Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 343

Generic TET Apothem-length & Grid LAT of Temple I @ Tikal

Michael Lawrence Morton
Generic TET Apothem-length & Grid LAT of Temple I @ Tikal
Fri Nov 1 00:23:52 2002

Subj: Generic TET Apothem-length & Grid LAT of Temple I @ Tikal 
Date: 10/31/2002 10:14:21 PM Pacific Standard Time 
From: Milamo 
To: Milamo 

This will show a specific connection involving the centered latitude
of the Mayan "Temple I" or "Temple of the Giant Jaguar" at Tikal, Guatemala ..
and the generic (360-related radian-arc numerical value) length of the Apothem
on a Regular Tetrahedron Circumscribed in a Sphere, where radius_length_of
said Sphere is (360 / 2Pi) or 57.29577951

I've already found that the_Grid LONG_of this particular Mayan pyramid
is a numerical_match_of the "Full-Octave Nibiru Cross"; or, its full orbit-cycle ..
123758.8838 = (2.368705056 * 7.5 * 10.44949716 * 281.4477322 * 2.368705056) ..
and that is in the "order" of Nibiru's "way-stations" as-observed against the
Earth-sky back-drop .. SIRIUS (at aphelion) to West Galatic Cross-Node,
to perihelion-point at the_intersection_of ecliptic-latitude of ALTAIR and ecliptic-
longitude of VEGA, to East Galactic Cross-Node, to SIRIUS again.
This is a 3600 Earth-years cycle .. as I agree with Z.Sitchin's reading on that. 
Recent research findings by Andy Lloyd (http://www.Darkstar1.co.uk) are 
indicating that the perihelion-phase .. West Galactic Cross-Node to East Galactic
Cross-Node .. is about 3 months of Earth time. If this is true .. you'd have the
"Celestial Lord" appearing ("soaring", like an eagle .. ??) .. above the Solar-ecliptic
for 1/4th of Earth's orbit period. The arc in the sky, of Nibiru's perihelion-phase ..
would appear as "dividing the Solar-ecliptic in-half". So; you have a (Pi*Radians)
sky-arc .. and you also (simultaneously) have a (Half-Pi*Radians) Earth orbital-
period arc. (Pi * Half-Pi) = 4.9348022 .. and .. (180 * 90) = 16200.

(16200 / 4.9348022) = 3282.80635 = (57.29577951)^2

Wow !! .. I say. The (Generic Radian)^2 .. most remarkable.

Now .. the Grid LAT of Mayan "Temple I" at Tikal, Guatemala ..
17(deg) * 13(min) * 12.6178642999(sec) North ..
= 2788.548009 North .. {Munck, 1993} ..
= 57.29577951 * 48.66934411 .. the Generic Radian times the *exact*
RADIUS of the_Sarsen Circle_of Stonehenge in regular feet .. {Munck, 1993}.

2788.548009 = (8760.48194 / 3.141592654) .. the precise ratio of ..
HD-TET Grid LAT and Pi.

2788.548009 = (6565.6127 / 2.354491542) .. ratio of .. the Square-of-the-Apothem-
length on the Regular Tetrahedron Circumscribed in a Sphere .. and ..
the Grid Point Value of the "Cobble Knoll Mound" near Glens Falls, New York
State, USA. Carl Munck {1993} found the ASM values for this ancient mound ..
and in doing-so, he found its Grid LONG to be .. 123758.8838 W.Giza ..
identical to the Grid LONG of Mayan "Temple I" at Tikal.
This is (at centered location of "Cobble Knoll") where; 123758.8838 W.Giza ..
= 104(deg) * 25(min) * 47.59957069(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 73 deg 17 min 46.79957 sec ].

6565.6127 is a decimal-harmonic of 656.56127 .. the Grid Point Value of ..
the "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars .. {Munck, 1993}.

2.354491542 = (2 * 1.177245771) .. double the ratio of .. 
the Generic Radian and the RADIUS of the_Sarsen Circle_of Stonehenge .. 
(57.29577951 / 48.66934411) = 1.177245771 

Notice, now .. that the Ecliptic Grid LONG of South Galactic Node gets
involved, here, by way of its "arc-seconds tag".
( 6565.6127 / Pi) = (123758.8838 / 59.21762641) .. where ..
Ecliptic Grid LONG of South Galactic Node is .. 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK ..
or; (540 * Pi^2) .. 
= 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK.

So; the_Square_of the Apothem-length on the Regular Circumscribed Tetrahedron,
in ratio with Pi .. speaks directly to the ratio of the "arc-seconds-tag" on the
ecliptic-longitude (and Ecliptic Grid LONG) of South Galactic Node .. and ..
to the 123758.8838 figure that encodes the full orbit cycle of Nibiru, the "Celestial
Lord of Heaven". And_540_is the Grid Point Value of .. "The Fortress" at Cydonia,
on Mars .. {Morton, 2001}. 

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
