Messages from Michael L. Morton

Vibrational Frequency of "666"



[ Note: simply add-up letters (total), according to alphabetical position ...-- MLM ]

Interesting number that 549, given what we've been discussing lately, about the number 54. Here we have 54 and 9 combined.

Also notice that in the alphanumeric values of the alpha-forms ONE through NINE, only FIVE and FOUR and NINE have values that reduce to the number 6:

FIVE= 42 = 6
FOUR= 60 = 6
NINE= 42 = 6

Excellent 'exchange', here, between Gary and Joe ... DYNAMITE !!!! (I mean the whole context and content ... not just the little bit I've snipped, above !!)

When I saw the "549" there ... I couldn't help but think of some of the posts I've sent ... over a year ago, at least ... about the *numbers of Days* between certain 'major public events' ... or events which have a 'significant impact' on the consciousness of a lot of people in our society ("the world"). The number "549" is the exact number of Earth Days ... between May 22, 1962 ... and November 22, 1963. (As I've posted a long time ago).

05-22-62 was the (apparent) date of the secret landing of a probe on Mars ... by some covert group ... possibly involving a consortium of U.S./Soviet/Nazi elements. This is discussed in the book, "Alternative 3".

Of course ... 11-22-63 is the date of the JFK assassination.

Could the secret landing of the Mars probe on 05-22-62 have encouraged further SECRET missions ? The book "Alternative 3" says that the probe revealed very surprising "Earthlike" conditions in the area where it landed ... mild air temperature, a 'substantial' atmosphere *not* drastically less-dense than Earth's surface air density, the presence of moisture, the presence of organic life, etc.

5 + 4 + 9 = 18 .... and ... SINE of 18 is ... 0.309016994 .... precisely HALF of the reciprocal of The Golden Section ...

SIN 18 = 0.309016994 = (1/ 1.618033989) / 2.

And of course 9 is HALF of 18, and 549 - 216 = 333 ... HALF of 666.

And 5 X 4 X 9 = 180 .... decimal harmonic of 18 ... and also [Pi X Radian (deg)], or HALF a Circle of 360 arc-degrees.

And 54 = 18 X 3. And SINE of 54 = HALF The Golden Section ....

SIN 54 = 0.809016994 = 1.618033989 / 2.

And what is "3" (?) ... it is the reciprocal of SINE of 19.47122061 .... the Tetrahedral Latitude (Hoagland) ... SIN 19.47122061 = 0.333333333 ..

There is a number quite "related" to "549" .... that resonates exactly to another event that had an impact on a lot people in our world. And this involves the speed- of-light harmonic in nautical miles per second (see Bruce Cathie's work) and the ratio of the sizes of Earth and The Moon. In turn, this also resonates with our metrology. Looking at the number "594" :

594 - 549 = 45 .... in arc-degrees, the diagonal (angle) in a square.

594 / 162 = 3.666666667 ... ratio of Earth's size to The Moon's size.

And ... 3.666666667 = 5280 / 1440.

[ Note ... "162" is the speed-of-light harmonic in nautical miles per second, "5280" is the number of Feet in a statute mile, and "1440" is double "720" ...

and "720" is not only the total number of corner-angle arc-degrees on the surface of a Tetrahedron, but also "refers" to the calendar date of "7/20" ... July 20th. Not only is July 20th the date of many significant NASA events in our history, but it is also the Day Number "360" of the Mayan Haab Calendar.]

We also know from Munck's work (1991) that the number "1440" is very 'resonant' with The Face at Cydonia on Mars. The Grid LATITUDE (Munck, 1991) of The Face at Cydonia is ... 1440 X Pi ...

1440 X 3.14592654 = 4523.893421 North ...

= 41 (deg) X 11 (min) X 10.03080581 (sec) North.

The figure "3.666666667" is a decimal harmonic of "3666.666667" .... which is the exact number of Earth Days between the "Harmonic Convergence" of August 17, 1987 .... and August 31, 1997 ... the date of death of Princess Diana.

We know that "656.56127" is the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1991) of The Face at Cydonia.

656.56127 X 3.666666667 = 2407.391324 ... times the Square of the Pi constant ... 2407.391324 X (Pi Squared) = 23760.

Suppose we "test" that against Earth's precession cycle in years ? 25920 - 23760 = 2160 .... average diameter of The Moon in statute miles, the number of corner-angle arc-degrees on the surface of a Cube, the number of years in an Earth precessional "age", a decimal harmonic of "216", a decimal harmonic of 21600 ... which, in turn, is the Grid LATITUDE of Stonehenge (Munck, 1991), the number of arc-minutes on a 360 arc-degree circumference, and the Polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles.

Suppose we now divide "23760" by 360 ?

23760 / 360 = 66 ... the height in Feet of The Great Sphinx of Giza, double "33" ... one of the "ritual star-alignment numbers" involved in many NASA launches and landings (see the paper of Mary Anne Weaver, at ..., and ... 66 is the number of years from the historic flight of the Wright Brothers ... to the Apollo 11 landing on The Moon.

I also think "66" is HALF of a decimal harmonic of the number of statute miles on the Polar circumference of Mars ... 13200.

If we "test" the figure "13200" agaist the number of Feet in a statute mile ... 13200 - 5280 = 7920 ... the number of statute miles of the average diameter of Earth.

Now back to "549" ....

549 - 360 = 189 ... an important number that Gary Val Tenuta discusses in his work. (his email address is ...

549 - 432 = 117 .... equal to 6 X 19.5 ... and "6" here can refer to the 6 vertices of the 2 tetrahedra that touch the surface of the circumscribing sphere ... AT "19.5" latitude north and south (Hoagland 'hyperdimensional physics' model). And "117" can refer to HALF the Pi constant ... as in the approximation "11 / 7".

Notice that HALF Pi .... 1.570796327 ... when multiplied by 360Pi ...

1.570796327 X 360Pi = 1776.528792 ....

which is quite "conspicuous" to me ... because if you look at the digital consecutive order in that figure ... you can see 3 "embedded" numbers which have high significance regarding the work I (and several colleagues of mine) have been doing ... and also specifically regarding the content and the context of this article itself.

We have, embedded in "1776.528792" ... the numbers "1776", "528", and "792". The year of the American Declaration of Independence, a decimal harmonic of the number of Feet in a statute mile, and a decimal harmonic of the average number of statute miles of the diameter of Earth.

for my articles on the "Washington, D.C. connections" to this 'matrix' I have been discussing. These 'connections' are specific, precise, and they are "checkable .... verifiable", by other people. These numbers and the relationships they are "resonating with", and which they are "pointing-out" and "describing" ... are self-evident.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) copyright 2000
Copying and forwarding of this article is encouraged, provided the copyright is included. Thanks -- MLM.