Matrix Message 337
"Tet Pyramid" @ Cydonia & Height of Circumscribed Tet ..
Michael Lawrence Morton "Tet Pyramid" @ Cydonia & Height of Circumscribed Tet .. Thu Oct 17 18:43:23 2002 In early September of 2001, just a few days prior to the atrocious events of 09.11.01, Damon Elkins and I found the apparent centered ("apex") values .. the "ASM" values, that is .. for a "tetrahedral pyramid" at Cydonia on Mars, based on the available photos from the Viking mission (NASA) of 1976. D.Elkins was able to get an orthographic view of this structure on his computer screen, and we then were able to calculate its arc-distances .. that is; longitude distance from the_center_of the "D&M Pyramid" (the Martian ASM prime meridian marker; Munck, 1993) .. and latitude distance from the center of "City Square Center". That enabled us to calculate "ASM" values for the center of this "tetrahedral pyramid" at Cydonia on Mars. ASM Values for Tet-Pyramid at Cydonia, Mars .. {Elkins, Morton; 2001} .. 40(deg) * 57(min) * 18.70030308(sec) North .. = 42636.69101 North .. = 4320 * (Pi^2). 37.69911184(min) W.Cydonia .. (west of Martian ASM prime meridian) .. = (12*Pi). Grid Point Value of "Tet Pyramid" at Cydonia on Mars .. (42636.69101 / 37.69911184) .. = 1130.973355 .. = (360*Pi). This Grid Point Value is numerically_identical_to the ASM Ecliptic Grid LAT of .. the alpha-star of the Leo constellation .. REGULUS .. where; 27(min) * 41.88790205(sec) North-of-ecliptic .. = 1130.973355 North-of-ecliptic .. = (360*Pi). Leo is traditionally associated with "fire" .. the primary "fire-sign" in the zodiac; and the regular tetrahedron is the Regular Platonic Solid of "fire". Thanks to Robert Carl {2002, Internet personal email, and personal files} .. there is now a 57.29577951-based description of the regular tetrahedron, which becomes self-evident if you assign the value 57.29577951 as the Radius of the Sphere which circumscribes the regular tetrahedron in a "3-D" translation of the "2-D" equilateral-triangle circumscribed in a Circle. The 57.29577951 value is, in fact, the numerical value of the Radian-arc (constant) when_using_(or assuming) the_360_system of 360 equal arc-segments comprising one circumference .. (2Pi * 57.29577951 deg) = 360 deg. Indeed .. this_360_system has redundantly proven itself to be the self-evident system-of-choice used in the extremely_ancient_"ASM", after years of study. Yes .. this does certainly imply that "we" are ("today") using a significant portion of this deeply-ancient system. Using Bruce Rawles' website regarding "sacred geometry" .. which (as Neil Freer has said) .. ("sacred geometry") needs to be understood as "very special ancient knowledge" .. Robert Carl noticed that the_square_of the "apothem", or; the "height_along_one face" of a regular tetrahedron, when assigning 57.29577951 as the numerical value for the_radius_of the Circumscribing Sphere .. is equal to_exactly_10 times the Grid Point Value of "Face One" at Cydonia, Mars. {That is .. 6565.6127 .. or 10 times the 656.56127 Grid Point Value of "Face One" at Cydonia, Mars .. Munck, 1993}. This is where; Sqrt 6565.6127 = 81.02846845 **Important Note** .. it is imperative that you be aware of the difference between the "Height" of the tetrahedron_versus_the "apothem"-length along one 'face' of the (same) tetrahedron. The "Height" of the tetrahedron is from the *base-center* of the tetrahedron, to its apex at "due-north" where it touches the circumference of the circumscribing Sphere. The "apothem" is the distance actually_along_the surface of one 'face' of the tertrahedron .. from the mid-point of one of the 4 base-edges, sloping-up to the apex. The apothem will be greater-in-length than the Height. How much greater ? Relative to the 81.02846845 Apothem .. the Height will be .. (240/Pi) .. or; 76.39437268 .. {R.Carl; 2002; personal email correspondence}. This is very significant, IMO .. and has major implications regarding the importance of the "ASM". The ratio .. of the 57.29577951 radius of the circumscribing Sphere .. and the Height of the regular tetrahedron .. is .. (240/Pi) / 57.29577951 = 1.333333333 .. (repeating 3s) .. and this is equal to .. (1 / 0.75) .. = the_tangent_of the base slope-angle of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza .. {Munck; 1993}. This is where; TAN 53.13010235 deg = (1 / 0.75) The Chephren Pyramid is the_middle_one of the 3 main Giza pyramids. Looking at the ASM values for the "Tet Pyramid" at Cydonia, Mars .. {Elkins, Morton; 2001} .. if you take its Grid Point Value of (360*Pi) .. and you put it in-ratio-with the (240/Pi) Height of the regular tetrahedron circumscribed in a Sphere, where said Sphere has a radius value of 57.29577951 .. (360*Pi) / (240/Pi) = 14.8044066 .. a numerical_match_of the ASM value for June Solstice Node .. {Morton; 2002, Internet}. If you multiply the Grid Point Value of the "Tet Pyramid" at Cydonia, by the ratio of the Height of the regular tetrahedron and the Radius of the circumscribing Sphere .. (360*Pi) * 1.333333333 = (480*Pi). D.Elkins and I have found the number_480_to be very important at Cydonia. ------------------------------------------------ D&M Pyramid_Grid LAT_Indicated as a Decimal-Harmonic .. .. I found {Morton; Internet, 2001, 2002} an "Apex Grid Point" for The Great Pyramid of Giza .. of .. 238.3004375 .. on the ASM Earth prime meridian .. where the latitude is .. 29(deg) * 58(min) * 51.00366083(sec) North .. = 85788.15751 North. I then noticed that .. (85788.15751 / 9929.184896) = 8.64 .. where; 9929.184896 is the_Grid LAT_of The D&M Pyramid at Cydonia .. {Munck, 1993} .. where; 40(deg) * 52(min) * 4.773646585(sec) North .. = 9929.184896 North. The "864" decimal-harmonic is quite "Solar"-related .. with 864000 as the classic gematrian diameter of Sol, in terms of statute miles .. and; with 86400 time-seconds in the Earth-rotation period of one "day" .. also 24 time-hours. Again; "tetrahedron" is "fire"-related .. "Leo" .. and .. "Sol". A "pyramid" has the ancient "fire-in-the-middle" etymology. There is a "Grid Point" quite_close_to the 238.3004375 "Apex Grid Point" on The Great Pyramid of Giza. This is .. "240" .. on the prime meridian (which itself is assigned the "360" value_as_a functional prime meridian in the ASM) .. and this "240" Grid Point has the latitude of 29(deg) * 58(min) * 51.36741974(sec) North = 86400 North. This "point" of 240 is only about 36.7 regular_feet_due-north of the 238.3004375 "Apex Grid Point". If you take this ratio .. (238.3004375 / 240) = 9929.184896 * (10^-4) .. you get an_exact_decimal-harmonic of the_Grid LAT_of The D&M Pyramid. Now .. notice, please, that if you take the Square-Root of the 86400 figure .. and you_then_divide by the Pi constant .. (Sqrt 86400 / 3.141592654) = (293.9387691 / 3.141592654) = 93.56361615 .. which is actually an identical numerical_match_of the *edge-length* of .. the regular tetrahedron circumscribed in a Sphere, such that the Radius of said Sphere is of numerical value 57.29577951, or, (360 / 2Pi). Volume of Regular Tetrahedron, circumscribed in Sphere; where Sphere is of Radius 57.29577951 .. = 1/3 * Area on One Face * Height .. = 1/3 * (1/2 * 93.56361615 * 81.02846845) * (240/Pi) .. = 1/3 * 3790.65826 * (240/Pi) .. = 96528.31994 .. {R.Carl; 2002, personal Internet files and email correspondence}. Cubic arc-degrees. The corresponding Surface Area on the same circumscribed regular tetrahedron .. = 4 * Surface Area on One Face .. = 4 * 3790.65826 .. = 15162.63304 .. {R.Carl; 2002, personal Internet files and email}. Square arc-degrees. Numerical_ratio_of these 2 parameters .. = (96528.31994 / 15162.63304) = (20/Pi) = 6.366197723 Comparing W.Cydonia longitude of "Tet Pyramid" and this (Vol/Area) ratio .. (12*Pi) * (20/Pi) = 240 .. "fire-point" (??) on the original capstone (?) of The Great Pyramid of Giza. {Here, I'm thinking of "fire-in-the-middle"). Comparing Grid Point Value of "Tet Pyramid" at Cydonia and this (Vol/Area) ratio .. (360*Pi) / (20/Pi) = 177.6528792 = (18*Pi) * Pi. This is where; (18*Pi) is precisely referencing the Grid Point Value of .. "Cydonia City Center" .. {Morton; Internet, 2000}. Comparing the ASM Grid Point Value of Galactic Center with this (Vol/Area) ratio .. (20/Pi) * 35.53057584 .. = (72*Pi) = height in regular_feet_of Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. {Munck, 1993} .. = (18*Pi) * 4 .. where 4 is the number of equal 'faces' on a regular tetrahedron. These are only a few of the resonances that are indicated, and which are surely involved, in this newfound parameter. Thanks, also .. to Ken Maclean and to Terry Walsh .. members of the Internet list known as .. who corrected "data-mistakes" of mine in the last few days (as of this writing) as I was struggling with the "Tricky Tet" .. as inscribed in a Sphere. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.