Matrix Message 360
Apothem-length of Tetrahedron = Edge-length of Octagon =
Michael Lawrence Morton Apothem-length of Tetrahedron = Edge-length of Octagon = Mon Dec 9 02:22:30 2002 .. the SQUARE-ROOT of (10 * Grid Point Value of FACE ONE at Cydonia on Mars). It's true. In the cases of the Regular Circumscribed Tetrahedron, and the Regular Circumscribed Octagon .. Where the CIRCUMFERENCE of the Circumscribing_Sphere_is assumed to be of_360_equal arc-segments (or "degrees") .. AND where the RADIUS of said Sphere is of_length_ 57.29577951 .. which is, in fact, a numerical_match_of the VALUE in_arc-degrees_OF .. the *Radian-arc constant* in the_case_of a 360 arc-degrees circumference .. You will find that the standard math indicates an Apothem-length of .. Square-Root of 6565.6127 = 81.02846845 .. for the Regular Circumscribed Tetrahedron .. AND indicates an EDGE--length of Square-Root of 6565.6127 .. = 81.02846845 .. for the Regular Circumscribed Octagon. In other words .. the_precisely-centered_location of FACE ONE at Cydonia on Mars, assuming a Mars prime meridian through the_center_of "The D&M Pyramid" .. is ***DISPLAYING*** .. from *AERIAL-VIEW* .. such as in "satellite-photos" taken during the NASA Viking Mission .. a PRECISE BASE-TEN HARMONIC .. (one power-of-ten reduced) .. of the mathematical_SQUARE_of a certain "generic length" which is_common_to 2 of the Regular Platonic Geometric Solids .. the_Apothem_of the Circumscribed Tetrahedron and the_EDGE_of the Circumscribed Octagon. Munck (1993) found this precisely-indicated location for FACE ONE as .. (1440*Pi) / 6.890283706 = 656.56127 Furthermore .. the_precisely-centered_location of FACE TWO .. also at Cydonia on Mars .. (5400 / 32.89868134) = 164.1403175, as found by Morton and Elkins in 2001 .. is ***DISPLAYING*** .. from *AERIAL-VIEW* .. such as in "satellite- photos" taken during the NASA Viking Mission .. a PRECISE BASE-TEN HARMONIC .. (one power-of-ten reduced) .. of the mathematical_SQUARE_of a certain "generic length" which is_common_to 2 of the Regular Platonic Geometric Solids .. *HALF* the_Apothem_of the Circumscribed Tetrahedron and *HALF* the_Edge_of the Circumscribed Octagon. 656.56127 / 164.1403175 = 4. How many equal sides to a "SQUARE" ? (4 * 90) = 360. We do have a deeply-ancient Heritage .. which does include intelligent life and massive artificial constructions on Mars. We do have_ancestors_who were on Mars, and who apparently designed and built some huge buildings there .. AT LEAST at Cydonia. This means we have an ET Heritage, because Mars is extraterrestrial. Credit should also go to Robert Carl .. who found the values for these applicable "generic geometric lengths" involving these Platonic Solids. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.