rise" through Galactic Center ... (293.7788975 / 35.53057584) = 8.268340452 = [(2Pi)^2 / 4.774648293]. This is where .. 8.268340452 .. is the_NW_corner of "Miami Square" .. which, in-turn, is equal to .. (SW * NE * SE). Also, where; 4.774648293 .. is .. Galactic Anti-Center .. or; (15 / Pi). And, where; 35.53057584 .. is .. Galactic Center. What about the "time-span" in years .. from Zep-Tepi (10,500 B.C.) to the 2000 A.D. time-node of the "ASM" ? Here you are .. 8.268340452 = (12,500 / 103354.2556) .. where .. 12,500 is NOT ONLY the time-span in years .. but_also_is a decimal-harmonic of 12.5 .. which, in-turn, is the_ratio_of Galactic Center to Solar Apex .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068). AND, where; 103354.2556 .. is a decimal-harmonic of the Grid Point Value of .. "The Old Man of the Mountain" in New Hampshire, USA .. {Munck; 1.033542256}. And .. "There's more", says the Old Man. Do you recall the Grid Point Value that I found for the "Crop-Face-with-Digital Code" of 2002 .. which appeared in_Hampshire_in England .. EXACTLY one year after the 2001 "Crop-Face" ? 6.981317008 .. identical to the South Galactic Node value in the ASM. If I divide that_6.981317008_value into .. a certain_decimal-harmonic_of .. "The Old Man" .. ?? .. (103.3542556 / 6.981317008) = 14.8044066 I get .. the_precise_value of the ASM June Solstice Node. ------------------------------------------------- Suppose, now .. that I use a certain_decimal-harmonic_of this ASM June Solstice Node .. and I_divide_it by the_Grid Point Value_of .. the "Solar (Apex) Pyramid" crop-formation ***OF JUNE SOLSTICE*** of 2001 ? (148044.066 / 1.157407407) = 127910.073 .. the_precise_Grid LONG of .. Galactic Center in the ASM .. 127910.073 W.ALNITAK .. = 179(deg) * 17(min) * 42.03420079(sec) W.ALNITAK. {Morton; 2001, Internet}. Now .. let me try the "Americana" figure .. 1776.528792 .. (148044.066 / 1776.528792) = (656.56127 / 7.87873524) = (50 / 0.6). Where; (656.56127 / 7.87873524) is the_ratio_of the centered-locations of .. "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars, and The White House in D.C. Daniel Perez' website shows a_nice_correlation .. "visually" .. of this. I've been urging people to go to that website for years. Now .. the website has moved, apparently. I suggest a google-search. Try using .. "Washington, District of Cydonia". And .. (50 / 0.6) .. is the ratio of the annual "mean/ideal" angular movements of Earth precession and the main Earth obliquity-to-the-ecliptic cycles .. in terms of arc-seconds. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
Michael Lawrence Morton Reply to a Question on the Solstice Nodes .. Fri Sep 27 20:55:44 2002 In a message dated 09/27/2002 12:04:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << > > >How about the way those Solstice Nodes correlate with everything .. !!! > -- Michael L.M. > Not sure I fully understand what the solstice nodes to expand the definition? Are you talking about the 90 degree points away from the Earth location on the path of the ecliptic when it's at winter and summer solstice? D >> Damon .. The solstice points would_be_the points 'on' the Solar-ecliptic .. as observed from Earth .. at the actual times_of_the solstices. (On the sky-meridian .. where the sky-meridian intersects the Solar-ecliptic), at those 2 times of the year. The ASM assigns the value_360_to any functional prime meridians or equators .. including the ones in the Earth-sky. So; because the ALNITAK meridian uses the 360 value as its longitude .. it would make sense that the Solar-ecliptic would also use the 360 value, as its latitude. The next step, if you will, in the derivation of the ASM values for the solstice-points, would be to use the_Grid LONGs_of the Galactic Nodes .. because the ASM Solstice Nodes literally_share_the identical ecliptic-longitudes_*with*_ the Galactic Nodes .. "in the ASM". (!!!!) .. so this allows us to form equations !!!! (-; That's the key, here. In the same way .. the "ASM" Equinox Nodes *share* the identical_ecliptic-longitudes_as the Galactic Cross-Nodes_and_the Nibiru orbit-path ecliptic-crossing-points .. (!!!) .. as observed from Earth. (-; Therefore .. continuing with this process .. I can use_360_in ratio with each of the_Grid LONGs_of the Galactic Nodes .. And we have the Grid LONG of Solar Apex in the ASM .. as .. 105760.4031 .. = 173(deg) * 13(min) * 47.02552383(sec) W.ALNITAK. Then; (105760.4031 / 360) = 293.7788975 .. which I'm proposing would be the ASM December Solstice Node .. !!! Then; I use the_Grid LONG_of South Galactic Node, with 360 .. And we have that as .. 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK in the ASM .. = 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK. So; (5329.586377 / 360) = 14.8044066 .. ASM June Solstice Node .. (-; Send it all-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l around the world, man !!! .. (-; .. Yeah !!! ... We've got the "ASM" Equinox and Solstice Nodes .. !!! .. and ... we've got the "ASM" Nibiru crossing-point Nodes and the Nibiru aphelion and perihelion Nodes. And we've got the Galactic Nodes. And we've got the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Nodes. And how about this .. ... we've got this equation .. (293.7788975 / 14.8044066) = 19.84401707 = (6.981317008 * 2.842446068) .. where .. 1) 19.84401707 is precisely 1/10th of the_Grid LONG_of Greenwich Observatory .. -- AND -- 2) The ratio of the ASM Solstice Nodes_equals_the multiplied-product of .. the Galactic Nodes .. (!!!) .. (-; Can ya beat that ??!!! ... -- Michael L.M.
Michael Lawrence Morton More ASM Solstice Correlations .. Fri Sep 27 20:58:06 2002 This will tie-together several figures .. and this involves ASM June Solstice Node, but_also_2 specific crop-formations_ON_June Solstice .. of 2001 and 2002, and .. more. Please notice, here .. these Grid Point Values; involving ASM June Solstice, ASM South Galactic Node (which shares the identical ecliptic-longitude with the ASM June Solstice Node), and specific crop-formations in England *on* June Solstice of 2001 and *on* June Solstice of 2002 which are on-the-record from my own assessments. Also .. please keep in-mind my assessed ASM figures for the 2002 "Crop-Face- with-Digital Code" (which was a sort of "culmination" of the 2002 crop-formation season in England .. and which has the Grid Point Value_identical_to the South Galactic ASM Node. ------------------------------------------- Here are these Grid POINT Values .. 1.) ASM South Galactic Node ... 6.981317008 2.) 2002 "Crop-Face-with-Digital Code" .. 6.981317008 .. and which_began_forming exactly 54 DAYS after June Solstice of 2002_and_which was the 14th of August; and which was_exactly_one year after the_2001_"Crop-Face" formation. 3.) ASM June Solstice Node .. 14.8044066 4.) Crop-formation_on_June Solstice of 2002 .. 3.926990817 5.) Crop-formation_on_June Solstice of 2001 .. 1.157407407 .. this was the "Solar (Pyramid) Apex" crop-formation. I will use the Grid Point Value I found, with essential assistance from Robert Carl in terms of his mapping diligence .. for the "Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem .. 779.272728 .. which, I have to point-out .. is the_multiplied-product_of the gematrian number 144 .. and .. the Grid Point Value of The Washington Monument in D.C. .. (144 * 5.411616169) = 779.272728 And I will also use the W.Giza Grid LONG for the Greenwich Observatory, in England, which again I found through the essential help of Robert Carl's mapping work .. 198.4401707 .. and; I must point-out, here .. that this is a decimal-harmonic of not-only the_ratio_of the ASM Solstice Nodes .. but_also_the *multiplied-product* of the ASM Galactic Nodes. You will also encounter, below .. the Grid Point Value of Rosslyn Chapel .. which_itself_is the *ratio* of the Grid LAT of ALNITAK and the Grid Point Value of The Great Sphinx of Giza .. where; (15707.96327 / 5400) = 2.908882087 And; you will also see the Grid Point Value of .. the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau, which is .. thanks to a fairly-recent revision by Robert Carl .. (1.2 * Pi) = 3.769911184 ------------------------------------------- In-addition; I hope you will consider the work, here, of Zecharia Sitchin, who writes about the "Dome of the Rock" as being the location of the "post-diluvial" Mission Control Center of the "Anunnaki". And this, in-turn, I think .. relates to the "Bond Heaven/Earth" .. associated with Enlil/Yahweh/Jehovah and his role as "Lord of the Command" on Earth .. {L.Gardner; Z.Sitchin}. Before the "Great Deluge", Nippur was apparently where the "Bond Heaven/Earth" was situated .. also at the command of Enlil .. {Z.Sitchin}. Now .. this series of equations .. (779.272728 / 198.4401707) = 3.926990817 .. = 14.8044066 / 3.769911184 (3.926990817 / 1.157407407) = (1.08 * Pi) = (Pi^2) / 2.908882087 .. = (Pi^2) / (15707.96327 / 5400). Now; I'll apply the_6.981317008_figure .. (3.926990817 / 1.157407407) * 6.981317008 .. = (10 * 2.368705056) / 7.441506403 = (10 / Pi) .. Grid Point Value of VEGA. This is also where; the number 10 "cancels-out" .. which_then_reveals .. SIRIUS / (Ratio of Galactic Center and Anti-Center) .. = (2.368705056 / 7.441506403) = (1 / 3.141592654) .. the Pi Reciprocal. This is also where .. (SIRIUS * Pi) = BETELGEUSE. Also .. please recall .. that SIRIUS is apparently the "aphelion marker-star" for the orbit-path of Nibiru as-observed-from-Earth, and that VEGA's ecliptic- longitude helps to mark the perihelion of Nibiru's orbit-path .. again; as-observed- from-Earth. It is ALTAIR, the alpha star in AQUILA, The Eagle .. whose ecliptic- latitude also helps to mark Nibiru's perihelion .. crossing the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA, on line-of-sight from Earth. -- MLM Please go back up to the "legend', if you will .. to identify the various figures, here. Notice the prominence of the "June Solstice" factor. And, of course .. notice the links to The Washington Monument in D.C., and to the gematrian "light" (speed) number of 144. -- MLM