Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 354

"IFSC", a certain "Gremlin", and "Quantum Theory" ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
"IFSC", a certain "Gremlin", and "Quantum Theory" ..
Tue Nov 19 16:14:31 2002

No; I certainly am not a "physicist". 

But I've had some communication with a man named Bert Schreiber,
who has been a researcher/author (self-published) into "Quantum Physics".
{{ "Quantum-Quanta Theory" .. sub-titled, "The Theory of the Universe" ..
Copyright 1998 by Bert Schreiber; published by Bert Schreiber ..
Library of Congress (USA) Catalog Number 98-90147 }}.
I purchased a copy of this work, a few years ago .. not that I understand much
of its contents. But Bert's work_does_clearly indicate the importance of certain
NUMBERS in the realm of "quantum physics".
Mr. Schreiber found the number_729_to be quite important involving his theory.
This is the square of 27, and the cube of 9, and also 3 to the 6th power. 

There is the number 6561 .. 9 to the 4th power .. which I've also seen mentioned
in some Internet discussions involving physics, electromagnetism, etc.
And 6561 = 729 * 9.

If you take the_ratio_of 6561 and 6565.6127 .. you get .. 1.000703048 .. which
"happens" to be one of the main "Gremlins" that the work of Robert Carl has
turned-up, in connection with the "Pyramid Matrix"/ASM research.

Robert Carl also found that_6565.6127_is the Square of the Apothem-length
on each face of a Circumscribed Regular Tetrahedron .. where the Generic
Radian(deg)_numerical_value of 57.29577951 .. (360 / 2Pi) .. is the RADIUS
length of the circumscribing Sphere. (This is an Apothem-length of ..

AND; 6565.6127 is_also_*exactly* 10 times the Grid Point Value of "Face One"
at Cydonia on Mars .. {656.56127; Munck, 1993}.

So; (6565.6127 / 6561) = 1.000703048 .. one of the main "Gremlins".
And Robert Carl can explain the Royal Gremlin family .. I know he can !! (-;
(I think there's a King, Queen, and a Prince .. at least).

If I compare the "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant .. IFSC .. with both 729 and
1.000703048, simultaneously .. 
(729 * 1.000703048) = IFSC * (10^5) = 729.5125222

I've been discussing SIRIUS quite a bit lately. If I now throw it into this group ..
(729.5125222 * 2.368705056) = 1728 .. which is the Cube of 12.
And notice that this (1728) is the factor involving conversions of Regular Inches
to-and-from Regular Feet .. when working with_volumes_of "cubic inches" and
"cubic feet". {12 inches in a Foot}.

Do you recall that on the night just prior to 09.11.01 .. in fact, in the wee morning
hours of 09.11.01 .. Richard Hoagland and Colin Andrews were discussing a certain
"standing wave" (this was on the "Coast-to-Coast AM" radio program, with Art Bell)
.. they were discussing a "standing wave" of 80 cps .. discovered in AT LEAST
the famous "Milk-Hill Galaxy Spiral" crop-formation .. the HUGE crop-formation
which appeared up on the highest part of Milk Hill in Wiltshire, England ..
in August of 2001. You see .. I always pay attention to the "numbers" given as
pieces of evidence, involving various phenomena .. especially so-called
"paranormal" phenomena. Numbers are KEYS to understanding.

A "standing wave" of 80 cps. Well .. 80 is a decimal-harmonic of 8.
And (80 / 81) = 0.987654321 .. which is something involving the "Comma
of Pythagorus". Notice the self-evident "descending order", there.
It's nice compliment to .. 1.234567901 .. the Grid Point Value of ..
"Earthface" in Middletown, New York, USA .. which I have found to be a
"mirror-image" analog of .. "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars.
Notice the "missing 8" in .. 1.234567901 .. (??).

Well .. (9.87654321 / 1.234567901) = 8. Ahhh; there it is !!

Suppose I divide 80 into .. the_Cube_of 12 ?
(1728 / 80) = 21.6 .. the Grid Point Value in the "ASM" .. of POLARIS ..
our present-day North_Pole_Star !!
And; 21.6 is a decimal-harmonic of the 2160 "total corner-arc-degrees" on the
surface of a CUBE .. in the_360_system. 
And; 21600 is the_POLAR_circumference of Earth itself .. in nautical miles.

If I take the_ratio_of the {Bruce Cathie} "natural" Light-speed in nautical miles per
time-second .. and the Polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles ..
(162000 / 21600) = 7.5 .. exactly HALF of 15.

Also; 7.5 is what I call .. the "Incoming Solar-ecliptic-crossing Node" of ..
the_orbit-path_of NIBIRU .. on_line-of-sight_as-observed-from-Earth ..
which is also what I call; the "West Galactic Cross-Node"_on_our Solar-ecliptic.
(2700 / 360) = 7.5 .. which_also_is "currently" (circa 2000 A.D.) describing ..
our March Equinox Node, due to the circa 2000 A.D._orientation_of our Earth
precession, and our main obliquity-to-the-ecliptic, Cycles.
This Node is on our Solar-ecliptic (as-observed-from-Earth, of course) ..
at .. 84(deg) * 41(min) * 0.783972125(sec) W.ALNITAK .. with ALNITAK as
the Solar-ecliptic prime meridian_MARKER-star_in the ASM ..
= 2700 W.ALNITAK. The "360" is the designated number for any functional
prime meridians or equators in the ASM. 

Yes .. "double 7.5" = 15.
And if we then apply SIRIUS, in terms of multiplication, to 15 ..
(2.36875056 * 15) = 35.53057584 .. the ASM Grid Point Value of ..
none-other than .. GALACTIC CENTER !! 

My Grid Point Value for that "Milk Hill Galaxy Spiral" crop-formation ..
is/was .. 2.25 .. a decimal-harmonic of .. the_Square_of 15.
If I now multiply 2.25 by GALACTIC CENTER ..
(2.25 * 35.53057584) = 79.94379564 .. and I think that figure might be
a decimal-harmonic of one of the figures Robert Carl just_very-recently_was
working-with in connection with his revisions of the apparently-intended 
Salisbury Cathedral (England) "Pyramid-Matrix"/ASM values. (??)

Well .. here .. using that "80cps" reading found_within_the "Milk Hill Galaxy Spiral"
crop-formation .. (80 / 79.94379564) = 1.000703048 .. the very "Gremlin" that
I was just discussing !! 

If I divide 15 into ALNITAK .. (43.63323131 / 15) = 2.908882087 ..
I get the_exact_Grid Point Value of_Rosslyn Chapel_in Scotland.

If I take the_reciprocal_or "inverse" of the "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant ..
and if I also get "SIRIUS over ENERGY", which, in-turn, is ..
[2.368705056 / (1.62^2)] .. and I take the_ratio_of those entities ..
(137.0778389 / 0.902570133) = 151.875 = 15 * (81 / 8) 

If I take_1/100th_of 6561 .. and I multiply it by (SIRIUS over ENERGY) ..
I get .. (65.61 * 0.902570133) = 59.21762642 .. the "ARC-SECONDS-TAG"
on the ecliptic-longitude of .. South Galactic Node in the ASM !!
This is where; 05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762642(sec) E.ALNITAK ..
= 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK ..
= 540 * (Pi^2).

And the South Galactic Node in the "ASM" .. 6.981317008 .. was_echoed_by
the "apparently-intended" .. (??!!??!!) .. *centered-location* of ..
the famous "ET-Face w/CD Message" crop-formation of August 2002.
And .. this particular crop-formation began_literally_taking-shape on 14th August
of 2002 .. 54 DAYS after June Solstice. One of the main "things I've noticed"
regarding the "ASM" .. is the "current" (circa 2000 A.D., if you will) .. the "current"
ECLIPTIC-LONGITUDINAL_alignment_of our Solstices and the Galactic Nodes.

Like I've written already .. I take NOTICE of "numbers" of days .. because
the Earth DAY .. is one complete_rotation_of Earth's equatorial circumference
around Earth's axis/geographical pole. I think of time as .. "rotation-time".

So; this is why I thought of .. (6.981317008^2) / 54 .. because the Grid Point
Values of the famous "ET-Face w/CD Message" crop-formation .. {{ ts "genesis" 
BEGAN_54_days after the ECLIPTIC-LONGITUDINAL (still relatively close, as of 
the 2002 A.D. year) **alignment** of June Solstice_with_South Galactic Node ..
the Grid Point Values of this crop-form and South Galactic Node 
are .. **IDENTICAL** .. and they are "separated" by_54_Days.
And 54 is the Arc-Sine of_exactly_HALF of the Phi constant. 
Plus .. 54 is exactly "double" 27 .. which, in-turn, is the Square-Root of .. 729.

You have the "bookends" and you have "what's in the middle" .. which is the
Orion Belt-stars "motif". 
The pattern I've noticed, regarding this "Orion Belt-stars Motif" .. is ..
"Multiply the bookends, and then divide the result by what's in the middle".
So .. (6.981317008 * 6.981317008) / 54 = 0.902570133 .. 
which is like getting "SIRIUS over ENERGY" .. where;
2.368705056 / (1.62^2) = (2.368705056 / 2.6244) = 0.902570133

And .. "get SERIOUS over Energy", too. How about a massive amount of support
for Tom Bearden's Electro-Magnetic Generator .. which_is_a "free-energy" device,
and which_is_PATENTED officially by the U.S. Government !!! 
It is OVER-UNITY !! He has an official U.S. Government PATENT granted on it !!
For the sake of The Source of All .. and for our civilization on Planet Earth ..
we NEED to support Tom Bearden's free-energy device .. in terms of getting
it into massive production_and_in terms of getting it distributed.
And I hope to hell he keeps the price down !! (By the way .. I have
absolutely NO connection with Tom Bearden's EMG device).

It is time for The People of Earth to stand-up and to REFUSE to keep using
"fossil fuel". Free-energy is REAL .. and it is AVAILABLE .. in-spite of the
LYING and STUPID ASSHOLES who keep saying that it "doesn't exist".

I don't even KNOW Tom Bearden. I have no "motive" other than seeing the
Truth coming-out .. from my own work, and from the work of others.
GET SERIOUS OVER ENERGY. And try to "get" (SIRIUS over Energy) ..
by studying the ASM. 

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
