Matrix Message 357
"Mean" main obliquity-to-the-ecliptic Angle Revealed ?
Michael Lawrence Morton "Mean" main obliquity-to-the-ecliptic Angle Revealed ? Thu Dec 5 23:10:05 2002 I refer you to the immediately-preceding post, on the "GridPoint" BBS .. where I mentioned the identical longitudes of The Great Sphinx and The Chephren Pyramid, of Giza .. as .. 11.77245771 .. arc-seconds .. E.Giza for The Sphinx and W.Giza for Chephren Pyramid. For some time, I've wondered as to "why" the designers of the {yramid Matrix/ASM would "split" these 2 locations precisely on either side of the prime meridian .. including the use of this particular value of 11.77245771, of course. Could it be a "mean" value for our main obliquity-to-the- ecliptic angle in the_360_system ? I've wondered about this, now, for some time. In other words .. (11.77245771 + 11.77245771) = 23.54491542 Isn't that figure quite close to the "23.5" degrees approximation that most people 'quote' ? It was Klaus Totzek who pointed-out to me that 40,000 years is the full-cycle for this main obliquity-to-the- ecliptic cycle. And its_annual_mean angular movement, in terms of arc-seconds .. is .. 0.6 In terms of arc-degrees, this is .. 0.000166667 per year. And this means its_full_cycle spans a total of .. (40000 * 0.000166666 .. repeating 6s) = 6.666666666 .. repeating 6s .. degrees. Notice what happens, when I multiply 6.66666666 .. repeating 6s .. times the Grid Point Value of "The Gold Pyramid" under discussion .. (6.666666666 * 3.531737313) = 23.54491542 Could this be an encoding of our "mean" obliquity-to-the- ecliptic angle ? Could this be part of the reasoning behind the location of "The Gold Pyramid" ? If this figure .. 23.54491542 .. is NOT our "mean" main obliquity angle .. then, is this figure tied to an intended YEAR of the current consensus calendar ? If so .. what is the intended year ? Can someone reading this little report, here .. manage to calculate a year .. based on a particular dataset ? And could they please report it to us on the "GridPoint" BBS ? Part of my rationale for suspecting that this figure of (double 11.77245771) could be_the_intended mean for our main obliquity angle .. is .. that the *prime meridian* is "dividing" the 23.54491542 arc-seconds of longitude in HALF .. split evenly between The Chephren Pyramid and The Great Sphinx. What you "see" .. is what you are supposed to "get". And I've already found that the_ratio_of the annual "ideal" angular movements, in terms of arc-seconds, of main obliquity-to-the-ecliptic and precession .. is .. (50 / 0.6) = 83.33333333 .. repeating 3s .. which is equal to .. (656.56127 / 7.87873524) .. = (Cydonia Face One / White House in D.C.) .. and much thanks to Daniel Perez, too !! {{ You've GOT to see his website .. "Washington, District of Cydonia". Look it up on a Google search, please. It was last on Geocities. }} -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.