Matrix Message 344
Possible "ASM" Values for "Tithonia" ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Possible "ASM" Values for "Tithonia" .. Fri Nov 1 05:57:35 2002 Subj: Possible "ASM" Values for "Tithonia" .. Date: 11/1/2002 3:53:11 AM Pacific Standard Time From: Milamo To: Milamo Based_directly_on given coordinates at the following website .. .. I have a set of possible/probable "ASM" (Archaeo-Sky Matrix) values for the location .. ("centered" ??) .. of the "Tithonia Complex" on Mars .. as reported on the above website. Given latitude .. -4.96 degrees .. (south of Mars equator). Given longitude .. 89.62 degrees West "NASA". Here is my current "ASM" interpretation .. for this location .. I have translated the given "W.NASA" longitude into .. 80(deg) * 05(min) * 11.25(sec) W.Cydonia .. = 4500 W.Cydonia. For the latitude .. I propose .. 8207.015875 South .. = 04(deg) * 57(min) * 35.99568366(sec) South. Proposed Grid Point Value for the "Tithonia Complex" .. strictly based upon the_given_coordinates at the above website .. (8207.015875 / 4500) = 1.823781306 Note: 1.823781306 is exactly_1/10th_of .. (Generic Radian / Pi) .. or; (57.29577951 / 3.141592654) = 1.823781306 ALSO ; if you compare my proposed Grid Point Value for the_center_of .. the "City Square" at Cydonia, Mars .. (56.54866776 / 1.823781306) = 31.00627667 .. the_"exact"_Cube of Pi .. where; (3.141592654)^3 = 31.00627668 This numerical value (Pi^3) is also my proposed Grid Point Value ("ASM") for the Orion Belt-star MINTAKA. If you multiply .. (56.54866776 * 1.823781306) = 103.1324031 .. which, in-turn, is a_precise_decimal-harmonic of the Generic value for the Area of a Circle .. using the 57.29577951 value as length of the *radius* of a Circle whose circumference is divided into_360_equal arc-segments. This is where; Pi * (radius Squared) = Area of Circle .. = 3.141592654 * (57.29577951^2) = 10313.24031 Square Arc-degrees. Notice now, please .. the direct connection to my proposed "perihelion-point" for the orbit-path of "Nibiru" .. {see Z.Sitchin's works} .. *as-observed-from-Earth against the sky-backdrop* .. (103.1324031 / 31.00627667) = 3.326178251 = (10.44949715 / Pi). This is where; 10.44949715 = (180000 / 17225.70927) .. which ratio is the mathematical "ASM" description of the_intersection_of the ecliptic-latitude of ALTAIR and the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA .. which "marks" the perihelion-point in the Earth-sky .. or; as against the_sky-background_as observed from Earth .. the "peak" perihelion-point of Nibiru's orbit-path. Furthermore; 3.326178251 ALSO is the_ratio_of the Grid Point Values of the "Eltanin Antenna" and its "northern reciprocal" location .. (8.25059225 / 2.480502134). ------------------------------------------------ I think this is showing powerful evidence of the "ASM" .. and is showing strong support of the_basic_Sitchin thesis. The Anunnaki certainly would have been on Mars, as well as on Earth. I predict that this will also vindicate the work of Richard Hoagland, as well as the work of Zecharia Sitchin. The work of Carl Munck, Sr., and my own work with the "ASM", and such .. I predict will also be vindicated by this evidence, and by additional_similar_evidence involving structures on Mars, and involving the ASM. -- Michael Lawrence Morton P.S. .. Note also, please .. that .. (81000 / Pi^2) = 8207.015875 .. where the "81" decimal-harmonic is evident. This is the Square of 9 .. which is, in-turn, our highest integer in base 10. -- MLM(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
Michael Lawrence Morton Typo corrected .. please make note .. Sun Nov 3 05:43:51 2002 << Note: 1.823781306 is exactly_1/10th_of .. (Generic Radian / Pi) .. or; (57.29577951 / 3.141592654) = 1.823781306 >> Please note this correction .. Note: 1.823781306 is exactly_1/10th_of .. (Generic Radian / Pi) .. or .. (57.29577951 / Pi) = 18.23781306 Thank-you. -- MLM
Michael Lawrence Morton More Re: "Tithonia Complex" .. Fri Nov 1 21:28:14 2002 More on this "Tithonia Complex" on Mars .. ------------------------------ We've been working with Washington, D.C. and Cydonia, among other things. So .. what might be indicated, if we would compare a Washington, D.C. Grid Point Value .. say, of the Capitol Rotunda (center) .. with "City Square" (center) at Cydonia and with the "Tithonia" Grid Point Value that I just calculated (in the previous email) ? Let's try multiplying all 3 of them .. (1.591549431 * 56.54866776 * 1.823781306) .. = 164.1403175 Anyone recognize that, besides "Chronos" ? It's the Grid Point Value of .. *Face Two* at Cydonia !! Where; (5400 / 32.89868133) = 164.1403175 {Morton, Elkins; 2001, Internet}. Now .. I'll multiply some figures from the preceding post. Please recall 103.1324031 and 31.00627668 .. OK ? .. and notice what happens when I multiply them and the 164.1403175 figure .. (103.1324031 * 31.00627668 * 164.1403175) = 524880 Now .. I'll divide that by the "ideal" Earth precession cycle in years .. (524880 / 25920) = 20.25 .. the exact value for the "Celtic Unit" {Brennan} in_regular_inches. Now .. to "Miami Square" .. where I found a Center-point of .. 1.013211836 for a Grid Point Value. Recall, please .. that_this_Center-point multiplies times the "Cydonia City Square" Center-point .. to find .. the Generic Radian of 57.29577951 .. (1.013211836 * 56.54866776) = 57.29577951 Now .. here you go, with that multiplied-product of .. 164.1403175 .. from earlier here in this posting .. which was .. (1.591549431 * 56.54866776 * 1.823781306) OK .. here you are .. (164.1403175 / 1.013211836) .. = 162 .. the {Bruce Cathie; 162000 nautical miles per second} speed-of-light decimal-harmonic !! The natural speed of light harmonic. Here's, now, the ratio of "Tithonia" and "Capitol Rotunda" in D.C. .. (1.823781306 / 1.591549431) = 1.145915591 .. the Grid Point Value of .. The Pentagon (Center) in Arlington, VA. And The Pentagon in Arlington, VA .. is an analog of .. The D&M Pyramid at Cydonia, Mars. {See the work of Daniel Perez .. "Washington, District of Cydonia" .. it's on a "Geocities" website now .. so I suggest just doing a "Google search"}. Well .. that's more evidence for you. -- MLM
Michael Lawrence Morton How does "Face One" @ Cydonia Compare ? Fri Nov 1 23:32:06 2002 Again; please see the following website .. regarding "Tithonia", Mars .. I've very recently calculated a Grid Point Value for "Tithonia" .. based_directly_on the coordinates given at the above website. This value is .. 1.823781306 {Please note the preceding 2 postings on "GridPoint" BBS}. So; how does the Grid Point Value of "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars .. compare with this "Tithonia" Grid Point Value ? (656.56127 / 1.823781306) = 360 Very, very significant, indeed .. because; 360 is the number of equal arc-segments on one circumference .. used in the "ASM". Of course .. that "convention" has been passed-down to "us" Earth humans. -- MLM