Matrix Message 333
Royal Cubit & Celtic Unit ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Royal Cubit & Celtic Unit .. Sun Oct 6 14:26:30 2002 My proposed "true-and-intended" Royal Cubit ("Egyptian") is 20.62648063 *regular* ("British") inches .. a decimal-harmonic of the generic Surface Area on a Hemisphere in the_360_system. [(2Pi) * (360 / 2Pi)^2] = 20626.48063 Sq.Arc-degrees Brennan's Celtic Unit is 20.25 *regular* inches. (20.62648063 / 20.25) = 1.018591636 Right-now, I'm wondering what the H is this .. ? I'm going to try using a "360" probe. (360 / 1.018591636) = 353.4291735 .. hmmmm. (?) Well .. now I'll try .. a "Pi" probe. (353.4291735 / 3.141592654) = 112.5 Ahah !! There .. I immediately recognize that .. as a decimal-harmonic of the (Bruce Cathie) "light-speed" harmonic-ratio. That is where; (162000 / 144000) = 1.125 Now .. (1.018591636 * 1.125) = 1.14591559 .. which is_precisely_ 1/50th of the_numerical_value of the Radian-arc (constant) in the_360_system. AND .. 1.14591559 .. also happens to be .. the Grid Point Value of the centered-location of .. The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia. Taking this further .. if I notice Daniel Perez' very revealing graphic aerial-view "overlay" (as in a transparency format) .. showing a directly-scaled "overview-overlay" of Washington, D.C. and Cydonia (Mars), I see the obvious spacial correlation of The Pentagon and "The D&M Pyramid" .. compounded impressively by the obvious spacial correlation of The White House and .. "Face One" at Cydonia (Mars). {{ See google-search of "Daniel Perez", or .. "Washington, District of Cydonia" }}. This inspires me to try a multiplication of the Grid Point Values of The Pentagon and "The D&M Pyramid". (27.58106915 * 1.14591559) = 31.60557713 .. (?) What's the most basic "probe" .. in .. Archaeocryptography ? The "Pi" probe. Either by division or by multiplication. (31.60557713 * 3.141592654) = 99.29184894 There you have .. a decimal-harmonic of the Grid LAT of .. "The D&M Pyramid" (Cydonia, Mars) .. yes. {Munck, 1993}. This is where; 9929.184894 North .. = 40(deg) * 52(min) * 4.773646584(sec) North. What is the "Grid LONG" of the D&M Pyramid ? "360" .. a prime meridian designation {Munck, 1993}. And we just used a "360" probe, earlier in this posting. Let NO ONE get away with telling you that you, or I, are "just manipulating numbers" out of thin-air. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.