Matrix Message 341
Comparing (Vol/Area) Ratios of Tet and Torus ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Comparing (Vol/Area) Ratios of Tet and Torus .. Mon Oct 21 18:39:51 2002 Here, I'll compare the (Volume/ Surface-Area) ratios .. of the Regular Tetrahedron and the 2-Torus. This will be in the case of a_360_degrees system; that is .. where the circumscribing Sphere (enveloping the regular tetrahedron) has a_radius_of 57.29577951 numerical value in *length*. This is where I set-up this intentional_match_with the numerical value of the *angle* .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 (deg) .. in the 'conventional' 360 degrees system "we" are ("commonly") using in our (consensus) culture in most places on planet Earth. Robert Carl, fairly recently, (on the "GridPoint" BBS) published his calculations for Volume and Surface-Area .. of the 2Torus and of the Regular Tetrahedron as_circumscribed_within a Sphere, where the Sphere has the_radius_length of 57.29577951 .. as I mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The generic (57.29577951-based) Vol/Area ratio for the 2-Torus .. (3712766.512 / 129600) = 28.64788975 = (57.29577951 / 2). The generic (57.29577951-based) Vol/Area ratio for the Regular Tetrahedron .. (96528.31992 / 15162.63304) = 6.366197722 = (20/Pi). The_ratio_of the 2 preceding ratios .. (28.64788975 / 6.366197722) = 4.5 This result is exactly HALF of 9 .. our 'highest' integer in base 10. Notice how 4.5 relates to the Arc-Cosine of_HALF_the Golden Section constant, or; the Arc-Cosine of HALF the Phi constant .. First; COS 36 = (1.618033989 / 2) = 0.809016994 So; the Arc-Cosine of HALF Phi is .. 36. And 36 is a decimal-harmonic of 360 .. only one power-of-ten difference. Now .. using the 4.5_ratio_of the 2 preceding ratios (above) .. (4.5 * 36) = 162 .. a decimal-harmonic of the (Bruce Cathie) 162,000 nautical- miles-per-second Speed of Light. This is the speed of light_prior_to being affected by atmosphere, and/or by gravity-wells (the associated electro-magnetic fields) of rotating celestial bodies. You might call this the "natural" light-speed. So .. from this, I'm showing that the relative size-relationships .. and the "shape- relationships" .. (??!!) .. between the 2-Torus and the Regular Tetrahedron .. with the inscribing Sphere of radius_length_57.29577951 "there", implied .. that this specific set of geometric parameters is_directly_related-to, and involved- with .. the "natural" speed-of-light_and_with .. the Phi constant. This is all following from the_360_system .. the apparent system-of-choice of .. "Nature" .. or; one might say; the apparent (self-evident) system-of-choice of .. "an Intelligent Creator". Then; it is implied that .. these geometric parameters would likely be embedded-in an intelligent "cosmic archaeological system". This, indeed, appears to be the case; on both Earth and on Mars, at least. I also have proposed, that .. the "ASM" .. which includes a_sky_component precisely in-sync-with the archaeological one .. is revealing, amazingly, that even the_locations_in the Earth-sky .. of at_least_20 major "fixed-stars" .. and; of Galactic Center, the Galactic Nodes, our current Solstices and Equinoxes, etc. .. are *precisely* and redundantly correlating with the_archaeological_component .. and it is *timed* to Jan.1st of 2000 A.D. This_sky_component, then .. goes MUCH further in displaying for observers ON EARTH .. {{ !!! }} .. the apparent reality of an "Intelligent Creator" .. going back_many_billions of years into our "past" .. and_prior_to the formation of our "Solar System". -- Michael L.M.(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
Michael Lawrence Morton And "more" .. (of course) .. Tue Oct 22 21:33:28 2002 Subj: And "more" .. .. (of course) .. Date: 10/22/2002 6:28:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Milamo To: Milamo And here's some more .. regarding a comparison of the (Vol/Area) ratio of Sphere and the (Vol/Area) ratio of Regular Tetrahedron. For the Sphere of radius_length_57.29577951 .. (787873.524 / 41252.96125) = (57.29577951 / 3). For the Regular Tetrahedron of Height (240/Pi), where this Tet is circumscribed in a_Sphere_which has the radius of 57.29577951 .. (96528.31992 / 15162.63304) = (20/Pi). Taking the ratio of those 2 ratios .. (57.29577951 / 3) / (20/Pi) = 3 .. the Sqrt 9. Nice, eh ?! ---------------------------------------------- Now .. please notice the following .. If I take just the generic Volume of the 57.29577951 Sphere .. and I divide by the_ratio_of the Regular Tet (Vol/Area) .. 787873.524 / (20/Pi) = 123758.8837 .. which I've calculated to be .. what I call, the "Full Octave Nibiru Cross" .. which, I've proposed .. describes the orbit-path of Nibiru, as observed from Earth against the sky-background .. according to the "ASM" sky-locations. SIRIUS would be the "Aphelion-point" of Nibiru's orbit-path .. as-observed-from- Earth on just *line-of-sight* alone. And; as I've posted several times on the Internet .. the "Incoming-Solar-ecliptic-crossing-point" would be at our "current" March equinoxial-point, due to the current (circa) location, and due to Earth precession, of our equinoxes relative to the Galactic Pole. This is at approximately .. 05 deg 19 min PISCES on the Solar ecliptic, according to the_sidereal_zodiac database I've been using .. Specifically; this "incoming" node is .. (2700 / 360) = 7.5 .. where 360 is the assigned value in the "ASM" for any functional equators or prime meridians, and where 2700 W.ALNITAK .. = 84(deg) * 41(min) * 0.783972125(sec) W.ALNITAK. So; we, so far .. have SIRIUS as the Aphelion-node, and its Grid Point Value in the "ASM" is 2.368705056 .. which I calculated back in 1999, from this same (above) database .. but remember; you must transpose the ecliptic longitudes to "Alnitak" longitude .. using a location (sidereal) for Alnitak of .. 29 TAURUS 56' 50" .. very close to the cusp (sidereal, remember) with GEMINI. {{ Alnitak's ecliptic latitude is .. 25 deg 17' 37" South-of-ecliptic .. and I've interpreted this as .. (Pi/2) * (10^4) = 15707.96327 S-of-ecliptic .. = 25(deg) * 17(min) * 36.95991358(sec) S-of-ecliptic. Of course .. this is a major key toward "decoding" the ASM. You assign 360 as the prime meridian value .. and the Grid Point Value of ALNITAK becomes .. (15707.96327 / 360) = 43.63323131 Some time later .. around 2000 to 2001 .. I found what I call, the "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant. I've proposed this as .. [(72 / Pi^2) / 10^3]. It resonates perfectly with 72, and square-of-Pi, and powers-of-ten. I figured maybe it's "supposed" to go with the "ASM" .. ?! Its inverse is .. its reciprocal .. 1 / [(72 / Pi^2) / 10^3] = 137.0778389 The latest "laboratory" results on finding this value are "around" .. 137.036 So .. this is 'quite' close to the lab determinations conducted on Earth. What about in "space" .. ?! Kept secret from us ? Probably. (If they even conducted the experiment in "space", at all). I predict that in so-called "free-space" .. the FSC Inverse will be **very** close .. to .. 137.0778389 .. (if reported with honesty and integrity). Notice how it relates to ALNITAK's Grid Point Value in the "ASM" .. (137.0778389 / 43.63323131) = 3.141592653 Now that's a high-precision (relatively-speaking) version of the Pi constant. Pi is arguably_the_most important constant in the "ASM". IMO, this says a lot. So; as this article unfolds, here .. I have 2 nodes, so far .. for the observed-from- Earth orbit-path of Nibiru, as "seen against the sky-background, on line-of-sight" .. and those are .. SIRIUS at 2.368705056; and West Galactic Cross-Node at 7.5; and if I multiply those .. (2.368705056 * 7.5) = 17.76528792 .. exactly HALF the "ASM" Grid Point Value of .. Galactic Center. (Nice .. very nice). It so-happens that as of "circa 2000 A.D." or thereabouts .. our Earth precessional cycle (and our main obliquity-to-Solar-ecliptic cycle) is aligned so that our *view* of the Earth-sky "shows" our equinoxes to be aligned_parallel_in terms of ecliptic-longitude, with the Galactic Pole, and "shows" our Solstice-points to be_perpendicular_in terms of ecliptic-longitude, to the Galactic Pole. In the case of our equinoxial-points .. ("currently", remember .. which is in-sync with the "ASM", mind you !!!) .. the "disappearing-points" of the Galactic Pole (as viewed from Earth, remember) AND the "disappearing-points" of our equinoxial-points .. *converge* at 2_common_points from our viewing perspective, at the TIME of the "ASM". This is all_integral_to the "perceived ASM" .. literally, from Earth. The next node is "Perihelion-point". As I've written on the Internet .. this is .. at the_intersection_of .. the ecliptic-latitude of ALTAIR and the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA. {Of course .. "as-observed-from-Earth"}. (180000 / 17225.70927) = 10.44949716 Next; the "Outgoing" node .. where Nibiru is seen to cross the Solar ecliptic .. ending its "Perihelion phase". This is at approximately 05 deg 19' VIRGO (sidereal) on the Solar ecliptic. Specifically; this is .. (101321.1836 / 360) = 281.4477322 .. where; 101321.1836 E.ALNITAK .. = 95(deg) * 18(min) * 59.25215415(sec) E.ALNITAK. And 360 is assigned as the value for the Solar ecliptic in the "ASM". Then .. it's back to SIRIUS on line-of-sight alignment, at Aphelion. Total round-trip .. 3600 Earth-years .. {Z.Sitchin}. My best shot at latest aphelion .. circa 1800 A.D. .. with next 'scheduled' perihelion at circa 3600 A.D. I have 5 nodes, here .. (2.368705056 * 7.5 * 10.44949716 * 281.4477322 * 2.368705056) .. = 123758.8838 A precise_match_of the RATIO of .. 787873.524 / (20/Pi) .. if you refer, please, back to earlier in this article. The Mayans have this figure "marked" as the Grid LONG of "Temple I" at Tikal, Guatemala .. {Munck, 1994} .. 123758.8838 W.Giza .. = 120(deg) * 45(min) * 22.91831181(sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 89 deg 37 min 22.118 sec ]. Notice the_120_degrees .. very "tetrahedral" or "equi-triangular", actually. And the 45 minutes .. very "diagonal". And the 22.91831181 seconds .. very "City Square Cydonial" .. (-; .. seeing as 22.91831181 is exactly (72/Pi), and is_also_the W.Cydonia longitude of "Cydonia City Square Center" .. (-; Now .. this is pretty damned exciting to me .. -- MLM