Matrix Message 336
Corrected Tetrahedral Correlations ..
Michael Lawrence Morton *ALERT* .. Major Oversight .. now CORRECTED !! .. Tue Oct 15 16:45:21 2002 I just realized a major oversight has been made .. but this has now been *corrected* .. and, in fact, this correction-process has revealed even MORE astonishing correlations and connections to the "ASM". Mistakes are certainly a part of the learning/discovering process. And it is true that in many cases, the process of "mistakes" is almost "necessary" as an integral part of any meaningful process of learning and discovery. ---------------------------- The key to this paticular "mistake" .. was the "unit-length" method of calculation .. as compared with the 57.29577951-based calculation. This is because .. the Cube of 1 = 1, of course. In the "unit-length-based" calculation .. the number 1 is used .. as in this case .. of 1/2 the base-length of the equilateral triangle (under discussion). Yes .. the Cube of 1 = 1. Of course. But this applies_only_to this commonly-used methodology of simplification, in which a "unit-of-one" is used in attempting to find "geometrical proofs", typically. So; except in the special case of the "Unit-length" proof-methodology .. the standard formula for finding the Volume of a regular tetradedron is .. (1/3rd of the Area of One Side * Height). I will now_correct_the "819069.955" Generic Volume .. to its correct figure. Area of One Side .. is the Area of the 2-D equilateral triangle in your (original; recall ?) drawing. This is found as .. 1/2 * base * height. (1/2 * 93.56361614 * 81.02846845) .. = 3790.658259 Sq. Deg. Now .. taking 1/3rd of that .. (3790.658259 / 3) = 1263.552753 Then; (1263.552753 * 81.02846845) .. = 102383.7444 Cubic Deg. .. Generic Volume of a Regular Tetrahedron Circumscribed in a Sphere, (where radius value of Sphere is 57.29577951). It so-happens that .. this_corrected_value is .. EXACTLY 1/8th of the erroneous "edge-length Cubed" value. -------------------------------- A new finding is now revealed .. !!! .. which connects *directly* to the "ASM" values involved in the South Galactic Node. This will also connect DIRECTLY to The White House .. to its centered-location. I decided to take a look at the_ratio_of the corrected Generic Volume of the regular tetrahedron, as we have calculated it, based on a radius value of 57.29577951 for the circumscribing Sphere. Bear in mind, that the Grid Point Value in the "ASM" for The White House is .. 7.87873524 787873.524 Cubic arc-degrees .. IS the Generic Volume of a Sphere. (787873.524 / 102383.744) = 7.695298981 .. = Sqrt 59.21762641 This is where; 59.21762641 is the "arc-seconds-tag" on the ecliptic-longitude of the South Galactic Node in the "ASM". Where; 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK .. = 540 * (Pi^2). AND .. this_now_connects DIRECTLY with .. "The Fortress" at Cydonia on Mars; where .. 540 is the Grid Point Value of the centered-location of "The Fortress", itself. AND, where; the Grid LAT of "The Fortress" is a decimal-harmonic of the "787873524" figure .. where; 41(deg) * 07(min) * 27.45203916(sec) North .. = 7878.73524 North. Not only have I corrected the "mistake" on the calculation of the Generic Volume of a regular tetrahedron inscribed in a Sphere, where the radius of the Sphere is 57.29577951 .. but I've also found *yet-another* dramatic, precise, self-referential, self-evident_connection_involving *case-related* "ASM" parameters and specific values. -- MLM(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.